Dark Guilds Rising: Fairy Tail Rp

Well whatever. I haven't found the time to watch all of the Fairy Tail episodes and OVAs anyway so I don't know much.
I'm not too good with Bios...<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.b686b1db831489b47848d767c70c91e9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34829" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.b686b1db831489b47848d767c70c91e9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Chris Vulture

Nickname/Alias: "Hunting Vulture"

Age: 27

Rank: A Rank

Guild: Black Raven

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-18_2-25-22.jpeg.32d0d5bd3e31affc7db4da0b925a4a63.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34843" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-18_2-25-22.jpeg.32d0d5bd3e31affc7db4da0b925a4a63.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Snap Back: Vulture's magic allows him to bend his body at impossible angles without compromising the strength behind the relevant area. As an example, he can bend his spine back at a ninety degree angle and then throw a punch up as if he were throwing a straight. It also allows him to hit opponents around him in a 360 degree sphere with ease while making him an irritatingly difficult target to track in a direct fight.

Light Step: Vulture's image is bent (essentially captured) and moves in real time to follow his actual body during a certain action within a range of about fifty feet. The image is immaterial but can be mirrored, reversed, flipped, to throw the enemy off guard.

Mourning Stretch: Vulture alters his body's proportions in some way without reducing his strength, allowing him to, say, flatten his fist out so that its near 2D form covers about ten metres and throw a full force punch into that entire area. Alternatively, he can just pack extra denseness into a single point to increase the delivered force of the blow.

Vulture is the type of man born with immense talent that never found his limits. He lives moment to moment, resents having to work hard at anything and looks down on all others with equal disdain, friend or foe mattering little to him. However, his inability to know his limits often results in terror when he finally hits those walls he just can't surpass (rare as that may be) and he retreats inwards, fear overwhelming him to the point he'll refuse to leave his room.

He often talks of "an intense heat" that penetrates his very body, that drives him to madness when it isn't satiated with violence or carnal pleasures. Disgusting and bloodthirsty in his approach, he considers men things to be broken and women things to be collected (then discarded), despicable in every way, shape and form. Vulture's only redeeming qualities are his animal instincts that seem almost otherworldly and his prodigious strength, his personality saving absolutely nothing.

: Vulture comes from nothing in particular, his parents being thoroughly unremarkable folks living in a large city where such people blended into a bustling crowd. Vulture looked on at this with a morbid disgust, unable to stomach the banal acceptance of the place. In his early teens, Vulture would push the other boys in the area into fighting him when he was bored, calling them cowards and stealing their things right out of their hands (often just so he could break them). Pleasure came from battle and he started to look for the smallest excuse to start a fight before eventually realising that he didn't need an excuse... no one was strong enough to stop him once he started to tear into his opponent anyway.

Vulture's magic naturally grew with his physical prowess and he started to seek out groups to fight, enjoying the looks on the faces of the one or two that survived his first assault on a group of five or ten. The flow of their blood, the willingness of their girlfriends to do anything to make him stop... it all sent a rush of power to his head, a hedonistic joy spreading throughout him and quenching the heat in his heart. It was in this state of power hungry madness that he first encountered the Guild Master of Black Raven walking through the city streets alone after dark. What followed was the very first time that someone had completely outclassed him and left him lying broken in an alleyway, his heart clenching in fear at the thought of meeting that terrible man again.

Initially, he retreated in on himself, ready to flee from the world capable of producing such a demon. He holed himself up in the apartment his violent muggings (when he thought to steal from the unconscious) had afforded, reliving every punch and kick every time the slightest tap was heard in his apartment. His broken pride had just enough tatters left to allow him shame... and a suppressed rage that grew with every passing day. Then a cat slipped in an open window and startled him... and the anger wasn't so suppressed anymore. In his newly awakened state, Vulture rushed to find out where the man's guild was, where he could find Black Raven. Once he had that information, he packed up without a second thought and moved cities to track down the "worthless geezer" and tear out his throat.

