Daydawn Battle Academy

Jericho walked towards the main building bag in hand. There were large flights of steps leading towards the building and along the way there were statues honoring former champion's of the platinum cup that had previously attended the university. Jericho admired each statue well carved in different minerals. Jericho hoped his statue would be granite like his d. trait.

Jericho spent so much time fantisizing about his future glory that he did not see the well tone boy walking down the stairs and as they bumped into each other the strange person grabbed Jericho by the neck and squeezed. "Hey idiot you know who you just ran into I have a 40 and 3 record since I came to this academy and you bump into me?" Jericho stood there remaining calm. This guy was strong but not smart Jericho raised his right hand and chopped his opponent's neck the boy let go of Jerico's neck and gasped loud onlookers paid attention as Jericho wrapped his arms around his opponent's stomach and yelled "Jericho belly to belly suplex!!!" Jericho tossed his opponent behind him and his enemy hit the steps with a thud spitting blood on the pavement.

Jericho looked at the boy who groaned loudly and picked his bag up walking letting him now "I fear you are wrong my friend your record is 40-4 but do not worry not everybody gets to lose to a master fighter. Jericho reached the huge doors to the academy and entered the hallowed halls.
Cross walked slowly through the grounds, ignoring the not-so-quiet scuffle at the front steps. Correction to initial impression: not just big, but also LOUD. He constantly looked around, trying to find some indication of where they were supposed to head. There didn't seem to be a guide of any description, nor were there any "idiot signs" to point newcomers in the right direction. Maybe one of the other students would know? He looked back at the throng of people heading off the bus and pooling into the grounds.

"Well . . . I should start somewhere."
Melody continued on, trying her best to ignore the giant scene occurring at the front steps. She immediately recognized the voice from the bus and, upon getting a good look at him, started having second thoughts about coming to the academy. She would have to fight others. And this girl honestly didn't know how to fight. Greatly discouraged but still slightly determined, Mel made her way passed the frightening student and trudged up the steps, dragging her suitcase behind her with ease while her braid bounced about on her back.

Upon reaching the top, Melody silently thanked her D. Trait for allowing her to make it up the large flight of stairs with her stuffed suitcase. However, even if she came all this way, she had no idea where to go.
Kenta hopped out of the bus. Despite being in the front, he exited with mos of the people who were situated in the middle of the bus. He stepped away, to avoid getting pushed by the other students while he stretched, to get a good position of comfort for what was going to come. A few loud, bad-mouthed words were shouted, and that was enough to get his attention.

"Hey idiot, you know who you just ran into?"

Kenta proceeded, keeping an eye on the hearth of violence. Why there would already be a fight a minute after arriving at the school could be anyone's guess, really.

Like the guy came out of nowhere, Kenta nearly knocked over a guy (Cross) that was standing on the grounds. Kenta rebounded back and landed on his butt. His glasses dropped from his nose and make a small clinking sound to the floor. "My bad, man... Didn't quite see you there..."
Cross stumbled forward a bit with the impact, turning around to see the cause. A young man around his age, difficult to read.

"It was an honest accident, don't worry about it."

He picked up the boys glasses and handed them to him, the metal involuntarily chilling at his touch.
Kenta sighed, reaching blindly for his glasses. He missed the other boy's hand a few times before he was able to grab it. When he did, though, he dropped it, because it gave him a little cold sting on the metal. Kenta frowned. If it was too cold for him to pick up then this person might have some kind of ice powers, he theorized. Though that wasn't exactly the time to be thinking of it. Using a piece of cloth this time, he took up his glasses by the end, and gingerly placed it over his head in the hopes that it would, somehow, get warmer there.

