Death Weapon Meister Academy (Soul Eater)

Nichole sighed and sat down. she drew some in her notebook. Satoshi looked over at her and sighed. he picked her up bridal style and said''you're coming with me.'' she eeped as he took her away.

satoshi said''ok nichole what's wrong?'' she looked away and said''nothing.'' he said''oh somethings wrong now tell me.''
Katherise immediately let go of Alice and the shurikens from above began exploding. "Joseph..?" she had a plain face although she was really worried of her meister.

Joseph thanked the nurse and went outside feeling much better than before, "Finally im--" he stopped talking once he saw Shinigami/Lord Death staring at him, "Crap..." Lord Death shook his head and hits Joseph's head. "Reaper Chop."
Katherise began to panic and ran around inside the school, "Joseph... Joseph... Joseph!" she stopped running and shouting once someone from behind her grabbed her ear and pinched it hard. "You better give me a better explanation why your both here," a voice from behind said, at first she didn't know who it was until she did. She looked back and saw Lord Death holding onto Joseph's ear, it was embarrassing if you ask me. He couldn't help but turned red being seen looking uncool in front of everyone.

"Don't blame me, he just got me and dragged me here to find you." Joseph said raising his hands up, his partner sighed and said, "Shinigami, we would want to study here again." at first Joseph nodded his head not understanding what she meant then shouted out loud, "WHAT?!" he didn't want school, never did.
Lord Death stared at Katherise, she changed from the last time. He nodded and glared at Joseph, "Alrighty then, just make sure that partner of yours would learn some things. After all i heard your mission failed is that right?" Katherise stared at Lord Death letting go of Joseph's ears and walked away, this time she won't show weakness. She'll be stronger and protect her meister, that's the main purpose why she was here.

Joseph noticed her partner staring at Lord Death while walking then heard a sound, "Hey did you hear that?" Katherise nodded as they both walked a few paces and saw the girl who had helped him earlier and her secret boyfriend. "Them again? I wonder what's wrong." He watched Katherise got nearer to them and knelt down beside the two, he thought that maybe she could helped them-- then she smack them both in the heads. Joseph just laughed at her action.
Satoshi said''OW! i was helping her!''rubbing his head. then he saw Nichole still out. he said''oops..i forgot to get you...hold on..'' his eyes went red and touched her head. she blinked and rubbed her head. she said''ash enter my mind one more time and you won't have any kids......'' he gulped and said''i was just trying to see what was wrong...'' she said''I HAVE PERSONAL STUFF IN MY MIND YOU BAKA!"hitting him. she usually wasn't violent. he said''OW! are you pmsing again?''
Katherise fell back once the guy [satoshi] shouted, she sat up straight again and rubbed the bag of her head, "Ouch...." she said softly then looked at them both, she thought for a while then said plainly. "You guys must the the couple who helped my meister right? Thank you" she said.

Joseph stood there staring at Katherise wondering if she would be alright.
they instantly blushed and said''WE ARE NOT DATING! and you're welcome.'' Satoshi said''aww cmon i'm sorry nichole...'' a mallet appeared in her hand and said''say good night.'' whacking him. satoshi was out cold. she dragged him to class and tossed him in. some girls crowded around him and said''omg are you ok?! where is that b*****?!'' nichole walked in and said'you rang?'' she was really pissed today.
Katherise stared at them going to the room, she stayed sitting there then looked over Joseph and smiled, "Our class would be interesting wouldn't it?" for the first time she smiled, it wasn't fake but a cheering smile.

Joseph nodded, "Yeah.. i think so." he helped Katherise up and walked up the door with her, seems like her foot got hurt when she fell back. They entered inside and saw the teacher sitting there with a large bird. He stared to regret this.
The girls said''what did you do to satoshi?!'' nichole rolled her eyes and dragged him to his seat. a girl threw a book at her head. she turned her eyes black. she said''you die now.RAWR!" and the catfight began. Mr.Stein said''hey break it up!'' satoshi woke up and said''HEY GET YOUR HANDS OFF!"
Meister :

Name :
Jazzabell Yamamoto

Nickname : Jazz, Bella

Gender : Female

Age : 14

Looks :

♡ Petite.

