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Fandom [Dawn of Justice] The Good, The Bad, The Ugly



Tu'er Shen the Rabbit God
JNN Report
"We interrupt your evening broadcast to bring you breaking news." Reporter Minamoto Takakuni's voice cut over the display of whatever show was playing on the viewer's tv. Shortly after, her own face popped up on the screen with a somber expression. "Police are looking for Ayumi Mori, the young woman was said to have been visiting from Fukuoka and staying at a hotel here in Tokyo. Law enforcement and heroes are asking that anyone who may have information about Miss Mori's whereabouts please call the number at the bottom of the screen."

Then a picture of Ayumi Mori would pop up on the screen, her striking pink hair hard to forget. "Miss Mori is just one of many disappearances to happen near the Shunjuku area and we here at JNN implore you to call in if you have any information about any of the missing people. Police and heroes are also advising citizens against going out at night and suggest traveling in groups if you do."

The reporter then laid down her script and looked into the camera. "Stay safe everyone. This has been Minamoto Takakuni." Then every television would return to their previous showing.

The Disappearance of Ayumi Mori is not new, in fact some hero agencies have been attempting to find her for days now, but with both police and heroes failing she finally made the news. Information has also been circulating in certain underground circles about a business known as, the Geisha House. A small establishment in the south that has been under suspicion of the Hero Commission and hero agencies for years. The information, though scarce, hints that the business is believed to be a front, a cover for something far more sinister. It's no coincidence that this place is a popular topic among hero agencies just as someone has gone missing. However no actions have been taken against the business or its mysterious owner. To the trained eye it seems that the heroes are sitting on their hands and no one is making a move against the business, despite their suspicions. Word travels among the vigilante groups and loners that some people are thinking of taking actions into their own hands, consequences be damned.

When further snooping reveals that the Geisha House is legally protected from the Hero Commission and heroes at large, a few vigilante's decide to band together and doll out their own brand of justice and find the missing people.

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Location: Osaka, Japan
Time of Day: 11:42pm
Weather: Cloudy

Under the cover of night our team of vigilantes have made their way to the Geisha House and found a perfect spot from across the street to watch the business and those who come and go from it. Unfortunately this case can't be solved from the outside and sooner or later they'll need to enter the building and brave the dangers within. How they choose to proceed is up to them, but unbeknownst to them they are not alone. Not too far from their own location, a team of heroes are also staking out the business and keeping a close eye on the vigilantes.
Black Cat & Onyx Tiger

On a rooftop one street over the hero party was gathered, keeping a watchful eye on the Geisha House and on the vigilante team. For now they were unnoticed, but there was not telling how long that would last. Black Cat, the sensory hero of the group, stood at the edge of the rooftop, his black armor appearing even darker with the lack of moonlight. "Let's see if we know anyone here." He mumbled to himself. Then the small holes that riddled his suit popped open and a very light suction sound permeated him. The suit drew in the air around him, pulling in all the scents of those nearby as he activated his quirk. Cat's eyes opened wide as an array of colors flooded his vision and then focused into ribbons that connected to their respective person. "Strangers in the night." He declared as he turned away from the edge and moved to rejoin the others.

Onyx Tiger wasn't nearly as stealthy as his partner or most other heroes in general, so he kept his head down and tried to lay low. He found himself a place to lean against the rooftop's entrance and did his best to stay still. That was until his helmet rang with a call from the local police.

"We've spotted two pedestrians on approach to the target." The officers declared over the headset. "Looks like the house is open for business tonight." Tiger turned his head to look in the direction of the establishment and gazed through his visor at the two figures heading into the building.

When the door opened they were greeted by two masked people who ushered them inside without a second thought. "Security is so laxed its almost tempting to go in guns blazing." The large hero chimed with a smirk behind his mask. "Stake outs are the worst."
Tetsuo Suzuki

Floating from high up above, far enough to not being detectable by nothing less than a telescopic tool (like he does) or quirk, Alastor scanned the scene he managed to get info on. "Kidnapping... What do they plan with these bodies? Experimentation? Organ harvesting? Slave work?" he thought out loud. Not like it matters, he had this place in mind for a while now, unlike the news.

