[Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

Which Iron Snakes rules do you guys use? I was going to overhaul those from FFG forums myself, now that I have done Mentors and soon enough Mantis Warriors.
I just went in and made a custom Chapter based off of the rules from Rights of battle, however if you know of a book that actually has rules for playing an iron snake let me know. Otherwise I sorta just winged it. There really isnt alot of lore on them so i did my best. They are one of my favorite chapters though.
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]As a side note: it kinda sucks there are no Carcharodons relics in the books (that I've found so far).

Raven Guard are pretty close and probably the Carcharodons' progenitors. Some things from them could be applicable with refluffing.
SephirothSage said:
So. DM.
Female Space Marines?

*Troll Eyebrows Rising*
So not canon, but I allow them in my own game because the canon reason for them not existing is silly, IMO. But I only allow then in their own Convent Chapters--be interesting to see how other ST's (including the one for this game) handle this.

In fact In this day and age when were are seeing more and more female Wargamers (of which there were few when 40k started) I am surprised Games Workshop has not retconed this. I mean they have changed so many other things over the years--so a lost chapter of Sister Marine's returning would not be much different.
I kind of agree that the Canon reason for them not existing is silly- /Genetics does not work like that/.

the geen seed says if you lack de testicle you cant be a marine.. yea that is sorta lame.. But if there were a female chapter, Ide envision them as Sisters of battle.
kshatriya said:
Raven Guard are pretty close and probably the Carcharodons' progenitors. Some things from them could be applicable with refluffing.
See, I'm gonna disagree with that one. My bet's on them being loyalist Night Lords. The two chapters' Gene seed markers and visual manifestations thereof are more or less identical.
Belial said:
the geen seed says if you lack de testicle you cant be a marine.. yea that is sorta lame.. But if there were a female chapter, Ide envision them as Sisters of battle.
Yeah essentially Sisters of Battle with all the enhancements.
Female marines: space marines are essentially genderless. Its not like they have sex or make babies...or have a sex drive at all, so I dont care one way or the other about girl marines. Because they would be essentially genderless too.
genderless with tits... That is the big distinction.. Cause all good old boy male gamers no that... I cant even finish it...
Just a note: I hooe to have time to approve the 4 unapproved characters and start the briefing thread tonight. Yay!
Everyone gets this:

  • Astartes power armour,

  • Astartes bolt pistol

  • 3 Astartes frag grenades

  • 3 Astartes krak grenades

  • Astartes combat knife

  • repair cement

  • one Chapter Trapping.

Librarians all get this:

  • Astartes bolter with fire selector
  • force weapon

As for where it is in the book, it's at page 28 of the core book.
SephirothSage said:
So. DM.
Female Space Marines?

*Troll Eyebrows Rising*
I think if they do retcon this, it'll be something along the lines of giving the sisters of battle a huge upgrade. Which I fully approve of. :D

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