The fight went the same as their first and Vulture lay broken in the Guild's main lobby area. His pride though, that was unshaken and his explosive temper urged him to his feet to keep swinging far past the point his body should have shut down. Seeing his intensity, his inhuman hatred and selfishness, the willingness to do anything to crush whatever stood in his path... the Guild Master offered Vulture a position once he'd fully awakened. Seeing it as an opportunity to stay close to the Master and steal his place, Vulture accepted. Within a few days, he was back to his old ways of drinking, fighting and sleeping with whatever girls he could draw to himself without a care in the world. The simple & irredeemable man had found his awful niche.


Boxing Gloves spring-loaded with heavy metallic objects designed to smash a skull in the nastiest manner and inflict as much brain damage as possible.

A Hunting Knife with a serrated edge to do as much damage as possible upon meeting flesh, used for toying with the ones who remain conscious after the loss of motor functions.

Equipment: Nothing springs to mind.

Anything else?: In fights, Vulture tends to fall back on pure instinct and just swing for the fences with little care for his opponent's health (the more unnecessary damage the better). The downside to this approach is that his rhythm can be locked down and if he starts to lose, he can't consciously adapt a strategy or fall back on a solid foundation to power through the rough spot.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-18_2-24-42.jpeg.7a28e95ac70970d072ebe7124c14c8c6.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34842" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-18_2-24-42.jpeg.7a28e95ac70970d072ebe7124c14c8c6.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Oh I'm getting excited to try out this character of mine. I'll give a quick shoutout to see if some of my players want to join in.
Ok. One mor for each guild. Black Raven needs a guild master and ace and White Phoenix needs any member except ace and master.
Name: Sasha Shin

Nickname/Alias: currently has no Alias

Age: 23

Rank: new to the guild, she doesn't have a rank

Guild: white Phoenix



Molding Magic, Ice. She has the ability to create a variety of objects out of ice to be used offensively or defensively. Outside of combat, the user can also change her surroundings using ice, such as covering the ground with ice. She uses a variety of stationary (inanimate) objects, and moving objects such as animals, yet she can not used the complete collection of both. Often times she uses a combination of both, creating things like "Ice Make: Bear shield".


Ice make: Bear Shield:-A large bear forms, creating a shield in front of Sasha, moving depending on where the attacks come from

Ice Make: Butterfly Cage:- Multiple butterflies form, to intersect and create a cage.

Ice Make: Bird Bombers:-multiple birds form, and fall downwards onto an attacker

Ice Make: Floor:-The floor is covered n a thin layer of ice

Ice Make:Tiger impact-A tiger forms like a hammer, and smashes against an attacker, using both body, claws and teeth

Ice Make: Hawk Arrow

Ice make: dragon slide

Ice make: snake staircase


Sasha is kind and caring She is loyal, determined, strong and brave. She will do anything for those she cares about. She can easily laugh and smile, and is desperate to make friends and fit in.


Born from a line of Ice Fishing merchants, Sasha was set to become a merchant herself, until when she was 8, her parents, brother and her fell into the water. She managed to get out, but her family died. Left alone, she was forgotten, and just struggled to survive. It soon became clear to her that she could do things others could not, and she soon figured out, and learned, magic after she was found by an old, white haired man. The man knew magic, similar to what she could do, and she learned from him,hiding her ability outside of him.

When he passed away, she went traveling, coming to Fiore, where she came across the guild, joining in an attempt to finding a place to belong


Equipment:satchel with some basic medical supplies, and personal items

Anything else?:nothing at the moment





30 years old


Guild Master


Black Raven




Arc of Time, Teleportation Magic,

Black Raven Magic -

A rather new form of shadow magic that erupted from his childhood. From those who have seen it know that it takes the shape of a raven, but it's not just a shadow, it is a shadow encompassing Heolstor's body and grants him gravitational power. He seems to gain wings from this, if one looks from afar they can see two faces, Heolstor and death itself as a raven. The raven's eyes glowed with a burning fire that does nothing except frighten and intimidate. The real power is how Heolstor wields it. From this he has many abilities and moves accessed to him.

