Daydawn Battle Academy

She losend up and gave him a smile."sure". The phone crawled its way back into her pocket. She loosend up a bitas she walked with him.The thoughts of her past faded along with Docotor Rayan. She thought it may be good to have a friend in htis school especially on the first day.Although the room could have roomates with a different sex. She chuckeld a little listening to herself think.
Seth was happy that she had joined him so as they walked to the front office to get there rooming and what not, "Hey out of curiosity I'll ask and sorry if this is an uncomfortable question but what is your power?" He asked trying to get some form of conversation going. He was hoping to have a good roommate he thought to himself. He'd prefer a girl roommate because every girl he'd ever known liked having a clean room and so did he. He knew this would be strange as most girl didn't like having opposite sex roommates,but he still hoped for the best.So he was told his room number and given his schedule and then had a small thought before Raven went up to do her processing. What if Raven was my roommate that'd be cool she seems nice enough and I'm sure she wouldn't make a mess."Man I don't even know what I'm thinking that's crazy I just met her but what a coincidence that would be. I guess my mind drifted there as he didn't want to room with someone competitive who would try to sabotage him and keep a dirty room." He though to himself waiting for her to finish her processing.
As the lay was getting her items together she glanced back at him. " Fire." She turned her head back toward the lady as she taps the counter slowly. She was given a packet and some other items along with a key for her room. As she listend the lady pointed to Seth than back at her computer. She grabbed her things along with her case and walked back over. ' It seems we will be rooming together." Her eyes lowered to the thought of a boy. she knew how messy boys could get so she ran through a number of rules in her head. Then picked the top 3. " Since were rooming together , I should tell you that I like my room neat with not a spec of dirt nor dust anywhere in sight. If I am studying you can not make any loud noise that will disrupt me and finally I do not want to see any other girl other than myself in our room." The last one was a must. She's not accustomed to girls since none of the doctors were one and she only knew her mother.
Seth looked at her and said the only thing that he could think of "Looks like we have the same rules except change number three to guys or keep it as girls whatever you're into" He laughed trying to make Raven smile. It was a big coincident that they would end up rooming together but she seemed nice enough and seemed like she would keep a nice clean room so he was rather happy about it. He decided he wanted to see the room. So he made her a joke peace offering to. "I don't know it this place has bunk beds in it's dorms but if they do I'll make you a deal. You can decorate the room however you want and I get the top bunk." He said and then started walking towards the direction that the receptionist had told him to go to find his and Raven's new room, after a few steps he stopped and waited for her to follow.
Madigan eased her way to one of the information desks. The old lady was like a stone with her starch, grey hair pulled back into a tight bun and narrow bird like face looking expectantly at the girl.

"Oh um, Madigan Roha." She finally answered causing the woman to sort through a pile of enveloped keys. She found the one with the corresponding lettering and placed it in Maddy's hand. She offered up a map right after and Madigan took the chance to ask her question, "Uh, I'm supposed to be having some luggage delivered to me-" The woman arched her brow above her thin oval glasses while Madigan spoke, "I'm not sure if it's here yet, but could you tell me where I'd need to be going to retrieve it?" The woman picked up a marker and pulled Madigan's hand with the enclosed map down to the surface of the table. She unfolded it quickly and circled an area in the corner of the map with thick black ink. "Thanks." Madigan added before forcing her way back through advancing students. She finally emerged into the hall and looked down at her map at the circled location. "But this is..." Madigan's thin blonde brows furrowed as she read the numbers 585 and found the matching name in the reference to the side of the map. It read:
Tower Dorms

Thinking she had just read the same words, she looked at her enveloped key reading, Tower Dorm 59, room 33A. A bit frustrated by the woman's lack of information, Madigan took off towards the location- assuming that the star on the map was where they were currently located. Her eyes felt more adjusted now, they'd probably finally reverted to their natural homosapien structure. Feeling confident of her heading as she tried to memorize the the turns, she poked a whole in her map and envelope and shifted into a hawk, mid-stride; her talon curling through the papers as she took flight above the crowd.

Not everyone had received their information yet, so she escaped more than half of the bodies just by advancing down the hall. Unfortunately she had to flap quite rigorously, not quite used to the art of flying yet. She took her first turn at the end of the extensive corridor, going a short distance before turning again unto a staircase that crept up a good 40 steps. She perched halfway up on a step and quickly shifted back into a human, a bit out of breath. It was more difficult to fly indoors than she'd imagined. There was no breeze or mild wind that she could ride so it was straight flapping coordination. She leaned her had back with a sigh, at least she was half way there. No other students were quite this far yet, so she wasn't concerned about them seeing her show signs of weakness or exhaustion. Nevertheless, she shook it off and stood up, pressing her hand against the wall for support.
((Hold on guys. ||3 There's something different about the dorms that I have to tell you.

Since this is a battle academy, fighting in dorms is inevitable. In addition to the students being grouped in gender, there will be a maximum of 4 per room, with a supervisor of the same gender (a teacher or some other staff member) residing there with the four. Sorry I didn't say sooner, XP

Timber, in order for you to post you must join on the character sheet thread. But the RP is closed anyway.))

Kenta watched Cross move away. He kept his smile. "Alright." Kenta made sure he had everything he needed, then followed Cross off into the school. Inside, like he had said, there was a lady at the counter.

"May I help you?" She asked the two boys.
(Oh, that will be fun ^^. Are we doing random lots or what?)

