Darkness and Light, Love and Hate [Inactive]

"Is he okay?" robert said as he walked over to Ike, "Hold on.. let's go to my home... we can give him better care there..."
Ike laid the Darkling on the ground carefully, and turned around to keep watch again. He was a fighter, not a healer. Then Saysha said something about having to go, and ran past him. Ike frowned, not seeing Tearlach and turned back to the others. "A good idea. I'll make sure she doesn't get into too much trouble." He jumped up, and landed on one of the roofs, before disappearing out of sight, following the Darkling female.
Vex scrambles up and props himself against the wall. So where is this House of yours Robert? Whichever way we go we should go unseen i dont want you to catch hell because of me.
He cautiously peers at his surrounding settings around him, having heard some scattered footsteps on the ground as well on the roof. He immediately rolled over to the nearest building, pressing himself against its outer wall, knowing fully well that his concealment is not nearly as hidden as back in the Darkling World. He was already missing his fellow shadows.

He again peers around, seeing two males a few feet away. They are opposites - one being a Darkling, and one a Lightling. So, there are at least three Darklings in the Lightling World right now...himself, Saysha, and the male Darkling in front of him. At least he wasn't alone...well, that's a first.

"Just.. just follow me, I have to be a bit secretive about it.. a lot of people hate me.. I just want peace between the worlds.... If i may, why are you in the light world? You must have known the danger..." Robert said, beginning the walk to his home.
I was staring at the sky the other day in the dark world and a flash of light and a loud humming noise and i was in a meadow with creatures ive never seen before and a bright light in the sky. I love seeing new places this is just another adventure for me.
"I see... that makes sense.. I've often wished to travel to the Dark World.. if only to see what it looked like... come on, we're almost there"

He watches the two walk away. In a desperate attempt (and not wanting to be the only Darkling in sight) he follows in the shadows, being as silent as possible. Of course, there aren't many shadows in the Lightling World, so he has to make some daring maneuvers about the landscape. All the while, he is thinking in the back of his head how this Lightling could easily be luring the Darkling into a trap...then he is reminded about the fact that Saysha had also been followed by a Lightling. He sighed, disappointed at the representation of Darklings to the other world.

We're smarter than this...

What he really wanted was to find another...nothingness area...to disappear into...and hope that it sends him back to the Darkling World.

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When they approached his house, he took out the key, and made sure no one was looking, when he opened the door, he said, "Inside... Quickly" and as soon as he was inside, he closed and locked the door and turned on the lights. "So.. to tend to those wounds.. let me show you the guest room..."
Thank you again for such a humble welcoming I thank you and I will repay you for your blind kindness. Thank you.
'if I was to be unkind, I would not be practicing what I preach... I would actually like to thank you for an opportunity for me to prove to myself what I've been saying all along.. that Darklings are just like us Lightlings..."
We are not to different love hate lust rage we all have the same feelings its more of a seperation on races. Being born equal under different skies but not treated as so under the opposite one.
"That... That is exactly what I've been saying all along." Robert said, "could I get you something to drink? eat?"
He grunted, having done all he could to stay on track with this fellow Darkling only to be locked out by, of course, a Lightling's house. He tried to recall where Saysha headed. He decided to backtrack, heading in the direction he just came from. Perhaps the nothingness area would still be in the location he arrived from in this Lightling World.

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"Okay..." Robert went to his medicine cabinet, and pulled out the bandages and painkillers, then he went back to the room, where Vex was waiting, "Here, let me get the bandages on your wounds..." He carefully put bandages on Vex's left leg, back, and neck, then he gave Vex some of the painkillers, "Those should kick in in about three minutes..."
By the way you know we were followed by another darkling right he was on the rooftops I sensed him from a short-distance when he tried to conceal himself in the shadows of this world. He seems more primal than me, but if decides to attack i will talk to him.
"Another Darkling? It seems the walls between worlds are breaking... even if he intends harm, three Darklings in one day is more than in 100 years... This is progress"
If so our two kingdoms will surely fight and there will be war a bloody one at that. This is not good in large numbers hopefully this will lessen a war of the worlds is the last thing we need.
"Peace may be my goal... but I understand the nature of sentient beings... War may be necessary.. if possible, I'll help avoid it, but I can't control the people that I can't represent."
I was one of the upper classes son but i have been outcasted since being a child. They still find ways to track me down to this day. Even here in the light world. We need someone better than me or my accursed family.

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