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Fantasy Daemon Days(OPEN)


Confirmed Memelord
They had existed for as long as the Universe itself. Flitting through shadows and keeping themselves just at the edge of Human comprehension. Daemons. Creatures of great power that had always observed Mortals but very rarely did they make their presence known. They kept to themselves, donning disguises only when they were required to cross the line between our world and theirs. The Reality of Daemons, called The Void ran parallel to that of Humans, but never did they intersect. Never did they interact.

Until recently.

For reasons, unknown Daemons began to breach the boundary between worlds and making pacts with Humans. Some of the Daemons seek companionship and an opportunity to experience a world not their own. Some of the Humans seek a power that can only be afforded by a Daemon.


And some seek to leave both worlds in complete shambles.....

Please post all questions, comments and OOC chatter in the OOC Board. This main Board is for IC posts ONLY.








Arnvista has recently begun to experience a surge in unregistered Daemon activity and APD has had its hands full attemptiing to quell the tide. A recent string of murders in the slums has put everyone there on edge, and all evidence points to a Daemon committing the murders. However the culprit seems to targe Daemons more often than Humans, though no one can say why. This has led to an uprising in Anti-Daemon sentiments from Human Citizens, and lawmakers fear the worst.

Apex Implementations has entered into a partnership with Sato-Yamasaki Genetics, and there are rumors of a secret facility being built for testing. Lorette Lècuyer continues to remain silent on the issue.

The Kaiju designated Rasteva has been highly active in recent months, going so far as to visit both Kaijus designated Echeron and Nagendra respectively, something out of the ordinary for and individual that has been inclined to stay in one area for the past decade. Officials are encouraged to be on standby.

The Kaiju Designated Qliphoth has been cutting a path further south in Greenland, and drawing noticably closer to Human settlements. The Kaiju's presence is always preceeded by a sudden Blizzard appearing with no pior warning and citizens are urged to seek shelter in the event that they find themselves caught in its path.



Daemon Days is a weird little blend between Modern Day, Science Fiction and Fantasy. If you wanted a better explanation, I guess you could call it a Cyberpunk RP with Fantasy elements. Players will be able to RP as either a Daemon or a Human. However, Daemon/Human pairs are perfectly acceptable and likely to be the most popular. But you are more than welcome to play one character if you'd like. 

There is no limit as to what your Character can be. The Game offers people a variety of choices to determine what kind of character they'll be. And if you're ever not sure, you're more than welcome to run it by me first.

Despite being tagged as an Advanced RP, Casual players are more than welcome. I only ask for 2-3 Paragraphs at minimum for your posts. The Advanced part kind of stems for the crazy amounts of world building and involvement required for the game.



(Larger and more powerful Daemons will leave behind remains if killed, and many  have Human settlements built around them.)


The RP is set in a world alternate to ours and only slightly in the future. Technology isn't very different from how it is here and now, save for a few key components. Most, if not all of the high-tech found in the RP is based around the study, registration, and containment of Daemons. If I had to put an exact number on it I'd put the year as no farther than 30 to 40 years from now.  The world had already shown sign of Daemons existing, and they have been attributed to different roles in ancient Human history, however, they had only recently begun to manifest in our world. Before then, ruins depicting images of them and their occasional remains were found. But they were either considered extinct or if a select few fringe theorists were to be believed,  a complete hoax. About 100 years ago, Daemons began to breach the lines between our realities en masse, an event that put Government and Militaries around the world on high alert. To this day it is unknown why such a migration occurred in the first place. Some have speculated that the Void was no longer as hospitable as it once was to Daemons. Others attempt to spin a negative light on Daemonkind by saying that they've come to take over. The Daemons themselves simply remain quiet on the matter.



(Daemons can take on a wide variety of interesting forms. Each one specific to that particular Daemon's tastes.)

Daemons are incorporeal by nature and lack true physical forms. The best way to describe a Daemon is not as a living being, but instead, as a ‘concept’, flitting just at the edges of comprehension and something unable to be considered clearly. Because the reality that Daemons hail from is completely alien compared to our own, they have found that they must project a physical form to interact with our world. This has led to myths considering them to be the wandering spirits of the dead despite evidence stating otherwise, and several of the most powerful Daemons in existence are venerated as Gods.

Daemons that choose to manifest to better observe and interact with mortals are forced to take on a physical form as their existence simply cannot BE without one. The Physical form tends to coincide with their personal tastes and can vary wildly. Some Daemons take the form of Animals or regular Humans, though due to recent integration into Human society many Daemons try to take on the most outlandish and monstrous forms they can, all to get a reaction from unsuspecting Humans. A Daemon that cannot project a body, either through personal choice or finding themselves in a considerably weakened state, will instead inhabit a physical object of their choosing. These 'Vessels' tend to reflect the particular Daemon's personal tastes as much as a self-projected body. A popular practice has begun to take hold recently among the younger generation where the image of their Daemon will be tattooed on their body and the Daemon itself will inhabit it. 

