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Futuristic [DISCONTINUED] Astral Fulcrum OOC

Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Hmm how do we feel about Aureum overlap? Initially I was going to have Odessa's mech have gravity (or anti-matter) based techniques but I would not want to overlap with ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe if that's not allowed 🤔.

I don't mind pivoting but I'd rather know before getting too deep into character creation.
Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Hmm how do we feel about Aureum overlap? Initially I was going to have Odessa's mech have gravity (or anti-matter) based techniques but I would not want to overlap with ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe if that's not allowed 🤔.

I don't mind pivoting but I'd rather know before getting too deep into character creation.
Antimatter should be fine, my guy's focused on gravitic effects.

What's your character's general ethos? are they a CQC combatant, long ranged, and then what 'type' of role do they play in their given niche?
Antimatter should be fine, my guy's focused on gravitic effects.

What's your character's general ethos? are they a CQC combatant, long ranged, and then what 'type' of role do they play in their given niche?

I was thinking long range, single target. Conceptually, a sniper whose abilities would trap opponents in place long enough to shoot them down.
I was thinking long range, single target. Conceptually, a sniper whose abilities would trap opponents in place long enough to shoot them down.
Then that works fine, my guy is specced as a close-range swordsman. They're distinct enough to be entirely different

could even have a rivalry over gravity powers :V
Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Hmm how do we feel about Aureum overlap? Initially I was going to have Odessa's mech have gravity (or anti-matter) based techniques but I would not want to overlap with ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe if that's not allowed 🤔.

I don't mind pivoting but I'd rather know before getting too deep into character creation.
There will be similarities. But I'm confident each of you will have your own unique ways to go about it.
does Earth exist as a fabled 'old Terra', with any remnants of culture, in this setting? I was thinking of alluding to it as a point of comparison but IDK if it'd be in-setting
does Earth exist as a fabled 'old Terra', with any remnants of culture, in this setting? I was thinking of alluding to it as a point of comparison but IDK if it'd be in-setting
Earth? Old Terra? What are you talking about, Anon? The concussion must have done ya in. Your leg's gone, but I managed to stop the bleeding. Here. Take this Thuringen. We have to hold this position until the Mobius unit arrives.
Earth? Old Terra? What are you talking about, Anon? The concussion must have done ya in. Your leg's gone, but I managed to stop the bleeding. Here. Take this Thuringen. We have to hold this position until the Mobius unit arrives.
understandable, lol
My sheet is getting there, I've just hit the old roadblock of which Mecha image I want to use. Anyways See yah, maybe I'll have something for you to read then as well.

Edit, also wowie, so many people went with Liberation, I'll pick something else. Or maybe I won't, we'll see...
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messed around with my sheet a bit, he now has a 'human appearance' image

so that people have a point of reference for how much of a stupid smug handsome fucker this star-blob can be :V
I know that the GM is asleep, but does anyone know how exactly the political structure/culture of Farbania is in regards to nobility?

I’m putting the finishing touches on my char and I’m not sure how much of a problem it’d be if my char has womanized around in noble circles
I know that the GM is asleep, but does anyone know how exactly the political structure/culture of Farbania is in regards to nobility?

I’m putting the finishing touches on my char and I’m not sure how much of a problem it’d be if my char has womanized around in noble circles
There’s secrets behind the closed doors of nobility in all stories. Personally, I don’t see it being an issue, whether well known or hidden. Noble culture on one planet may be different on another too since the Empire is so vast. My character’s twin brother (rui Esteriel noble family) was also a player and GM hasn’t said anything about that either. Of course I don’t speak for the boss though LOL
btw, which of these do you guys think is better for my char's mech?
Personally, I like the silhouettes of two and three more but the first is the most traditionally mecha looking. What I do like about the second one is that it has a more brawler/fighter feel and definitely screams ancient hero/warrior.

Have you considered the Mecha Kingdoms skinline from League of Legends? I think the Jax or Sett one could work well.
Okay ive definitely never been the lore guy but lets see if I got this down. Most of this is either taking place in the Forsythia galaxy, or at least thats like the Eden of this universe where all the good shit at. So they are in it, or outside fighting over it.

The Fab Empire kinda helped restore the Nexus or whatever, but Sorenti was like (nah they going to get credit) and pre emptively got offended so they could fight against that which had not happened yet resulting in the two nations getting pissed at each other. (also mad about a Yak war prior or something) The Sorenti are logic and tech while Fab just now getting into tech but got more magic, and since they are a fancy bunch they stuff costs more and is harder to make. Fabs might have a slight chosen one complex that may or may not be true as Mr.K thinks this has something to do with exposure to a core (is Veliks a sun or planet???) resulting in a scientific, evolution breakthrough (also explains different races?) as opposed to some chosen thing. Fabs don't like that because they basically saying we not special snowflakes.

A Pelican reignited the war somehow

Sorenti was whooping ass with them mechs before we started making our own mechs. They actually damaged the Nexus then calmed their tits and got smarter about fighting, slapping each other on occasion when it makes sense but avoiding a whole boxing match. There is another contender, or enemy we don't know about, probably the damn pelican.

Other notes, misuse of the magic can crystallize you and your organs in a very painful death

The war actually helped with the pre-existing discrimination a little bit, not that its gone but war actually did a good job. Good job war.

Large Leviathians swim around the gardens,

If you are not in military your magic use is limited like a speed limit,

Mages use Axium as a medium for their magic. Also called AX-5

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