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Fandom Danganronpa

[QUOTE="Blue Fire]We have a Pm Thing and he told me someone wanted to join

I see. So back to RP'ing, wouldn't want this one to die.


Kinjin who was changing his cloths and was getting rid of his white cloths because of recent events and almost getting executed because of having white cloths. He exited his room about to go to Ike but he saw Kiyo's room. He looked around and entered Kiyo's room. The room with all of Kiyo's belongings was now empty with just a bed. He didn't know where Kiyo's belongings were but she was dead and not coming back.

He came out of Kiyo's room and made his way to the kitchen to meet with Ike. He walked pass the elevator were the trial room was. That was where they found Kiyo Kano was found Guilty. He tried not to think about it but it kept entering his mind. Why Kiyo she was so nice and a good friend but killed someone to get out He thought. He had to take care of Ike and keep him alive. He walked into the kitchen and went to find Ike. "Ike you Here."

Ike quickly stopped crying when he heard footsteps approach the kitchen. He wiped his tears vigorously before Kinjin stepped inside and smiled at the man, "Yeah! I'm here.. Thank you for agreeing to bake a cake with me Kinjin!" He said happily. He stood up from the chair he was sitting in and walked to the fridge, "Um.. So are you allergic to anything? I'm allergic to chocolate..." He told him as he stared at the contents inside the fridge. If it was anybody else, he would've been scared out of his mind at the thought of being murdered. But Kiyo told him he could trust being alone with Kinjin and the sisters... and that was before she died. It was one of their promises..

@Blue Fire

Alouette Martel


"So you've seen me for the entire time."

She opened up her parasol and raised it above her head. A normal person would say she's crazy, but Alouette has her reasons. That is also another mundane quality that humans possess, they like to judge people right off the bat without knowing who they are or the reasons for their actions. Due to that one quality, humans have trifled on and on about some of the most pointless things like habits, and sometimes it would lead to the spilling of blood; war. Why do you think Americans called a certain people savages?

"You haven't told me your name yet, but that is fine."

Alouette smiled, the last time someone noticed her was when she got the acceptance letter to Hopes' Peak. That name wasn't very fitting for the situation they were in right now, it was almost ironic.

"Funny how the school name is Hopes' Peak Academy. Shouldn't we rename it to Despairs' Peak Academy?"

Her witticism of the irony of the school name probably wouldn't be appreciated in a situation like this. Still with a parasol raised above her head, she left the room and approached the kitchen, taking a seat.

"No matter what type of organism you are, you will always take from others to survive. Living is evil, and it is sin. Nobody's life more valuable over another, and you can never justify murder with your ideals."

@Blue Fire


Piper who was over to the side and being the title SHSL Stalker was stalking the girl who she kinda just noticed. She walked around staying in the shadows watching her. She was going to stalk Nagisa but he was in his room or something. She pulled out her notepad and recorded the girls personality and looks and if she was a threat to her senpai.


Keiji Sore

The girl exitted the room before Keiji answered her question.Dove,eh?Keiji was not quite sure what to make of her.One thing for sure was that she was hiding something.Secrets are not a good thing in situations like this.Keiji did not trust her,that's for sure.He will have to keep his distance.

Keiji's stomach was settling so he can concentrate on his surroundings. Only Monokuma and a few other people were in the room. Who was Monokuma?It makes no sense to create an elaborate execution just for one person. Keiji couldn't understand Monokuma's motive.

"Hey,why are y-you doing this?"

@Blue Fire​


Kenjin thought that it was quite weird that he was allergic to chocolate because he never knew anyone allergic to chocolate. Also people thought that it was weird that he was allergic to peanuts. "I'm allergic to peanuts but that's all." As he said that he heard a gate open and the moniters turned on and monokuma was on the screen. "The second floor is now open you now may explore."

@Trust @OnceDarkness @NANANANANANANANANANA @TrippyVirus @Scrubnoppon @BennyAxC @Kiseichu @Laughing Lunatic @Blue Fire
"Wait... We can explore now?? Forgot about the cake, let's go to the second floor Kinjin!" Ike excitedly said as he grabbed Kinjin's arm and fast-walked to the second floor. All that was going threw his mind was that maybe they'll find something that'll get them out of here! They will probably even find the escape if they're lucky enough! Well they do have the SHSL Lucky student with them but he was pretty sure her luck only worked for her... Because if her luck worked for the people around her then her sister wouldn't be the Unlucky student.. Or her luck was that bad that even luck couldn't pass through. When they make it to the top, Ike gasps and he lets go of Kinjin's arm to run to the door that says 'Pool'. He pushes open the doors vanishing from Kinjin's sight.

@Blue Fire


Kinjin who was forced to the second floor by Ike who was stronger then Kinjin remembered and then being ditched by him. He looked at the place he went which was the pool. Kinjin was a decent swimmer not the best but he was okay. He walked to the changing room where Ike was most likely. He walked in to see Ike in his short and he was pretty muscular. Kinjin was blushing so much at this time.