Daemon forms do not always work like Human bodies, but every Daemon can be dismantled and killed. They do not bleed necessarily, but more often than not their chosen body will in order to reflect injury. Daemon's lack internal organs and bones, and normally if injured will vent out oddly colored smoke if sufficiently harmed. Though Daemons that take part in Battles will choose to bleed if they are injured, sometimes excessively so. If a Daemon feels that they are in enough danger, they will attempt to disperse their form and escape to the void. This is considered very cowardly and most Daemons prefer to fight and risk death rather than run.

Daemons do not require food, drink or sleep. But will partake in all three simply because they find these things enjoyable to so.

Daemons do not adhere to a particular hierarchy within their society if they even have a society at all. Daemons that come across each other will recognize another of their kind on sight and they will usually stop to exchange pleasantries and stories of their travels before moving on their way. Daemons do not gather together for any reason outside of chance meetings and do not actively seek each other out unless they specifically know another of their kind to be nearby and willing to interact with them. The closest thing to a hierarchy Daemons have is based on strength and martial skill, and even that is ever changing. As one of the creatures once put it "Think of the most powerful Daemon you know. You have a clear image in your mind, don't you? There's someone out there stronger than them."



(Daemons do not usually go out of their way to harm Humans, but some of them don't particularly like small talk.)

Daemons claim to be from what they call 'The Void'. At first, this led many to believe them to be an Alien species, but further inquiry proved that false. They exist in an area just outside of the reality inhabited by Humans that runs parallel to it. According to them,  they have always existed even before Humanity and still longer before that. They make no effort to describe 'The Void', only stating that it is there that a Daemon's true form can be manifested, and that it is completely inhospitable to any other creatures.

Their recent arrival into Human Society was not one that was widely decided on or even known about. One day some Daemons began to reveal themselves to Humans, and then more and more followed suit. The rest is more or less history. Despite most often looking and behaving like Monsters, Daemons are relatively benign. Their manifestation into our world stems from a desire to experience it and all that it has to offer. Daemons tend to find Humans to be entertaining oddities, and seem to enjoy watching them go about day to day life. Many Humans, however, are not overtly fond of Daemons and wish to see them removed from the world altogether, considering them a potential threat to Humanities very existence. Presently the only thing that continues to allow Daemons a place in Human Society is the variety of powers that they can offer. Something that many Governments and Militaries take an interest in. A few of the most powerful Daemons in existence saw this as an opportunity and immediately began to offer their power to various world Governments in exchange for luxuries that would not be afforded to them otherwise. 

Less powerful Daemons will often partner with Humans as it is mutually beneficial. The Daemons get a place to live and are allowed to lead what amounts to a regular life and in exchange, the Humans receive the benefits that come with supernatural power such as enhanced strength and increased longevity.  Among younger Humans, a popular sport has recently developed where they will often take part in exciting battles alongside Daemons. Winning these battles grants a cash prize and the fame that comes along with becoming well known in the circuits.


Despite being mostly benign Daemons are still supernatural by design and possess untold powers. There are also Daemons that seek to cause trouble and destruction for only reasons that they understand. Because of this, all  Daemons are ranked by the level of potential threat that they pose and must register with the central government before being allowed to interact with Humanity. Daemons that are found to be causing trouble or refusing to register are subject to suppression and containment. Those found to have committed especially heinous crimes have their physical forms forcibly dispersed.

Much like a Human can grow stronger through exercise and training, a Daemon can 'Rank up' through training and combat experience.



(A D-Rated Daemon trots happily along. No doubt on their way to see their Human friend.)


The weakest of Demonkind, they often inhabit inanimate objects, though will take on the form of various small animals like cats dogs and birds. These Daemons often don't have an interest in combat, and instead, tend to act as companions to Humans. Because of this, these Daemons prefer to study Humans as they go about their business. D-Rated Daemons often serve as companions to the Elderly and young children as they remarkably docile and enjoy conversation at great lengths.



(C-Rated Daemons tend to take on Human forms, with noticably odd features. Here ones eyes can be seen changing hues.)

Often referred to as 'The Working Man's Daemon'. C-Rated Daemons make up the vast majority of their kind present in the population. They often take on the form of regular Humans to better fit in, though some will project more fantastic looking forms. These are often the types of Daemon to be paired with Humans just starting out in Combat Arenas. They are often found doing menial labor and unfortunately, due to the fact that they neither eat nor sleep, they are often subject to illegal workplace practices and abuse in many places. Only slightly tougher than most Humans, C Rated Daemons can have a hard time getting by and tend to take the brunt of Humanity's ire towards Daemons living among them.



(An A-Rated Daemon realeases a dazzling surge of power.)

