Dark Guilds Rising: Fairy Tail Rp

Rantos said:
I shall role play with you then once the time skip happens.
Okay then. I'm guessing you mean me. Could be fun seeing as Zenia tends to avoid guys and doesn't like them much.
I probably won't be able to post the next day, my sister said that she doesn't want me on the computer tomorrow ;A;
Time skip sounds good. Sorry I haven't been posting. Life, what can I say. It sorta took me over. But t least my New Years paycheck is gonna look nice in my account lol. I'll wait for the time skip to happen then I'll post again like usual.
Psylion! My old friend, welcome back!

Speaking of the time jump when is that going to happen?
No, I think I said that I was looking forward to the time skip, ya think he would be mad if we just went ahead and posted, probably not right?
I don't believe he would be angry with us. Still it would be a good idea to at least wait for him to say anything in regards to it. You know in case he had plans for the time skip or if he wanted to make an official post in the roleplay or something.

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