Ike heard a door open and turned his head towards the sound to find Kinjin really red, he giggled as he remembered how Kiyo told him it was he was because embarrassed, but in a good way. He ran to his side and gently tugged at his sleeves, "Can you swim with me Kinjin? It's a lot more fun with someone else!" Ike can look for the exit later, or someone else probably will... He was pretty sure Nagisa could find something.

@Blue Fire


Kinjin who was blushing so much that he was about to explode but he tried to calm down. "Um.. Of course." He grabbed a pair of swim shorts and changed. He went to the exit the changing room and into the pool. The pool looked nice and clear.

Ike gives a quick hug to Kinjin from behind then cannonballs into the pool. He stays underwater for 5 seconds before he swims back up. He turns around to Kinjin and smiles, his orange eyes shining brightly, "The water feels so great. I'm kinda surprised something like Monokuma allows us this."

@Blue Fire

Keiji Sore

Keiji was not exactly ecstatic when Monokuma announced that the second floor was unlocked. New places to murder,he pessimistically thought. At the very least,they can find out something about the school and why they're here.

It was quite late at night at that time so Keiji was feeling very tired. He's going to search the second floor in the morning. But maybe a quick look might not hurt. He got up from his knees and trudged upstairs.

After a flight of stairs,Keiji found himself staring at a toom labeled "POOL".

"Hmm..a pool."Keiji told himself. He saw two doors. One for males,the other for females. The changing rooms. There were scanners at the door. Keiji instinctively scanned his student e-handbook. It was like he was here before. Well,scanners were quite common to him as his father was a respected university lecturer and he had to visit him during work from time to time,he reasoned.

When he went into the pool room,he saw Kinjin and Ike playing in it.He was a bit surprised that they were already playing after what happened.But their cheerfulness lifted his spirits.

"Hey,you guys! What are you doing? Aren't you tired? How about searching the second floor in the morning?"

@Blue Fire

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Julian, Decided to walk around a bit. He wasn't tired, and he was bored. "I wonder whats upstairs? Maybe a Library? Or something like that at least." Julian walked up the stairs to see a pool. Julian shivered. "Who would want to go to a pool at this time?" Julian muttered to himself, figured someone else would look at it. Julian Looked around the Second Floor for the rooms.

@Blue Fire

(I have no clue on WHAT is around the building. I'm slightly lost)
"Oh! Hi Keiji!... Um, now that you mention it I am quite tired, but I just jumped in..." Ike looked like he was in deep thought before he sighed and smiled at them, "Ah well. It will probably be better to swim once I'm more awake. Seeing the pool got the best of me," He chuckled, "Sorry Kinjin, we'll do this tomorrow okay? Promise." He lifted himself out of the pool and headed to the changing room for boys.

@Blue Fire
[QUOTE="Laughing Lunatic]Julian, Decided to walk around a bit. He wasn't tired, and he was bored. "I wonder whats upstairs? Maybe a Library? Or something like that at least." Julian walked up the stairs to see a pool. Julian shivered. "Who would want to go to a pool at this time?" Julian muttered to himself, figured someone else would look at it. Julian Looked around the Second Floor for the rooms.
@Blue Fire

(I have no clue on WHAT is around the building. I'm slightly lost)

The pool, Library, That oxygen thing, and classrooms


The moniters came to life and monokuma came on screen. "its 10pm and nighttime."

Keiji Sore

"Well,I guess I'll see you,then."

Keiji was turning around to go back to his room.Then he remembered something.

"Hey,can you guys ask everyone to meet in the Cafe at 9 in the morning? That would be cool if you could.See you!"

Keiji laughed darkly. "Don't die."he said as he walked back to his room.

@Blue Fire
Ike stares at the ground as Keiji's words repeat in his mind. 'Don't die.' He snaps out of it and quickly walks back to his room after he finishes drying up and dressing to his original clothing. Once there he closes the door slowly and locks it. He gets in his pj's and lays in his bed, letting the tears fall down as he goes to sleep. Hoping that after Kiyo's...... There wouldn't be another murder.
Julian Groaned at the Nighttime Announcement. He'd have to settle with looking around tomorrow. He walked back down stairs and Went to his room.He did overhear Keiji, and decided to go. 'Don't die'? He better not kill anyone. Julian locked his door, and fell onto the bed. He mostly just lied there and wondered. Who can he trust? Well Ike is someone who Julian would trust, hands down. Keiji was a bit iffy for Julian. Just his attitude irks him. Nagisa seemed to be a loner, along with Sehma. He suspected as long as he stayed out of their hair, he'd be fine. The sisters, Charlotte and El couldn't hurt anyone but themselves. He sighed. Well, Butter go to sleep anyway.

@Blue Fire

Warren had nothing to say. He didn't know what to say. So many words and emotions were swirling through his mind at the moment. He decided to just head to his room.

"Night guys..."

Warren just quickly went to his room and went to bed.

Not even his Sprite on the door could cheer him up...

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