Demon,Angels,Gods and Devils

The way I'd explain Kai's actions are

Say you're back in time and want to stop WWII, you go after Hitler but you never know if killing Hitler would've stopped WWII. Germany was pretty pissed off. Though it's the best route but the result if 50-50.

Kai defeating Xavier probably wouldn't stop the tournament or the war.
And think of the time travel thing this way: If you were to go back and time and change something, you alter the present; which in turn could turn the present even worse.
Ik, that was just the scientist in me replying, but seriously say that this thing never happened, and I never made that character: This rp would be as dead as a doorknob.

If you were to cut the story short, it would go back to the way it was, a dead doorknob
Say you were to let this plot continue to develop, eventually this plot would cease, but another would begun: the aftemath.

I know the meaning behind your actions, believe me if the roles were swapped I would be arguing at the inhuman actions Xavier is taking, but the plot needs to continue, don't want to see another dead RP.
i do see what Kai is doing and at the same token i also see what Xavier is doing as well, Kia is right to try and stop him ,but if he was to read what i posted -cough cough-, but on the flip side its also the fact that now we have a plot, somewhat,
Oh yeah, I had completely forgot that anime. I loved that necromancer guy, he was funny to me. The series was ok, but I was gathering inspirations from a game that wasn't to popular from about 4 years ago.

Ugh sorry guy's, I got a concert to give tonight, so ill be on later, peace
Is it going to be like a team battle tournament? Or one on one?

I vote for team battle so we can pull off awesome stuff like this


#Kai and Ash


#Ash and Analise
This is qualifications, so do you want to save the grand moves for the bigger battles and just do individuals rn, or what? I don't care either way.
I'm sorry guys. Between real life and having no idea what to post....I don't think I can participate in this anymore.

It also has something to do with the fact that in something like 13 pages, Kalindas name wasn't even mentioned. My fault, I know, for relying too heavily on one person, who hasn't posted longer then I have.

I really enjoyed this roleplay. And when things calm down a bit, I may return.
I feel like that's sarcasm. So...I really am sorry. I should have posted this a couple of days ago. I just feel that being in hospital isn't a productive way of being able to post. I really am sorry.

I'm going back to sleep now.
Hullo, I'm back!

I was trying to wait till the end of the week because federoff has finals and I was swamped with work since its the week before break. All the classes wrapping up, the tests. Good news is, tomorrow's my last day before I have TWO WEEKS completely free to role play!
Since its been so long since anyone posted especially federoff there wan an idea brought up, he could go into hell, that is since one of Hus forces attacked the school halting the tournament and we go assault and diminish the forces come back do the tournament and the victorious one/team deflect the gods missile

Just a thought up for debate currently its all in what the rest of you think

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