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Futuristic [DISCONTINUED] Astral Fulcrum OOC

.......my mind is so screwed right now LMBO, LOL well you're doing great

Also which one lol

Assuming this is for Eko, the first one has a closer color palette and it's definitely different from any of the other mechas being used at the moment. I might be overstepping my bounds when I say this but I would look for a whiter mech if possible.
I feel like it's also way easier to have descriptive writing with a sword versus firearms, but that could just be me being bad at writing lol
I feel like it's also way easier to have descriptive writing with a sword versus firearms, but that could just be me being bad at writing lol
you can do a lot with like, a gunslinger type char, it was my other idea if I didn't end up with "literally a greek hero but weird star blob"
you can do a lot with like, a gunslinger type char, it was my other idea if I didn't end up with "literally a greek hero but weird star blob"
Yea that's fair, but in terms of military arms it isn't as artistic as wielding a blade. Like I said though I don't use firearms too often so that's just personal opinon
Assuming this is for Eko, the first one has a closer color palette and it's definitely different from any of the other mechas being used at the moment. I might be overstepping my bounds when I say this but I would look for a whiter mech if possible.
Cool cool I’ll try my best 😂 or just get a whole midnight one
Are we going to see sword measuring contests? But also originally I was going to go with this mecha, but I wanted a different color palette lol
Yes. I am getting myself a fucking greatsword twice the height of the damn mecha. The sheer length of my sword shall be peerless under the heavens
It's not about the size of the blade, it's how you use it

but i suppose for the inelegant, size can substitute :P

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