[Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

Initiayive for next round:


Sevolt 11

Kyrios 10

Chimeras rear rank 10

Hyrion 9


Chimeras front rank 8

Traitors 4

Still need fidelis and priad.

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For damage with a weapon that has a rate of fire above one, you do the weapons damage for each point of rate of fire right.

So for a heavy bolter it has a rate of fire of 6 and does 1d10 +12, so if i hit that's 1d10 +12 6 times correct?

also do levels of success adds hits or damage cause I rolled a 7..

Also do we all get a bonus to hit this thing for its impressive size.. Cause if so I havent calculated that..

Right now his to hit is the 55 base skill, +5 for his armors bonus, +10 for being behind cover (the crates) and solo, +20 for full auto.
For full auto weapons: each DoS adds 1 extra hit, to a maximum of the weapons rate of fire.

DoS has no further effect other than above when not firing against a horde.

There is a +30 modifier against these tanks.
Ok so my total to hit was a 120, i rolled a 7 out of that so i get 6 shots cause that is the cap...
NPCs have acted. Apologies for taking so long.

Also guys, remember tearing! It can be a huge advantage! When you roll for tearing, I will take the numbers in pairs. For example:


the first two numbers are one hit, the second two are the next hit. I would take 8 and 7 as the damage rolls of the two hits and discard the two lower numbers. Several of you have already been doing things this way, so please continue.
yeah, it really helps things. A lot. Gets really crazed if you get the Flesh Render talent. There has been a few other rules that I have missed a bit too- but I will be cracking down a policing the rules more (ie- full auto shooting is a full action unless you've got the suspensor, meaning that the only action you can do is shoot with a HB)
im pretty sure that's about all I have been doing was full actions when I do that... Might have missed it the first action but eh.
Fidelis ans Hyrion have until tomorrow evening to act, at which point I will resolve the round and start pming players.
I have resolved the turn. I will be unreachable for a week, as I am going camping with the family out in the middle of nowhere. Go ahead and run your actions, assume the Chimeras have an initiative of 3. So everyone can act before the Chimeras go. I will resolve actions next Wednesday, and at that time the Thunderbolts will make their first strafing run.

I will pm everyond when I am back.
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Sorry for some reason the notification for watched threads has been going wonky and with me being busy I had nit double checked.
oh fuck i forgot righteous furry... If I remember thats when you roll a 10 on the die right? or is it a 9 and 10
There we go. THis new site is... wierd. I'll post as soon as I find out what's going on. And figure out this system again.
Initiative for next round of combat:

10: Fidelis

10: Hyrion

10: Chimeras 1

8: Absortio

6: Infantry Horde

5: Priad

4: Chimeras 2

0: Thorvald, Kyrios, Sevolt

Still need init for Thorvald
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