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Fandom DBZ style RP needs characters!!

Right right, I just got done reading the rules, the mechanic page, albeit skimming the latter fight mechanics and having to take a closer look when reviewing the Character Sheet, and I just have a few questions and concerns.

Edit: Do we pick our PL's between the two points, or are we assigned? I assume pick, but I am not sure.

The first question, which I believe will be a basic yes or no answer but it figured I might as well holler. In the Character Sheet you point our races, though I initially thought that the Saiyans were the only playable race? Would it be possible to play as alternatives either now or later as the story progresses? Perhaps the Kaioshin when the general power levels are up to par with them, The Herans (I believe it was the race that Bojack and his motley crew belonged to,) or possibly Androids or Frieza's own species?

Like I said, I have a feeling I know the answer to this, but for the sake of possible diversity, I might as well ask and confirm my suspicions. A last minute add on, as canon is being ignored for the time being, will that allow liberal interpretations of the Saiyan or any alien species (If available, of course,) cosmetically? Such as an albino or Saiyan with naturally straight hair as opposed to the usual protruding spikes their hair usually resembles? Or even having prosthetic limbs instead of an arm, not entirely different from a style or purpose that Frieza had after Namek. It's not a large deal if this isn't the case, I just would like to know how far or unique I can make my character, testing the limits.

I am not sure if this was mentioned and I am just wasting time, paying for not paying enough attention. But what connection will these new characters have with one another? Are we to be a hastily put together group, an experienced fighting task force for the remaining Saiyans? Unfortunate S.O.B.'s all working towards a common goal? Would we have any prior history before the start of the RP?

Right, I apologize if this is getting long and dull, but I figure I might as well get all of these out of the way right now. For the Combat style, there was a note saying it was located in the Mechanics page, but I. . Couldn't seem to spot it. I assumed it was at the bottom of the page, but I didn't find too many things in the cleared misconceptions.

Here comes the big concern for me; Will we, as the participants in your role play, be given enough free roam to really. . Make the most out of it? Perhaps I am just being a bit butt bothered by the rules or even just the wording/example, but the first example was a bit off putting when showing off what God Modding was. It just painted a picture in my head that we're going to be subjected to different scenario's that we have little say in. I understand not every character can or even should react to a surprise attack if they're caught off guards, in a poor mental or physical state of health, but is there a chance in that hypothetical situation where it'll be less of a guarantee and more of a plausible outcome, with leg space for both participants?

I suppose, to sum it all up for the concern, are we going to be frequently led down a path where we don't have too much choice in how we approach different situations and obstacles, or is this going to be a very linear experience? I apologize again for the sum of questions, which are most likely answered already and I just passed by them unintentionally.
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TheAncientCenturion said:
Right right, I just got done reading the rules, the mechanic page, albeit skimming the latter fight mechanics and having to take a closer look when reviewing the Character Sheet, and I just have a few questions and concerns.
Edit: Do we pick our PL's between the two points, or are we assigned? I assume pick, but I am not sure.

The first question, which I believe will be a basic yes or no answer but it figured I might as well holler. In the Character Sheet you point our races, though I initially thought that the Saiyans were the only playable race? Would it be possible to play as alternatives either now or later as the story progresses? Perhaps the Kaioshin when the general power levels are up to par with them, The Herans (I believe it was the race that Bojack and his motley crew belonged to,) or possibly Androids or Frieza's own species?

Like I said, I have a feeling I know the answer to this, but for the sake of possible diversity, I might as well ask and confirm my suspicions. A last minute add on, as canon is being ignored for the time being, will that allow liberal interpretations of the Saiyan or any alien species (If available, of course,) cosmetically? Such as an albino or Saiyan with naturally straight hair as opposed to the usual protruding spikes their hair usually resembles? Or even having prosthetic limbs instead of an arm, not entirely different from a style or purpose that Frieza had after Namek. It's not a large deal if this isn't the case, I just would like to know how far or unique I can make my character, testing the limits.

I am not sure if this was mentioned and I am just wasting time, paying for not paying enough attention. But what connection will these new characters have with one another? Are we to be a hastily put together group, an experienced fighting task force for the remaining Saiyans? Unfortunate S.O.B.'s all working towards a common goal? Would we have any prior history before the start of the RP?

