Dark Guilds Rising: Fairy Tail Rp


Nickname/Alias: Eli,Eliza, or Beth/White Star

Age: 17

Rank: A-Class (Potential S)

Guild: White Pheonix


Magic (maximum of three but don't be OP):Requip, Stardust Magic, and Telekinesis

  • Ying & Yang - A pair of yo-yos that can eject blades,needles,and spin at high speeds to create a saw.
  • Raikou - A spear that can emit electricity and be thrown at high speeds
  • Element's Dance - A bow that can shoot elemental arrows. Depending on the element that arrows can have special attributes. Fire can heat seek,ice explodes,and earth erodes.
  • Finale Battuta - A pair of gloves that increases the reflexes and punching power of the wearer. Best used with Finale Calcio
  • Finale Calcio - A Pair of boots that increases Elizabeth's kicking power and speed
  • Mugetsu-Ryu - A Katana that used in a quick draw manner. It has a extremely fearsome cutting ability.

Stardust Magic - Stardust magic is constantly confused with Sand Magic,Sandstorm, and Fairy Magic,because it shares many similar properties. Stardust Magic uses the remnants of dead stars and the sun,that is what is written in Galaxy Heart at least. Elizabeth can heat the dust up to create fires and make explosions. Like other elemental magics Elizabeth can make her body shift into Stardust.

Personality: Elizabeth is somewhat over dramatic. Elizabeth is not the brightest crayon in the crayon box, in fact she rarely sees the end result of anything unless you spell it out for her. Elizabeth can be flexible and adaptable,in and out of battle,switching tactics in a matter of a few seconds,but she can be somewhat self centered. Elizabeth is always a team player and cooperative,but she also loves to be the center of attention. Elizabeth is not gullible by all means,but once your have her trust she is warm & caring and that can be her downfall.

Elizabeth comes from a family that has roots in the creation of the galaxy magic. From galaxy magic many more forms of magic stemmed. Space,Cosmic,Solar,Lunar,even Celestial Body. The family disappeared one day and nobody could find any trace of them.Everybody thought they were dead until a young man started a guild with a form of lost magic nobody had seen or read about. Elizabeth's starts with her family who had in fact become nomadic circus entertainment. They moved from city to city and continent to continent,never staying in one place for long. When Elizabeth was 5 a dark guild finally figured out the family's hidden past and came after them. Elizabeth's mother feared for her children and teleported them to separate locations. Elizabeth had the family heirloom,which was a book that held every form of magic the family had created. She was found and raised by an old couple in the country. They always told her how they found her and encouraged her to try magic. She didn't study the book,but she did study one particular magic, stardust magic. Elizabeth picked it up rather quickly and after that she decided to go on a adventure to find her family and their history,besides their magic history.

Weapon?: A few non-magical weapons in her pocket dimension

Equipment: Just her family heirloom, the book Galaxy Heart

Anything else?: Elizabeth dislikes using Stardust magic and preferres to rely on requip. Galaxy Heart has warning for each magic including Stardust. Elizabeth only uses telekinesis with her requip and to protect herself when she can't move.
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Name: Ara Krane

Nickname/Alias: "The Widower" No one sees her fight since she does not take additional members on missions but she has been nicknamed to her ruthless fighting.

Age: 16

Rank: Most members do not know her class but she is an A-class guild member

Guild: White Pheonix



Magic: Web magic

Personality: Ara is very quiet and does not like to engage in conversation. Only two people talk to her, one doesnt even live near her. The other is the guild master at White Pheonix. She is very shy and bashful. Ara is secretly craving love but doesnt like to show any emotions when others are around because it makes her feel weak.


All people know besides the head of the White Pheonix is that she is shrouded in mystery. She arrived to the guild one day in ripped up garb and eyes white as snow. She is not able to see anything, but uses her magic to "see". She has been at the guild since it begun though she hasnt completed much and kept her gaurd up.

Weapon: None

Equipment: All she is seen with is the outfit she wears.

Anything else?: I know this doesnt seem like a great character but I fully know how I will represent her in the RP and make her develope in the story.
As long as you know. And what is web magic? I've never heard of it. Lemme check it up.

Make sure to post guys! Don't miss out on the fun!!! :D

((Hope I'm not too late c: ))

Name: Kira Morgenstern

Nickname/Alias: The puppetmaster

Age: 25

Rank: SS-rank

Guild: The white phoenix


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/tumblr_m91oojYF4p1qg1e00o1_500.jpg.6c3d9538b01e92dc03fa778c2218cc14.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35507" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/tumblr_m91oojYF4p1qg1e00o1_500.jpg.6c3d9538b01e92dc03fa778c2218cc14.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Human possesion and Doll magic


Kira might seem kind of annoying, she laughs pretty mutch all the time and her voice always seems to have this sarcastic tone to it. But that's pretty mutch a shell. Underneath the surface she is a loving and caring girl who often helps others. She is determined as hell and I doubt that anyone has seen her give up. She has a major problem, and that is to show other people what she feels or thinks. She can't even speak about them without freaking out. So instead she built up this wall to keep other people from getting under her skin.


