Dark Guilds Rising: Fairy Tail Rp

Well right now it looks like everyones about to fight, you could ether join in one of those that just started, or you can start at the guild hall and have a chat with Kiotaro. (he hasn't seen much rping for a while, he might need a hug) Just try not to join my fight cos if you do then we would be screwed and thats not fun :)
Not having internet sucks right now lol. I'm doing my best to keep up, but reading to catch up. Ugh why aren't the libraries closer! It's gonna take me a minute but I'll pot eventually.
I just caught up. I'm filling in the blanks with my post at the moment. Good thing I'm used to posting in medium sizes to make up for what I miss lol. Good to know the intel gathering is going swimmingly lol
...your Oc is in white Phoenix, correct? I may not help you in that case :P jk. Perhaps your Oc could make decoys...?
Sorry haven't responded for a bit...been really busy with school, like busay so I haven't had access to my personal laptop and have been on my phone this whole time. And I would reply but with my big thumbs and long posts...not a good combo.
LifeNovel said:
Sorry haven't responded for a bit...been really busy with school, like busay so I haven't had access to my personal laptop and have been on my phone this whole time. And I would reply but with my big thumbs and long posts...not a good combo.
I feel your pain bro, I spilled water on my only computer like two weeks ago and I have been posting with my phone ever sence.
LifeNovel said:
Sorry haven't responded for a bit...been really busy with school, like busay so I haven't had access to my personal laptop and have been on my phone this whole time. And I would reply but with my big thumbs and long posts...not a good combo.
Don't worry about it, I know the feeling. My thumbs were built to push large buttons not touchscreen tiles smaller than my nail lol
Yesh! Oh and Rantos, his name is Heolstor :)

But all know him as Hell :)
Ok cool, Caina's back at the guild hall so if you want to play as hell for a bit now is your chance. Just a suggestion of corse, of corse
Debating between having Alysha return to the guild hall or stay with Ambrose and Idril...

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