He also came to notice two groups of people in nearby rooftops, they had to be vigilantes, because he recognized the outfits of the other pair. Heroes. This might get messy, but something needs to be done, and he won't idle on this anymore. He switched gravity around him and dropped towards the street in front of the Geisha house, shifting to a very streamlined flow of gravity that masked most of the noise of such a fast person coursing through the air.

By the time he landed, his noise was nothing more than a particularly loud breeze. Wasting no time, the Dark Knight pulled the doors wide open, having them fly off their hinges and to the street, and started to head inside the building.
Eddie Gears or Wraith
Eddie crouched behind the other vigilantes, his cross vec in hand, reloading a pile of magazines before dropping them into a portal, glowing a dim shade of green. He had decided to bring a light amount of ammunition on his person, the rest within a few easy access locations in the Void, the area he passed through as he teleported.

He had established a base within the void long ago; back then it was a simple tent with several questionable “Survival” supplies. He had been a kid and and his mind his private world needed plenty of candy, comics, and action figures. During his time at school he had created a garden with Druids help, giving him access to food and the pond he had set up full of various fish. Next he had created a reliable energy system, with Glitch, his teams tech experts help. By his graduation he had built a bunker of sorts, fortified in case of an attack.

Over the years he had improved on the base in his free time, a sort of hobby. He had worked for years on it until it was a fortress, capable of sustaining him and around a dozen people for an average life, unless they had some sort of life lengthening quirk. In that case he had emergency supplies, MRE’s and other non perishable foods.

He had saved it for his team, Nova Team before that mission. They were all dead, and he was as well according to the record. He had barely survived, but had chagrined his policies. No mercy, No forgiveness, No survivors. He didn’t kill the innocent like the more extreme vigilantes that had turned into villains but he killed when he had to, or wanted too.
The Appraiser
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"Aaaaaahhh... fuck..." Valentine stared down at the popsicle he had dropped on the sidewalk. Sighing, he reached into the package tucked under his arm and pulled another one out, carefully opening it and shoving it into his mouth. Giving the dropped popsicle a swift kick, he sent it to the side of the path and out of the way, then continued to limp his way home. He was technically supposed to still be on bed rest till tomorrow, but he couldn't stand sitting in his apartment for another day. Even so, maybe walking to the convenience store wasn't the smartest idea. The longer he had stayed out, the more he had begun to limp. He held the popsicle in his teeth as he swapped the grocery bag from one hand to the other, easing the weight on his injured leg.

As he turned the corner, he glanced up ahead at the Geisha House. He had heard talk of the place around the office, but still wasn't sure what exactly the fuss was about. Boss had talked about it a little, something about it being under suspicion, but not enough having evidence to act on it. As he looked at it, suddenly a figure landed on the sidewalk out front. Valentine froze in place. He had seen the guy before. On the CCTV footage of the bank heist. He was one of the unlicensed that had been on the scene during the heist. Before he could be noticed he ducked into an ally way and watched as the Vigilante ripped the doors off and headed inside. This was trouble.

Instinctually he grabbed his phone to call Boss, but then remembered she was working something else tonight. He was only here because he was supposed to be on bed rest. He finished his popsicle while he decided what to do. He still had the gun he had taken off Slim. Technically, he shouldn't have kept it, but he didn't want to get caught defenseless again. And it had put a bullet in his leg, so it had sentimental value at this point. He groaned and checked his Quamera. It was loaded and ready to go, like always. He couldn't just sit there and do nothing. He dropped his bag of groceries on the pavement and bit the last piece of the popsicle off, and tossed the stick. He gripped his Quamera in both hands and limped out of the alley. "Aaaaaahhh... fuck..."
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Mim, The Mimic Knight

A strange treasure chest with legs and a flowing cape watched this Geisha House, his many eyes staring at the house where he staked it out. Now thinking about it... He was pretty hungry. He could go for a snack. His massive teeth revealed itself as Mim's body that wasn't his arms or legs opened revealing his massive tongue. Taking a breath of the cool night air before exhaling and closing. Oh yeah. This was going to be a fun night. Letting out a strange laugh that sounded metallic and evil, but it was in fact just him or it or whatever Mim was chuckling. " Mim grows hungry. Mim will get in there and stop them. " Mim proclaimed as he pointed one of his many hands. Whatever the hell Mim was, it was unnerving. He looked like something out of a fantasy tabletop game.

