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Fantasy Dead ED. 101

"Maybe she was kinky like that." Anna laughs softly, tossing her head back and. She is finding much more humor in this than she should.
" Pretty much. Pain and gore got her engine going." He kicks Anna lightly. "Don't laugh at my pain. Around here if you have an attraction for someone else it doesn't start slow and develop over time. It sparks suddenly and ignites like gasoline and oil on a hot Texas highway. When you're dead, human rules and standards don't apply. You're a slave to instincts when they kick in."
"Sounds...interesting." Anna pokes at Lyric, "So if I wanna suddenly jump you're bones I'm going to hop on you wether I like it or not?" she doesn't want to, but still she really wants to understand this certain part. She doesn't want to freak out and hump someone's leg.
(That happens to me a lot. I'm sorry.) 
Pretty much. You can control it to some extent but if you get the urge to run around naked chances are you'll do it. If you decide that a person you're scaring should die...you'll make it happen." Lyric looks out the window " The greatest thing about being dead is no one really judges. To each his or her own."
Anna nods, somewhat relived that her every choice will not be analyzed and somehow used against her. However, another thought enters her head, "So... people can see us? Or something? I've seen lots of movies where ghosts look like chalk board erasings, is that what we look like? I don't think I'd scare anyone looking like that." 
(Half the time they don't show up on mine either, I just have to randomly check. I wish that would get fixed.)
(I thought the update would fix it but now it's worse)

Slowly, Maya pushed open the door. A bunch of other kids were sitting around and talking to each other. They must be them, the other Haunters. They didn't look a particularly frightening bunch. But there again, who was she to judge? She kept her eyes down and took the nearest available desk. Maybe they wouldn't want to talk to her? She was not in the mood to talk.
Kenzi a woke slowly. She was coming out if a darkness and into another world she looked around. What in the world had happened to her. She was escourted out of the room and into and open almost dreary looking town. What was going on she was so confused. She looked around for some to ask what was going in here.

Irish Ice Queen
Lyric nods to the two newest additions to the class. "Yo. Welcome to Dead Ed. For those of you who don't know...you are very dead. " he says it a nicely as he can tossing a piece of glass at Anna. "I hope you enjoy your stay. The aches and stiffness will fade soon enough."
Dead Ed? Maya resisted the strong urge to scoff at that but she decided against it. She was going to be stuck here a while... Being dead and all...

"Hello." she muttered under her breath. She offered a sideways smile to the other people in the room before returning to looking down at her desk. She didn't particularly enjoy being dead so far. She was sore all over and she could still taste ash in her lungs.
Anna kicks at him, grabbing the glass and reswollowing it without thinking, it doesn't hurt and she finds she rather enjoys the taste as it slides down her throat. "Don't mind Lyric, he has the unique ability to seem happy even though he hates it here." She can tell, from the way he calls it dead end and from before when he told them he had failed Dead Ed. before. He didn't like it here, though she didn't know why.
"Wow wait a minute I can't be dead.this isn't right I have to tell the police." She stopped and giggles. "I am dead I am free at last."Kenzi said even though she was sore and in a bit of pain. She was dead. Then she realized he said dead ed. She lost it laughing. "Sorry but this is awesome. Never new what came after life."She tried so hard to compose herself. Yeah she had gasped for breath, but now none of it mattered.

Irish Ice Queen
Lyric stares at Anna for a moment. "How uncanny...that's a great gift you have Anna. " he wonders for a bit just how she read him so well. He looks at the goth girl not far away, "Dead highschool is awesome..you my new friend have an odd sense of awesome. Though I congratulate you on being free of what ever was holding you. Its a nice feeling isn't it?"
They were all crazy. These people were all freaking crazy. And she was stuck with them, possibly forever. Maya groaned and slumped on her desk, covering her head with her hands. These people actually enjoyed the fact that they were dead- like, to the point of laughing and joking about it. That made Maya sick to her stomach.
She smiled a wicked grin."well thank you it is actually good to be dead.its a wonderful feeling so warm and fuzzy." Kenzi almost started laughing again. She was happy here.Kenzi was manic in life and death. She liked Lyric interesting guy."so do we keep our names here or do we get weird ghostly names."She asks

Irish Ice Queen
Anna looks at the blonde girl and leans back, she can't be sure but she thinks maybe she knows what is wrong, at least partially. "I'm not happy to be dead. it really blows actually. I finally had a family who loved me, and now I'm here with people I don't know in a place I don't understand. I just have to roll with it, I can't bring myself back to life. Your best bet is to try living it up here. "
Lyric looks at Anna and nods "She's right...no one likes being dead at first. You just have to let it go. "

He moves and faces the other girl. "You can be anyone you want. Most of us keep our first names but change our last. Gives a sense if new starts...or ends if you wanna be technical."
See?! That girl got it! Quickly, Maya sat up straight and stared at the girl who had spoken.

"How did you know what I was thinking?" Maya demanded, "You a mind reader or something?" She frowned. That would really suck if the girl could read minds. Maya didn't want the girl to know every single thing she thought, ever.
Kenzi smirks. "Hey I always made the best of every situation and yeah sucks to die young especially for those who had a good life, but this is where we were all headed any way. We just beat all those on earth to it. We beat them to the good eternal life even if we are stuck in ghost school."Kenzi said. She always looks at the out looks." I am Kenzi by the way, eternal goth, ever restless spirit in life and death."She says

Irish Ice Queen
Anna smiles and shakes her head, "I'm not a mind reader. When I had a pulse I was a foster kid for most of my life, knowing what people thought came in handy at times. It wasn't hard to read people then, and it just seemes easier now. Maybe because I'm not distracted by my own pain." She shrugs and pats her desk softly in a light tune. "I get that leaving life must have been hard, like kenzi said, it sucks to die young."
"It gets better after a while. Hi, I'm Amantha." She said to the girl in the desk, then to the girl who just walked in. "Being dead isn't all bad. You get to make new friends with people who all have the same thing in common."
"Yeah. We're all dead." Maya said, warming up to the idea, "I'm Maya." She directed that kind of at everyone. Everyone deserved to know her name.

"That's M-A-Y-A." she spelt out, because people had a tendency to spell her name wrong. How? She had no idea.

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