Dark Guilds Rising: Fairy Tail Rp

Name: Shakira Avalos

Nickname/Alias: N.A

Age: 19

Rank: A-Class

Guild: White Phoenix



Magic (maximum of three but don't be OP):

Celestial Spirit Magic




Personality: Shakira is bold and a daredevil. She loves to challenge herself to be better, and to challenge others as well. She enjoys solving puzzles and riddles, along with making friends. She is kind to others, unless they tick her off.

Bio: Shakira is the oldest of two. Her younger brother, Cooper, was born when she was 5. Their parents cared greatly for the two, until they passed away due to disease. At the time Shakira was 15 and her brother was 10. They both ended up living with a family friend, who showed Shakira that she had the potential to be a celestial wizard, and gave Shakira her first spirit, Libra. The family friend then taught Shakira how to use her magic and how to summon and make a contract with celestial spirits. At age 18, Shakira left the family friend, and took her brother with her. From there, she joined the white Phoenix Guild and began taking work to pay for living expenses for herself and her brother.

Weapon?: Herm... No real weapons.

Equipment: Her keys, which she keeps inside a small bag. Thin strap on the bag, which goes over her shoulders. The bag is always on her right side, and is a dark purple color.

Anything else?: Nope.
Name: Akira Shu

Nickname/Alias: Aki

Age: 16

Rank: A Class

Guild: White Pheonix

Appearance: (Will upload an attachment :D )

Magic (maximum of three but don't be OP):

Cosmic Manipulation Magic: This type of magic revolves around space. Akira is able to manipulate meteors and stars at a level of even making them appear instantaneously. (Can also be referred to as Astrakinesis)

Materialisation: Is able to materialise parts of his body for 5 seconds. Any longer puts tremendous strain on his body and depletes his magic reserves quickly.

Personality: Very likable, Akira is a very shy person who is also very stubborn. He doesnt take no for an answer. He is very protective towards other guild members despite his young age. Despite having such a kind nature he is extremely hot headed. And can get angry at the smallest things.

Bio: Akira is one out of 3 children born into the nobel house of Shu. His childhood was generally a very peaceful one until he got to the age of 7. A rivaling dark guild ransacked his home and raised it to the ground. Killing everyone inside. Except Akira, who succumbed to cowardice and escaped. Hearing the screams of his family in the background made him grow to never forget that day. And he pretty much always has nightmares because of it. As a young child, without a home. He was forced to live on the streets. He refused to go into an orphanage as he was afraid that nobody would "take a troubled child" like him home with them. He didnt want to face the disappointment. For years he would wander the streets in unclean clothes, pickpocketing off of other people just to survive. One day at the age of 11. he was chased back to his 'home' An old mattress at the end of an abandoned alleyway. And attacked by the people he stole off of, by this point he had give up hope. He thought no one would come for him. But they did. A strange woman stopped the men from attacking Akira as she then helped him, her name was Lucja, she was a member of the guild White Pheonix. Lucja took Akira in and raised him as her own as she brought him to the White Pheonix guild hall and he then became a member. Akira would grow really close to the guild master, who would train him and teach him all that is necessary about his magic, since Akira had the same magic as the Guild Master, nobody else could train him. In fact, the master is the reason Akira can use magic!

When he reached 14 Lucja left the guild as she thought their ideals were not right for her. Akira has been at the guild ever since

Weapon?: He doesnt carry any form of weapon but is known to materialise a staff when Facing a worthy opponent.

Equipment: N/A

Anything else: When people get past his shy side he is a very kind person. Despite what happened to him.

Has a pet cat named Timmy :3

His eyes go yellow when using Cosmic Manipulation Magic to its full extent- this also causes great strain as he does not have full control over his powers yet.

((If anything needs to be changed please let me know and I shall do what is requested of me ^-^))<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.0ee2eb67d6f239cdad82d326a9a48380.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37429" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.0ee2eb67d6f239cdad82d326a9a48380.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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How did he learn his magic? And mages don't just unlock their magic they have to learn it fron somewhere.