Seeing a man approach the build quickly, Mim followed after Alastor, The Dark Knight ooooooooooooh, Mim landed on the ground as his massive mouth gaped, he loved doing this thing they did! He wasn't exactly sure what they were doing but it felt very right to him. He didn't want to miss out on the fun either " Mim will follow you. " Mim told Alastor with a strange laugh although it was more of a childish laugh for Mim. As they approached the house, he let out a giddy chuckle as his massive mouth gaped open and he spat out a three-foot wooden club and caught it in one hand, a eye opened up on the club before closing slowly. Mim laid the club on the top of his body that was a chest, similar to a human resting a weapon on their shoulder. Might need to kill... Might need to save people. Save people first then Mim can eat. That is what Mim must do.
Icarus Silver
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A figure popped in from behind the group out of thin air, casually stretching his muscles . Icarus joined the group, making his presence known. He wasn't there for the fight, per say, but the police and the government were acting like hot trash right now, which meant they needed to step in. He wasn't as morally grey as some of the other vigilantes were, but he certainly wasn't a hero either, with their regulations and only doing things when they legally could.

He knew the names of most of the vigilantes, as his MO was to tag along with at least one other person to give them support. The clearout man, giving them free reign to hurt their enemies. He stood behind MIM, letting the chest take the lead as they neared the house. He was slippery anyway, though his slipperiness was tied to his energy levels- but he was brimming with energy, and could poof back and forth quite a few times.

"Mim, make sure you give me the victims, and I'll bring them to the safe location. It'll give you space to do what you do best." Icarus told the chest, alerting the chest to his presence. He had done a few gigs with the chest in the past, so he felt comfortable enough tagging with him.

He noticed a man heading towards the scene, but he had a limp, which wasn't exactly the most helpful in a raid like this. "You alright?" Icarus asked the limping man with what looked like a camera in his hands. He was at the entrance of the house, staying behind MIM and the others, so he wouldn't be a liability in the fight.
StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Skyhunter Skyhunter
The Geisha House
While Alatsor's descent went unnoticed, his entrance into the establishment would draw all eyes to him. Several gasps broke the silence and the two figures that manned the doors swiftly stepped in the man's path to prevent any further access. "Apologies sirs, but this business is not open to the public." If his entrance was not enough to signify that he was not a regular guest or even one who was abreast of the situation he wandered into, the doormen did not recognize the stranger's appearance, nor that of the creature that followed behind him. "It is best you both leave." Just beyond the two doormen, the rest of the establishment stared on with wide, drunken grins as they laughed at the stranger alongside their geisha hosts.

Black Car and Onyx Tiger, alerted by the police on the ground, turned their attention to the Geisha House and the scene that was unfolding before their eyes. One man had rushed in and two more followed his lead. One person stayed behind though, perhaps someone with some wit? Then Black Cat picked up the sent and the familiar hue of a hero. His eyes strolled over to Valentine, who had gotten far too close to the target. "What should we do, Cat?" Onyx Tiger inquired while he drew his dart gun. "We wait." Black Cat declared. "We can't get involved yet, it is still too soon. Hopefully our friend down there does not cross that line." His eyes fell upon the powder keg waiting to detonate.

Further within the business, a geisha approached the master of the house and in a hushed tone warned him of the situation at the front door. "They're not heroes from the sound of it, but even if they are, they're trespassing." In the background of this conversation, other voices could be heard discussing money and several other things.
Tetsuo Suzuki

Without even twitching, Alastor continued to walk towards the bouncers with his arms held behind him. An unspoken confidence in his gait, not wildly rushing, while also not taking a paused stroll. Alastor didn't bother stopping as he approached. With a small flick of a finger the two bouncers would fall upwards and held above Alastor as he continued to pace ahead. "Mim. I'm going further in... Have fun with these folk. just don't make too much of a mess". After passing through, the two bouncers fell to the ground.

With his unorthodox partner being set up with a task, Alastor ventured futher into the establishment. Using his sense of gravitational masses, along with some tracking and detection functions from his mask, he made a perimeter of the building, from which he started looking for the most efficient way to send his "peaceful" message across as many people as he could, and sure enough, save the victims that could potentially be in here.