Kira was at a young age, left by an orphanage. She grew up there with most of her newfound siblings. Most of them were her brothers, hence her kind of tom-boyisch attitude, but she loved them eitherway. During this time of her life, she was trained in secred by the old woman who ruled this place. She was taught everything the old woman knew, mainly because the old woman was soon to be retired and Kira was the oldest of the children. Kira had, by the age of sixteen, learned most what the old hag had told hear. She practiced everyday to complete this training, wich she still haven't mastered.

By the time she grew old enough to leave the orphanage, she headed off to the closest town. She stumbled across a guildhouse with a sign that read 'The White Phoenix'. It wasn't until another year afterwards that she actually joined the guild.


A pair of daggers, but mostly uses them as tools rather than weapons.


Wears a piece of cloth over her eyes because of her magic but has somehow found a way to see where she's going. Also carries a small bag that contains a bottle of water, often some kind of food, bandages and some pain-killers

Anything else?:

Well, she is allergic to peanuts and has a bit of a fear of small areas​



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Name: Idril Hetrite

Nickname/Alias: One man Army

Age: 18

Rank: A

Guild: White Pheonix

(Cover from 'Id, the greatest fusion fantasy')

Magic (maximum of three but don't be OP): Bunshin: He can create solid clones of himself.

Runes (Beginner): Hee's being trained by Ambrose. Currently, he can only create minor runes. (Small explosions [think firecrackers, but with a bit more of a punch], Minor wards, etc.)

Personality: He is subdued, but surprisingly loyal and forceful when one of his precious people are involved. Otherwise, he is an introvert, though some might mistake it for arrogance or aloofness. In truth, he is rather shy and socially awkward.

Bio (no unknown. Put a little bit of something.): Little is known about Idril. He arrived with Ambrose at the guild three months prior, and while held with suspicion, they were soon accepted. Since then, they have been rather quiet, taking missions and training hard. Ambrose was an S-Rank mage, while Idril started from the bottom and rose through the ranks, gaining in strength quickly.

Weapon?: Lamia, an enchanted sword. Legends say it is connected to the Dragons.

Equipment: Simple clothing, lightly armored and thickly woven for protection.

Anything else?: He is often thought to be female, despite his claims to the contrary. He is, in fact, Male, though many still believe he is lying. He is bisexual.

Name: Ambrose (Last name unknown)

Nickname/Alias: The Rune-Bearer

Age: 40

Rank: S

Guild: White Phoenix


Magic: Runes: An ancient art forgotten by most, runes are created by etching symbols called futharks into hard surfaces, typically stones. The runes can have a variety of effects, but the art is separated into three branches.

Angriff runes are offense-oriented. They manipulate the mana circulating in the air and use it for offensive purposes.

Abwehr runes are defensive. They do the same thing as Angriff runes, though it is used for defensive purposes.

Werkzeug runes are the most versatile, and the hardest to produce. They don't just manipulate mana, they can freely shape and use it. They are used for support purposes, such as providing mana to a strained fighter, or for storage.

Personality: Charismatic and friendly, Ambrose is a man who can be joking one moment and serious the next. He is paranoid, always keeping a watchful eye on his surroundings, even putting 'seeing-eye' seals (Similar to security cameras) around the premises. the has created conflict, but has also kept the guild well-informed. Thus, it hasn't been removed.

Bio: Similar to Idril, little is known about the man. He gained a reputation after taking down a dragon (So they say-in truth, he simply coerced it into playing dead and leaving.), and has taken down those who managed to see his face, somehow keeping them from speaking of him. Thus, it was a surprise when he arrived at the doorstep of the White Phoenix guild. They were readily accepted, as help was needed, but held with suspicion. Eventually, he was fully accepted and earned the title of S-Rank mage. Since then, he has been training Idril and keeping largely to himself, taking missions with moderate frequency.

Weapon?: None.

Equipment: Many, many, many storage runes, each one containing more runes. A thick black cloak, allowing for extreme concealment while in the shadows and the like. Otherwise, he wears similarly made clothing as Idril.

