Dark Guilds Rising: Fairy Tail Rp

Yep, I know. Puppet magic is my personal favorite type of magic. I can use doll magic on celestial spirits though, correct?
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I mean if you're pretty much Natsu then you should make him his son or something. He's like a copy of him. -.-
Name: Seraphim Hemmingway

Nickname/Alias: N/A

Age: 25

Rank: Class A

Guild: Dark Raven

Appearance: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/558376053770101260/

Magic (maximum of three but don't be OP):

Spirit Possession- Seraphim's body turns into a spirt in which he is capable of taking over a non-cognative host. With this the form is animated and as strong as the force once present amongst that object.

Monsterize- Turns the host body into a new form that is stronger and generally more frightening often with smaller abilities of their own.

Sorcerers Apprentice- Can animate multiple objects smaller than about 40 pounds at a time. (The mops in sorcerers apprentice as an example.)

Personality: Seraphim is easily bored and hates it when some should be entertaining him but fail. He is usually pretty lax, preferring to take things slow and watch than actually be apart of the situation instead openly criticizing them for whats happened.

Bio (no unknown. Put a little bit of something.): Seraphim has grown up in this guild and despite how they operate they are his family. He has been here since about the age of 5 after being abandoned and people thought he was weird because it didn't really bother him.

Weapon?: A belt with about 12 short knives.

Equipment: Leather gloves

Anything else?: Seraphim has a pet shop he own off the side because he secretly loves animals. Remains class A because he doesn't want to move up.
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Erm...we have an Alistair...I don't know if you are fine with having a name so similar to yours or...?

Major WIP





Guild: Fairy Tail


Magic (maximum of three but don't be OP):


Bio (no unknown. Put a little bit of something.):



Anything else?:
I'm proud of you guys for not making your characters too Op. I haven't posted because my character isn't really involved with what is going on so when something major happens. Well you'll see.
Nah just that since a fellow guild member was down I couldn't use any big attacks trust me you will see soon why she is the guild ace. I'll give you a hint. If you read my characters magic it says that the dust is actually sand now (or at least close enough) then if you have watched Naruto and remember Gaara you should remember this. Enough said I think.

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Yeah that's right! Ya know, Caina's tough when he's not paralyzed from the waste down and doesn't have a dislocated arm.
I find it amusing to be watching other fights go on, while waiting for our 'Observers' to actually make a move against Alysha, Ambrose and Idril.
Name: Domino ::: She has dropped her surname/last name and no longer uses it

Nickname/Alias: N.A Unless given one in rp

Age: 18

Rank: A-class

Guild: Black Raven


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/images.jpg.5fe50583601c2088151f5cec06e898a2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36348" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/images.jpg.5fe50583601c2088151f5cec06e898a2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Magic (maximum of three but don't be OP):

Mirror Magic -- The more mirrors she uses, the faster her magic energy drains.

Sleep Magic -- She has the ability to put up to 4 others to sleep at a time, but she has to be really close at the time of casting for it to work. Sleep length varies, but never goes over an hour.

Personality: Domino is a rebel, and can't stand rules that limit her too much. Still, she obeys her Guild master, mostly because he scares her, but also because she sees him as family. She enjoys watching others after a prank or trick has been pulled on them, and whenever possible, she too plays tricks on others. She seriously hates people who can't take a joke, and often calls everyone idiots, no matter who they are, exception on Heolstor, more commonly known as Hell, her guild master. She sees missions or jobs as a 'waste of time' unless she gets some form of entertainment out of it.

Bio: Domino is the daughter of a once prestigious family, and the only remaining member of said family. Her life from birth to age 6 was perfectly normal. She had loving parents, and an older brother. Her mother taught her to use Mirror magic, and she started learning Sleep magic from her grandfather. June 12th of her 6th year, her entire family was wiped out, including her brother and parents, by a dark guild. Domino, at the time, had been out of the area with her friends family. She came home, to find the house in ruins, and her family gone. Unaware of the cause of her families death being a dark guild, Domino sought out the closest guild to her old residence, Black Raven. From that point on, the guild members became her family, and she dropped, or threw away, her family name and forgot about her old life. At age 13, she sought out a wizard outside the guild, that could help her perfect the magics she already knew. By age 16, she had learned all she could about Mirror magic from her teacher, and had gotten a good ways on Sleep magic. She ditched the wizard, and started finding other guild members to be friends with, and hung out around the guild hall more often, where now, at 18, she can almost always be found, unless out on a job or with friends.

Weapon?: N.A

Equipment: N.A

Anything else?:

Her normal outfit is a gray hooded sweater, with a black shirt underneath. Her sweater has a medium sized patch, with the image of a domino stitched onto the right pocket, using orange and white thread. She also wears white jeans and a pair of black tennis shoes.