Black Raven Cry -

Throws a terrifying sound that can harm the ears of those who hear it and depending on what type of magic the wizards have, can temporarily distort their mind.

Black Raven Wings -

With a thrust of his arm he can send out black feathers like darts. It passes through the target like a shadow but physically harms them. The wings can also provide a defense, not as a curtain but as a means to move around faster.

Black Raven Heart -

When this move is used, the opponent is revealed to the raven's heart, which is Heolstor. He becomes a raven hybrid of a sort, gaining red eyes and black feathers on his arms. His ordinary human abilities gain a boost but slighlty. This move is hardly used though for it consumes much magic.

Zero Raven -

This move was only used once and never has Heolstor tried to attempt using it. His body is fully consumed into the shadow of the raven so he vaguely remembers what occurs. The only thing he does know is that once the raven disappears his opponent is dead. Heolstor even fears this move for he doesn't know what is going on.


Decadence, it occurred when he first felt the thrill of being liberated from the chains of light. Quiet and observant, Hell is what he brings upon the enemy once he thinks up of a stratagem. He is neither hot-headed or level-headed but rather cool-headed, meaning that if anything angers him he would not hesitate to act upon with violence with a chilling look. Most of the time he appears apathetic about everything around him but really he has a passion for causing chaos. Pride can be seen though for his guild members even though most don't care for each other for there is an underlying of bond that somehow forges them together. Although if being threatened by another guild mate he would not hesitate to harm or kill.

A loner seems to describe his persona. Often alone from the upstairs of the guild, he observes the guild from above, wanting to imitate the feel of a god. But somehow even though he is a loner he has the qualities of an authoritative figure. Quick to think, harsh in his words, and dauntless to attack he is known for his deplorable fights. Most would describe his way of fighting with magic, dirty, because he would find a way to personally throw off his enemy, using a hostage, or threatening them with a precious item, etc. Heolstor doesn't care for rules, morals, or values, he feels that eventually everything will fall. Nothing in this world is right and that darkness is always there, even with the light. As they said, light came from darkness. Ruthless and horrid, it's what he wants his guild to be known as, society rebels. They don't deserve to be in this world, but rather a whole new better world.


Much is not spoken of his past besides the basics where he was a child grew up into a teenager then to an adult. But not much is known about the details of his past except that he was happened to have been born to two highly regarded light wizards. Much expectations were put upon him. He hated this. The high placing he was put onto already. Some say it was the stress that turned him, but others say it was in his nature already, to be dark. He was a devil child, not the loud ones, but the frightening, silent ones. Since that is all known of his basic past, rumors appeared saying that he killed someone at the age of seven for bullying him, but he has never confirmed this. Or the other rumor that at the age of seventeen when his parents tried to "help" him, he killed them, but he has never confirmed this. And lastly, one where it states that he fell in love with his cousin and was mad that they could never be together, this he openly denied it with a saddened expression though.




Prefers no equipment.

Anything else:

His guild does not use guild marks but rather a tattoo of a raven with a number on it, identifying them as what member number they are. His is zero. But no one knows this except his members, letting all the other guilds in the world to believe he is one, and to lay that purpose out no member has number one.
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Pick between black or shadow raven magic. And describe it because that isn't an actual magic that I know of. But other than that I love him!
Name: "Alysha D. Rikensten"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/4015984.png.a64da5ebfe3ca128e7eabbf22d00ec01.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35194" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/4015984.png.a64da5ebfe3ca128e7eabbf22d00ec01.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Nickname/Alias: N.A for now ((This would change should she be given a nickname in rp))

Age: 19

Rank: S-Class

Guild: White Phoenix

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/anime-neko.jpg.89d55d8932214434f0da4ae20c8916c1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35193" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/anime-neko.jpg.89d55d8932214434f0da4ae20c8916c1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Her shoes are white high-tops and she has horizontal stripped leggings that end past her knees. They are usually black and pink in color. You can sort of see the end of on of them in the picture. She also grew up with a height defect. She was tall through to her 15th year, but after that, she remained the same height, making her the height of a 15-16 year old and shorter than most 19 year olds. She has a thin, but agile build as well.


