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Fandom Department of Defense Against the Supernatural- OOC

When should I stop allowing new people to join?

  • Eventually but not yet

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only let 2-3 more in

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Now

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stop letting New RPers in, but current ones can add characters

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Never

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Aand I found his picture... How do they know each other, this is the question.


[QUOTE="Azure Sky]I made an rp like this before...
I might join xD

Ooh really? Cool!
Hmm.. yes, but knows about it and just never told anyone? I got this now. Can I kill him later too? Yeah, dramatic plots...
Hey... hey @Noyeh you know the department isn't actually in New Orleans, so neither was that bookstore? I should have made that clearer, I apologize. It's in probably DC? Originally this was all supposed to be in a separate world, but I never had time to post the areas and a sort of map for that... and I kinda forgot. You can still be in the heart of the attack if you'd like the action, Though!

Also, @TwistedCupid666 we should probably finish this little bit before he enters, you know, for my sake haha
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@Noyeh It will probably take some time to get down there, anyway. But we'll wait to start the section happening near you until closer to the afternoon, we'll try anyway. It's a group decision.
We kinda rushed through the end of the first case to get to the giant horror tearing apart New Orleans. Galleytrot (the man) was a black dog who grave that tapestry to the grandfather as a punishment. Arianna was an accident. Now we're back at the department. Read my last post for what's happened there
Hmm...which of these ideas sound better: a creature which exists only for the sake of balance and only interferes when needed (very powerful...still kinda boring to roleplay with xD ), a metahuman with 2 interesting conceptual powers, an anti-hero who kills those he considers dangerous for mankind (works alone),or an elf which slighlty above peak human agility and control over healing magic, buffs, wind manipulation to some extent and skilled with bows and daggers/swords ?
You just described, pretty much, my ideal elf character! Haha, I think the neutral being would be like the lake spirit I came up with and it would just be... A bit boring more often than not. Everyone loves a good anti-hero! And I'm not sure about the metahuman, I think I'd need to know more to say if that sounds like a better idea, per say.

Sorry that wasn't really an answer, do with that what you will! Haha

You can make more than one, too, in case you really can't decide!
Hmm...I would rather make just one for now...I already used the metahuman in another roleplay but I think he'd fit so well here xD This is what he's like: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/dimension-academy-2-deuss-return-neutral-characters.99045/#post-2776962

And this is how the elf will LOOK like :


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