Ashcroft Aldernark
There had been quite a lot of business conducted under one night, but there was no better time. Night was necessary, it allowed secrets and information to be carried by moonlight, thieves, and assassins. Secrets dealt in blood and information dealt in coin. It was a trade he had seen all too often, and one he somehow kept falling into.

Ashcroft sat respectfully; dressed in a darker regalia than one likely wore in The Geisha House. He had been in a hurry, and he certainly wasn't expecting to be sitting in the office, but Ryuiki taught him to seek every opportunity. His eyes a pale white with a dull grey along the edges; Hair a speckled and washed out grey with streaks of alabaster. A brand on his left cheek that Sayo recognized as a black market 'slave mark'. It seemed to be the only noticeable blemish other than a variety of faint scars.

"You have an incredible sales pitch, It's no wonder you are a mogul all your own! I have become something of an entrepreneur under the guidance of Ryuiki, broadened my arsenal as it were! Did you know even scoundrels have a chance at love? it's true! Off topic, forgive me. I do not often...feel. I digress, While his reputation proceeds him; What must I do to help bridge this proposal?" Ashcroft asked as he crossed his leg, his black cloak nearly scraping the floor as it swayed from his movement. "My skillset is varied but is primarily...target based. Assassin is such a drole term, Artisan will do just fine~"
Mim, The Mimic Knight

As Alastor with all his swagger kept on walking, he gave the two ninja looking men to Mim to do as he pleased, this excited the weird chest with legs. Although the new one behind him began to speak, reminding him to give the teleporting one the victims that they find. Eyes opened on his back staring at Icarus " Mim can do this. Mim can also copy your teleportation if Mim desires too. " He explained before closing his eyes then looked at the two in front of him. " Mim thirsts for your blood. " The Mimic on legs step forward and swung his club with arm, slamming it into the side of his first victim causing them to fly into the wall, with his eye widening and dilating, Mim's free hand grabbed the other ninja looking weirdo and picked him up off their feet then slammed him on the floor while he raised his club and brought it down enough force to shatter an elephant's skull onto their legs.

Mim took a deep breath, if he was even capable of that, looking up to the guests here he bared his teeth. The talking chest took a few steps forward and then flipped his club in his hand so the end of it was on the ground, while doing this his cape was flapping behind him a gust of wind was passing through, but it was him doing this himself to look cooler like they do in those old superhero movies. " Where are the little victims you keep here? " The chest asked, " Whoever answers won't be broken by me. " The chest announced with a sinister chuckle, his voice was already disgusting enough sounding like flesh being cut and bone grinding on each other. Many eyes opened up on his visage to look at all the guests here. " You got... Seven seconds before I start eating your hands. " Mim laughed a little.
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Mention: slifer37 slifer37

He froze in the middle of the street. He had expected the vigilantes to enter the Geisha House while he approached quietly from behind, unnoticed. He had not expected a somewhat attractive man to materialize out of then air in front of him. He had no time to move, no time to reach a hiding spot. The man turned and addressed Valentine, asking if he was alright. "I...uh...I mean... yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just pushed myself a little too much." He leaned down and rubbed his leg. If he had too, he could run. It would likely damage his leg again, and Boss would be pissed, but at least he'd get away. "So, uh... So what's going on here? What is this?" He gestured toward the other vigilantes entering the Geisha House, ending with his eyes on the doors laying in the street. "Couldn't get a reservation?" The other two had already entered and it sounded like a commotion was starting. He needed back up to arrive soon.

Eddie Gears or Wraith
Eddie slung his sniper rifle over his back, drawing his Vector; he snuck forward, switching to his silenced pistol and push knife. He teleported behidn the building, spotting two guards. Eddie teleported behind the first guard, slitting his throat with the blade before throwing a second knife into his comrade. After dropping the corpses into a portal to a dump several miles away, Eddie dropped a round metal object, operating it with the screen on his wrist. Eddie waited till the guards past to move through the backroom. Suddenly three ninja appeared from the shadows.

