Daydawn Battle Academy

Seth had to admit he was pretty disappointed about now not rooming with this Raven girl. But what did he know there was still a chance his roommates would be clean but he did want to break the silence with Raven. "Well this is a little bit awkward, sadly I guess we won't be rooming with you, but if you need anything I guess I'll be right next door." he said to her trying to stay out of his head to much. He used to do that a lot and it bothered people so he tried to make it his job to not do that. So he exited for a moment to go see his own room his last words to her being "Hey I'm gonna go look at my room so you can get settled in here and when you're ready just knock, and we can go look around alright?" He said as he walked into his own room. It was a large room with two bunk beds. It was empty so he must've been the first one there.So he took some time to collect his thoughts and relax in one of the beds until Raven was ready to explore.
She watched him leave thenlaid back.Her phone rang so she slowl took it from her back and oped it up.An image of Doctor Ryan sitting at the family table was there.The message opend andshow her a cylindar pill that was black. She closed her phone then pulled out the tablets that were in her bag. She took one like instructed to do so then slid her back under her bed. She looked around then let out a sigh and walked out of her room shutting the door behind her. She was a bit dizzy after the medicine but shook it off and knocked on Seth's door.
(I'm guessing since the beds are all together in one room that the bathrooms are shared across halls. If so, I suggest onsens!)

Madigan passed a number of dorms, some filled with students and some barren like a snowstorm in the desert.


She looked left and right for her door,
57...58.. "fifty-nine!" she said aloud as she came across a door with silver lettering that was already cracked open. She peeked inside but didn't see a soul and so she quickly entered, closing the door behind her. There were two white beds on either side of the room and a window at the end. There was also a white door to the side, that Madigan curiously walked towards. She yanked on the handle but it was locked. "huh.." she mused while she stared at the door in curiosity before realizing why she was in such a rush to begin with. She spun around, eyes darting all over the room until she found it behind the door in a clutter. All of her belongings, including her swords were propped against the wall to her relief. She picked up her swords first and found a spot to hang them on the rail of the bed. Grabbing all of her things at once, she tossed them on the bed to the left of the room, claiming her area before her other roommate got there. The first thing she dug for was her schedule, which was tucked away in the front pocket of her small backpack. Looking it over, she realized that there was a orientation for all of the new students within the hour. Unsure of what to do with herself, she decided to unpack while waiting for her roommate to show up. They could possibly head to the orientation together.

((You guessed correct. ō vō

I don't know about that, though...

I also secretly worry about everyone else in the RP. Did I accept so much people unconsciously, and then...?))

"Oh, right." Kenta turned his head to Cross while he motioned over to his shoulder bag. "I'm so used to this, and you may not completely believe me, that this weight has no effect on me. I know, only subconsciously, that it's there. If not then it'd just be dead weight that I wouldn't even be able to lift onto the bus... Because I'm just that weak." Kenta forcefully made that information slip. He was a weird guy, sometimes, and even the actions he took during certain key situations are questionable. This person was bound to be an enemy if Kenta kept going with this battle academy 'nonsense'...

This slightly made it apparent that he didn't care... For the time being. They were friends until they weren't.
"That's not necessarily a bad thing."

Cross started to walk towards the tower dorms, going slowly until Kenta would catch up

"It means you'll likely have different goals."
I started walking down the lines of room doors until I found mine. I didn't know who my roommate would be though, the lady at the desk never fully told me, oh well I guess I'd figure it out sooner or later, as long as I can find this damned door. (I don't know who to room with ;_ ;)
Melody finally received her schedule and room number after waiting in line for a while. She made her way past the other students and to her designated dorms, where she proceeded down halls and corridors, counting down the numbered doors as she continued on. Eventually, Mel found herself standing in front of room fifty-nine. Glancing down at her room number, she knew this was it.

The door was already opened, though just a crack. Melody opened it slowly, poking her head in first. There was already a girl inside the dorm room, unpacking her things with her back to the door. Though she couldn't see her face, Mel didn't recognize her from the bus ride. She knocked on the door, opening it further so she could step inside.
Astraeus had finally sauntered to the entrance after a few complaints and shoves, ruining his sour mood even more for that day. But, he managed to get his way to the desk as well, asking the clerk for his schedule and room number in the most rude tone one could imagine. "May I have my information." he blatantly said aloud, resting his elbow on the counter for her to get her butt moving and give him the papers. She didn't look very pleased, but after a few seconds and a few glares she handed him the papers and literally shooed him off to help the next person in line. Astraeus fumbled through his things, looking at his schedule and finally the room he was placed in. "Third floor first door on the right.." he mumbled, tucking his things away and slinging his suitcase over his shoulder once more. "I hope I don't have to room with any idiots.."
I had finally found my room, the third floor first on the right, at least there might be some kind of view. I walked inside and saw just a stereotypical room. I just threw my bag on the floor and plopped right on the bed. I was regulated somehow, I guess I just didn't like the idea of school very much. I move my head from the pillow and I see my bag. I stared at it and all I could think was I have to unpack that don't I? sigh. I decided that I would do it later when my roommate arrived.
Hearing the door creak open, Madigan turned and spotted a familiar set of dark braids.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, leaving her mess on the bed and proceeding to the door. It was the girl from the bus ride, she probably wouldn't recognize her considering... "Come in" She gestured with a smile, opening the door the rest of the way.