  • Fire Caster Magic : This is her strongest magic ability.
  • Telepathy Caster Magic : She can hold this with up to 8 others at a time, but it drains her magic faster the more people there are.
  • Minor ability/Weakest Magic: Sleep Caster Magic : She can only put one person to sleep at a time, and she has to make physical contact with them. Doesn't last very long.

Personality: Alysha is a perky girl, and is carefree. She carries the loneliness of being without family within her heart, but almost never shows it. She is more a rebel, but obeys the rules and higher ups of the guild still. She gets really mad when her friends are threatened, or when innocent people are killed.

Bio: Alysha is the daughter of Hailey Eaglesmith and Ralph S. Rikensten and is an only child. Her mother died shortly after her birth, landing Alysha with her fathers last name. Her father raised her, and taught her Fire Magic. In her 10th year, he died of an unknown cause, and she was placed in the hands of a neighboring wizard. This wizard taught her Telepathy and the beginnings of Sleep Magic. Just as her learning of Sleep Magic started, this wizard died as well, leaving the now 18 year old Alysha without family. She traveled around, taking various jobs for money. In her 19th year, she joined the White Phoenix guild.

Weapon: None

Equipment: None

Anything else: N.A for now.



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Make her rank S class

Sayomi said:
Name: "Alysha D. Rikensten"
View attachment 88142

Nickname/Alias: N.A for now ((This would change should she be given a nickname in rp))

Age: 19

Rank: ((I`m not really sure what to put her rank as. I would like suggestions))

Guild: White Phoenix

View attachment 88141

Her shoes are white high-tops and she has black and pink horizontal stripped leggings that end past her knees. You can sort of see the end of on of them in the picture.

Magic (maximum of three but don't be OP):

  • Fire Caster Magic : This is her strongest magic ability.
  • Telepathy Caster Magic : She can hold this with up to 8 others at a time, but it drains her magic faster the more people there are.
  • Minor ability/Weakest Magic: Sleep Caster Magic : She can only put one person to sleep at a time, and she has to make physical contact with them. Doesn't last very long.

Personality: Alysha is a perky girl, and is carefree. She carries the loneliness of being without family within her heart, but almost never shows it. She is more a rebel, but obeys the rules and higher ups of the guild still. She gets really mad when her friends are threatened, or when innocent people are killed.

Bio: Alysha is the daughter of Hailey Eaglesmith and Ralph S. Rikensten and is an only child. Her mother died shortly after her birth, landing Alysha with her fathers last name. Her father raised her, and taught her Fire Magic. In her 10th year, he died of an unknown cause, and she was placed in the hands of a neighboring wizard. This wizard taught her Telepathy and the beginnings of Sleep Magic. Just as her learning of Sleep Magic started, this wizard died as well, leaving the now 18 year old Alysha without family. She traveled around, taking various jobs for money. In her 19th year, she joined the White Phoenix guild.

Weapon: None

Equipment: None

Anything else: N.A for now.
Name: Ysellian


Age: 14

Rank: Mage

Guild: Black raven



Magic: High Speed, Athletic magic, Palm magic

Personality: chill guy, cocky , joker. He does not come off as evil or mean because he's not he just wants freedom to do what he pleases and does not have a problem with stepping on others to have said freedom.

Bio: Born and raised a mage but his family consist of mercenaries of high ranking but he always perferred magic but to please his family he learned palm magic and a few years later learned high speed his family accepted his path. He had wondered off for a few years in search of new magic and after a few months of training with Athletic magic. He returned home and found a note that read "Hey Ysellian we have agreed to let you do what you want but watching you over the years we are sorry to say you are not our son you don't look act or follow us so good bye son/Brother" he wasn't mad but he came to the realization that he wanted the freedom to do as he please and joined a dark guild which he found was rather easy from



Equipment: Little buddy on his shoulder usually never leaves his side unless told to.

Anything else?:
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Accepted all.

