Daydawn Battle Academy

"Yes I believe we're roommates! I was actually just waiting to see who I'd be with before the orientation." Madigan responded, informing her new roommate of the event. She grabbed her jacket from the bed, it was starting to get a little chilly. She slid the dark sleeves over her orange ones and pulled the jacket tight around her. "Oh, and I'm Madigan by the way, but I suppose you can call me Maddy. Ah, and um I met you on the bus- we didn't talk, but we did sit together." Madgian smiled, briefly shrinking and shifting back into the familiar orange tabby cat as a reminder to her new roommate. She stretched and morphed back, blinking a few times to correct her eyes. "I was thinking maybe we could head to the Orientation together...if you want." She smiled wryly this time, unsure still if this girl was the kind to accept friends. Not that Madigan had any experience with friends, in fact she'd only had one person she considered a friend back home and that was her maid Joceline.

"Alright." Kenta wandered into the room. Inside, there were two bunks, each on the opposite side of the walls from eachother, and a small sleeping mat in one of the other corners. The room was a bit large, probably this way because it was for four to five people. Kenta didn't exactly see any bathroom inside, but he did see a separate room with various appliances scattered around the place.

"So we can make this room into whatever we want...?"

Kenta turned around, to look at Cross for a moment. "I prefer the bottom, but it doesn't matter."
"I would assume we can . . ."

Cross looked around the room. Blank white walls, sparse furniture. Nothing to give character of any sort.

"It would be rather boring to leave it as is."
Melody nodded in response. "It's nice to meet you, Maddy. I'm sorry for not recognizing you earlier; and might I say that it's so cool to meet a shape shifter." she said. She walked over to the opposite bed and lifted her big suitcase up with ease, setting it on the bed. She started unzipping it as she spoke again. "I actually think it's a good idea," she said, "To go to the orientation together, I mean. Even boring things seem fun when you're among friends, right?" Mel looked up from her things and smiled at her roommate, brushing away her bangs. "I was actually started to think I wouldn't get along with anyone here."
"No I don't think you understood the question why are you here? Why are you at this academy today?" He asked. She didn't look like someone who would be here by choice neither would he. It took a note from his dead father to get him here and he still didn't want to be here. But he was curious because now this Raven girl was becoming very interesting. "Hey you know what I'm hungry are you? Let me buy you lunch and we can eat and keep talking, what do you say?"
She was surprised when he offered to buy her lunch. She had money to pay for herself so she thought it was intresting. "you don't have to , but since you offered then thank you very much." Intresting boy she thought, he was kind and listend. This would probably be the only one she would accept as a friend. She gave him a smile as she brushed her hair behind her ear.
Lilith waited in the cold rain, thinking that she would die if she stayed out there much longer. She checked her watch to see when the bus would be there. It was almost time for it to arrive. Sure enough, the bus turned the corner and she shifted on her feet, anxious to get on and put the heavy duffel bag filled with her training equipment down. It stopped in front of her with a screech of it's brakes and opened the door, she hesitated for a moment, which puzzled her. Shaking off the thought she stepped forward into the warm heat and strode torward an empty seat in the back. She set her duffel bag and backpack on the floor next to her and stared out the window at the ominous rain. Sighing, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.
"Alright that sounds great but I think we should explore a little more first, mostly because I don't know any place around here where I can buy you lunch at. Have you seen anywhere we could get some food?" He joked. He was happy to of made a friend here. He knew this would be rough kind of like normal high school. Soon the cliques would form and everything would work like the usual social system. He wasn't to worried about it though people had always liked Seth for generally being a nice guy. He wasn't worried about making friends or dealing with the high school part. He wasn't very worried about the fighting thing part. He was just worried about falling back into old habits that he had dropped. He wasn't proud of what he'd been doing lately but he didn't want to think about it to much. He just reminded himself he was with his new friends Raven looking over this giant new school and he should just enjoy himself.
She looked away then pointed toward a vaccant area." maybe the arena is there." She liked seth especially his company. " so what about you" ( sorry its short)
(( [MENTION=4245]Lilith Brunhild[/MENTION] You must sign up on the sign-up thread to join... Though, again, that is impossible, since the RP is closed. ))

"Mhmm. But unfortunately, I didn't bring anything decorative with me besides a picture or two, and we have orientation to get to."

Kenta stepped back into the main room where the beds were, searched in his bag, and pulled out a small honey bun inside a clear plastic wrapper. He intended to eat it for the bus ride, but somehow it slipped his mind. Atleast he had it with him.

Not turning to Cross like he usually did, he opened the bag. "Do you want a piece?" He asked.
Cross looked behind him, shaking his head with a small smile

"No thanks. Candy and me don't mix too well."

Every time he had tried to soft candy, it froze and became hard, losing all it's flavor. Every time he had tried to eat hard candy . . . it froze to the point where it felt like biting into cement. He looked back to the walls

"I don't have much with me either. Maybe we'll find ourselves collecting a few things as the semester goes by."
"I'd prefer not to talk about it actually, at least not no. If that's alright?" He said trying not to sound angry. He wasn't angry he just wasn't ready to talk about anything that had happened. He just wanted to worry about the here and now. The past was to sad to dwell on but he was here now so he knew he had to leave his past behind him. It was the only way he could make it here and he knew it. He started walking the way Raven had pointed but didn't talk until she did.
"It's not candy though... Oh. Wait, I think I understand." Kenta took a small bite out of the piece of sugared bread. " Nevermind. I forgot about earlier. " Kenta fixed his glasses. He scooted into the bed he placed his stuff next to, placed his back on the bedspread, and sighed.