"Three to one, ay? I still like those odds." Before the assassins could react, Eddie fired a shot between the first opponents eyes. One ninja drew a katana, the other using a stave to throw the firearm aside. Eddie sunk the knife into the stave wielding assassin. The ninja gripped the wound as the second charged with his sword. Eddie used the armor on his right arm to block the blade, before delivering a swift punch to the gut. Eddie followed up by teleporting to his firearm and executed the pair.
Icarus Silver
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Icarus looked at the man with the camera as he came closer, noting that the man was pretty handsome. He had to focus though, as it looked like MIM was going in with a few others, leaving himself and Valentine outside. Sure, MIM could copy his ability, but he wasn’t about to explain his Quirk and how to use it to the creature. IF he figured it out, more good that gave him, even if he doubted the creature would understand how to use it.

“So the vigilantes gathered to raid the Geisha House because the police are doing shit about how it’s a hotbed for evil people and villains. I’m going to make sure any victims and those who were forced into the Geisha house are taken to a safe place.” Icarus told Valentine, as the man did seem like he was at least tangentially a part of this.

Shit, he could hear MIM threatening the people inside, which meant he would have to go in there soon and start grabbing people. The police station wasn’t too far away, but he didn’t know how many people would be taken to and from, which poofing back and forth took a lot of time.

"Be careful." Icarus told Valentine before hesitantly going inside, staying mostly out of sight as he let MIM take up everyone’s attention. Black Cat and Onyx would know of him, as they had worked together in the past. They probably hadn't arrested him yet for the fact that he didn't fight, but spent his time helping to retrieve victims from danger. His allegiance was all over the place, but the pair would have seen him working for heroes, bouncing in and out of various areas.
LadyOfStars LadyOfStars StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
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The Geisha House

Deeper with the geisha house, underneath the main level and hidden behind the business' fun and excitement, there were darker happenings. Sayogoromo, known as The Taikomochi to those in Japan's shadows, sat with an audience of nefarious denizens of the island nation. Behind a sheet of fabric thin enough to reveal his silhouette, but dark enough to conceal his likeness and features was how he sat in discussion with Ashcroft. And just behind his pale-haired guest the room sung with the soft conversations of other guests who were browsing The Taikomochi's wares.

1684168142799.pngSayo was surprised, shocked even, that an agent of Ryuiki would find their way to his humble business. "Ryuiki is a ghost tale here in japan." The man started. "If I am to conduct business with the man...then I must now he is real and lay eyes on him myself. Otherwise how could I know for certain that I am partnering with such a villain and not just...you? Plus I hear he is at war with the Free Ravens and Lady Taichou, people who I sometimes do business with."

By Alastor's quirk the two guards were moved and his path cleared. They hit the floor and the loud thud traveled to the lower level of the geisha house. Ashcroft would be able to see The Taikomochi's head tilt back as his attention drifted upward to the commotion developing upstairs.

Mim's brutalization of the guards and his ferocious appearance sent fear surging through the geisha house and several of the working women and men let out harrowing screams The guests all started to panic and while the employees started to run about, fleeing to the upper level of the business, the guests seemed stuck. The monstrous chest and his companions stood in front of the only proper exit.

The guard that Mim had thrown against the wall lifted his head to see what had been done to his partner. The bouncer's blood started to boil and those around him would hear a loud bubbling sound that caused the floor to vibrate. In one swift movement the man pulled down his mask and his mouth fell open. "Argh! He screamed as acid erupted from his stomach, amplified by his quirk to become a tidal wave of death. The wave washed over his battered partner and the man's own screams were brief before his flesh melted away.

At the back of the house, Eddie gained access to the rear door after having caught the two guards by surprise. His entry was easy and he would find himself in a short hallway. To his left was a wall and in front of him another one, but to his right he was see Alastor who had just come down another hall. And to Alastor's left, a little further down the corridor, there was a black door that slowly started to creak open. "Just two of you?" The mechanical voice inquired as a figure came into view. He wore a red mask which was likely the sort of his distorted voice and as he stepped out into full view, the door shut behind him. "Last chance to turn and walk away." He warned as he drew his blade from its sheath.