(sorry not home so I don't get to post much more today. :) )
Jericho stayed close by trying to blend in with the crowd as he watched Astraeus. He leaned closer to hear what the lady at the information desk was telling him. It was the same room as the one he resided in. He followed at a distance as Astreaus moved up to their room and once Astreaus was inside Jericho waited for ten minutes before entering himself. He got Astreaus attention and Jericho guessed he was recognized rather quickly. Jericho moved inside the room and smiled a crooked smile to his roomate. "You may already know me but I am going to introduce myself anyway I am Jericho Christianson and I am breed to fight. I noticed that on the bus you and I might be kindred spirits nobody I have met her thus far seem serious or even have an idea what they have got themselves into. But I don't see that about you, instead I see a cold and calculating fighter who is going to show no mercy so here is my offer. You and I start a group set on taking this school over and in the tournament we help each other get to the platinum cup finals where we will decide amongst each other who is the best."

Jericho moved to the wall and smiled to his roomate "And if that won't interest you then how about this" Jericho drove his fist through the wall. "If you don't join me I may decide to make you my first victim nothing personal but I can't let a potential enemy know my plans" Jericho walked to his bed and sat down cross legged. "I will give you time to think remember in this we will be partners you don't serve me neither I you we just assist each other against strong opponents." Jericho closed his eyes and began to meditate a part of his ritual for discipline and strength.
Seth heard knocking on his door and stood up to go open it. It was his new friend Raven she looked a little distraught, or confused, or just dizzy he didn't know which so he decided to ask. "Hey are you alright you don't look to well, do you want to sit down for a minute and I can grab you some water or something before we go take a look around." He said. He was a bit worried and already knew he had gotten himself into a friendship that would be interesting to say the least. This weas because he thought Raven was strange and maybe a little bit angry. He assumed it was because she had family problems but didn't know for sure. Maybe he was just looking to far into things so he tried not to think about it and just waited for the off-looking Raven to answer him.
"No worries i'm fine, the medicine I take makes me dizzy for a few seconds." She gave him a reassuring smile as the medicine began to fade. " Are we going to look around the campus. " The campus was huge so it was best to gather intel on it before hand. If they ever had a battle that dealt with the area it would be an advantage on their part. Ofcourse going with him was not just to be a step ahead of the others but to get well aquainted with her new friend.
"Alright then?" He said a bit confused but he was a little excited to explore and get to know this Raven girl better. So he grabbed his room key, walked out of his room and locked the door behind him. "So where would you like to look first?" He asked with excitement. He knew the school was huge from just what he'd seen on the bus earlier that morning that the campus was huge. He was also aware that he would possibly have to fight anyone he met. He thought that might make keeping friends a little bit tougher. He was ready though. His father and brother throughout life had thought him how to fight so he wasn't worried about that. It was the powers. He knew he had a rather unique one that would be very useful in fights if he could get creative with it. Then he remembered he was getting to sucked up in his thoughts again so he patted his pocket to make sure he had his extending staff with him just in case anything happened on this small excursion. He didn't take his brothers shield as he thought that would just look awkward to carry around.
Melody smiled shyly, walking into the dorm room. It was definitely a lot bigger than she expected, but it didn't surprise her considering the school itself was pretty ginormous. She took a few more steps in then turned back to her new roommate, tilting her head slightly to the left in question as she examined her. Something about her eyes looked familiar, but as a whole Mel just couldn't think about where she could have seen her before. She eventually gave up, smiling a little more comfortably before holding out her hand. "God, sorry for staring." she started, shaking her head. "Are you my roommate, then? I'm Melody but everyone I know calls me Mel."
She smiled and walked beside him. " I wounder how the arean looks...or do they have a pool." She put her finger onto her cheek and looked up. She was excited to, if there was a pool she would love to take a dip. She wasn't able to do so back at her home so it would be nice to do so now.Then the arena ..was it big like the school. "Would you like to go to lunch after we see a few things." She glanced over at him.
Kenta blanked out for a second and stared at Cross... As if this were some sort of revelation for him. He nodded in response. "You're right." Thinking that his constant bickering was making him fall behind, Kenta continued to proceed to the dorms. This time he went infront of Cross, to manage his concentration on walking. It helped for the rest of the trip to the dorm. Once the two reached their destination, a few floors upward in one of the many dorm buildings, Kenta knocked on the door to the boys' room.

No answer.

"I guess we're the only ones here." Kenta concluded, glancing back at Cross.
"Sure I'm getting rather hungry." Set said. Something had been bothering him though. This girl seemed very strange, and with the medicine, she'd talked about and the strange phone. Did she have a problem controlling her powers it made sense to him. So he looked at her about to ask but shut his mouth and decided to save that question until he knew her better. He just walked, he didn't know what to say as every time he looked at the school it reminded him of his father. Even though he was doing what his father wanted he still felt that just maybe if he would've been able to unlock his powers earlier maybe he could have saved his family from death and despair. His phone started to ring so he picked it up saying "One moment please" He said to Raven as he answered.

