Demon,Angels,Gods and Devils

I suppose. Wasn't really planning it that way, but it would be simpler. we could claim that since we're the Angel/demon/god/devil of that subject we have sufficient knowledge of it
Why not use them like a NPC no need for pictures in character sheet because their would be no character sheet, you only do that if you want if you found a good picture for them add it in then. And anything you think may make any kind of effect on what characters say add it in. Like

Miss, Tamer is the history teacher she had green hair in a bun with pink eyes, but what stood out about her is she always had been in her real form..she was a fairy so she was small with purplish wings...

"Well class get out your books" Miss tamer said

What do you think about the idea? You could give the NPC, specials like unable to transform to their human form, randomly use their powers because of lack of control or any thing considered special making the character as of somewhat interest.
Yeah, that's why my original plan was to just post as a teacher, a different person. Yeah, like Demonic did. Like that!!
Sorry, quick inadequate post, but I'm swamped with Uni and family drama and now I've been sucked into helping a friend with a quiz that's due today, and I'm hungry....

So I might not be on the next three hours
Caits said:
Sorry, quick inadequate post, but I'm swamped with Uni and family drama and now I've been sucked into helping a friend with a quiz that's due today, and I'm hungry....
So I might not be on the next three hours
Okay, as long as you alerted us it's fine

Btw everyone I changed the schedule I hope it's more realistic to fit the classes..
I think I'm a bit slow today. I don't understand what's required for the current class, DxD. Do we fight the robots with our powers or what?
I don't know, I'm still waiting for the teacher to tell us. I don't think we're supposed to use our powers. Just physical.
I teach creation. In just waiting because someone who's in spn conditioning is also in creation, I don't want them to miss it
Is that Kalinda?

Ah, no. thought I'd chosen creation which I had to begin with, but changed it. Nevermind.
sorry about my lack of posting today, I had a shift that took most of the day. did I miss anything important?
I'm in creation too, but not for 3 hours. My class ended early for some students that had to get healing done.

@CoreyXIX Your currently still in my ASC class though
It's still going it ended for those who needed immediate attention, though I'll say your character didn't get a robot because Jagen ran out so he has to start his examination with only like 15 minutes left in class.
Well, if you really want to. Now I just gotta figure out the whole "fighting without powers" thing for it.

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