From the outside of the establishment it was clear that things were heating up inside, but even still it was too soon for the heroes to move in. When Icarus head back to the Geisha House, Onyx Tiger pulled out his phone and typed up a brief message that he then sent to Valentine. "if you go in that building right now, you could lose your hero license." The message read as his phone rang with a notification. It was enough to let him know that they had eyes on him. Black Cat kept his attention on the building, waiting for the perfect time to strike.
Eddie Gears aka Wraith
Before his faked death, Eddie would have given some heroic speech about justice and valor. The thought making him cringe. Eddie reloaded his pistol and pointed the firearm at the hostile. “I would recommend standing down, I would rather not waste bullets.” He said, opening a portal behind his back to grab an extra magazine from a corner of his base, ready to reload if the enemy had any quirks that would give him an edge. Eddie scanned the room, his mask giving him slight night vision. He could punch him into a portal, landing him into the middle of the police station, or a few miles in the air. He of course could use the pistol, his aim wasn’t supernatural but it was good enough for him to get a shot off, maybe kill the guy.
LadyOfStars LadyOfStars Rev IX Rev IX

Ashcroft Aldernark
Ash was not one to mince words when it came to such business; He had found quite an ideal to back and the man himself was paranoid enough to remain at arm's length at all times. He did not meet with just anyone, but Sayogoromo was what he considered a worthy asset worth netting into the fold. He was reminded of the incredulous faces who headed families in all sorts of ill repute; his namesake no different.

Ashcroft's eyes rolling toward the ceiling momentarily, returning to their conversation at the same time sayo did. He knew bloodlust when it reeked through the air, but regardless, he decided to give further insight into the issues regarding the free ravens.

"The police were rearing to spring regardless, but it was what I did that was...contemptuous" He said, a momentary grin of saccharine spread across the grim wealth of his scarred face. He couldn't help but revel in such a prominent member of the community, danced to death.

"A plan already in motion will land me in some hot water, getting heat off the organization itself since I'm the one that rose it in the first place. I've always wanted to get arrested~" He seethed delightfully, standing up abruptly. He bowed respectfully to the esteemed owner, something he felt was sincere. He did enjoy Sayo' company afterall. It was not often one accommodated him this way. "Ryuiki has heard this meeting of ours, and will be in touch shortly. Do not worry about me...rather for the sake of our budding partnership-" He hand raising and pointing above them "You should depart through whatever secret means is at your disposal, it seems the fun has started. I'm going to enjoy myself" He said; closing the shoji door behind him as he made his way toward the bloodshed, pulling a thin red canister from his pocket. "Shall we make this a show to really remember? Hero's will flock toward my presence in instant...Let's make that a certainty"
Mim, The Mimic Knight

As the degenerates within the Geisha House began to freak out, Mim let his cape droop, " Whaaaaat? I have not eaten anyone's hands yet, usually they start freaking out afterwards. " Mim called with a confused look on his face. " Pipe down, I want information before you all start screaming your little heads off. " Mim sighed, if a chest can even do that. He turned his body to see Icarius walk in, " Oh there you are, weird boy. You best head upstairs- " Mim felt the floor vibrating, he felt the usage of a quirk nearby, one that he did not understand how to use but the properties he could feel. Burning pain, searing of potential flesh and bubbles. Mim quickly hopped towards Icarius with his main eye widen and a long arm outstretched towards him. When he landed, Mim grabbed the boy by his arm, because the boy needed saving, Mim tossed him up the stairs that was adjacent to the doorway having him land on the top.

Mim was able to jump up and grab a chandelier above him to avoid the acid. " Neat trick. Mim can't figure that one out yet. " The chest told the bouncer still in the wall, while he was hung on the chandelier, Mim would stick his massive club at the bouncer stuck in the wall with a laugh, a couple more eyes popped on the heat to stare at the stuck bouncer. The chest with legs thrusted his long club at the bouncer, attempting to break the skull of the stuck individual.
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The Appraiser
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Valentine stared dumbstruck at the man as he spoke. He just told him everything, wasn't even trying to keep it secret. Not that it mattered, there was nothing Valentine could do anyway. He sheepishly waved as the young man disappeared into the building, when suddenly his phone vibrated. It took him a minute to remember which hero Onyx Tiger was, he still hadn't gotten them all down. Massive dude, they met after the incident at the Grand Tokyo Mall that involved those kids. He texted back a quick reply before shoving his phone back in his pocket. [Don't worry, I won't do anything to compromise my status. Just getting to a position where I can document what's going on.] He moved to the sidewalk across from the entrance and started to snap photos. Photos of the Vigilantes. Photos of the Geisha House Security. Photos of Quirks in action. This was all gold.
Tetsuo Suzuki

Alastor's scans didn't reveal much. Perhaps if he focused solely on locating the victims, he would've managed to. Now was not the time to idly stand by, however. Choosing to keep his scans on the back of his mind, while staying alert as he ventured into the establishment. As he walked, he knocked on the walls here and there, manually checking for hidden rooms. That's when he came across a fellow vigilante. What was this one's alias? Wraith? He also noticed the mechanical sounding voice confronting them, as they drew their blade.

