Demon,Angels,Gods and Devils

Hello everyone, I'm leavings so I'm letting @HoneyBear\-Kat might have find you new partner :( Gomenasai!!!

Everyone I'm so sorry, but hopefully everything will be better without me here to forget everything or go to school and become to busy..

I wish ya all luck :)

DA is leaving a sad day in history this reminds me of

We'll all miss you, Demonic! I'm going to try to breathe some life back this thing, anyone have any ideas on a plot?

Btw, I'll post an updated partner list tomorrow.
Well, I can't really do anything without Noctius, unless someone wants to drag Kalinda into their group.....

I'm all up for having life in this!
[QUOTE="Dark Elfling]We'll all miss you, Demonic! I'm going to try to breathe some life back this thing, anyone have any ideas on a plot?
Btw, I'll post an updated partner list tomorrow.

Hey dark .. I have been waiting on you to post you know don't know if you knew that or not but yea.... Its also a shame that your leaving we shall miss you all demonic
just saying but my next post will probably be the longest one i do for a good while, i cant say how long it will be but, it will be long
I'm back. Sorry, was at a movie, and my data doesn't work.

Let's try to slow the war down, I kind of want this to last a while since this is such a good plot. So, hold off on any giant battles for now. Confrontations are fine, just let the grudge build up before this ends.
Alright, then for now, everyone just recruit and socialize. I just don't want this to end so quickly, I mean half the characters aren't even aware and I want to get everyone involved. Make the plot last, yeah?
Well, it needs to last at least a bit more, this has been set up to be a big thing. Can't just end in not even a day. Kai isn't THAT powerful that he ends it immediately. Sorry to say, that'd be god-modding.
I don't care who wins, I don't know who's more powerful. All I know is that we made a good plot that federoff made another character for, who's only lasting for the duration of the plot, and we're not ending a plot just as it begins. I don't care who wins LATER, I'm impartial considering I have a character on both sides. Ana is going to side with Kai.
Think of this as a book, a good book doesn't have its biggest thing suddenly done in 2 pages, it goes on through out the book. Trying to end th plot before it happens is like eating a chicken before you cook it, not a good idea.
Exactly. I'm sorry if I'm being rude, but I just don't want this RP to die out again, now that we have a plot.

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