Dark Guilds Rising: Fairy Tail Rp


The Fifth Horseman







Magic (maximum of three but don't be OP):


Bio (no unknown. Put a little bit of something.):



Anything else?:
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Name: Apollo

Nickname/Alias. The White Phoenix

Age: 27

Rank: Guild Master of White Phoenix.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.56ed54ba402c4ac1a4ee1e504e5ab2c9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34669" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.56ed54ba402c4ac1a4ee1e504e5ab2c9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Magic: White Phoenix slayer and Dispelling magic and cosmic magic.

Personality: Apollo is a calm and level headed guy who resolves almost every fight. He will lose his temper if something is worthy of his temper. Unless it a fight with an actual enemy. He is a ruthless fighter who will not stop until he maims the enemy. He would never kill though.

Bio: All that is known is that is that he grew up in a not so wealthy family and they all died from a dark guild. He became a tea else for years and where he learned his magic is unknown. Although he does have the pet Phoenix that taught him his magic. His name is Solaris. He is a white phoenix.

Weapon?: gloves that can explode when contact is made.

Equipment: ^^

Anything else: He likes to eat apples.



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Name: Danily

Nickname/Alias: Dani

Age: 18

Rank: S class

Guild: white pheonix

Pets: A black wolf pup with purple eyes and white bat wings named Ki.


Clothes if picture doesn't match clothes:

A black mesh long sleeved shirt under a sleeveless purple button up silk shirt that goes to the middle of his thighs, black leather leggings, and knee high white furred boots. He also has a black leather choker with a silver bell on it.

Magic: ice make magic, illusion magic, and chain magic.

Personality: He's a mischievous rebel. He doesn't ask permission to do something. He is curious brave determined and stubborn. He likes to fight hates being bored and very quirky. He doesn't trust easily and is affectionate and loyal toward those he does. He follows his instincts. He tries to be welcoming.

Bio (no unknown. Put a little bit of something.): Abandoned at birth Danily was raised in a orphanage. Starved and abused Danily stole to survive and feed the younger orphans. He was adopted at the age of eight by an ice magic mage and made her apprentice. They were very close and she taught him all he needed to know to be an ice mage even how to fight. Though she had a bad habit of forgetting he wad a boy making him wear girl clothes and referring to him as her daughter. He dealt with it though and they were happy as they traveled the whole world. At the age of twelve she was killed by a dark guild and he traveled alone until he joined the white pheonix guild at the age of 13. Shortly after he began to practice other magic as well.

Weapon?: staff chains and Acupuncture needles.


Anything else?: He is homosexual and crossdresses. He only eats sweets.
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Name: Sawa

Nickname/Alias: Dust

Age: 24

Rank: SS-class

Guild: White pheonix



Magic:Dust Dragon Slayer Magic

Personality: Sawa has a very bright personality she will do anything and everything in her power to try and cheer people up if they are sad. She likes to follow two rules rules she set herself which are; treat people who deserve respect with respect unless its a guild member then treat them all with respect and ff someone attacks the guild or harms any of its members they will not be forgiven unless the master says so. She is normally very lively and likes to be the guilds "Maid" of sorts. The only time that she is not like this is when someone has either very annoyed her and then she becomes almost demon like or when she has a little to much to drink when she gets a bit clingy to the closest person.

Bio: Sawa was born to parents she couldn't even name if she wanted to they abandoned her in a destroyed house or at least she thinks they did what really happened is unknown. She should have died and wound have if it wasn't for an unexpected thing that she would soon call mother appeared. A dragon saved her and raised her the dragon was called Dasuto-miko.(lit.Dust-Priestess) Dasuto miko trained Sawa up until she was 15 and then out of nowhere left. Upset Sawa didn't know what to do so she want to the closest town she could find and heard people talking about a things called guilds. She wondered about looking form one of these great sounding places and found one called "White pheonix" and since she liked the name she decided to join it.