Alastor gave points for effort to Wraith, for his attempt at deescalating this situation without actual violence "Very noble of you two. But we all know how this dance goes, no?" As Alastor spoke, with a similar mechanical tone to his voice, several bearings shot out like bullets towards the sword wielder. In an attempt to force their masked opponent out of battle, all of the spheres were aimed at their limbs.
Icarus Silver
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Icarus had just approached Mim, when the chest grabbed him and threw him up the stairs, out of the way of some sort of aicidic Quirk that would for sure have put him down if it made contact. He was pretty quick though, and it might not have hit him, but he was thankful for the assist anyway.

The toss landed him awkwardly on the upper landing, driving the breath from his body. He took a moment to get his breath back before standing up slowly. "Thanks." He would weakly say, flashing a thumbs up at MIM before focusing on the task ahead. Pressing himself to the wall, he did his best to sneakily make his way upstairs to do some investigating, maybe find a victim or two to bring back. He wasn't the best at fighting, and none of his points were in terrible enough spots to warrant grabbing someone and leaving them there, which only left his primary goal of finding victims and bringing them to safety.
- Rear hallway -​

Gear's aggressiveness was not wasted on the blade wielding villain , he somewhat admired the man's tenacity and audacity. But as Alastor made the first move, it became clear that there would be no peaceful resolution to this encounter. As the bearings rocketed towards him, the villain flourished his blade in a swift, fluid movement that. The sword rang out as the two bearings aimed at his legs were both deflected and sent flying into the nearby walls. "Gah!" He sounded when his arms were hit, the pain forcing him to release his sword. As his fingers twitched his gaze went up to the two vigilantes. "I am Red King." A crack formed in the villain's mask and a shredding sound echoed as his clothes started to rip. "I...cannot....lose!:" As he spoke the man underwent a violent transformation. His height growing and weight tripling as his skin turned red. Finally his mask clattered to the floor in shards and revealed the face of a giant, red oni. "RARGHH!!!" His roar announced his intent to attack as he grabbed his sword in his right hand and launched himself down the hallway at Wraith. His arms still bore fresh bruises from where Alastor had hit him, but he swung his right arm with no trouble, bringing his sword down with such force that it would cleave Wraith in two if her did not evade.


The door would open once more after Red King began his attack, giving way to Snare's form.

- Front of House -
Mim's quick thinking saved Icarus' life and his own as well. Now that the path was clear the guests who had been too busy were now fleeing out of the destroyed doorway. The bouncer raised his hands as Mim's club slammed into him, throwing him backward down the hall just a bit. He laid on the floor, arms broken and limp on the ground. It was clear he would not be moving any further, but he was not dead.

- Second Floor -
Icarus's rapid ascent up the stairs made for a loud thud that drew the attention of those upstairs and caused the screaming to start up again. But then the voices became silent. A figure stepped out of a room, audibly shushing the men and women who worked for the establishment. The man that stepped out into the hallway was tall and slender and seemed to be just a silhouette, with the exception of three lights where his face should be. "You'll have to go back downstairs, good sir. This part of the business is for working men and women only." His cane tapped the floor and he leaned on it, keeping his three eyes on the intruder.


- Basement -

Sayogoromo watched as his guest took his leave and advised that he make a quick escape. A smirk stretched across the criminal's face and he pushed his hands down on his knees and rose to his feet. "Let's prepare to move our subjects." The man advised as he stepped out from behind his curtain. The room, full of sinister guests and ninja dressed in red quickly started to act upon the order. His attention turned to the staircase the only entrance and to the lower level. He would soon be heading up there if things carried on any longer.