"Heeeeeyyyyy little brother." his brothers happy voice said loudly over the phone.

"Hey man how are you doing? what did the doctor say? are you home?" Seth fired questions at his brother.

"No I haven't been released yet I just wanted to call to make sure you were alright." The voice from the other end of the phone spoke.

"I'm fine I mean, aren't you the one who I should be checking on I mean your the one who can't walk." This seemed a little harsh but Seth and his brother were like that. They both knew Seth was just trying to cover up the tragedy with jokes.

"Fair enough, but that's why I called, I know you to well and you think this is your fault, it's not Seth what happened, happened you can't blame yourself you just can't. I just wanted to say thank you for saving my life because even though I can't walk I'm still alive and that's because of you, so try to have fun at your new school, I gotta wheel myself to an xray machine so I can see if I'll ever be able to walk again so I'll keep in touch byeeee little brother." His brother hung up

Seth looked at his phone and knew that Raven had probably heard everything said. His brother was rather loud over the phone and Seth hadn't made it his job to be very quiet as well. He didn't worry about it to much though. He was still sad even after his brother had told him it wasn't his fault, he still couldn't help but feel like things could have been different and that maybe if he wouldn't have been so scared, or had known that he had powers maybe that night would have been different. He didn't want to act like anything was wrong so he just kept walking with Raven, he was going to let her be with one to break the silence.
"Well, might as well set up while we're here. I'm sure there will be more coming."

Cross walked through the door, it was certainly a much larger room than what he had back home. His eyes scanned over the bunk beds.

"You have a preference for bottom or top?"

He spoke as he walked in dropping his duffel on the floor, a bit of a metallic *clunk* making its way through the cloths. He sighed and opened it up to pull out the source. A pair of iron tonfa, his Uncle had given them to him before leaving.

'I know you can make your own whenever you wish, but I always found that there was nothing quite as reassuring as a piece of well-forged metal in your hands.'

He smiled a bit before setting them on the dresser next to one of the bunk pairs. He had held them before . . . perfectly weighted for him.
" Doctor Ryan told me the same thing but the way he says it makes it sound as if it was my fault." She gave him a faint smile as she put her hands in her pockets feeling the cold base of the phone. " I was small back then so I didn't understand the whole power thing or my parents trying to calm me down." She gripped the phone with anger remembering what he said. " All actions has a price and mine cost me dearly. Luckly before I could do any more damage I was given medicine." She laughed a bit , but only to make sure she didn,t cry at least not infront of him." It was my fault from the beginning, I didn't listen to them and acted on my own. Seth do you remember seeing scortch marks along some of the roads?"
Oh god he had opened an awkward emotional door that he wasn't very ready for but he decided that if she was going to open up he would listen and do his best to be there for her. "Hey look at me" He said grabing her shoulders and looked her straight in the eyes.He didn't have anything to say but he hoped he would think of something quickly. Her eyes told him the story though. "Yes I do remember scorch marks around where we picked you up but if you don't want to talk about this, if it makes you uncomfortable then we don't have to. He said staring her right in the eyes. He stood there and stared waiting for her to say something.
I finally mustered the strength to arise from my bed and put away my cloths. I guess my roommate isn't coming for a while (hint hint Liztopher)Oh well, I guess I could go for a bite to eat, I need to relax and get ready for my classes at some point in the day.I stepped into the hallway and walked down, then I heard some people talking in their dorm. I decided I'd peek my head in and say hi. "Did I hear something about lunch you two? I am rather hungry myself, wanna go find where we can get some food in this place?" I stuck my hand out them to shake. "My names Nicko, whats good?"
"No its fine I've told this story multiple times to myself, I stopped crying years ago. Besides I feel comfortable around you..I guess." She smiled at him a little. " Anyways those were mine when I went uncounisous. It was weird when they told me about it but ofcourse i was anger so they made this medicine after I tried to go nova again. It makes me dizzy for a few seconds but it gets better. It may seem that I show anger but it's really me still gruding on about the past."
He looked at her with such a sad face. This girl can't even control her power why was she sent to a school where she'd have to use it to fight. It didn't make sense to him at all none of it it just didn't add up so he had to ask. "I have a question if that's alright," he said and paused for a moment "Why are you here you don't seem like much of a fighter, I could be wrong though you just don't look like you're meant for this." He told her looking at her and just wondering why. He just stared at her for a moment. She didn't look like the kind of girl that should be fighting especially if she couldn't control it. He just didn't understand.
I am capabale of fighting since I was taught by Doctor Ryan. In some case you may be wondering why if I can't control my power. Np worries he wouldn't have let me leave if Incouldn't , the medicine is more of a back up or something to make sure its kpet in order. So I have to make sure I dont lash out. ." She was a bit bummed to be underestimated because of the medicine but it didn't bring her down that much. She rather not use her powers but knew a time like that will never come.

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