Dark Guilds Rising: Fairy Tail Rp

The members are currently spying on the white member guilds that are on their way to a mission to gather information on their powers because the guild ace of Black Raven has picked on White Phoenix Guild. So they are preparing for a war. Not going all out on attacks but just trying to see what the White Phoenix members use.
A'right then. I'll have Alastair join in.

Posted. I had Alistair meet Salena on the rooftop after Caina and Vulture left.

I do have a question though. Is Loren present on the rooftop or not...?
I kept sitting here going.. Okay why was I tagged... Then I realized y'all thought Alysha had been following after Ambrose and Idril since he posted that they left... So i figured I'd just roll with it.
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So, does anyone have any free characters i could rp with?

The only character i have is in Black Raven guild.
I actually have two, but one is guild master and not out of the guild.
@Verrici the poison you injceted into Caina, is that the killing type or the none killing type? If its the killing type is there a cure?

Join up with Caina and Vulture. Currently Caina is being beaten up like a rag-doll while Vulture is being criticized by his looks and demeanor. Currently i am awaiting on @Psylion to respond before I go further.
Ok cool for a second I though that Caina was really screwed, phew!

@LifeNovel HEY! Caina was holding back like you asked. Don't disrespect.
Well Caina and Vulture arent together, I advise going to Caina because Sawa is sitting there doing nothing...

I know I know :)

And he is doing a real good job! Muhahahahahaha I can feel the power already flowing into the dark guild
Yeah I'm not being sarcastic...hmm a very contradicting sentence in a way...sorry if I came across rudely

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