Kenta looked up at the other boy. "I kinda noticed you were standing there in thought... Do you not know where to go?" Asked Kenta.
She grabbed her bag then walked off the bus. Her lab coat floating around a bit as she stepped off the bus and onto school grounds. She looked around first, not really careing for sight seeing, or the buildings structure. She let out a sigh and began to walk toward the front steps. She took long strides so she didn't have to use much energy. As she reached the front steps her bag began to ring. She opend it up then pulled out the phone. Before she could open it, the front slid open showing a holigram of four doctors. " please have a goid day at school...You have six tablets of medicine, please take them. And we have something special for you when you cone home." Before sge could respond a voice coukd be heard. " please dont lash out." Her eyes widend as sge griped the phone then threw it down to the ground making it break. She walked through the doors leaving the phone behind.
Seth heard a confrontation not to long after he'd sat down with his music. So he made his way over to the group see what had happened. He then saw what must have been the aftermath of the first fight. There was one man bleeding on some steps and another standing triumphantly. He must bit have lasted long he though to himself. He grabbed his bag and joined the other students so he wouldn't mess anything else. He then started walking up the stairs where he saw a girl with a lab coat angrily throw her phone on the ground. She looked agitated so He started to walk faster to catch up with her. He decided to scoop up her phone and throw it in her pocket just in case she actually wanted it back "Hey I know we're both new here and we don't know each other but are you alright you seemed a bit upset with your phone." He said when he finally caught up to her.. He decided that if he was going to meet someone that this girl didn't seem like a bad place to start.
Cross made a mental note to himself to make doubly sure his extremities were at a temperature that wouldn't cause metal to become painful next time he handed something like that over.

"That . . . would be correct."

He looked to the side to cover his embarrassment.

"This place looks less like a school and more a castle, so I'm a little lost as to where we should head."
"Well I guess that makes more then one of us now doesn't it?" I peered from the shadowy corner I was in, then stepped out with my hand in my pocket. "I don't know who you are but I'll make this quick, I'm Nicko. As for were we have to go, I am unsure. These other students, they are weird... and they interrupted my adventure." It seemed that over the years I went into more a depressing state, I couldn't do anything to raise my spirits. Before I could let the person respond to me I saw a broken phone on the floor and assumed that a person inside dropped it on accident. I dashed through some people and picked up the remained. I opened the door and spotted the person who dropped it. I ran up in front of the to stop them. "Here I believed you dropped this, it kinda broke though." I had my hands cuffed with the remains inside.
Shifting uncomfortably in his seat again, Astraeus managed to turn his head even more, listening to the female now beside him thanking him sarcastically. Oh so she was a smart ass too? Excellent. "Whatever." the silver haired male growled, fluttering his eyes closed and leaning his head against the window with a loud thud. Thank god she put her headphones on and left him alone, he couldn't bare to deal with her the rest of the blasted ride.

If it hadn't been for those two wide-mouthed girls with the odd colored eyes, surely Astreaus wouldn't of woken up. Their squeaking voices plucked at his nerves one by one, awakening him in an even more angry state, something that could easily be seen on his features. "Why does it have to be so damn loud." he hissed, lifting his chin up to eye the rest of the humans on the bus in front of him. Raising a light eyebrow, he turned and scrunched over, peering outside the tiny window a tad to look at the lovely buildings set before him. So this was it? "Didn't know I was going to Hogwarts this year."

Astraeus stood up, giving the silver mane on top of his head a light run-through and leaned on the seat in front of him, waiting for pretty face beside him to get a move on. He didn't have all damn day, and the size of this bus wasn't the best fit for a man of his height. If he was a few inches taller, he easily would've hit his head on the metal ceiling, knocking his angered brain around some more. He could already tell this year was going to be
The music kept Esana well distracted until the bus drew to a halt. It helped that she had closed her eyes just a bit after starting her music, so she managed to miss most of the chaos that went on around her as she sang along silently to the songs playing. In fact, it wasn't until she felt the bus slow and the seat bounce slightly that she actually opened her eyes again and looked around. She smiled. They had arrived at the school, which, she saw through the windows of the bus, was actually quite lovely.

Unfortunately, Esana didn't get much of a chance to appreciate the school. The boy that she had unluckily chosen to sit next to had stood up and did not look happy that she wasn't already up herself and out the bus. For a moment, Esana was sorely tempted to get out of the bus as slowly as she could, just to irritate the young man, but she decided against it. This was a school for people with D. Traits after all, and she wasn't sure she wanted to upset someone until she could effectively lift them into the air and throw them back from her with her telekinesis.

She slid out of her seat and swung her backpack on, scrambling off the bus with a cheerful salute at the bus driver, who only gave her a glare. Outside, she stretched and looked around.