♡ Medium-Size bust

♡ Grayish hair that's cut short, only reaching her shoulders. Layered, with two purple streaks on either side of her face

♡ Bangs covering her left eye, which has a scar.

♡ Dark Blue-Violet Eyes

Weakness : Candy, Cake

Personality : Stubborn, rebellious, a bit of a loner, lets her guard down for close friends

Abilities in weapon :

♡Fear of Beholder: A strange smoke comes out of handle of weapon, consuming the scent brings strange illusions to whomever smells it. An easy way to create openings.

♡Slasher Dread: Hits hilt of ax onto anything, making sharp slashes, causing blade like cuts to random parts of the body.

♡Frightful Creatures: One scratch is all it takes. Hellish Hallucinations surround said creature, causing inner turmoil. Dies almost instantly after fully developed.

♥Soul Resonance-Screaming X-citement: Handle of weapon doubles in size. Hits handle into the ground, causing the insides of target to tremor. Innards of target churn, causing death almost instantly.

Weapon :

Name : Allen Takahashi

Nickname : Al, Taka-chan (Teaser name)

Gender : Male

Age : 16

Looks :

♥ Pitch Black Hair, with a blue X form on the right side of his head, hair partially messy and goes right above his neck

♥ Green eyes

♥ Mildly Toned

Weapon : A Steel ax. Semi-long handle with a large X on the blade

Weakness : Girls (Especially older, sexier ones)

Personality: A shadow kind of figure. Doesn't talk much. Though, in a battle he'll get cocky. He also can also be a bit harsh if someone picks on him. And... embarrassingly... he flirts with practically any girl he sees.
(First paragraph is boring. If you just want to skip to when they get to class, that's the second paragraph.)

Jazzabell walked into the large symmetrical building which was the DWMA. A girl who stood at 4'10" was Jazzabell Yaamamoto. She wore black combat boots, black and purple striped stalkings, black shorts, a black belly shirt with a skull in the center, a black hat. which looked strange due to the button eyes, kitty ears, and strange light purple stitching, and leather, fingerless gloves. The boy, whom stood at 5'7", was Allen Takahashi. He wore a black trench coat, a white shirt with some indescribable smoky pattern, black jeans with a chain hanging down the side and going towards his back pocket, and black military boots. The younger walked through the halls, accompanied by her weapon, Allen. They had just come back from a mission. A couple of kishin were disrupting the peace of Death City. Due to the silence of the halls, Allen decided to start a conversation. "That kishin was a tough one, hm?" He said, facing his master with a smile. The younger looked up at him, and nodded. "Indeed. He was swift. Though, he was very repetitive, making it easy to guess his next move." Allen scratched the side of his head awkwardly. "You don't haveto seem so still half the time, Bells." He stated, using her nickname. She flinched lightly before hanging her head. "Sorry. I'm just tired from the last mission." Allen nodded, chuckling lightly. "Rest later, okay?" Jazz nodded, as they reached the room accompanied by Lord Death, she sighed. "Mission accomplished." She said simply. "Oh! Good, good! Very well done! Now... go back to your school activities until I inform you of another mission." They both nodded. "Understood." They said simultaneously, before walking out. Their class at the moment, was Mr. Stein's. Well... this was going to be interesting.

