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Fandom Department of Defense Against the Supernatural- OOC

When should I stop allowing new people to join?

  • Eventually but not yet

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only let 2-3 more in

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Now

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stop letting New RPers in, but current ones can add characters

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Never

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
So, what kind of character creation rules are we looking at? I'm not used to gaming in a free-form setting before.
Theres a form on the character page you can fill out that gives guidelines for the sort of information we should know on your character and the sort of things you should know about him/her. Other than that it's mostly a trust system, you can make just about whoever you want, just make sure that you have rules set out for them and you are consistent in their lore, every character has weaknesses and those can't be ignored if they come up. Other than that, basically just go for it.
Hey, what about shapeshifters? Are we allowed to be ANYTHING, or are we limited to the creatures in the lore tab?
Anything goes, pretty much- with a few exceptions, like super special snowflake characters or something. But you are definitely NOT Limitied to the lore tab! It's still a work in progress, anyway!
hey @Kylesar1, feel free to determine what you find/see at the crime scene! If you'd prefer, however, you can just let me or @Sleipnir know and we could also provide descriptions and what not of what you find so that your character can react to it. We are trying to leave everything pretty open ended to leave room for lots of creative freedom for everyone, but if you'd like some direction or anything just let us know! :)
Thanks. Can do

I honestly felt that I was about to influence the story too much, which is why I wasn't posting, so it does make sense to let you provide the descriptions.
Okay, if you'd like me to, I can no problem!. Don't worry about influencing it too much though! I want everyone to be able to add what their characters find without having to okay it or anything first, it makes it fun for everyone, I think. Honestly- with the exception of the magic residue, we hadn't thought of that- you were coming up with pretty much exactly the same things we were thinking!
Ok. good

I'm posting now

There's no information on the tapestry.

I figured an obvious tapestry would be so............. lame. Besides, who would keep an obvious demonic tapestry in their house?

The tapestry is called the Apocalypse: Demon City. We can build on from that title.

I can change it if you want.
That's what I was figuring, but I didn't know if you had found some sort of legend about it I hadn't. It's based on a story from Revelations... hmmm... If cursed object is what we are going with it could always be the case that the tapestry is just the obvious diversion, too! haha. Something with such a rich history should be easy to find curses and such that may linger around it, between it's subject matter and just how old those tapestries are. Seriously, though, how are those things still around?
I'll let you decide on whether or not it's a diversion. A tapestry like that will definitely have curses in it

There could be a connection between the tapestry and the crazy things in the closet and diary. With black magic, it's quite possible to summon hell spawn.

There's something with the grandfather, since the things were inherited.

There are a lot of possibilities of what happened between the tapestry and the Black Dogs. They may be non-related. Also there are possibilities of the family structure. Cults, Religious fanatics, Divination, etc. The tapestries could have attracted the Black dogs.

We could take the story of Revelation and build on what's already there. I won't add anymore possibilities to the mix, since there are already a lot of questions.
Haha, thanks! (for not adding any more possibilities, add all those up and there are just waay too many combinations!)I suppose we'll see where everyone takes the story! However, I do have a direction I will try to guide the story towards, myself.
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When I say "you" I mean all the other players

How about trying to direct it. Of course it feels like a co-authored story to you because you're just going along with whatever's put down, and nothing else. If you try to pull it in a direction, we'll go along with it while trying to direct it too.

We're all different people here, so it's impossible to have others go along 100% with your plans, so we'll all have influence on the story
Oh my gosh that is not what Inmeant I am so sorry

I meant it's awesome

I'm loving this! I'm really loving the direction and drive. It's something that a lot of roleplays are missing and I think that that's what causes them to fail.

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