Now what?
"Well..." Kenta began. He pointed over at the entrance. "With my common sense, we need to go there, since it's basically the only door open. Now I see a desk and a lady standing at the desk, so... If I'm not mistaken..." Kenta quickly stood up, brushed himself off, and pulled Cross in closer to see from his perspective. "We need to see that lady at the counter, and she'll give us some sort of information."
She glanced over toward the one that had approached her. Her gaze lowered as she put one of her hands in the coat pocket. " I'm fine problems." She watched him but also where she stepped. She chocked on the word family. As if the doctors were her family. She decided to look away trying to hide her pained expression. If she hadn't lashed out then her real family would still be alive." that rather it burn. It's useless and brings nothing but irritating reminders." The pieces in her picket had already repaired itself. It jumped to the other boy's hand and added the rest. She glanced back at it then the two boys. Oh how the phone was a nuicence she thought. If She could destroy it, that would be wounderful.
"I see, thank you. I . . . my uncle took care of everything when I went to my previous school."

He pulled up the strap on his shoulder to reposition it.

"Thank you again . . . mr?"
Kenta smiled. "Kenta. Kenta Mammon." Kenta replied, "You don't really need to call me mr anything, we're just teenagers... Atleast I hope."

Perhaps this was going to be one of his first friends at the academy. What would happen next, he would be glad to find out.
Xivran smiled a little


He looked up at the academy doors

"Yeah, you're right. Well, only one way to find out what's awaiting."

Xivran set off at a reasonable pace towards the front gate
Astraeus, as usual, was the last one to waddle out of the bus, finally free from sitting with that girl and grumbling to himself like a crazed old man, gripping his black, rugged handle suitcase while doing so. The tall male nearly hissed at the bus driver as he stepped out, doing it calmly and placing both feet on the stone beneath him while lifting his bright vivid pools to the sight him front of him. The view of the school was ten times better while outside, actually making him calm down a bit and take in it's true beauty. "Ah." he opened his mouth, tilting his head to take it all in.

"So, now where do I go." he mumbled incoherently to himself, rotating his body in a full circle before taking a look at the entrance. Well, that would be a good start. Without watching the people around from him, who he typically towered over anyway, ambled to the entrance in casual speed, slinging his suitcase over his shoulder. There were a lot of people gathering around, already making their disgusting cliques with one another, practically screaming to each other about their excitement for the start of the new year. Astraeus just rolled his eyes, sighing while pushing through. "Come on people, move."
"Well I should start with a greeting my names Seth Winters, what's yours?" He asked after watching the phone recreate itself. He then started at her before she could respond said "Hey I know a little bit about family problems I know it's some rough stuff to deal with alone if you need anyone I'll be here alright?" He said looking at the girl. He saw her look of pain and it made him feel bad. He knew she was facing some deep emotional pain so he was gonna do what she could. It really didn't matter because if she said yes he'd help if she said no he'd still help. To be polite though he waited for the girl in the lab coat to answer. He just hoped she'd let him in and not shutdown on him.
She looked at him for a second. Someone as nice as this, she thought it to be impossible, but ofcourse she was locked away by some doctors. She sighed a little. " My name is Raven Strife..the as you wish although i doubt you could change anything." She didn't want to be mean but nice either. A stranger like himself helping her. There must be a trick , he may be a spy sent by doctor ryan. She shook off the thought and decided to go with he's just nice.
Melody looked around, standing near the front entrance. She could already see now that everyone was grouping together, making their way up towards where she stood. Putting two and two together, she guessed that she was, indeed, going the right way the first time. Turning back towards the entrance, Mel tightens her grip on her suitcase and backpack, preparing herself silently as others passed before stepping inside.

Of course, the inside looked just as medieval as the outside. She stared at the decor with awe before others started entering, pushing passed her in order to enter as well. Melody stood off to the side, watching all the different types of people come and go. Doing this might also help her figure out what they were meant to do upon entering.
Madigan dug her tiny claws into the leathery brown seat as the bus reared to a halt. When the glass doors shot open, letting all the students know to get their arses off the junker, she pulled her claws free- leaving ten little wholes behind. She was impatient and so in spotting and open window, she made made a high-arching leap through the square space. Feeling quite far from the ground, Madigan shifted on instinct, her petite furry body elongating and olive skin exposing itself by the moment the balls of her feet made contact with the brick path. Her attire was a bit rough, with her sweater pulled up her side and one sock bunched up against her boot. She took a moment to readjust things, smoothing out her fluffed, honey-blonde hair and straightening her clothing.

