Darkness and Light, Love and Hate [Inactive]

Robert nearly dropped his bowl on the floor when he heard Gus shout for him, then he said, "Excuse me.. apparently, someone wants to see me....". He got up from his seat and went outside, "Ummm, yes?" he said.
He was either military, or a Darkling God from his appearance, he says "I am Gus the Dark Protector of the Mecha Sqaurdran, or as you know it, Chief Police. I smell magic of the darklings... and i have a warrant to search your home. As you may recall if such creatures are in your house you may be fined for death and treason, but if you admit your sentence could be void. How do you respond?"
"I have some Darklings in my house, but only ones that had been denied by their own people, if they don't belong here, and they don't belong in the Dark World, where do you suppose they go?"
Gus ponders this for a second, and then responds "Then i will cut you all a deal, if your darklings wear robes, and don't expose your darklings, i will let you go free, HOWEVER! You must share magic and blue prints with me, and if i require it, help with some of my projects, if they agree to this, i will let them live, if any of them don't, i will kill all of them personally... Do we have an understand Heretic?"
Ike stepped outside, curious as to what was going on. There was an awful lot of yelling, and it made him worried. Spotting the soldier, Ike took a deep breath and marched up to him. "Excuse me, but this is my research project." He hated lying, but he'd gotten pretty good at it at the same time.
Gus laughed and said "Research project? Then show me all your papers, and your legal advise from the police." He spoke in a tone fit to kill and stare down demigods without remorse.
Ike laughed, unfazed. "Once you show me actual proof that you yourself are not a Darkling spy." He gestured to the armour. "Perhaps I have been out of touch, but I know of no sect in the military that utilizes such equipment. At least you got the colours right."
Gus was now offended, and then lifts out of his pocket a Military dog tag, and a Police badge "...There are wars brewing young fool, so we need more patrolling officers. So, papers or i can show you why i wear this armor."
Ike nodded, satisfied. He reached into his scarf and pulled out his own liscense, declaring him as Commander in the Saykar army. If very closely scrutinized, it's a bit outdated though.
Gus says "Command eh? Alright fine, your good this time. Though to be fair, if you had my job in the military runt, you would be killed in two days. Your job and your skill can't hold a candle to real fighting." He lets that hang into the air and slowly walks away.
Ike raised an eyebrow, unable to resist the challange. "Status means nothing. How about a fight, you and me, to prove that not all in command are weaklings?" He tucked the badge back into his scarf.
Gus's mask looked at him and he said "You may have the first slice..." He lift up his elegant sword, and it moves swiftly as if made of light itself. It levels it to the Knight, as a tiny bolt of electricity sparks down the blade.
Ike nodded, although he hesitated slightly at the sight of the lightning. But, that would make the battle all the more entertaining. He leaped up through the air, drawing his sword in one swift movement at the same time as he fell toward Gus. He twisted in midair, and flicked his blade at the mask, meaning to knock it off. It would be bad to accidentaly kill another Lightling, but being given the first strike made it all the harder.
Gus's blade moves like lightning, he acts like a master, he saw how he was spinning to the side, so he ducked, and lifted up his sword since he was falling towards him, however the blade was aimed for his leg!
Ike smiled in appreciation. This soldier was fast enough to dodge an attack like this, not to mention being able to work magic. And relatively smart. He kicked out with his foot to avoid the sword, and allowed himself to delve into the training that had honed the series of moves into him. He landed on one hand, twisting again into a spiral motion. Ike's sword lashed out as he spun, using the momentum to flip onto his feet. With another quick sum of the situation, he took a step back, readying his blade.
Gus simply blinked, before he ran forward to Ike, leaping onto the wall near by, twirling, and slashing in a tornado of blows trying to aim for arms or the hilt of the blade.
Ike, somewhat dissappointed that Gus had continued with the melee approach, simply rolled underneath the flurry of attacks. Rolling into an attack was one of the hardest things to train a soldier to do, for it always seemed to be absolute insanity, but once learned, it provided a tremendous increase in bravery. And in this case, it provided the momentum Ike needed to kick Gus's back. With the completion of the roll, he stood up, spinning about to face his opponent once again. [Er...I got to go now....sorry...I'll try and keep up]
Gus leaped to his feet and said "Enough of this, you clearly want range combat... THEN HAVE AT THEE!" His sword opens, an inside is a glowing core, it charges and unleashes the Death Spinner cannon, energy from the sword's swinging is fired as molecule form, forming the energy cloud, the cloud moves barely fast enough to outspeed a man, so someone could out run it with some difficulty but be alright.
As Tearlach made his first few steps in backtracking, he heard more commotion coming from outside the Lightling's house. He had not heard the fellow Darkling revealing the fact that he was spying on him and his befriended Lightling, which is why he returned to the exact same hiding spot he was in before.

