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Fantasy Dead ED. 101

"Amantha. See, I would have spelt that wrong." Maya said and she shook the girl's hand, "But now, I won't spell it wrong- probably." She smiled faintly. The people here seemed pretty nice for dead people but that didn't change the fact that Maya wanted to go home. Because this had to be a mistake, right? She couldn't just be dead forever.
Kenzi sat in her desk laughing. She leaned back.Kenzi was masking her hatred for her boyfriend, his betrayal hurt. The fact that she was dead was even worse.Kenzi wanted revenge on him. She wanted him to suffer as she did. Kenzi sighed and streached. " so what do we do here in dead ed. Can we learn to haunt?"She asks

Irish Ice Queen
"According to Lyric we are all bound to each other. If we fail you and if you fail we fail. So we are your dead family. I'm sure there is a way to visit the people you lost, make sure they are holding up ok." Anna smiles encouragingly, "I'm Annabeth, but most people call me Anna. "
"Well, there's no chance I could spell M-A-Y-A wrong now. How did you..pass? If I may ask?"She sat next to the girl and propped her chin up on her palms.
"Um, well I guess..." Maya trailed off; it had to be the last thing she remembered, right? She could remember a lot of flames and smoke and not being able to breathe. Her lungs too clogged to work properly. The blade of sirens somewhere outside and her mother sobbing. Then, it had been dark.

"I think my house burnt down." Maya said, shuddering.
"Oh, we are on opposite sides of the spectrum then. I froze to death, along with a skull fracture and internal bleeding, speeding and ice don't mix. I'm sorry to hear that though." She patted the girls back.
"It's okay. I'm sorry that you died too." Maya said, awkwardly, "That sucks." She cringed at the girl's touch, not liking the feel of her fingers on her spine. It just felt awkward, everything was awkward.
Kenzi nods to Anna.she listened to the girls say what happened. Her smile fell away as she remembered what happened to her. Kenzi rolled her eyes and looked away from them all. She was starting to seathe with anger.Kenzi tryed to calm herself.

Irish Ice Queen
"Sorry, I guess I'm still cold. The stutters gone though." she took her hands away and blew on them, but feeling no warmth from her breath she put them in her lap. "Actually, being dead isn't all that bad, I'm not put down here. I like that."
The girl's hands were cold and her non existent breath was doing nothing to warm them.

"I liked being alive better." Maya said. Though, now that she was dead, it was hard to imagine being alive. She hadn't known how annoying things like breathing were until she didn't have to do them anymore. So, there were some perks.
Anna listens to all of then and feels a stab of envy, none of them had choosen to die, yet she could clearly remeber smiling as she had felt life slipping away from her. As her emotions rise she gasps and cough harshly, her whole body shaking. It finally stops when a large piece of mirror slides from her mouth and shatters on the desk. Wiping the blood from her mouth she shudders, "How unpleasent."
"I was scared to death." Lyric speaks having been silent for some time. He kneels down, sliding off of Anna's desk. He wipes off the glass and sits again, still looking outside .
Kenzi stayed very silent her nails dug in her palms. She watched the others talk about there lives and how they died. Kenzi had a vacant expression on her face. She still hadn't cleaned the blood from her, she absently rubbed one hand over her throat

Irish Ice Queen
She nods and looks at Lyric, mortified by the thought of being scared to death. "How were you scared to death Lyric?" she absentmindedly hands Kenzi her hankerchife to wipe off with.
"My friends thought they were being funny." He snorts, "it was very funny. Up until my horrible heart stopped and I keeled over. Dropped dead...literally." he looks at Kenzi, " there is a bathroom down the hall."
Kenzi nods and thanks him and anna. She went to go clean up she wiped the blood off and looked at her self.Kenzi washed tons of blood away. She finally finished and traced the permanent line on her neck. She stopped and sighed. She went back to the classroom. She was still remembering how she died .

Irish Ice Queen
"Are you ok?" Anna asks her, looking concerned, "Maybe you should lay down, they have to have a nurses office right? It is a school after all. " She pulls Kenzi's chair out for her.
Anna frowns and tilts her head, "The dead don't use the bathroom either," she points out, looking at her classmate, "It would only make sense that there would be anything a normal school has.
"Nurses office. No nurse though. Some kid ate her a couple years ago." Lyric chuckles and hops off the desk. " I can take you there though. There are beds to rest in. Even the dead get sick. They use the bathroom too."

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