Darkness and Light, Love and Hate [Inactive]

"Perhaps we could reach the most prominent members of each of our societies.. speak some sense into them... show them that war will only hurt both parties.. perhaps that could lead to a treaty...."
The worlds are not broken yet there is no need to alert them now that would only lead to a worse outcome. We must wait and see. Vex's blade shivers and rattles. A woman's Voice rings "Soul message received from Unknown sender, Now reading message" Vex we know where you are and have no idea how you got there but you are now a Rouge of the Darkling Nation return and you shall be hunted and given a Public Execution. Vex sighs. Yet another spree of badluck ive been involved in.
There are a few like me, not as outgoing about themselves as me but yeah its pretty cold. And yeah they are strict on their policies.
"Just like Lightlings... they're so cold to outsiders, that they threatened accusing me of treason for the way I talk..."
Vex unhinges his utility belt and holds it in his hand and blinks it to the corner of the room with his sword.
I was born with it. No one else in the Darkling world has it. They tried extracting it from me as a child but almost killed me instead. Its quiet useful in my travels. 
Vex starts to fall asleep in the guest room bed. Ha well I guess that the pain killers are finally kicking in.
After hiding in an alleyway, Saysha stopped to catch her breath. When she thought she was safe she sat down and pulled a small piece of gray yarn from the depths of her cloak. Sage and Buttercup started fighting over it as Saysha lay against the wall, exhausted.

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Ike stopped on the roof of the wall Saysha was leaning against. With a quick glance around, he confirmed that she was safe for now. He watched her [Why do people love stalking Saysha?] from above, remaining perfectly silent. She seemed to care a lot about her cats...he shook his head violently, dispelling the cruel thoughts. He was a soldier no longer, and it wasn't neccesary to try and note down Darkling weaknesses. When it seemed like Saysha was too exausted to be going anywhere soon, he jumped down on the opposite side, and casually walked over to a market stall. Hopefully, this wasn't his kingdom. But if it was, he would be in deep trouble anyways, and you can't hide forever.

The stall owner looked up as Ike approached, seeming bored. Ike couldn't blame him, with the plague still about, it was hard to make a living. "How much?" The man responded in a gruff tone, as if he thought Ike would try to steal some. "Them apples are 5 Silver bits a piece." Ike nodded, and fished some small silver coins out of his scarf, since he didn't have pockets. Handing 5 of them over, he picked up one of the apples and walked back over to Saysha, hoping she was still there.

[if any one knows of BosS, I would be so excited :3 The apple scene is based off a scene from one of his series]
Saysha looked up to see a figure coming towards her. She tensed for a moment before realizing it was Ike. "Ike, What are you doing here?" she said tiridly, her eyes half open. She tried to stand of, but her limbs were too weak with sleep.
Ike bent down beside her, offering the apple. "Making sure you don't get yourself killed." He seemed on edge, as if expecting a horde of monsters to come charging at any moment. "After all, who would take care of your cats if you died?"
She smiled and accepted the apple. "Well, if I did die, which I'm not planning to, I'm sure you could." she said looking up at him.
Ike smiled, amused by her counter. "Well, at least you're not planning on dying. In my experience, those who make their death beds die first." He leaned back against the wall.
'Those are the idiots. Living is way better than death, even if living isn't all that great." she said thinking back to her life in the Dark World.
Ike chuckled. "Truer words may never have been spoken. Once you realize who you are, your path is your own path." He began to fiddle with his scarf, a habit he had while thinking. "No one can chose your destiny, but if you believe that they can, then they will."
Robert was tending to Vex's bandages when he heard the distinct voice of Ike outside the open window, he walked over, and saw Saysha and Ike talking below, in an alley, "Hey you two!" he called, "Why don't you come inside? I have heat, water, and food, why not come out of the cold?"
Ike smiled and stood, offering a hand to Saysha in a gentleman-like manner. Of course, this was really just him joking around. "Of course."
"Alrighty then!" Robert said, "I'll unlock the door, and set on making dinner!" Just as he said he would, Robert walked down to unlock the door for Ike and Saysha, then locked it again, and set on making spaghetti and meatballs for everyone.
Ike noted the fact that Robert kept locking the door with interest, but assumed that it had something to do with his earlier comment about having trouble with other Lightlings. He stared with rather wide eyes at the decorations of the room, having grown up in a spartan, military-like home. "Sure..."
When the spaghetti and meatballs were finished, he set aside a serving for Vex, then brought three bowls to the table, and said, "I haven't had guests in a long time, so make yourselves at home, what's mine is yours"
He walks on the streets, a lightling soldier, wearing armor that looks as if he wasn't of this dimension. Gus then sniffs the air, he smelled.. Magic. He twirled his hand, and walked, finding the spot where the dimension cracked, where a teleportation happened. His eyes spot the darkling origin, and he walks forward. "The unhonorable brat.." he marches to one his chief hunch, one of those non-racists, who wants peace instead of the war that drummed in Gus's vains. He turned and screamed "ROBERT OUTFLEET! YOUR PRESCIENCE IS REQUIRED!"

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