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Futuristic [DISCONTINUED] Astral Fulcrum OOC

In the name of Her Imperial Majesty. Finish that CS! Not one step back!
With all due respect, your Imperial Lord Highness Excellency Majesty Rumpelstiltskin Twinkle Bell Cinderella von Farquaad Voldemort the Second, the very idea of humanity still clinging so tightly onto obsolete concepts such as the monarchy to the point the national fucking motto is "Her Will Be Done" instead of focusing on the rapid advancement for the betterment of humanity despite the very clear capability to do so makes my insides threaten to become outsides and makes me want to defect to the Tau Empire exponentially with each second I think about it.
With all due respect, your Imperial Lord Highness Excellency Majesty Rumpelstiltskin Twinkle Bell Cinderella von Farquaad Voldemort the Second, the very idea of humanity still clinging so tightly onto obsolete concepts such as royalty to the point the national fucking motto is "Her Will Be Done" instead of focusing on the rapid advancement for the betterment of humanity despite the very clear capability to do so makes my insides threaten to become outsides and makes me want to defect to the Tau Empire exponentially with each second I think about it.
You shall not escape the Albanian Oreo
With that being said, I'm putting my character's affiliation down as Empyra Farbius
With all due respect, your Imperial Lord Highness Excellency Majesty Rumpelstiltskin Twinkle Bell Cinderella von Farquaad Voldemort the Second, the very idea of humanity still clinging so tightly onto obsolete concepts such as the monarchy to the point the national fucking motto is "Her Will Be Done" instead of focusing on the rapid advancement for the betterment of humanity despite the very clear capability to do so makes my insides threaten to become outsides and makes me want to defect to the Tau Empire exponentially with each second I think about it.
Non melee having ass, come talk to me when you can beat a MEQ in melee combat.
Okie folks. I'll be combing through the sheets throughout this week. Two things of note:
1. Approved sheets will get a reaction from me.
2. Roster will be updated with pilots assigned to their squadrons, which is at the end of Chapter 1.
ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe

Hey there, champ. So, interesting character, I like constellation powers as much as the next dude and all that black hole jazz, but there is no path of constellation in the lore. Lore thread, scroll down under magic & tech section, there's: Protection (defensive oriented magics), Liberation (stamina and focus magics like boosting your adrenaline or speed), Havoc (single target bonkers damage), Exudation (AOE damage specialisation), Dread (low-level reality constructs and mental afflictions), and Restoration (healing).

Keep the cosmic theme, but fit it into one of the above paths.
I talked with Pilgrim about an OC path in PMs, and they said it could be okay.
Wherever is fine! What exactly do you mean by "offshoot of humanity"?
TL;dr, harsh environment evolved humans, could be science, could be from concentration of relics upon the world, could be both. But basically the planet is a high-altitude terrace world, and some organs are modified, they could still and do still breed with normal humans, biologically wise, but in this case the most notable would be a set of elf ears. They don't live much longer than normal humans but they withstand frigid temps, low oxygen levels, and chiefly take part in airborne assault units or as fighter pilots in the Navy, their ears allow them to pick up sounds better than human ears and they have more spatial awareness.
Honestly, I thought you were talking about the specific techniques. Alignment wise, it should fall under one of the things listed. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
ah. Understandable, I think this sort of self-effecting magic would be like.... Liberation? Not sure how to define 'moving yourself around with gravity'
TL;dr, harsh environment evolved humans, could be science, could be from concentration of relics upon the world, could be both. But basically the planet is a high-altitude terrace world, and some organs are modified, they could still and do still breed with normal humans, biologically wise, but in this case the most notable would be a set of elf ears. They don't live much longer than normal humans but they withstand frigid temps, low oxygen levels, and chiefly take part in airborne assault units or as fighter pilots in the Navy, their ears allow them to pick up sounds better than human ears and they have more spatial awareness.
I see. Well, that's fine. Just take note that any racial ability would still take up a slot for Aureum section, if you plan to utilize it actively.
I see. Well, that's fine. Just take note that any racial ability would still take up a slot for Aureum section, if you plan to utilize it actively.
I may just do that, or I could treat it as a cosmetic only effect, we'll see, need to pin down my machine then read over Aureum again.
Farbanian Aureum < Albanian Oreo.
Yeah, seen that, though what she has or would figuratively have in this case would be great for a Liberation based Aureum, so I may make it one of my two, given the unit I'm looking at will have great jump jet capabilities it would see active use. Plus I can tie it in with the lore in regard to the Precursors.
When do sign-ups end again? Going to be flaky on activity for the next week or so
Character submissions conclude at the end of next week. After that, you will have to wait until Chapter 2 is complete. I expect new waves of enlistees, but once we get going for Chapter 1, I cannot induct new characters until the conclusion of the chapter.

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