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Futuristic [DISCONTINUED] Astral Fulcrum OOC

I should be done shortly, but I assume a H.Y.M.N. is an optional theme song? Or I'm missing something here? And the SP weapon I assume is a special use weapon rather than a main combat arm? Cause if it can be a main combat Arm I'm going way off base from the swords crew, hell I might still go well off base from the swords crew if it is just a as the name says, special weapon. Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59
question gm, is the God-Empress hot
this determines her validity as our boss, sorry
I should be done shortly, but I assume a H.Y.M.N. is an optional theme song? Or I'm missing something here? And the SP weapon I assume is a special use weapon rather than a main combat arm? Cause if it can be a main combat Arm I'm going way off base from the swords crew. Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59
HYMN: Correcto.
SP Weapon draws directly from your core and is maintained via mana. It's a burst ultimate of sorts, so no, it doesn't count towards the 2 primary slots

question gm, is the God-Empress hot
this determines her validity as our boss, sorry
Literally in the Principal Cast tab of the CS thread.
HYMN: Correcto.
SP Weapon draws directly from your core and is maintained via mana. It's a burst ultimate of sorts, so no, it doesn't count towards the 2 primary slots

Literally in the Principal Cast tab of the CS thread.
i'm sorry gm, i am blind

i literally cannot tell which one is which for the life of me until pointed out lmfao
I swear to Slaanesh are tits the only thing on your mind

i like ass too
HYMN: Correcto.
SP Weapon draws directly from your core and is maintained via mana. It's a burst ultimate of sorts, so no, it doesn't count towards the 2 primary slots

Literally in the Principal Cast tab of the CS thread.
Got it, on that note I may want a weapon that isn't listed in said list, but I don't think it will break anything, it'll make sense when the sheet is posted.
Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 , does my shield count as a separate weapon from my sword? Or can I have another weapon mounted asides from my shield/sword
Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 , does my shield count as a separate weapon from my sword? Or can I have another weapon mounted asides from my shield/sword
You have two primaries from the list given in the manual.
Built-in energy/mana shields and defensive countermeasures.
An SP weapon for the special effects.
A Resonance burst for the ultra graphics experience.

If you already opt for sword, that counts as a primary weapon. A self-carry ballistic shield would take up another slot.
You have two primaries from the list given in the manual.
Built-in energy/mana shields and defensive countermeasures.
An SP weapon for the special effects.
A Resonance burst for the ultra graphics experience.

If you already opt for sword, that counts as a primary weapon. A self-carry ballistic shield would take up another slot.
gotcha, no extra weapons for my boy then; literally sword and shield like a hero of old 😎
Okay I think i found the one lol thoughts?

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