"So, what are you going to do now? Explore? Not that I really want to, I was just going back to earlier, again."
So he already had an idea as to what he D.trait comprised of. Well, it's not like he had planned on keeping it a secret.

"Well, I didn't really have anything planned until orientation. I usually don't plan that far ahead in everyday life."

Cross started putting the clothes he had packed into drawers near his bunk of choice.

"Anything you had in mind?"
"I was intending to look for the cafeteria, or wherever the food will be served." Kenta replied. He took out another small bite out of the honeybun. "Though... That's a bit funny, how you didn't really plan anything. I'd expect someone who got into this mess to be highly organized and prideful and..."
"I came here because a normal life was impossible for me. Organization was never one of my strong suites."

Cross' tone of voice changed slightly there, as if to say "don't pursue the subject any further".

"I'm perfectly fine with heading to the cafeteria, so long as nobody tries to start a fight on the way there. I assume you saw the commotion at the front?"
Kenta was a bit startled with his change of tone, but he decided to comply. He didn't want to bother him with the topic and risk getting beaten to a pulp or anything.

Kenta stood up from the bed, and glanced towards the door. " Of course I saw the commotion, but that was a bit stupid. There probably won't be any fights in the halls. I can't say for sure though..." He shrugged. The uncertainty was killing him from the inside, now that he thought about it.
"i understand." She looked around the cornner and saw a huge dome with metal doors. It was huge with fkag post and fliets." its huge." She looked down and noticed the walk way bas changed to a granite marble. Her phone buzzed but she ignored it. She loojed up toward the dome again." if thats the arena...then its pretty."
"Well, we can hope so. I certainly don't intend to start anything."

Cross opened the door a crack

"You coming?"

His normal tone was back. As if nothing had happened
Melody continued to unpack her things, putting her clothes away in the dresser on her side of the room and other items on her bed or her desk. When finished, she glanced at the clock.

"Hey," she said, turning to her roommate. "We still have time before the orientation, so i'm going to have a look around." Mel motioned to the door with one hand as she spoke, digging through the front pocket of her suitcase with the other. "If i'm not back in time I'll just meet you there. I'll see you later!" And with that, the girl was out the door, waving goodbye before she left.

What she now held was a brochure her brother managed to find, and inside of it contained a map of the school. Unraveling it, she moved her eyes up and down the paper to pinpoint her location and begin her exploring as she walked down the hall, her dark braid swaying behind her with each step.

Kenta looked away for a second or two, then got up from the bed.


Kenta slowly jogged over to Cross's side. He slipped through the door and began walking through the path the two took to get to their dorm. Kenta had to reference several times to the map they were given to try and locate where the cafeteria possibly was. Since everything on the map was detailed and large, it was quite difficult.
"I doubt it, I don't see why they'd make an arena look nice when everyone has to bash eachothers heads in, inside it." Seth said half joking. The place looked nice but it worried him because he didn't know what would happen next. He was scared of the future. The sight of what he now assumed to be the arena scared him very much.
Astraeus glanced at the paper in his thimble fingers before reaching for the key, listening to it jingle lightly as he retrieved it. "Ah, this is it." he muttered, but paused afterwards, noticing it was already unlocked and halfway open. Great, so he was rooming with someone else. Casually opening the door, Astraeus ambled in and stopped, glancing around for the presence of someone else he wasn't so happy to see. "Hm." he hummed, heading over to the bed and throwing his light suitcase down before shoving his hands into his pockets.

Almost jumping out of his skin, the tall male watched as someone entered the room with a very built stature. Almost as large as he was, width of course. This guy, Jericho he heard, went on about who he was, what he was here for and that the two of them should partner up until the end for the platinum cup. How they could make a team because they both were aiming for the same thing. Astraeus couldn't help but snort loudly, cackling a bit afterwards. "Out of the millions of students here, you pick me?" he held his hands up, crimson eyes fluttering with a shimmer. "We all know who is going to win." he turned his back, opening his suitcase and taking out several belongings.


Astraeus jumped once more and immediately turned, seeing this guy's rock-of-a-fist go through a wall and leave a very large gaping hole in front of him. This guy meant business. The crimson in the silver haired male's eyes glowed and he raised his hand, a brilliant ball of solar flares dancing across his slender fingers. "What do I get out of this deal, hm?" he hissed. "We team up until the end, and then what? I walk home with the cup,
that's what."
"Were they building a school or a castle?"

Cross looked over Kenta's shoulder at the map that would look like it belonged in a tale of old, were it not for the modern laminate.

"You could support a small city in this place."
Its good though, so you dont hit others." She thought it must be pretty spacious. She would have laughed if it was the gardening area. She looked over to another building. " want to explore more."

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