Weapon: None

Equipment: None

Anything else?: She is a klutz most of the time.
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Name: Loren Sonata

Nickname/Alias: Somber Sonata, Nightingale Loren Sonata

Age: 23

Rank: S-Class

Guild: Black Raven


Archive, Sound Magic, Requip (The Musician)

  • Violin - Marionette: The violin projects magical threads which can be used to manipulate objects or ensnares foes.
  • Trumpet - Nocturne: The trumpet produces a shadowy copy of the player. While the trumpet player continues their performance, the shadow attacks on their behalf.
  • Cello - Adagio: The cello sends forth crashing sound waves through the ground before surging up like a geyser dealing damage along the path.
  • Flute - Grave: The slow playing of the flute causes two dark orbs to rain down on the players enemies. The orbs, upon impact, shatter and become shadowy copies of the player who then seek out and to the bidding of the flute.
  • Microphone - Serenade: The singer's voice and other sound magic is amplified increasing the damage of all sound magic spells cast by the wielder.
  • Sitar - Elegy: Two Will-O-the-Wisps in the shape of birds surround the player. The wisps then disperse and converge on targets chosen by the player barraging them in a rain of spectral fire.

Personality: Self-deprecating and tired are the first things you immediately can gauge just from looking at Loren. He seems indifferent with everything to the point of not caring what happens to himself or others. He shows emotion for only three things: Music, knowledge, and suffering of others. He considers himself a musician with no muse other than the suffering of others. Preferring to keep his distance from others whenever possible. He only engages in conversation when he feels bored, which is all the time, or absolutely necessary. His driving force is to cause others to feel the same pain he feels and to that end he believes his knowledge of magical music is the best way to go about it.

Bio: As a child Loren was constantly taunted for being smaller than everyone or having a weaker constitution. From birth he was diagnosed with a disease that slowly ate away at his organs. With an already weak immune system and failing organs, it was assumed that he would die before he reached adulthood. His mother was the only one who ever showed him and kindness in his time of suffering. She was a mage of a well known guild that focused heavily on information gathering and distribution. She taught him how to use magic, if for nothing else to keep his mind off the idea that he would die young.

As he reached his teen years his condition worsened. He had lost his right eye to blindness and some of internal organs had been damaged to the point of needed them to be replaced. He was in his mother's guild building resting while they tried to find a suitable donor for him. He had lost faith in what little time he had left. He didn't care if he lived or died at that point. His last thoughts were on his mother, her guild and their kindness. He fell into a deep sleep, not wanting to cause others to suffer as they watched him die. He awoke from his death like slumber shocked at the idea that he wasn't dead. Surrounded by the guild members, he saw the stream of tears on their faces. What he had learned upon waking up that his mother sacrificed herself by giving him her organ so that he could live.

Grief stricken he let out a magical wail that shook the guild building to it's foundation. He went into isolation after his recovery. Not knowing what else to do he sought only one thing, to bring others the same suffering that he felt. He joined Black Raven hoping to achieve that very goal and in turn hope it brought him some sort of solace in his loss and a reason to live.

Weapon?: Musical instruments from his Requip pocket dimension includes a violin, a trumpet, a cello, a flute, a microphone with stand, and a sitar.

Equipment: Performance clothes typical of classical musicians (long tail coats, black slacks, puffy shirts, etc), a pendent in the shape of a treble clef.

Anything else?: Due to his weak constitution he occasionally suffers from coughing fits and when he exerts himself too hard he becomes extremely exhausted almost to the point of collapse.

(I wanted to challenge myself to play the bad guy cause I almost never get to play as them. Also I've always wanted to play the sickly character so two for two. If I need to edit anything, particularly the history, please tell me so I can tweak it. I felt I laid it on thick with the sob story, but like I said I've never really done a bad guy/ sick guy before so I know there is something I can tweak.)
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If you can explain what each of his instruments do then you are accepted. :D I'm glad you are challenging yourself.

Salena Kosne




17 years old




Black Raven




Paint Magic -
Able to create physical objects from a painting

Phasing Magic -
Ability to pass through solid objects

Telepathy -
Ability to send out thoughts to those she chooses to speak to


Sly, seductive, and schematic. She cares not for the well beings of others. And it's really not all about her either. Sal sees life as a dull story. All she does in life is breathe, eat, drink, sleep, and kill. That is all that is necessary in her life.