He noticed Saysha with her kittens! He could not help but feel relief for having found her more easily than expected, but it quickly dispersed when it was shown that the Lightling had not stopped following her either.

He could not make a decision quickly enough before they were let into the Lightling's house as well, hearing the horrible click of the lock. He let out an exasperated sigh, his frustration piling on top of each disappointing situation.

It wasn't before long until the Lightling soldier made an appearance and started a fight with another Lightling.

How odd, that Lightlings be fighting against each other...

His brows were furrowed in confusion, though he managed to keep focusing on the battle intensely to make sure he wasn't harmed or exposed.

Vex wakes up hearing all the commotion and quickly grabs his blade and blinking out in the middle of the two creating a huge tornado of fire that engulfed all three of them only momentarily to asses the situation. 
Vex unsheathed his blade letting out a terrible scream of lost souls while black embers coiled themselves around the blade
Gus suddenly lashed out, the flames were being stolen into his blade as he levels the blade to Vex's throat. "I can easily murder you, just surrender and come with me and you will both live and not be tortured..."
His eyes widened, seeing as the situation was only getting worse, though he could spot his fellow Darkling again. He couldn't help but back away somewhat in cowardice, but he was still able to assess the situation. He just needed to decide what to do...go his separate way...watch and wait...or intrude on the situation...

What was he thinking?! Of course he wouldn't intrude!!

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Vex blinks around him holding his blade against his back directly where his heart is. Stop this meaningless fight or I will have no choice but to kill you. Vex"s wing wrapped itself over is his right arm as a arm guard. Don't mess with my friends you self indulged piece of trash 
Vex"s eyes suddenly glow purple and a red light appears and he is suddenly gone.
Archaeus sat on his chair rocking back and forth seeming to be at peace, although this was far from the truth. He was actually watching the chaos of his latest atack on the Light world unfold, oh the chaotic mess it was. He suddenly jumped out of his chair and ran out of his chamber. Someone, somewhere had used a portal. Who was this? Could it be his jealous servants going to join the Lightlings? He could not be sure so he bolted out of his home and started off towards the source of the portal.
Falling through darkness Vex is out of breath, he cant breath and starts to flail aimlessly in a futile attempt to stop him self from suffocating. Just as his eyes start to fade to black all of Vex's emotions flow through him, Anger, Agony, Hate, Sorrow, Humility, Happiness. A bright light flashes surrounding him. He asked to the bright Oblivion am I dead? Laughter surrounded him. No of course your not dead boomed around him in several different voices. 9 figures walked out of the light. They were of Lightling and Darkling Descent. We have all accepted you as our master and have given you pieces of our knowlage for you Journey. Wait my Journey for what asked Vex. You will see soon enough. Vex felt a pain in his left shoulderblade and his second wing grew back in an instant red lines marked his wings. The voices boomed now fly we will be with you and he was falling far above from where he originally was. He was now falling he could see small figures under him. He pulled his sword from his sheath fully preparing himself for the burst of Agony from the sword but instead it came out soundless and was now engulfed by a Red and Black aura. He pointed his sword at the ground and blinked he was now seconds away from impact he could not move the velocity was too strong, He tensed up and hit the ground a loud boom could be heard from miles away and dust settled all around Vex.

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