Demon,Angels,Gods and Devils

My workplace wants to work about double the hours I used to. Since I'm going to have little to no time for now I have to drop out of this. Sorry.
[QUOTE="Dark Elfling]Analise-Sora


Ok, so it seems like this is the official list of partners now. Any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace. If we have people who want to rejoin, or if they've just been busy we'll add them in. So, when our characters wake up and head to breakfast the headmasters giving us our schedules, so everyone think of what classes you want and announce it at breakfast. And then, we'll just spend an hour moving dorms because some students are on an unexpected leave or something.

Heads up Jagen only teaches Period 1 ASC
Yup. We may have to move some people around though. I'll post a new modified list tommorow, I don't have enough time today.
I keep trying the reward system of write half a page, then one post on here, but I have no self control.

Hey, @Daimao you're going to want to watch this thread, we get a lot of stuff planned on here, anything on the in character is usually planned out here.

On an other note, since I'm not getting any work done anyway, I'm going to try to modify the new partner list, does anyone have any preferences?
I am happy with anyone honestly.

I only have 2000 more words to write, and my system is write five hundred a day since it's not due till next Monday.
Way to remind me that I have an essay due on tuesday. Ah well, I haven't started it yet, and probably never will.

But yeah, Noctis can pretty much go along with anyone, although he would probably say that he'd prefer a girl cause, well, he's Noctis.
Hey everyone I changed people accepted to people who have been online or haven't dropped out :/ it's even two in each category, should we wait for it to be back to three in each category or change partner list now
Alright! He'll probably be paired with Kali or Ankasha then. @SekiryuuteiDxD can you explain what's happening with Sora? I'm lost. I..think he's in some kind of club with a bunch of NPC's?

Oh, I'm just changing it now. We'll deal with anything else as it comes, for now our characters need to know where to sleep and who they're room mate is. It'll be up tomorrow.
For the sake of time, should we host Creation in the main tab and Advanced Creation in the extra pages tab? Because I don't think anyone has Advanced and normal so we can host them at the same time. And sure, you can do the partner list. I don't really care. Hey, maybe if I'm not distracted by the partners I'll actually get some work done. Imagine that!
[QUOTE="Dark Elfling]For the sake of time, should we host Creation in the main tab and Advanced Creation in the extra pages tab? Because I don't think anyone has Advanced and normal so we can host them at the same time. And sure, you can do the partner list. I don't really care. Hey, maybe if I'm not distracted by the partners I'll actually get some work done. Imagine that!

Lol and ya we could host them in different tabs, I think I can add more additional RP tabs also but nvm I noticed a angel hadn't posted so had to take them out, back to uneven
@Kameil I just saw your post a few pages back saying you need help to get started, do you still need help? I think we just assumed you'd gone offline because you hadn't posted in a while.

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