Anything else?: Some speculate he is older than he says, using runes to keep himself young.
I was thinking more like puppets and dolls but if you still want me to change the magic it's fine.
It's fine. It wasn't unclear I just don't want that kind if magic in my Rp. As well as death magic.
Name: Alistair Forsythe

Nickname/Alias: Noire Emperor

Age: 32 years

Rank: S-Rank

Guild: Black Raven

Appearance: Alistair is of a lean build and he wears a dark purple cape that covers his upper torso and has a slit in between for mobility. A tight leather belt adorns his waist. For his lower body, he wears leather trousers under a lower coat that covers the back and sides of his legs. He is around 6 feet tall and weighs a deent 65Kgs. His complexion is slightly pale-ish and he has crimson hair which are of collar-length. His hair is parted in a manner where his right eye is completely covered by a curtain of hair. His right eye has a scar through it which he had lost in a fight with a bear. The Black Raven insignia is located at the center of his forehead.

This comes closest to his original appearance.



Teleportation Magic, Noire(Dimensional) Magic and Shadow Magic

Personality: Alistair is of a mostly quiet nature who tends to talk only when talked to or if it's absolutely necessary. This in turn gives out the feeling that he is a shy person who doesn't get along well with others. An introvert for sure, Alistair is often mistaken for the stereotypical loner who stays away from crowds and parties. However, this is not the case. Deep inside, he cares for his guildmates and is willing to go to any extent in order to ensure their well-being, no matter how they behave or have behaved with him in the past. Although, he does in fact display some level of shyness when in the presence of females or when one tries to strike a casual conversation with him. He is most respectful towards Wizards and Witches of a higher standing than him and will quietly work with equals no matter their nature or habits. Alistair is seldom angry. While it is fairly easy to irritate him, his anger is almost never seen. Known to execute grace under pressure, this calm young Wizard often leads peers to believe that he is unenthusiastic about anything and therefore, unreliable in most situations. Again, a wrong assumption. He will carefully think about everything before he takes a step forward, at times, managing to anger other(more enthusiastic) guildmates. He is always watching, always observing things, and therefore, always learning. He is probably one of the most mature Wizards in his guild.

Bio: Alistair wasn't always an expert at controlling his magic. He was in fact very unstable at an young age which resulted in him letting out short bursts of magical energy whenever he tried to use it.

His parents had left him as an infant in the middle of a huge forest where an old sage found him and saw his condition. Understanding that the problem lay within the boy's mind nd not in his magic, the sage began to train him. Alistair learnt to control his emotions and to be the master of his own body. He trained hard day and night under the old sage's supervision. By the age of 10, he was at peace with himself. He had managed to gain command over his mental condition. At the age of 15, he started to train in the arts of hand-to-hand combat. Waking up early every day, he would run miles and miles while the sage, now very old would just sit at his meagre hut and watch the boy running in the distance.

It was on one stormy night that a wild bear attacked the sage's hut and mauled him leaving him half-dead. Alistair was away training when he heard the bear's bellow ring out into the entire forest. Leaving his essential training, the young Wizard dashed towards the hut where the bear had just finished razing the hut.

A fierce battle ensued there and then. It was during this time that Alistair lost his right eye to the beast. He could not kill the bear but he had left it severely wounded even as it had left him so. It managed to escape into the forest, never to be seen again.

Alistair walked into what was left of the hut and found the old man dying. The boy sat by him and gently placing his head on his lap, cried. The old man who was steadily passing into the void said these lines even as he died.

"I used to have a son like you... his name was Alistair."

The old sage of the forest had passed leaving Alistair alone to fend for himself.

The last leg of Alistair's training was still left, that of magic.

At the age of 27, Alistair decided to join a guild with what less knowledge of magic he had. And so, he found Black Raven. They took him in and cared for him, all the while training him to be a master of his unique magic, Noire Magic.

The Noire Magic granted Alistair the ability to open up gateways to a different dimension anywhere he wished and use it's magical powers which he tends to manifest in the form of basic weapons like needles or defensive tools like shields. He can also perform a variety of magical moves using the Noire dimension, most of which are yet to be discovered by him. The extent of his magical powers was only limited by his inexperience and his magical capacity. However, by the age of 30, he had even perfected this side of him and had grown to become the indisputable "Emperor of Noire."

Weapon?: Alistair does not use any kind of weaponry.

Equipment: None

Anything else?: Alistair likes flowers.
Name: Pantex Kelly

Nickname/Alias: Panty (he's fine with it. He's a little weird.)



Guild: Black Raven


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.332bfcc8ea47ca782824f5648f0b1a6a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35732" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.332bfcc8ea47ca782824f5648f0b1a6a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Magic: doll magic and illusion magic.

Personality: he's a trickster. He loves tricking people and chaos. He also loves confusion. But when it comes to his friends, he is very loyal.

Bio: he was abandon as a child. He had to live on the streets his whole life. He tried to join different gangs, but they wouldn't let him in. When he was 17, Black Raven took him in. Due to his totally lonely life, he becomes very attached to his friends.

Weapon: he has two katanas.

Equipment: he has black boots and black, fingerless gloves that help him climb things.

Anything else?: he has a pet ferret named Castro that helped him steal stuff when he was on the streets.



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