Cross noted the extravagance of the place as he walked in. He also let Kenta catch up. Hopefully he could find some connection with him that others would not. Every friend he'd tried to make so far had ended up avoiding him due to his D.Trait. He offered a small smile to the lady at the desk.

"The two of us just arrived here. Cross Leceel and Kenta Mammon."

Well the girl that I handed her phone was gone and I guess I better go in too. I walked the rest of the way in and saw a couple of students around. Well I guess it's time to get my room and stuff all set up. I walked up to the lady at the desk, and waited behind some people. As I waited I looked around and saw someone else in the room, I decided I'd just talk some while I wait in this boring line. "Hey you, I'm ah Nicko, so who uh are you?"
She gave him a turthful smile along with a sligh chukel. She caught up with him smilng. " You dont have to bribe me for the top bunk, i do better closer to the ground, but I will take you up on the decorating." She put her packet in her case along with the phone in her pocket. " While were at it..we should probably figure out bathing times, we cant all go in at the same time."
Melody eventually approached the line, having waited until most of the students had shuffled out to check out their new rooms and such. It still seemed like everyone had already made some kind of friend already. She glanced around while she stepped into line, looking at everyone and her potential opponents. Most of them just looked like normal teens, but they all had some kind of power. Mel had to keep that in mind, or it would eventually be her downfall. Sighing, she looked down at her luggage and tugged it closer with one hand while trying to keep her bangs out of her face with the other.
"We'll bathe when the bathrooms open that's how normal people do it. Having a schedule for that is a little weird, but actually there is one thing I'd like to hang on the wall if that's okay with you?" Seth said as he thought of hanging his brothers shield on his wall as it had hung in his own room only nights ago. He looked at her with a smile hoping she's say yes. I mean he would probably hang it anyway but having her say yes would save a lot of hassle for him so he decided to ask. Then thoughts of that night began to consume him as he was brought back to the night of the murders. He was stuck in his own thoughts until Raven finally spoke to break his thoughts.
She stared at it curiously. Then opend up the doors toward the room. " It fine" She walked through the doors toward a spacious room with four bunk beads. She spotted one closest to the door which was on the right. She smiled and walked over to it pointing to either one that he would want. She set her bag down and spread herself acroos the bed her hair going different ways. It felt just like her bed back at home. The walls werent white so she was glad to see some color her surrounding. She blinked severl of times. One she thought she saw Ryan. She shook her had while sitting up on the bed only to see the walls and Seth.
(@Optimalgiraffe @GoddessOfGod, I don't know if you guys read it or not, but Chat said dorms are gender oriented. :| It would be a hassle to edit, so you could probably have it so that the front desk lady made a mistake or something like that. Or maybe you guys are in the same dorm building and across the hall from each other, but the key numbering was confusing. Just ideas.I would apologize for reminding you, but it's not my rule. >.< )
(..wait so boys and girls cant be together lol right)

The lady from the front came rushing in with some papers and a new key. She was hugging as she held her wrist trying to feel her pulse. she saw seth and wakled over to him placing the key in his face. " My deerest sorry but your dorm is right across the hall...this would be the first I myself made a sinceerist apologies." She put the key beside him on a desk then ran back out her shoes clacking along the way.
I finally went up to the person at the counter, I wanted a dorm to finally go to. I stepped and asked "Hello, I am here because I would finally like my dorm, I don't care who I'm with, but that person better not be a morning person or a glowing sunshine, Just a regular old person that I have to waste away in a dorm with."
Timber walked up to the front desk. 'Can i have my key Please' she says faking the smile on her face. 'Oh yes whats your name?' the desk woman looked her up and down. 'Wait dont answer that. your Timber right.' that made Timber smile genuinly. she nods and the desk lady hands her a key. Timber turns and walks off from the desk. she looks at the key. room 488. rummaging in her pocket Timber finds her keyrings. two decorations hang from it. a wolf and a tiger both hand carved her by father. she attaches them to the key then goes in search of her room.
(( Timber, Chat already told you that you can't role play. I don't want to sound rude, but you need to make a skeleton first and the thread is already closed. ))
(([MENTION=4200]xXTimberwolfXx[/MENTION] I guess you missed my post. e.e; In order for you to post in this thread you must sign up on the sign-up thread. The RP is closed, however, and that is impossible.

Random lots? I don't exactly know what you mean, but I'll let you guys choose who you want to reside with.))

"Ah, Mr. Leceel and Mr. Mammon. Conveniently, you'll be bunking together with two other boys. Here are your keys." The woman went at the back, picked up two keys from the same pocket on a board on the wall, and placed them in the boys' hands. "Your room will be in the Tower Dorms, 40, in room 257B. It's located here on the map." The woman took out a marker and a map from her pocket, then circled an area a little bit from the corner. She handed them the map. " Good luck! "
([MENTION=3862]C h a t N o i r[/MENTION] Something like giving every character a number and drawing them from a hat. Or any other sort of randomized system, but it's your rp)

Cross took the key with a little bit of surprise, turning to look at the Kenta.

"Well, it looks like we'll be seeing a lot more of each other in the future."

He looked down at the circled area on the map.

"Tower dorms is it?"
((Goddess, yes ^^

Ix, then I already answered your question.))

Kenta also looked down at the map.

"Yeah. Also, it doesn't look to be all that far from here. Maybe a little walking." He clutched the key in his hand before stuffing it into his right pocket.

"You wanna go first? Or explore?"
Cross shrugged up one shoulder with his hand on the strap.

"It would be nice to drop this off first."

He motioned to the duffel bag

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