[Department of Defense against the Supernatural]Out of Character

[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Lenovo is a Chinese PC brand. Greatest PC-producing company in China and third place worldwide.

Well, regardless, I care more about the specs than the brand, so...


On a side note, I really wanna use this faceclaim for this RP, in the future.




Yeah I really like GGX.
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Oh that song would fit him so well if he was evil xD

I was really referring to the tone of the song and the voice especially, given as I know nothing about the personality xD
Ooh! You just reminded me! I have another character challenge thing! I'll be back, gonna reply to will, then the "challenge"!
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Hel said:
I was really referring to the tone of the song and the voice especially, given as I know nothing about the personality xD
Slayer is a romantic gentleman and a philosophycal intellectual (to sum him up in a few words) xD
Elias said:
''Most probably a zombie case, but I dont think the regular zombie'' William texted, then he suddenly went for the handle of his gun as he heard a loud bang outside the house's window. Shortly after the door to the house creaked. William wasn't sure who or what was going to stumble through the door.
Elias! Bro! I don't think I saw this!!

I'm sorry we cut you off with a date change :/
Btw @Elias just checking, but did you see my latest post in the Lucem Tenebris thread? (I think I edited it quickly so you might have missed it)
Azure Sky]Btw [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7094-elias/ said:
@Elias[/URL] just checking, but did you see my latest post in the Lucem Tenebris thread? (I think I edited it quickly so you might have missed it)
I don't think so..I'm going to go check.

Speaking of, Seth and C.O need to continue their thing, so tomorrow Im probably going to start the siege on Olympus...
Well, I'm calling it a night guys. Gonna reply tomorrow when I come from hel- I mean school.
Elias, Azire, just let me know when you want Death to come wreck stuff. I don't wanna have him show up too early and ruin your fun.
Sleipnir said:
Elias, Azire, just let me know when you want Death to come wreck stuff. I don't wanna have him show up too early and ruin your fun.
You know Sleip, if you'd rather not have Death ingage in a long and boring battle with the Abyss, I could make a new character...


^The Guardian - cosmic enforcer :3
Well it depends

Make him because that's awesome

But if you want Death to do it he will. Though that seems like a job more fit for a cosmic enforcer.
Sorry if I wasn't around, I kinda wanted to pop up here and there since my character isn't an agent but I just.. um.. forgot. My bad :P If we're low on players and somebody needed a part-timer to tag along their case, I'm okay with that.

For what it's worth though I doubt it'll ever happen I suddenly ship Liliana and William not gonna lie
Sleipnir said:
For what it's worth though I doubt it'll ever happen I suddenly ship Liliana and William not gonna lie


*Laughs into sudden coma, then wakes up 10 years later still laughing*



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