And that nickname bothers me a little bit. I feel like it would be a nickname for someone stronger or older. But whatever. And I don't know if you know this but my character has the cosmic magic too! :P
Kiotaro said:
How did he learn his magic? And mages don't just unlock their magic they have to learn it fron somewhere.
And that nickname bothers me a little bit. I feel like it would be a nickname for someone stronger or older. But whatever. And I don't know if you know this but my character has the cosmic magic too! :P
Okay, I shall make the necessary changes. And does he? I didnt see that ^-^ I shall make the changes right away
You don't have to change his magic! You could even make them really close and have my character, the guild master, teach him his magic. :D
Kiotaro said:
You don't have to change his magic! You could even make them really close and have my character, the guild master, teach him his magic. :D
That works! I will do that then, do you want me to include that in the bio then?
Name: Toru

Nickname/Alias: Heartless

Age: 17

Rank: A-Class (Potential S-Class)

Guild: Black Raven



Magic (maximum of three but don't be OP):

Dispelling Magic: Dispell magic

Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic

~Shadow Dragon's Roar: The element of shadow; gathers and releases a large burst of shadows from their mouth.

~Shadow Dragon's Slash: The shadow covers the arm as the user punches the target. It can separate into thin tendrils to strike.

Shadow Dragon's Crushing Fang: Generates shadows from hand and unleashes them against the target.

~Shadow Dragon's Blade: Created by the shadow of their surrounds, acts like any normal blade can do. The blade can be sent forward to the target from the distance

~Shadow Dragon's Scales: Able to fire a volley of shadowy spheres from their hand and aim it to whoever they please

Transformation: To change appearance

Personality: Toru is a natural asshole as he bluntly speaks his mind and treats almost everyone coldly. He holds grudges very easily and is very unforgiving, you can say he's heartless at times too. Working with Toru is also a challenge, depending on how good the plan is, is how reckless he would be. He's also a huge dare devil looking like he's bragging of he can do this and that. Surprising Toru is very patient and can wait days to ambush his targets.

Bio (no unknown. Put a little bit of something.): Toru is often misunderstood and usually named the Heartless Monster, mostly because of his actions, but also the fact he can't physically feel pain. He doesn't care what other think or say about him because he will always have something to say back. Toru once had someone he held rather dearly, but who knows what happen to her. Later on he grew to be very handy as he could fix almost anything, he thirst for learning magic increased after realizing what he was capable to do. Growing a bit older Toru started to explore going to the next town to the next, though he never really changed at all the last few years. Can't really say what made him to what he is today. (About his family is going to be revealed sooner or later)

Weapon?: No weapon they're irritating to bring along for Toru, in other words he describes them as useless and dead weight. Ironic since he uses them time to time, usually anything near by will just do fine.

Equipment: First aid kit, screws, gears, screwdriver, and a rench

Anything else?:

"You should know I won't die without a good fight." -Toru
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Don't get OP but other than that... DENI-Accepted. Hehe I tricked you there. You thought I was going to deny you but I didnt.
Name: Ena

Nickname/Alias: Ume

Age: 16

Rank: A-Class

Guild:Black Raven



Magic (maximum of three but don't be OP):

High Speed

~Falcon Heavenward: Rushing at the target while lands a kick to latter. Powerful enough to send someone flying.

Darkness Magic

Dark Force~ Similar to Telekinesis, moving their hand in the desire direction they jerk the target away as if they were hit from up close. This will produce an invisible, powerful blunt attack to strike the target. Though Ena can only do this to objects.

Dark Mass~ Creates a growing sphere of Darkness Magic with the face of Ksitigarbha inside it. As it is shot at the target the sphere separate into many tentacles, that, despite their apparent weightlessness and translucency, are quite heavy.

Dark Ray~ A powerful ray that quickly shoots straight.

Illusion Magic: The use of illusions, allowing to create illusions that deceive people. The user can also determine who sees and hears the illusions and who doesn't. The Magic has quite a large range. Ena rarely use this type of magic, since she hasn't master it yet this can quickly drain her magic.

