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Fantasy Demons Light Academy [Invite Only]

Rarity fell down as she rub her head as she groan "awe that hurt... my feelings" she said as she take out her dagger and look at him under the mask as she hide her dagger and laugh at him "oh im sorry i wasnt being such a good 'angle' right?" she said with a laugh as she look at the gun "aaaaaawwwwww are u sure u are gonna shoot me? u know what might happen if u did" she told him with a grin under the mask

@Alaster Von Grim
Rarity back away as she look at him and laugh "life is such a bore..." she said with a yawn and smirk" but whenever there is chaos and trouble there will be fun " she said with a jump placing her fist in the air as she laugh at him as she grab the gun pointing it in a random direction and also dodging its point.

@Alaster Von Grim
Rarity scoff when he Knock her on the back as she growl when he step on her chest "a look u place my favorite cloths in the dirty floor" she made a fake pouting as she smile and giggle as she look at the guns "nice guns u got there really im very impress" she stop for a while and tap the floor "well i do have a name but i dont really have a reason to give u my real names since were barely strangers" she said with a wide smile and cover the gun by her hand "well call me ummm... Bishanon for now..."

@Alaster Von Grim
Rarity look at him as she gasp when he cut her hair a bit by using his gun and as he step on her chest she gag for air and blush when step in her breast "like ever..u notice your g-going to far" she told him as she grab his foot as she pull it with all her might in the hopes of removing it and miraculusly she is lifting it up "patience dear Friend your not making the game more trilling" she said to him as she breath and smile "and stop stepping im my chest and breast its a bit weird from the start."

@Alaster Von Grim
(Later suzumiya)

Dante put the barrel of his gun against raritys forehead as he kneeled down pushing harder on her chest

"Are you scared, the fear of your life coming to an end does it... torment your mind"

He said as a terrifying look formed in his eyes as he slowly started to pull on the trigger

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Rarity gag and clench her hand into a fist she dont know why this is happening and why its ending like this but she love it.

The pain of her chest to her bones that made her feel as her bones start to crush she look at him with a wide smile as she cough up some blood "no i do not fear my death" she said as she look at the gun then back to him "t-hey say d-death is t-the b-begining of life and a-after that" she cough up some air "a-after all of thie i-ill be in the s-sweet p-paradise of h-hell" she said as she look at him and close her eyes "s-shoot me" she whisper as she clench her hands into a thight Grip preparing herself for the shoot.

@Alaster Von Grim
Dante pulled his gun away from raritys head and stood up taking his foot off her chest

"For a demon your not very smart, this is hell"

He said as he holstered his guns and started to walk towards his dorm

@Astaroth Suzumiya
"It's no fun threatening to kill you if you enjoy it, I like seeing the fear in others I find it intoxicating"

Dante said looking back at rarity with a smirk

"And if I had to guess, you like being threatened"

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Rarity blink her eyes and smile "oh i dont think sooo... mom told me so much stories maybe ehehehjust maybe" she said clutching her chest as she stand up "atleast help me go to the clinic or something"she said as she sign holding the wall as she walk "man.... life cant me this interesting." She said as she laugh as long as im still alive.."

@Alaster Von Grim
Rarity look at him with a dark grin as she try herbest to cool of and standing up straigh "of course its just fun to see how u would try to see how u try" she said as she laugh at him and starting holding to the wall for ballance as she start walking again "u really did it ... i wonder how u have the guts to hurt such a lady like me"she said teasingly as she smile.

@Alaster Von Grim
"You'll be fine I didn't break anything you'll just be sore for a while"

Dante said as he turned around and walked over to rarity

"You had a look of pleasure when you asked me to shoot you"

He added as he forced her against the wall and placed the barrel of his gun against her chin

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Rarity face him as she giggle and look at him in the eyes feeling of the gun from her chin smirking as she touch his cheeks "oh~ yes thats right." She said as she smile at him "u know i just love being in pain more than being threated" she said giggling again

@Alaster Von Grim
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(Aaaww ahahaha how sad xD ahaha)

Rarity look as him as she cough when he punch her in the stomach as she sat down the ground and look at him with a blush "yeas~" she said holding her stomach "ask i said~ I. Love. Being. In . Pain" she said almost seductively as she enjoy each pain yet what she enjoy more was cutting.

@Alaster Von Grim
Rarity groan as she hold her leg and look at him as her blush increase as she hold her leg with a pleasuring smile "i love the way on how u plan this for me" she said with a giggle "i just wanna tell u something" she said as she look up at him" one is that im not a freak im Completely normal and two yes please i would like to~" she said exitedly.

@Alaster Von Grim
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"That's good I need to practice my knot tying, do you have a dorm to stay in"

Dante asked as he kneeled down stepping harder on raritys wound

"Or do you want something sharper"

He added as he pressed his gun barrel against her chest

@Astaroth Suzumiya

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