[Department of Defense against the Supernatural]Out of Character


Uther screwed crap up.

Agents are doing stuff, trying to get set up to take him on.

Life is very upset with him and is confronting him.

Also Galleytrot is assisting Wednesday in finding Caden and she now has a boatload of zombies

Kala's reaction to what Uther did + Remus's reaction to what Uther did + Kala giving Uther popcorn + Kala asking who Lady Life is in her own special way :D
Rantos said:
Who is Lady life? IM SO LOST!
It's ok. After Uther did his thing @Hel made a post with the cosmic being which is the Embodiment of Life. This post:


A feminine voice cut through the air, heard by the majority of the city... Well, what was left of it. A bright light could be seen in the morning sky as it grew brighter and brighter and closer to the ground. It hit a short distance away from Uther and the ball morphed into the figure of a woman, Iridescent in color and with long white hair. Her eyes skimmed the area as she looked for the one who caused this chaos and consumed her souls. Her eyes finally settled on Uther and the girl. "You," she said icily, stepping toward him. "I've had enough of you.">>
I'm loving how Kala's name just turned into an Adjective xD

Care to define what Kalaest means to you?
Rantos said:
I'm loving how Kala's name just turned into an Adjective xD
Care to define what Kalaest means to you?
Considering how you described her personality in the CS, I belive your latest post captured her personality the best xD
I completely forgot what I put down on that CS. Maybe I should refresh myself sense I seem to be failing in staying true to it.
Rantos said:
I completely forgot what I put down on that CS. Maybe I should refresh myself sense I seem to be failing in staying true to it.
I never said you failed in staying true to it, I just said that the latest one captured her persona the best xD
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]I never said you failed in staying true to it, I just said that the latest one captured her persona the best xD

Looking at her character again I see why you say that
@Rantos The Utherest post I ever made belongs to this RP before it became a hosted project.

From my point of view, it's this one:

Somewhere around the southern zone of DC...

Uther wanted to take a break from the classical hack-and-slash kills, so he opted for something more interesting. He befriended a sick 35-year-old woman, named Isabella, whom he met by entering a hospital in the area. He managed to achieve such a 'feat' through the use of his illusions and manipulation. Isabella had terminal cancer and there was nothing anyone could do for her anymore, but Uther thought otherwise. From his point of view he could satisfy her desires on an emotional and spiritual level. That way her soul would grow stronger and Uther would have a more satisfying...snack.

Uther and Isabella were having a conversation about her life on the rooftop of the hospital. It seemed that things went as Uther wanted. He truly was great at persuading people, or manipulating them.

Listen, Isabella...contrary to what you may belive, there are still things in life which can make you happy. I am not a normal human and I have enough power within me to satisfy some of those desires...if you'd let me''.

What desires are you talking about, Uther? I have terminal cancer and my life was never really a good one to begin with. The only thing left to do is to accept my fate''.

Nonsense, my dear. Think about it. Apart from your disease, there are also people who made your life miserable. What if ...you, as you are now, would make a comeback with a smile, visit them together with myself and make them feel terror. Revenge can really make you burst with joy sometimes, you know? They made you suffer, so the least you can do is not to accept your fate, but at the very least make them all trip and fall into the pits of chaos and insanity. You can do it...with me by your side''.

After Uther's speech, something happened within Isabella's mind. Normally a human like her would think that doing something of that sort is wrong, but Uther's words, his charisma, his persuasive capabilities and the instability of the woman's mind made it possible to plant a seed within Isabella's mind and soul and the effects started to appear. Isabella's initial moral values crumbeled and were reduced to dust. In their place came the desire for vengeance.

U-Uther...c-can you really do it? Can you satisfy such a desire?'' she asked. ''Better than using words, why don't I show you instead?'' he replied as he lifted Isabella's body and carried her like a princess. He took his true form and teleported in the central park. From there he explained that he did some research and knew, in fact, each and every person who hurted her and left her alone. Isabella was both shocked and in awe because of this revelation.

One by one, Uther executed each and every person who ever made Isabella suffer, right in front of her eyes, using different methods each time. He did things like burning people slowly in different ways and positions, gauging their eyes out and shattering their limbs, causing terrifying illusions which made some people go insane, torturing them in various ways with telekinesis and so on. Although different, all the methods used had something in common: they were slow and extremely painful. ''
Look Isabella. Each of them crumbled so easily in just one day. You had to suffer for many years and you're still alive! You're stronger than each of them combined! You won, Isabella!'' said Uther.

Isabella never knew that she could feel so satisfied from watching the people she hates suffer and get what they deserve. Uther's short speech about how she was strong and they were weak actually convinced her. What was their physical pain in comparison to her physical, mental and spiritual pain? From her point of view Uther was right. She was strong and alive. The others were weak and dead. She won and they lost. Never before had she felt so alive. Uther's disturbing and immoral actions actually strengthened her soul. Too bad that...she didn't have much time left. On the other hand, that's why Uther chose her in the first place.

Hey, Isabella...I was thinking. I will not accept that a person like you has to die in a hospital, in pain. I have the power to absorb souls and...I wanted to be one to give you a painless death and absorb your soul. It's quite romantic if you think about it. I'll be the last person by your side when you die and after I absorb it, your soul and mine will become one'' said Uther on a calm tone. Isabella looked at him, fascinated and with tears in her eyes. Someone actually valued her. For once she could actually say that, in her short life, she found her one true love. ''You are a true angel, Uther. Yes, please do it'' she said, smiling.

Uther approached Isabella and in the split of a second he appeared right in fron of her. He penetrated her skull with the index finger of his left hand, while he used his right hand to steal her heart away,
literally. He trully gave her a quick and painless death. As Isabella's soul came out and took shape, Uther simply took her etheral body in his arms and said: ''I also took your heart away. I will keep it as a sign of my affection''. A few seconds after he said that, he kissed her. Her soul slowly entered his body as if he was absorbing smoke.

It truly is painful to live...without chaos!'' he thought to himself.
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TBH I just went through and read a bunch of pre-HP stuff. Went through the Oberon fight and the thing with the Hollows.

We should probably take care of them next @Elias @BookWyrm
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After re-reading the pre-HP stuff, I can say that while Uther is more dangerous, Oberon was definetly smarter. But oh well... You haven't seen the last of Mister O. Mekasm (} :) ) Because guess what!...This is also going the way he planned xD
Yes such fun

Gosh I need to do something with all my characters. I have so many.

Maybe I should kill some off.
Sleipnir said:
Yes such fun
Gosh I need to do something with all my characters. I have so many.

Maybe I should kill some off.

^I wonder if I deserve this award as well...
Pffff are you implying that it scares you that I might kill some characters, never to be seen or heard from again?

Yeah right

I don't even know if I'm attached to them

But then I haven't tried killing them off yet.

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