Name: Felix Chanda

Nickname/Alias: N.A Unless given one in rp

Age: 19

Rank: A-class

Guild: White Phoenix


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Anime_Boy_by_chibi_kiro_cb.jpg.803eda8fee5da2b973eafb46122ba89d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36361" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Anime_Boy_by_chibi_kiro_cb.jpg.803eda8fee5da2b973eafb46122ba89d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Magic (maximum of three but don't be OP):

Snow Magic

Thought Projection- He is only capable of projecting over medium distances, and his projections are not able to interact with the world, besides talk (Basically just a hologram.). He can't keep this up for more than an hour at a time.

Personality: Felix is a happy go luck kind of guy, and loves to be with his friends and guild members. He enjoys working on job with other members and is almost never down in the dumps. He gets really, really mad, though, when his guild is threatened, or when his friends are injured. He takes battles with those who purposefully hurt other seriously.

Bio: Felix grew up in an orphanage, because his parents are dead, until he was adopted by a mage at 8 years old. That mage saw potential in him, and began to treat him as a son and apprentice. He taught Felix Snow magic from age 9 and he started teaching him Thought Projection at age 11. When Felix was 15, they were out on a job, and the old mage ended up taking a fatal blow, to protect Felix. In the end, the man told him to seek out a guild. Felix did as he was told, and lived on the streets for a while, before finding the White Phoenix guild. He joined, age 18, and stayed within the guild, taking jobs and making friends

Weapon?: N.A

Equipment: N.A

Anything else?:

Look up at picture. His pants are generally black jeans and his shoes are gray colored tennis shoes.



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Name: Belial Beryl

Nickname/Alias: Bonesaw

Age: 19

Rank: S-Class

Guild: Black Raven

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Ginpachi-sensei.600.466649.jpg.9b6c8906834da6ec3aae9d07aa4024eb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36828" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Ginpachi-sensei.600.466649.jpg.9b6c8906834da6ec3aae9d07aa4024eb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

His Black Raven tattoo is on his left shoulder blade

Magic (maximum of three but don't be OP):

Regeneration Magic - Exactly how it sounds. Belial can mend all sorts of wounds with Regeneration Magic. If he wished to, he could also interfere with the regeneration of cells to cause cancerous tumors over one’s body or forcefully grow new appendages on something. This also includes grafting organisms, living and deceased, together. If a body is only recently dead (say, one hour at most), then Belial can revive it.


Personality: Belial appears nice at first glance, but he’s actually a not-so-very-nice guy. He enjoys tormenting others and putting others in pain because of his sadistic traits. It's hard to tell whether or not he's serious or joking, because Belial can be completely serious about something off-putting and strange. It's not uncommon for him to lie about little things, and he'll overexaggerate petty matters and understate matters of great importance.

Bio: As a youth, Belial was taken away from his parents to be trained as not a mage, but a healer specializing in wounds caused by magic. His parents had hoped for him to become a kind doctor, but Belial looked upon the profession with disgust. Though he grew to love the subject, Belial also grew to despise his teacher and her apparent incompetence. The forest and its herbs gradually lost its appeal, especially after he began reaching mastery.

He sought ways to end his apprenticeship with the tiresome man, until he came across an ancient book inside a old cabinet. The book, despite being faded and worn with age, contained magic related to organic matter, and Belial greedily learned what was legible. He practiced in secret, honing his craft carefully in the deep areas of the forest on the small critters he captured here and there. Diseases began to run rampant, chimera-like monstrosities scurried among the bushes, and animals afflicted with tumors rotted in the dirt.

Eventually, Belial was caught and confronted by the teacher. Frustrated by what he believed to be cowardice, Belial killed his teacher using his new Regeneration Magic. Her body swelled and expanded, until it ripped at the seams and exploded in a rain of blood. Leaving her crippled corpse behind, Belial exited the forest. The city was a foreign place to him, and Belial joined the first place that offered him refuge: Black Raven.

Weapon: He doesn't typically use weapons, but he uses a bonesaw and other surgical equipment for harvesting corpses. It doesn't have to be corpses either.

Equipment: A surgical set, and a large covered basket that he carries on his back. The basket is filled with what he harvests.

Anything else?: He acts strangely sometimes. Most people outside of Black Raven do not know what Bonesaw appears as, so he typically pretends to be a benevolent healer.



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I feel like he is living death... He can heal people and kill them almost instantly. He can use enhancement magic which is apparently not every Mage can use. Id prefer if he could just heal himself and other people but not to an extent of killing. And the disease magic is a little bit too OP. You can't really dodge diseases.

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