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Fantasy Dead ED. 101

".. I--.. I want revenge... I want to see who did this too me. I want them to suffer..." He said bluntly, one of his eyebrows twitching slightly as he sat down beside her and wiped his eyes again. (@Willow Blackthorn)
"See the things is...if someones dies when you scare them....we all fail and have to stay in our crypts until another class is formed, if one fails....we all fail..." She looked down and looked down.
".. I don't want them to die... I just want them to suffer..." He said softly. "I want to see my family again... But why am I even here? Why haven't I just... Moved on?" He asked, running his hands across the top of his head. (@Willow Blackthorn)
"From what I understand, it happens if you are deemed worthy and if you've had a tragic death. I died from blunt force trauma, eternal bleeding and freezing to death." She gave a small smile and a small laugh.
".. I don't think I'm ready to move on yet. It's like that movie, you ever seen it? It was called 'Ghost'. About a guy who was shot dead, but he haunted his killers to their wits end. When he'd finally said his goodbyes to everyone and tormented them for long enough, he just--.. Went away." He stated simply after laughing at her comment. ".. I'm George..." (@Willow Blackthorn)
He reached out and shook her hand. "I was a decent student. I was more of a family guy though, for my little brother." He said, frowning for a moment.
Kenzi had rolled her eyes at the girl"why sugar coat it were dead and were never going back to that world not like he is the only one murdered here.he doesn't know who murdered him. I do and he was supposed to love me. The faster he gets over the fact he is dead the faster we can all move on"Kenzi says

Irish Ice Queen
"And the faster you stop being such a bitch, the faster we can start to get on a bit easier, eh?" He snapped back in defence. "We all have our reasons and our ends, but that don't mean they can't be expressed." He added, sighing to himself while rubbing his forehead.
Kenzi glares at him.Kenzi was okay with her death she didn't have any loved ones and frankly it was a relief. She was just in a bad mood. She was a restless spirit and being here was bugging her.Kenzi shrugged.

Irish Ice Queen
"We all died horrible deaths, fighting about it isn't going to help, and neither is being cruel about it Kenzi. So how about being a little nicer yea?" She sighed a bit and rubbed her arms getting the last bit of chill out of her system.
"Yeah... the sooner I'm done with retribution, the sooner I can set myself at peace." He said with a nod. He looked across to Kenzi and sighed. "Sorry for calling you a bitch, by the way... It was just sort of... Needed, at the time." He said with a frown before turning back to face the front of the room.
Kenzi shrugged. "Just saying and its who I am. So I don't care about titles I am dead. Cant die again especially by words I am okay."Kenzi says. " I am just a blunt person, not really a good councillor

Irish Ice Queen
"I think there's something wrong with you." Maya said to Kenzi, tapping the side of her head, "Up here. Were you dropped on your head as a baby or something?" She couldn't think of any other reason for someone to be so horribly blunt and bitchy. Also, some of the things Kenzi was saying were starting to get to her. She wasn't enjoying all this talk of murder and death.
"Hmm now that I think on it no I was not. But thanks for playing. "Kenzi says. Kenzi was just like her old self again but dead. Kenzi actually was taking joy in death. Relieved at it all ."why fear death, sometimes it is quick and painless, other's most pain you will ever be in, but then once your dead. All that pain and suffering go away. I mean we dont have to breathe, eat, drink to stay alive. All those mundane things we did as humans dont matter in the end we all end up in the ground. Some sooner then others."Kenzi says callously.

Irish Ice Queen
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"All that matters now is that we all get along for the sake of passing. I for one do not feel like being in a box until another class comes along." She sighed and slumped down in her chair further.
Annabeth listens to them all and smiles softly ,"You all sound like a bunch of babies in day care. 'But that was my toy!' 'Nu-uh give it!' my word, " she laughs mimicking children, "Everyone here is dead. Some of us were needed some of us were not. Some of us were killed and some of us died through no intention of another. One of us even commited suicide." she looks at Kenzi, "You can be a bitch, yes you were murdered by someone who should have loved you, but there isn't anything you can do now is there? Anger and guilt are exhasting to carry."

She looks at the newest addition and raises a brow, "Yes you had someone to take care of, that person will miss you. They will miss you so much, but the pain will fade, for both of you. There isn't anything you can do for that person now. Everyone here must learn to let go, that's what Lyric said and he knows best." Annbeth nods and turns away.
Lyric says nothing fr awhile letting them argue and snap at one another. This was part of being here; someone always took it hard and others let their feelings known. After a bit he grunts and nods, "Annabeth is correct. Everyone here is and was different, each of us had lives that were very different from each other. People will miss you, but they can never let go of their pain until you let them go. It isn't healthy for humans to mourn for long, and it isn't good for ghosts to not let go of human pain. You can turn into a ravaged soul."
Kenzi looked up"ravaged souls?"She asks"also what about the dark souls like demonic entities? "She asks

Irish Ice Queen
Amantha was interested now. She loved the ghost stories she watched on tv every now and then. She loved reading about strange happenings and mysterious things. She turned her attention to Lyric.
Annabeth looks at Lyric, interested in what he is saying. The idea of a ravaged soul brings many morbid pictures to her mind.
"A ravaged soul is a spirit that can't let go of mortal ties. The very ties they hold begin to change them, morphing them into something that can't stand being here in limbo and cannot stand being dead. They grow twisted and are banished to the land of the living, cursed to watch those they love forget the pain of losing them." he explains it softly, the very image in his mind of the only ravaged soul he has ever seen making his cold skin crawl.

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