- Outside -

Black Cat watched Valentine heed their warning about going inside the business, but it was clear things were getting even more dangerous inside. Just after the doorway burnt away there seemed to be a rush of guests flooding out of the geisha house. "This is Black Cat. Things are escalating within the Geisha House. We're preparing to move in." He said into the radio in his helmet.

Onyx Tiger dropped down into the street, landing beside the photographer. "We're going inside soon, we could use the backup." He said softly through his mask. "Got a costume?"​
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The ascent up the staircase felt much longer than it likely was, but he could already hear the sounds of conflict erupting all throughout this salacious business. Ashcroft pulled out his Ghoul Visage; The mask that had become his iconic notoriety. Ash was the true mask, and Snare was once again in his rightful skin. He made his way up to the first floor; barb wire spooling from his clicking heels and encroaching on the doorframe he walked through and into the chaos brewing in the rear hallway.

He decided to hold off on using his trump card so soon, thirsting for a challenge against such interesting quirks already. Red King was on retainer to the master of the house so he wouldn't put him in harm's way at the very least, but regardless-

Snare looked toward Alastor and Wraith; His masked visage unmistakable as the serial killer and more recently, hero killer who has spread terror across japan for nearly two decades. The gloves on his hands tearing to pieces as he flung his hands forward and unfurled a lacerating spools of barb wire that weaved expertly around the red oaf, but tore through the hallway; joining with the spools of wire cascading from his now shredded wingtips.

"I have mastered my craft; Let us see if you can withstand the performance of a lifetime." His voice eager and impassioned as he conducted his wire like a painter and musician combined. The hallway being splintered and pierced as it came at the pair of vigilante's like a voracious animal. Snare flicking his hand forward; attempting to whip them in half as his own bloodlust enraptured the air; unable to hide his delight.

"Cruel Brush Stroke: #7, Wing Clipper"​
Tetsuo Suzuki

His preemptive strike got quite the reaction from the swordsman, now appearing more like an oni from myth than a human. Curiously enough, the oni who called himself "Red King" decided to go after Wraith. The name didn't ring any bells, so Wraith, whom for some reason was the target Red King ought to be fine. With his hands still held behind his back made a small gesture, making Red King's sword feel like it was being pulled backwards.

Alastor would've continued to help Wraith with the oni, but something else caught his attention. None other than the famous killer, Snare. He was quick to be on the offensive, launching a cascade of barbed wire in the direction of both himself and Wraith. This one would certainly need more attention. Alastor made some hand gestures from behind his back, completely interfering with the path of the wires, making them blow past them and into the wall, busting it open. and then to a side.

This was better off in an open space, and this would be a rather uncomfortable two versus two match. So Alastor hovered backwards, to the now empty outside of this establishment. Then, with an irregular torrent of varying flows of gravity, Alastor attempted to pull Snare outside. If successful he would speak "Well, well, well. If it isn't the famed artist, Snare. In the flesh..." he prolonged the name in question to highlight the sarcasm in that statement that could be mistaken as admiration. "Show me that performance you spoke about!" The vigilante growled as he took a fighting stance.
Mim, The Mimic Knight

Mim chuckled as he landed back on the ground staring at the man he had just blasted with his club. He stared at him for a moment and knew he would no longer be a threat. " You stay there, broken man. Or I will be sure to eat you next time. " Mim pointed his club at the downed man, he turned to the staircase hearing commotion up top. He also wanted to make sure the kid he threw up there was okay. " Mim is coming up! " The mimic knight called as he made his way up the stairs before jumping all the way up to the top just to land next to Icarius, " Oh there you, boy. " Mim stated, " You are lucky I was there to save you. " Mim had his club resting on his chest where the shoulder would have been, he had a toothy grin, but it looked more menacing than it did friendly although with how friendly his voice was the moment, Mim was being nice, even adding a gentle shoulder touch.

Although Mim turned his body seeing the three eyed freak, " Another victim? Hey! Get outta here before I eat you right here! " Mim swatted his hand away like he was a fly, " Shoo. " But then Mim laughed a bit evilly as he released Icarius and took a couple steps forward to face this man, " You won't go away that easily, will you? " Mim asked as he readied his club for a fight, although the club morphed into a small sword for easier swings in a smaller place.

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