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Fandom Danganronpa

---------------------------------------------------Night Time-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Keiji Sore

Keiji went in his room.He locked his door.To be safe,he propped up his table at the door.

Keiji just layed on his bed for awhile. At least Monokuma bought soft beds,Keiji thought.​
(So it's alright if someone leaves their room after the night time announcement right? I just wanted to make sure cause I'm working on a post now)

Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


requisite info

Sehema had been holed up in her room for most of the day, only going out to get something to eat. She took notice of Monokuma's announcement about the second floor, but stayed inside for a few minutes just to give everyone a chance to get back to their rooms. Once she was confident that mostly everyone was in their room, she walked out of her's and headed straight to the second floor. As she walked, she stayed alert at all times. It would be dangerous to assume that no one would be out as well during night time. The first door she walked to was the double doors that led to the pool. She reached out to open the door, but found it to be locked. Hmm...I guess the pool is inaccessible during Night Time... She thought to herself before she turned to quickly walk away from the double doors. She wanted to enjoy investigating alone and the last thing she needed was anyone, especially Monokuma to pop out of nowhere.

As Sehema approached the library, she couldn't help but to smile. Reading was a good way to pass time, especially since there wasn't an archery range in the school. She
opened the door to the library and walked inside looking around. Once she was comfortable, she pulled a desk to a side wall and plugged in a lamp to light up the room. Satisfied with her reading corner, she decided to walk to the kitchen to make herself some nice chai tea.

DaniBot said:

Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


requisite info

Sehema had been holed up in her room for most of the day, only going out to get something to eat. She took notice of Monokuma's announcement about the second floor, but stayed inside for a few minutes just to give everyone a chance to get back to their rooms. Once she was confident that mostly everyone was in their room, she walked out of her's and headed straight to the second floor. As she walked, she stayed alert at all times. It would be dangerous to assume that no one would be out as well during night time. The first door she walked to was the double doors that led to the pool. She reached out to open the door, but found it to be locked. Hmm...I guess the pool is inaccessible during Night Time... She thought to herself before she turned to quickly walk away from the double doors. She wanted to enjoy investigating alone and the last thing she needed was anyone, especially Monokuma to pop out of nowhere.

As Sehema approached the library, she couldn't help but to smile. Reading was a good way to pass time, especially since there wasn't an archery range in the school. She opened the door to the library and walked inside looking around. Once she was comfortable, she pulled a desk to a side wall and plugged in a lamp to light up the room. Satisfied with her reading corner, she decided to walk to the kitchen to make herself some nice chai tea.

Alexis who was running on coffee right now was sketching on her note pad. She was drawing the victim and the murder of the first case. She wasn't going to finish it tonight but she wanted to get the sketch down. While she was drawing she saw Sehema who she hasn't got to know entered the kitchen. She looked up from her sketch and kinda waved and said "Hey Sehema what brings you up at this time?"

The drawing special thanks to Laughing Lunatic:

(Can I have the pleasure of drawing the next murderer/victim please? @Blue Fire)

Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


requisite info

Sehema stopped and stared at Alexis. She was right to assume that she wouldn't be the only one out. "Just investigating. What about you?" She left out reading in library on the off chance that Alexis wanted to tag along. She raised an eyebrow at the artist. "I'm surprised you aren't holed up in your room like everyone else..." She commented and took a sip of her tea.

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DaniBot said:

Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


requisite info

Sehema stopped and stared at Alexis. She was right to assume that she wouldn't be the only one out. "Just investigating. What about you?" She left out reading in library on the off chance that Alexis wanted to tag along. She raised an eyebrow at the artist. "I'm surprised you aren't holed up in your room like everyone else..." She commented and took a sip of her tea.


