Dark Guilds Rising: Fairy Tail Rp

@Kiotaro `wish I would have said this before but you should have made white phoenix base a air ship or something not so easy to locate, seems like the most logical thing to do being the minority guild.
@Cecilia go on ahead an join!

And it not an airship because well. Airships are not very logical for a guild. How would people get up there? Without teleportation magic. And White Phoenix is NOT the minority guild. ALL HAIL WHITE PHOENIX!
@Kiotaro The guild isn't always in the air and when it's on the ground it's in a cloak mode or something, and sorry but all your guild name says is you die over and over again ;)
Yay! I'm gonna make two characters if that's okay. One for each guild, playing different perspectives make it more interesting for me.
That's fine @Cecilia and just because its a Phoenix doesn't mean it has to die. And anyways it means that they always get back up even if you get a lucky hit and get them down. :P
@Kiotaro Well I think it means you die you think it means you fall and get back up...WAIT! you have a phoenix Solaris I think we have found our test subject. Sadly I am but a child in this rp maybe next time.
Indeed. :D but it would be a little later in the story lie. Once something big happens. I hav it all planned out. MUAHAHAHAHAHAAA!
I think white Phoenix because a few people replied only once then stopped. But you can make whichever you want.
Alright. I'll make one for White Phoenix then, as the character I have in mind would work better in that guild.
Sorry I haven't been posting guys... I have been... ejected from my living quarters by my former roommate. I am currently living at another friend's house but with the holidays coming up and with my seasonal work going into full overdrive, I'm gonna be busy till probably around New Years. I'll do the best I can to keep up and post if and when I can though so don't count me out just yet.
That's fine! Take your time! You don't have to worry about this. If this is still alive by New Years then join again, you don't have to post and you will always be a park of this Rp! :D that I unless you drop... XP

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