[Department of Defense against the Supernatural]Out of Character

...Sorry for the lack of activity...but it's been busy with college + work...plus I've been having writer's block for a while now DX @Sleipnir

But it seems I'm not the only one ...damn it!
Almost done with the character, leaving the relationship tab blank until I establish something besides family relationships!
I just noticed this was a tab. My folly. Just posting here to get updates when things are said and to establish I am not a HOSTILE individual.

I do bite though..

Just so we're all clear on that.
Also, on the discussion of inactivity, school and college starting back up really slashed my free time to post, This is why @Sleipnir is really picking up the slack for me! Which I am thankful for by the way!!! Also, maybe during the next break we can all be on at similar times and ramp up the interest again?
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Hey guys, sorry for my absence. I realised I didn't inform you I'd be gone for a bit. Basically... I'm in hell, there's an escape that opens in a week's time and I'll be riding that escape back here.
Hello, hello beautiful people. First off, I have to ask for forgiveness for my dissapearing off the radar, but that wasn't my fault. My laptop suffered severe damage after I spilled something on it, and I had to wait to achieve another one, which took quite a while. I'm back by tomorrow, hopefully, and I want to get back. Sorry again. I live in a quite remote area, and I couldn't quite write on phone :P

Anyways, still alive and kicking. So yeah.
The RP is not lost. Hel's had a MESS of a semester, let me tell you, because flight school has not been cooperative, So until things can get more organized I will be your host. I am still kicking. Good to see you back, Elias!

And the rest of you — the RPG can't revive of people don't show up! Post some characters! Wanna play a black dog? PM me, we oughta talk! I will pair you up with a partner(I have at least one unclaimed character who hasn't been used. At all.), I can make you a ase(Unless someone else wants a go at directing a case), and we'll get things going!
Anywhere within the department works. Peacewore, you can post anywhere since I can move Galleytrot or someone else wherever you are. The lobby is a great place to start so I can have Piper come take care of you.

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