"I'm drawing of course and trying to stay awake and drink coffee I don't want to be a sitting duck in my room and I'm not like normal people honey and don't try to attack me because I'm not stupid enough to come with out protection." She pulled something out of her pocket which was a butterfly knife which she was flicking around. "You like."
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Julian Couldn't sleep. He sowre he saw the Library on the second floor. And he hasn't read anything in a while. Getting up, he thought out a way to get though this without being noticed. He assumed some people were not as bothered by the killings as others. Julian sighed, wondered what he could use to protect himself. He shook his head. "I wouldn't need to protect myself." Besides, a Kick to the stomach or groin should give him time to run away. Opening his door, closing and locking it again, he walked over to the staircase and went up. He noticed the Artist and the Archer, Alexis and Sehema. To not not disturb either of the two, he decided to be as quiet as he could while trying to get to the Libray. 'Just get a book, and go back down stairs.' He thought trying to sneak past them. 'Please let my ability to stay un-noticed, keep me un-noticed' he thought.
Ike hadn't been sleeping at all... He tried, but failed miserably. So he got up from his bed and left his room to get some milk, or anything to just get him to sleep. That's when he saw Julian by the stairs. Once Ike saw that Julian had reached the top of the stairs of the second floor he followed him. Ike bumped into Julian softly and stayed there, his eyes were really red and his face looked so defeated. It irritated him at first, but he kinda got numb to it. "Juli... What are you doing?.." Even his voice was despairing to hear, it was very raspy and he said it so quietly you could barely hear him. He was still in his pj's which consisted of his red shorts and a basic white tank top, but in his right hand he held a medium sized kitchen knife... To protect himself of course.

@Laughing Lunatic

Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


requisite info

Sehema watched as Alexis took out a butterfly knife and took another sip of her tea. "It's ok, but do you know how to use it?" She placed her cup down and crossed her arms and laughed a bit. "Honesty I find it funny that you would flatter yourself into thinking that I would attack you. Trust me, I'm not the one to go through the trouble unless someone is stupid enough to make me their target. Not that I'd expect a bunch of peasants to try anyway..." She picked her cup up and turned around to head upstairs. Before she left, she turned to face Alexis. "Word to the wise. Don't flash your weapon for everyone to see. Don't want to end up like our early departed hunter. Good night." And with that, she excused herself from the room.

As she walked upstairs, she noticed that Julian and Ike were standing at the top of the stairs, and therefore in her way. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but could you two please move? What are you doing talking at the top of the stairs?" She asked a bit annoyed. Running into people defeated the purpose of being isolated.

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Kinjin who was not asleep yet but was close to it. He was making cloths for something but he didn't know what yet. He could hear doors open and close because he had his door cracked a little just so he could hear if a murder was happening. When he was walking around after checking Kiyos room monokuma went into the trash room with Kiyo's stuff. He stopped him and asked for her stuff. He said what ever and left the box. Her was using her scissors (not the murder scissors) to make cloths. He wanted to remember her. He heard Ike's room open and he wanted to say Hi but he didn't want to bother him.
Ike turned ever so slightly, "I'm sorry we were just..." He stops himself and sighs as he proceeds downstairs. He opens the door to his room then he sees that Kinjin's door is open. He drops his knife as his face becomes very pained and he quickly walks to Kinjin's room. He walked inside as he closed the door and neared Kinjin, tears were about to come out of his eyes again as he said, "Do you know how dangerous it is to leave your door open like that?" His voice was louder this time, but still very raspy. "Someone else could've noticed your door was open and killed you! I couldn't live with that! How can you be so c-careless?..." His broke down, the tears falling faster and he so desperately tried to wipe them away. "I-I ne-eed you a-a-alive..." He mumbled and fell to his knees.

@Blue Fire
BennyAxC said:
Ike turned ever so slightly, "I'm sorry we were just..." He stops himself and sighs as he proceeds downstairs. He opens the door to his room then he sees that Kinjin's door is open. He drops his knife as his face becomes very pained and he quickly walks to Kinjin's room. He walked inside as he closed the door and neared Kinjin, tears were about to come out of his eyes again as he said, "Do you know how dangerous it is to leave your door open like that?" His voice was louder this time, but still very raspy. "Someone else could've noticed your door was open and killed you! I couldn't live with that! How can you be so c-careless?..." His broke down, the tears falling faster and he so desperately tried to wipe them away. "I-I ne-eed you a-a-alive..." He mumbled and fell to his knees.
@Blue Fire
Kinjin who was packing up his thing to go to bed saw Ike walk into his room with dried eye's and looking like he was about to cry. He was also about to cry when Ike broke down. He didn't know Ike needed him. He got out of his chair and got on his knee's down to eye level with Ike and hugged him. He also needed him he needed Ike with him. "I'm sorry Ike I'll never do it again."


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