[Department of Defense against the Supernatural]Out of Character

Oh yeah, what happened to that RP sleip? I liked the idea just wasn't able to get in on that.

Also, azure feel free to have Lucy tag along into the trip to Death!
Sleipnir said:
Bael was in much less of a hurry, taking his time to get out of the vehicle in part to leave a long scar on the leather of its fine interior. When he had first gotten in he had been a touch overwhelmed by the technology. What the hell? How did this exist? How could the care talk to Greyston? But it wasn't so marvelous that he didn't have the desire to ruin it. So as he exited, he leaned in to look at the long tear in the leather with a sadistic little grin before turning to enter the bar. There was most certainly something powerful here. "Nice place," he commented, looking around.

@Hel @Elias @Azure Sky
Uh... Rude Bael is rude!


This is freaking awsome... And impossible... I better break it!
Yes I loved Minerva!

I dunno, man, I think the pace just needed to be slow so everyone was like, "I'll wait for someone else to post" and so no one posted. And that's how it died.

Or maybe we were trying to let someone catch up but they did the, "I'm just gonna nope on outta here without telling anyone" thing. I need to try again. Maybe after I get my horrorish/escape thing up in running/if it fails.

Yeah that's Bael alright

This is not possible. What. This is really cool. But it's Greyston's, so screw this.
In case you're wondering what the salmon thing is about... It all started from here:

[QUOTE="Azure Sky]After having a nice walk, Lucifer returned to the Lucem Tenebris Bar. After a while, an extremely familliar Black Dog entered the bar: the one known as Remus. As soon as he opened his mouth, Lucifer went up to him and called upon a fish, which materialized in his right hand. He slapped Remus with the fish and said: ''Don't call me Lucy!''. Remus's habit of calling him 'Lucy' was slightly irritating, but he didn't let it bother him that much. He was quite prideful after all and his pride of not being angered over something so small was of higher level than his pride of being called Lucifer and detesting being called otherwise. After a few minutes, he brought Remus a bottle of whiskey, some liquors, many bruschette, some small pizzas and 4 sandwiches with mayonnaise, caper buds and tuna.

My phone kept auto correcting mine to Luceim, so I gave up, haha, sorry! Also... I imagine that indicates a misspronounciation, so when you spell it that way it sounds like Loose-y-em instead haha
Sleipnir said:
Salmon summoning intensifies
Oh in case you were wondering why I chose salmon out of all the possible fish species... well, it's a pun of sorts.

Salmon is close to Solomon-->Book of Solomon-->Demons-->Hell-->Lucifer.
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Oh in case you were wondering why I chose salmon out of all the possible fish species... well, it's a pun of sorts.
Salmon is close to Solomon-->Book of Solomon-->Demons-->Hell-->Lucifer.

I was just reading up the recent history tab we got in DDampsea Database tab. If you remember that was when we attempted to catalog what was happening, Hel did a pretty good job on that while it was up. Anyway, reading it was quite the nostalgia trip...so many people back then. Aah.

Btw, where the hell is @BookWyrm ? He had wonderful writing...
Working on other projects if you want the honest truth. I admit that I've not visited this for a while. I ran out of juice to be honest.
He popped back in once but hasn't stuck around?? I dunno, maybe he's just done with the roleplay. That's fine but idk
Yeah sorry I've been neglecting to come in. I've honestly been focused on a couple of other projects on here and some IRL stuff. I think I'm going to honestly Opt out from this. I've gotten lost with the story and everything, and with my focus on other work right now I don't have the time to catch up. It was fun, and I'm sorry about cutting out, but I feel like that is probably the best option for me personally.
BookWyrm said:
Yeah sorry I've been neglecting to come in. I've honestly been focused on a couple of other projects on here and some IRL stuff. I think I'm going to honestly Opt out from this. I've gotten lost with the story and everything, and with my focus on other work right now I don't have the time to catch up. It was fun, and I'm sorry about cutting out, but I feel like that is probably the best option for me personally.
We respect your decision bro. It was nice to have you! Cheers.
BookWyrm said:
Yeah sorry I've been neglecting to come in. I've honestly been focused on a couple of other projects on here and some IRL stuff. I think I'm going to honestly Opt out from this. I've gotten lost with the story and everything, and with my focus on other work right now I don't have the time to catch up. It was fun, and I'm sorry about cutting out, but I feel like that is probably the best option for me personally.
Good luck with your other projects! It was fun RPing with you :)
BookWyrm said:
Yeah sorry I've been neglecting to come in. I've honestly been focused on a couple of other projects on here and some IRL stuff. I think I'm going to honestly Opt out from this. I've gotten lost with the story and everything, and with my focus on other work right now I don't have the time to catch up. It was fun, and I'm sorry about cutting out, but I feel like that is probably the best option for me personally.
It's all cool. We understand.
@Sleipnir I'm sorry to bust your theorist bubble, but the pendant thing was as unexpected to me as it was for you... But Satan works in mysterious ways.
Elias said:
But Satan works in mysterious ways.
It was debated for a long time whether Lucifer and Satan are the same being or not xD


But that is off-topic. You probably won't see what the blood in the vial does any time soon (} :) )

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