Darkness and Light, Love and Hate [Inactive]

Tearlach jumped at the sound of a huge impact from a few miles. His eyes were wide, looking around him frantically. He had no clue what to do anymore, so he made his final decision. He leapt out from his hiding spot and landed in front of all the people he had been spying on for the past few hours.

He scratched the back of his neck tentatively, doubting he had made the right decision, but he was desperate and wanted out as soon as possible.

"U-um..." he coughed, not being used to speaking. He voice was raspy, hoarse, and deep, but with a soft tone.

"I swear...I'm not...here by choice."

He dropped his head and tensed up, prepared to take some damage from the Lightlings. He huffed loudly, anger built in him from all the frustration he had encountered. Not. Very. Happy.

Archaeus sensed a new power but he knew it was not on this plane. He constructed a portal to go to the Light world, but as he stepped through he was transported far from where he intended to go.

The Darkling landed face down on the ground a few hundred yards from Vex. His bovy twitched and he groaned in pain. Where was he?
Gus snarled at all of this, and he opens a rift to a hidden place, before twirling through, his magic is strong enough you can only find the entry, not the exit.
Ike slashed at the oncoming energy cloud, causing them to part around him. But before he could try to deflect some of the energy, he was engulfed in fire. Startled by the sudden attack, Ike faltered slightly, but then it was gone. And there stood that other Darkling, who appeared to be under going some sort of transformation. Ike stuck his sword into the ground as a sonic boom rocked the whole place. And then Gus, the other Lightling, was gone. Ike stood warily, gazing at the Darkling that had suddenly appeared. He turned to Gus. "Er...that was sort of unneeded. Now we'll get way more attention than we would have."

[Ack! So sorry for being so gone!]
It's okay Ike I learned some new magic not very strong but it will conceal our prescence in the meantime but we are in a highly populated area it's probably time for us to make a home base somewhere?

Ryk stood at the balcony, his cape swirling in the wind that shot across the barren land. The figure in the distance faded into a mere speck, and he smirked. Guardian of the Balance? That was so stupid it was hard to believe that everyone else had fallen for it. But they had. And Ryk’s Master Plan had continued unimpeded. This was merely a step in the process, albeit a major one. But the foolish Darkling Council would continue to squabble, unaware of the ever-turning gears that would bring about their downfall. They say that one of Ryk’s ancestors led the Great War. Well, now it was time for Ryk to finish the plan. He turned and walked back inside, his horns giving a final, sinister gleam in the faded light of the twin moons.

Diamortes stumbled through the desolate landscape, ignoring the warnings that all of his senses were giving him. Even the warnings of the Elders didn't matter know. A quick death would be better than being used against his family and friends. A loud roar shattered his senses, knocking him to the ground. Dazedly, Diamortes looked up to see a huge beast barreling down on him. He sighed, and then everything went black.

Waking up, Diamortes looked around him, wondering where he was. Then it came back to him. Why wasn't he dead? He was lying on the ground inside of a cave. That was something he hadn't expected. Diamortes slowly got his feet, and then almost fainted when he saw the hulking shape shoved into the corner. It was the creature that he'd seen before he'd blacked out. Carefully creeping up toward it, Diamortes noticed that it didn't seem to be in very good health. There were bruises all over its body, and deep gashes were clotted with dried blood. He placed a hand on the strange fur, and then jumped as a voice sounded out from behind him. "It's dead." Diamortes spun to face the source of the sound. A Darkling stood there, with horns. He looked strikingly similar to Ryk, but something stopped Diamortes from leaping into the attack. This Darkling seemed....kinder. Less Evil perhaps. Or maybe it was because of the calm he seemed to emanate. "W-who are you?" The Darkling responded with relative ease, as if unafraid that the first wrong move he made would probably result in his death. "I'm known as 100%."

[And here we have just a little forshadowing of what's to come. I'll continue this part of the story throughout the rest of the roleplay]
Running. Not for the first time, nor for the last, but here he was again, running. Diamortes knew that this would cause trouble, but there was no way to avoid it. 100% had tried....but no matter how hard Diamortes tried, he just couldn't hold it in. Not all Darklings are the same, and 100% was probably the only exception of the pattern of hatred that possessed them. But, there was no way Diamortes could go back now. Not after completely obliterating an entire city.

Then suddenly, he was falling through the world. Diamortes had gone through portals before, but never one like this. It felt like his very soul was being ripped to shreds, as if the strange energies that caused the portals had decided the he was no longer needed. Then it stopped. Diamortes looked up from the ground where he lay, sprawled out in grass. Grass. It was actually grass, not just barren rock! He rolled over onto his back, laughing in ectasy.

Then suddenly, a terrible loathing overcame him. The grass shouldn't be here. It was bad, very very bad. In his mind's eye, Diamortes suddenly saw an image of plants reaching through the ground, tearing apart cities, towns, and an unfortunate civilian who got caught by the quickly moving roots. It wasn't until later that he realized that the civilian had been a Darkling. Diamortes quickly got up, afraid that the grass would reach up and drag him into the ground. With that thought, his mind went dark, and all he saw after that was the red glare of fire.

[And here's a quick example of his insaneness/dual personalities]

[And by the way guys, where is everybody? You've all poofed]

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