@Offspring do not make your character strong ok? Make him lucky. Because I just noticed the he is 14 and knows 3 kinds of magic.
Name: Caina


Age: 21

Rank: Guild Ace

Guild: Black raven

Appearance: But with less wing


Magic (maximum of three but don't be OP):

Illusion magic: Can cast Illusions that can trick the brain into thinking there real. (If he where to slash you with an illusion sword your body would think that you really got cut with a sword there and it would simulate the pain. Only works with minor illusions)

Shadow magic: Just the ability to go into shadows, drag others into the shadows and turn shadows into weapons.

Corruption magic: Caina can corrupt anything he touches. For example, turn water into poison, fill wild life with disease and even being able to corrupt peoples minds twisting there thoughts and sometimes (if they are weak of heart and mind) turning them into his slave. (I will only use this on NPCs and others players if they let me)

Caina does have second origin but he can only use it when him and the old man he shares his body with are in complete sync (which almost never happens)

Personality: Hardly ever serous, quick to blame something else for his faults, Protects comrades with his life, hates running away and cowards, will never see anyone else other than his guild master as higher then him, huge respect and loyalty for his guild master, quick to aggravate if things don't go as planed, low tolerance for idiots.

Bio (no unknown. Put a little bit of something.): When Caina was young he lost track of his family during a carnival in the capital and was left there. He was later found Dark raven’s guild and spent most of his time around the guildhall (not actually entering because he kind of picked up on the fact that kids his age weren’t welcome). He would stand by the guildhall for hours and days on end, sometimes people saw him and made him go, but he would always return. After half a year of waiting by the guildhall he decided to become a mage and join at any cost, and so he began his quest to become a mage. Sadly this quest was soon halted by a sad realization. Only a small percent of humanity is born with the ability to use magic and Caina was not part of that percent. This saddened Caina, but he would not give up, he would simply have to find a way to get magic. His search for a way to get magic seemed endless and just when hope seemed lost he heard a rumor of a pool of water on the top of a mountain that could grant magic power to whoever drank from it, and thus Caina went in search of it. It didn’t take long to find the mountain of rumor and once he found it he started to climb it, but it seemed like the climb would not end. He climbed it for hours, and those hours turned into days, and those days into weeks. Without food or water and without the strength to move on Caina collapsed near the peak of the mountain. He was found and saved by an old man who brought Caina back to his house. When Caina recovered the old man offered him a deal. The old man was willing to lend Caina his magic power until Caina died, and when Caina dies his body and soul belong to the old man. Caina accepted the old mans deal with no hesitation. What the old man didn’t tell Caina was that once the deal was made he would enter Caina’s body and try to take over by force. The old man made the rumor of the fountain of the fountain so he could lure people up here so he could take their bodies, thus increasing the life of the old man. But what the old man didn’t see coming was Caina’s resilience. The process of the old man taking over Caina’s body did not kill Caina. Caina’s long quest was over. He obtained magic. But he now shares his mind, magic and body with the old man. They are forever in a tug of war to see who gains rights to fully control the body. After some time Caina won the fight for his physical body and can control it freely, but half his magic power and his thoughts still belong to the old man. With Caina’s body under his control he went back to the Black raven’s guild and joined. Quickly he rose to the rank of guild ace and that brings you to where he is today.

Weapon: Magic chains that he keeps concealed in both of his sleeves. What’s magical about them you ask? They hurt more then regular chains. (They also have electricity running up and down them but that’s not important, unless they are hitting you)

Equipment: None as of current.

Anything else: Caina never kills an enemy unless given orders to, much rather then killing them he uses his magic to mark them with the roman number for thirteen as a symbol of defeat.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/302534_1317251619959_300_300.jpg.ec92b8ae2a1734c3a0fea164efb46820.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35263" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/302534_1317251619959_300_300.jpg.ec92b8ae2a1734c3a0fea164efb46820.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/imgres.jpg.64976d2ae38c619452b5e275fc2c91f3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35264" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/imgres.jpg.64976d2ae38c619452b5e275fc2c91f3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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