Personality: Ena is very quiet and rarely talks, when she does she usually say it in a three word limit, she prefers using a notebook though. She's very honest and reserved as she strangely enjoys the dark. Ena is very patient and can wait years she can resemble a Inu at times. Though don't be fooled by her sweet personality she's a whole different person when she's fighting, blank, heartless, reckless, and willing to kill even her own teammates if they get in her way.

Bio (no unknown. Put a little bit of something.): Ena was born in a ninja like family (Father's side isn't part of this) though Ena was born kinda mute. Ena was very quiet, too quiet for a child, the highest number of words she could say was up to three. As a child she was strictly taught the family's ways of ninja, magic combining them with ninja skills. Gender didn't matter as her mother proved it by managing a business company while successfully killing over 100,000 people without getting caught. Ena had a high expectations by her family along with many of her other cousins. Home schooled and kept strictly around the house property, Ena was living a dull live. It wasn't till long when she met her cousin, Toru, who was from her father's side. After a few days of Toru sparking up her life, Ena was instantly attached to him viewing him as a big brother. A few years passed Ena was set off the hook, after hearing that Toru had join a guild Ena instantly went off to join with him.

Weapon?: Two katanas though she doesn't really use them so they're most decoration to her.

Equipment: Bandages

Anything else?:

"Never betray family, but be willing to kill those called friends, that is a true way of becoming a heartless ninja." -Ena

"Why are you talking to me?"


"None of your concern."

Zenia Oton


"You're really annoying."


"Take a guess. Maybe you'll get it right in a million years."



"Go ask Hell. Wait, don't do that."

B-Class Mage


"Let's see here, are you really that stupid?"

Black Raven


"Open your eyes."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c12736251_ZeniaOton.jpg.ec31a073954cc1d1e835712a9b560205.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37973" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c12736251_ZeniaOton.jpg.ec31a073954cc1d1e835712a9b560205.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Magic (maximum of three but don't be OP):

Wave magic

High Speed

Writing Magic --- Used to send coded letters to comrades or others, as she doesn't write books. Yet.


"Your still here?"

Zenia is arrogant, and hotheaded but easygoing. She is not very social, but can be a great friend, if you manage to gain the status of 'friend'. She tends to avoid guys, besides the Oton's, for some unknown reason. She doesn't like them much either, always been that way.

Bio (no unknown. Put a little bit of something.):

"I'm not going to get rid of you am I?"

Zenia Oton is, and always has been, an orphan. Her birth parents left her on a park bench in a random town as an infant. She was found an raised by an old lady, who gave her the name of Zenia. She lived with the old lady till the age of 5, as the lady died after Zenia turned 5. She was killed by some rather unfriendly people. They stormed the large house, and killed the old lady, then ransacked the place for all it's worth. At the time, Zenia had been playing in the attic, and had hidden herself when she heard screaming. She wasn't found, and when the people left, she came out from hiding, and went downstairs, to find the old lady just about dead. Zenia cried her eyes out and remained next to the old lady until she couldn't stand it anymore. A nice young man by the name of Endo Oton showed up about two days after that, and took little Zenia in. He taught her Wave magic, and she learned High Speed from Endo's wife. Writing magic she learned from Endo's brother, a renowned author who also knew writing magic. At age 12 she left the nice family, she had taken their last name as her own, and went around looking for a wizard guild to join. She found Black raven and joined later that year, and stayed in the guild.


"No. Now go away."


Lined notebook, envelopes, writing pen, and stamps -- Kept inside a pocket dimension for her Writing Magic

Anything else?

"Nope. I didn't want to talk to you in the first place. Goodbye."



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Yeah. I know that.

For the rank thing I kinda just put something cuz I wasn't sure. I can change it to E or D if you'd rather.
No B is fine. :D post whenever you'd like. Although the Rp has died down quite a bit. Maybe you can get it back up.

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