The two walked in, just to notice some cat fight. "Idiots..." Jazz mumbled before up the rows and into her seat, Allen following close behind. Unfortunately, her seat was right beside the wall. And as someone got thrown to the darn thing, she cracked. "What the hell is your guys' problem?! This is class! Shut the hell up, seize your childish bickering, and listen to the goddamn teacher!" Allen placed a hand on her shoulder before shaking his head. She calmed down after that and sat down herself, before facing Nicole. "Hey..." She stated before poking the girl, wondering if she was alive or not. "Who does she belong to?" She announced through the classroom. Allen appeared next to the girl with a frin. "Are you okay, madam?" He asked in a flirtacious voice, holding Nichole's hand in his own.
Allen chuckled at the tone of voice from whomever. "As you wish." He said cockily before raising his hands above his head in defeat and sitting back down. Jazzabell rolled her eyes. "I apologize for my flirtatious, idiotic weapon." Allen opened his mouth to say something, but Jazz looked at him angrily, and he silently pouted in defeat. "He means no harm to your girlfriend." She finished off before looking at the hallucinating girl in front of her.
Satoshi blushed and said''she's not my girlfriend she's my meister''picking up nichole. she said''ash do you see the birds they're soo cute...'' he said''yes i see them now lets just get you back to normal.''
Jazzabell giggled and faced Allen before raising an eyebrow. "A protective weapon. That's cute." Allen nodded and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, Jazz. Because absolutely no weapons have the duty to protect their meisters." The younger flicked her weapon on his forehead before looking up at the two as they began to walk away. "Hey." She said before standing up and grabbing the other side of the partially unconscious teen. "Let's take her to the nurse's office." She said in a monotonous voice.
Satoshi said''i got a better way..''smirking. he leaned down and whispered something into Nichole's ear. a huge blush was on her cheeks and she blinked. she said''YOU PERVERT!" hitting satoshi. he laughed and said''see..''
The female covered her mouth, letting something close to a "Pfft..." sound release from her lips. Then, full out laughter. Allen stood, stunned.. "How the hell do total strangers make her laugh, but I can't?" He grumbled silently, pursing his bottom lip. She let go of the girl and continued laughing. "H-Hi." She told her now conscious girl with a wave, still attempting to calm her previous laughter. "I'm Jazz, and this is Al, nice to meet you." She said with a grin before settling down in her seat.
Nichole said''h-hi ash can you put me down?'' he said''may i get a kiss first?'' she said''your fangirls will murder me look...'' a group of girls were glaring at her. he said''i don't care...'' winking. he pulled her out the classroom and the class followed.
Jazzabell looked at Allen with a large blush when the boy that she called "Ash" asked for a kiss. Allen only chuckled and shrugged. Jazz thought "complicated relationship, much?" before giggling. As the two left the classroom, Jazz rested on Allen and closed her eyes. "Hey Jazz, how come they can make you laugh and I can't?" Jazz looked up at him and shrugged, "Because you're not funny." She stated simply before standing up and joining the crowd, wanting to see what was so interesting. "Hey, Jazz...." She heard Allen behind her. "I like you, still." Jazzabell looked back at him before raising her eyebrow, but ignored him and continued walking. "Yeah, you're a good friend." She said before pushing through the crowd of people to see what was so interesting about a kiss.
Satoshi said''please i'll put on that outfit you like so much...'' nichole turned away blushing. he said''ok..'' POOF! he had a tight black shirt some wolf ears,jeans and a wolf tail. girls fainted and nichole looked and her jaw dropped. her eyes went to hearts and she said''ok ok i'll kiss you!'' glomping him. he said''works everytime...''dragging her away.
Jazzabell watched with wide eyes at the outfit that the other boy changed into. "A-Ah..." She was rendered speechless as she was able to see the outline of the boy's torso due to his tight shirt, along with the ears. Quickly, she squeezed her nose and sighed. "Oh gosh..." Possible nosebleed for a second there. She walked away, eyes cast down with a large blush on her cheeks. Allen stood in the doorway, looking at her puzzlingly. "Um... are you okay?" She glanced at him, nodded, then went back to her seat in class. Allen just raised an eyebrow and sat next to her, wondering what happened.
Nichole had fainted with a large nosebleed. some guys were so jealous of satoshi right now. girls ran after them and said''SATOSHI DONT MIND HER KISS US!" ash hid under the table hiding Nichole too. mr.stein said''Satoshi get out from under there!''

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