Right, I apologize if this is getting long and dull, but I figure I might as well get all of these out of the way right now. For the Combat style, there was a note saying it was located in the Mechanics page, but I. . Couldn't seem to spot it. I assumed it was at the bottom of the page, but I didn't find too many things in the cleared misconceptions.

Here comes the big concern for me; Will we, as the participants in your role play, be given enough free roam to really. . Make the most out of it? Perhaps I am just being a bit butt bothered by the rules or even just the wording/example, but the first example was a bit off putting when showing off what God Modding was. It just painted a picture in my head that we're going to be subjected to different scenario's that we have little say in. I understand not every character can or even should react to a surprise attack if they're caught off guards, in a poor mental or physical state of health, but is there a chance in that hypothetical situation where it'll be less of a guarantee and more of a plausible outcome, with leg space for both participants?

I suppose, to sum it all up for the concern, are we going to be frequently led down a path where we don't have too much choice in how we approach different situations and obstacles, or is this going to be a very linear experience? I apologize again for the sum of questions, which are most likely answered already and I just passed by them unintentionally.
1) The "race" part might be unnecessary, so I'll consider omitting it from the RP. This RP is Saiyans only. No androids, frieza species, namekians, or anything like that as I want it to stay as far removed from DBZ lore as possible.

2) You can make your character however you wish, as my character has long straight hair as opposed to the traditional short and spiky that most have. But when it comes to mechanical prosthetics, I'd prefer those to remain in moderation but I won't completely disallow it. So long as you provide me with an explanation via a private conversation as to how your character got it and why, I might approve of the idea depending on your argument for it.

3) I am undecided, as that is one of the few areas that remains unfinished. I am going to ask those who decide to join which scenario they'd like best, and then make a final decision once I know how everyone believes we should proceed. I want my role-players to have a say in how we begin.

4) The fighting styles are going to be added as soon as I finish typing this message to you, so have no fear. You didn't miss anything.

5) You will be given freedom to roam and react, but I will be keeping an eye on things.

Basically, as long as you don't miraculously avoid all incoming attacks purely for the purpose of avoiding damage and making yourself look like a god, I'm good. If someone dodges a few too many potentially damaging moves for my tastes and begins to make their character appear stronger than their power level or provided example of fighting style should allow, they'll be hearing from me. But so long as you make your fight believable and damage yourself well enough to say "I had to work for that victory," chances are you won't hear me say anything at all and will be able to continue as you please.

EDIT: Forgot to answer the power level question: You are free to pick ANY number between 350 and 500.
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*looks at required length for personality and biography*

If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go to the graveyard so they won't have to drag me very far when I die of a heart attack.
Thesmashbro said:
*looks at required length for personality and biography*
If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go to the graveyard so they won't have to drag me very far when I die of a heart attack.
I'll join you. *follows to graveyard*
Thesmashbro said:
*looks at required length for personality and biography*
If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go to the graveyard so they won't have to drag me very far when I die of a heart attack.
Heh, it's a lot easier than you think. I'll be posting a series of questions for you to answer about your character which will make the whole process much, much easier.
I recently adjusted the first post of the OOC thread in the RP, located here: OOC Thread

Hopefully this helps to get rid of the scare factor that the information volume I'm asking of you. I know it's a lot to ask, but it's because I want you to invest in your characters rathe than just haphazardly throwing them together and saying "If the character dies, whatever." I want you to love your character to the point where you can say "I love this character, and maybe I can even use it as a basis for another one in future role-plays!"

If you can say that, then I've done my job.
Character creation is one of the best parts! :D Characters are what make the RP world come ~alive~!!!
[QUOTE="Kyd Jhesus]It is not bumped my friend...Have hope, All shall be well.

I LOVE that Carlin quote. Awesome!
[QUOTE="Kyd Jhesus]Carlin was a genius, A Cynical genius.

Too true. Still one of my favorite comedians to watch despite how cynical he became in his later years. Some of his earlier stuff was and is still the best though.

[QUOTE="Kyd Jhesus]I'll tell you what's not bumped...

I've seen the trailer. It's quite badass!


(And "bump" just means I'm commenting to put it on the top of the forum list again so people can see it)

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