Demon,Angels,Gods and Devils

Sorry. I was at the dentist then in too much pain. Just had the start of root canal. I'm dreading the next three appointments.
I don't think anybody would blame you for being offline for a while after that. You only missed part of the fight between Demonic Angel and Dark Elfling.
SekiryuuteiDxD said:
@Demonic Angel can I have my character go off and do some school things like see the guidance counselor and make some friends.
The one that already battled, they can get called back when the fightings, done goes for everyone else

(Good idea lol)
[QUOTE="Dark Elfling]Oh yay! So, we can go explore the school. How many fights are left?

Hmm depends if like to skip the fights I can just choose partners for y'all without evaluation xD

Partners now or na?
Yeah, I think we should skip. I know you have a character, so if we can find one more person online we could host at least one more fight, but if not we can skip.
Majority seem to vote skip. We can do partners now, then. Just announce it, because we were planning to leave soon and Sora has left already. Kali will be online soon.
Okay, I'll get the partners set up

I think

sora and Lucas..

Sacelia and Ankasha

Ju and Kalinda

Elizabeth and Zaine

Analise and Luciana

Rena is my character and sense Kira took her character I will take Rena out until someone wants to join,

(I have to eat Whoever wants to can take over as headmaster while I'm gone!)
Alright! Partners have been set, Analise, Ankasha, Kai and Zaine are wandering the campus, and we're trying to figure out how our classes work so we can set our schedules
Settings are put up, I'll add more if I can, classes are set up for characters choice, walking around every class will have a sign up sheet for people who want to join, the schedule with the 5 classes will be then chosen in a order for the character by headmaster
[QUOTE="Dark Elfling]So...headmaster picks classes, and? Do we sign up too? I'm confused.

*sighs beginning to think of a way to rephrase it*

You choose your classes but the order they come in is up to the headmaster.

Sorry if what I said was confusing, Gomanasai!
SekiryuuteiDxD said:
The schedule in the overview doesn't factor in classes
He's right, but it was meant to have a few classes, unsure if anyone would like that I kept classes out leaving it to a every other day test schedule...

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