She pulled her orange sleeves down and black socks back over her knees as she proceeded swiftly towards the grand entrance of the school. Things looked a little strange, it seemed like her eyes were still in feline form, although that didn't take an ounce away from the
exquisiteness of the building. They definitely weren't quite right though, for if anyone else were to see, she'd still have narrow pitch slits carved down the center of the green basins of her iris. She moved along much faster than most others, because for one- she didn't have any luggage with her. The very concern that was weighing on her mind as she weaved through various, incomparable student bodies, not unlike a cat as she did so.

Jericho asked the lady at the information desk about inprocessing he recieved his key and was told that he would share a dorm room with another student. The lady behind the desk also supplied him with a map and his class schedule. Picking up his bag he left for his dorm, exiting the main building out a side door Jericho found the males dorm quickly. Entering the new building his information booklet told him that his dorm was on the third floor first door on the right. Once inside he saw his room and unpacked his belongings.

Jericho looked at the schedule and saw that all new students needed to go to a welcoming orientation at the main building auditorium. Jericho looked out the window and saw some of the other students from the bus gretting each othe and making friends. Jericho thought they must be banding together to take him on for what they saw on the bus and later on the stairs but Jericho really could not help that.

Wondering if he could beat all of them if he had too Jericho decided to call his father for advice. Reaching into his bag he produced his cell phone and dialed his father's number. "Dad are you there?" Jericho smiled hearing that his busy father had a few moments to spare "Jericho what is the issue son?" Rubbing his temples he told his father how he had already made an impression on some of the students and now he was worried that they might form together to beat him "This happened once to me I was taking the wrestling world by storm and some competitors banded together to beat me. So I came up with an idea I took other fighter's needing help and I trained them made them loyal to me and made a super group called the shadow. After all was said and done my enemies were crushed and I retained my title for a long time. Just remember help those loner's and other's that thirst for glory and make sure they get a piece of the pie too." Jericho smiled and told his father thanks and that he missed him but after that his dad hung up and Jericho was alone again.

Jericho started working on the name of his group and who he might need. Jericho decided that two people might do fine and left the dorm to scout the others he came to school with. Jericho made his way back to the entrance and saw one of them appear. It was the tall boy who reluctantly let the other girl sit near him. He was tall and seemed like a loner, possibly selfish and ambitious with just as much contempt for people as Jericho had. Jericho stood pretending to read a book and watched the boy tell people to move aside. Jericho took notes and watched hoping this boy was as tough as he looked.
as Timber looked up at the doors of the academy she weighed the options of endure this or run. her mum would be long gone by now happy she had finally unloaded the burden of her were-tiger daughter onto some one else. not that her mother knew anything about this place. when a flyer came through the door she didnt even bother to read it she just pack Timbers bags and drove her to this place. she called them first hopefully. Timber yawned exposing her long sharp canines. those were the reason she was home schooled. Timbers father was a werewolf and her mother loved him. it was just Timber who she hated. it might have been because of the fact that she couldnt understand why Timber was a Tiger and not a wolf or in might just have been the fact that she wasnt human. Timbers father loved her and didnt want her to go to DBA but her mother could be very persuasive.

Timber decide she would give it a go. she plastered a smile on her face and walks up to the doors. she saw that everyone had bunched together. she noticed a girl off to the side and decided it was now of never. she walked over clutching the handle on her suitcase. the inside looked old but she ignored it as she walk over to the girl. 'Hi My names Timber. whats yours?' she asks politely.
The girl in the lab coat finally spoke " My name is Raven Strife..the as you wish although i doubt you could change anything." he looked at her a moment and decided that it was middle of the road answer but her would still try to do what he could. "Alright Raven, let's go to processing so we can find our rooms and find out what classes we have." He decided pushing questions on her wouldn't be a good idea so he decided he just wanted to talk to her and get to know her. So he waited for her to respond in hopes that she would say yes and that he wouldn't spend his first day alone in his new room.

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