She keeps up with her appearance though as a part of her life tools. Her social skills are exquisite and friendly. She does this to gain the trust of fools. Relationships are just another dull factor of her bland life. The only enjoyment is her paint. That's all that ever brings color to her life.

Sal enjoys pain and misery brought upon others for she herself has experienced firsthand. She will not stand for anyone helping her. Sal has this issue of doing things independently. The distrust in her is great. Many fools have fallen for her loyal trap though she has gained "guildmates" but has never found anyone worthy of her presence except for the guild master.

She is a mastery at reading people and their weaknesses. Sticking on the defensive for combat at the beginning she reads her opponent's moves. She is intelligent and stratagetic in these manners. Often she holds an attracting, vibrant air around her but with killing and fighting it changes into a cool, serious demeanor.

Humor is one humane thing that Sal gets. She finds it in odd ways though. Through pain or from a cruel perspective she find things funny. Sal enjoys the feeling of laughter since happiness is foreign to her.

Sal does everything with a purpose or reason. To do something with no reason will drive Sal mad. She needs something to grasp on. Sal always thinks before she does anything. Uncertainty and fear are the underlinings of her doubt of no reason. She sees everything like a game to her dull story. Something will always affect another thing.


Salena was the daughter of two rowdy wizards. They were a part of a very strict but friendly guild. Sal was a happy girl always admired for her paintings, until she reached the age of 4.

Her parents were out on a mission when they were killed, the cause still unknown to this day. All the guild members felt for her and tried to help her in many ways. One peculiar wizard stepped forward to care for Sal. It was rather a popular, young, male wizard. Sal felt a bit more comforted by this wizard until she was around him drunk. He neglected her, leaving her at bars for her to witness the horrid and mature activities that happened. At some point other drunkard, guildless wizards abused her.

She couldn't fight back for her powers were still developing and no one was there to defend her. The neglect and abused continued for 9 years until one day she drew a monster. This monster killed all in its path. She poured her heart out into the drawing and it was a catalyst to her ultimate power.

After that day she wandered over many towns seeking for a way to live. She found herself throwing little shows and committing dirty jobs for others. Soon she earned a reputation for being popular in bars and similar locations. But she would never allow anyone to abuse her though. She was there just to entertain but never to satisfy. In some incidents she killed those who attempted. Some saw her doing a good deed for ridding such disgusting wizards but never will she classify herself as good. Sal has experienced too much sin and darkness for her to be good and she felt no remorse for killing. Sal knew that she was inhumane in a way. She traveled from age 13 to 15 when she found her way to Black Raven guild.

The guild master didn't care much for her, but Sal somehow felt like the guild master was a father to her. She only trusts him and no one else. From the day she has joined, Sal has wanted to do something for a living. Put some color in her life.


She carries just her art supplies and a sketchbook. But for safety measures she carries around a whip.


Nothing really except she could create equipment if needed.

Anything else:

She can create most things except humans. Creatures and objects are things she can create.
Kiotaro said:
If you can explain what each of his instruments do then you are accepted. :D I'm glad you are challenging yourself.
I can edit it so that it explains what each one does. No problem. I'll put in in the magic section and list them off.
Edited the magic so you know what each instrument does. I swapped the tambourine for a sitar. Felt it made more sense ince you can play a sitar sadly but I've never seen a tambourine played depressingly before lol.

If I went overboard with any of them please let me know
Get rid of the condictor's baton and you're good. Also make instead of the multiple shadowy figures and multiple will o wisps, make then just one or two. Then you're accepted. He can learn te conductors baton stuff later in the Rp.
Solid. So far everyone has been accepted. You guys can tell your friends about this Rp. Hehe just a thought. :P
Too lazy right now. May try later if possible.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.36c91d25b246a03f16ec9b41bafe5b1c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34791" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.36c91d25b246a03f16ec9b41bafe5b1c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.29ff0e6207a0fa3b6952a0aa8bdf3e34.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34792" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.29ff0e6207a0fa3b6952a0aa8bdf3e34.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.02d12b4cd2b7e4c2bacf0d1a28d26ff1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34793" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.02d12b4cd2b7e4c2bacf0d1a28d26ff1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.b3a9b311216475bc9b77276c77eb5421.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34795" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.b3a9b311216475bc9b77276c77eb5421.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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