Daemons of above average strength and skill. These types of Daemons will take on slightly more unusual forms as an indicator of their strength. A-Rated Daemons are normally seen competing alongside their Human partners in Combat Arenas and have a fondness for especially flashy fighting moves and displays. Illegal fighting rings tend to have a high number of A-Rated Daemons participating as well. Many of them hoping to gain the power of an S-Rated Daemon through illicit means. Outside of the Fighting Circuits, A-Rated Daemons will be found working in either the Millitary or Law Enforcement. Daemon Suppression Squads make use of A-Rated Daemons when dealing with an especially troublesome member of their kind.



(A particularly powerful S-Rated Daemon makes short work of their foes in the Arena.)

The upper Echelon of Demonkind, these Daemons tend to be the companions of the very wealthy and powerful, particularly Government officials. And for good reason. The Human in question receives only the best and most powerful protection, and the Daemon is afforded a life of luxury in return. S-Rated Daemons do not participate in the same fighting circuits as C-Rated and A- Rated Daemons, and instead, have their own fighting circuit. As expected of the most powerful of their kind, S-Rated Daemons are very picky about who they partner with and it is not unheard of for them to demand proof of finances and even the Medical Records of Humans attempting to curry their favor. A few notable Daemons, however, have been known to stay on with a particular family for generations, usually out of intense loyalty.



(Archeologists have found the traces of several ancient civilizations, all destroyed as if overnight. These are proof of a Kaiju's power.)

A special breed of Daemon all their own. These individuals are the most powerful and oldest of their kind. At present, there are 10 known Kaiju Class Daemons on the planet, though they have stated that there exist more within the Void. It was initially presumed that The Kaiju presided over Daemonkind as leaders, but they have openly stated that they do no such thing and simply exist in the world like any other Daemon. 

Despite the name, not all Kaiju Class Daemons are of a remarkable size, and a few of them can be called what is traditionally considered a Kaiju in that regard. Kaiju is instead a moniker given in reference to the power these particular Daemons. Like the rest of their kind, they are somewhat benign and have no interest in causing trouble for Humanity. However, their power is more than enough reason to keep them under close tabs. Capable of leveling cities, and changing the face of the Earth itself, Kaiju Classed Daemon are closely watched by the World's Governments, each ready to strike should any of them show signs of aggression. 

Unsurprisingly, the Kaiju are often approached by those same Governments in attempts to curry their favor in exchange for their service. Perhaps due to their old age and immense wisdom, these individuals have politely declined each time, though they have recently begun to come under pressure from both Humans and some more powerful Daemons for their refusal to do so.

The most recent Kaiju Class Daemon to make their way into the world appeared 20 years ago.




Located on the Eastern Seabord, the City of Arnvista is a bustling Metropolis that boasts a population of 10 million. Both the site of the I.D.C.C's American Headquarters and the Headquarters of Apex Implementations, the sprawling city is home to Daemons and Humans alike.  As diverse in its architecture as it is in its people, the city gives across a patchwork feel, sleek and post-modern skyscrapers stand side by side with traditional centuries-old stonework. Despite this,

Arnvista is by and large a modern and thriving city, supporting a wide variety of facilities from state of the art hospitals and expansive public libraries to its very own seaport. Daemon training facilities can be found all over Arnvista, the largest among them being Starfall Areana. The city isn’t all high-rising neatness however, and while being a very prosperous city, it still holds many problems and secrets beneath the shadow of the city's many skyscrapers.


The housing of the city progresses from its most expensive residences owned by the wealthy elite being located at the center to the middle-class suburban areas being found further out amongst amenities such as the fire department, the post-office, and the police station. Sitting at the edge of the cities lies the slums. 

It's here that the poor and the disenfranchised make their homes, in tiny terraced houses often shared between two families or groups of friends, shoved into cramped living spaces. The streets are dangerous for the unprepared, especially with an unchecked population of unregistered Daemons wandering about. Interestingly enough, homicide rates here are pretty average for the city, despite the prevalence of crime. Drug dealers skulk unchecked in alleyways and muggers rob people of money they don't have. The occasional hapless wealthy tourist that wanders into the area usually leaves with empty pockets, or if they're particularly unlucky, a body bag. 

Here a large number of underground Daemon Battling Arenas can be found. They offer lucrative opportunities for less savory individuals, and for the truly desperate a way out of the slums altogether.


In the Eastern part of the city lies the business district, within which the headquarters of many of the city’s most prominent corporations can be found. Most obvious among them is the skyscraper housing the headquarters of the International Conglomerate, Apex Implementations. The building stands out like a beacon, brightly lit day or night and can be seen from every part of the city. Among the many office buildings, obscenely expensive studio apartments can be found overlooking well-maintained streets and a sea of suits.

For all intents and purposes, Arnvista's Seaport is the city's gateway. It is the heart of all shipping traffic, with several docks and the major shipyard that it encompasses. All cargo that isn't hauled into the city in trucks arrives on one of the massive container ships that anchor in the Port's waters. To the south is the Shipyard, where the lifeblood of Arnvista's industry flows into the city.

The port is also home to many Hotels, all boasting a magnificent view of the Oceanfront.



The Entertainment District is the figurative center of the city. This pleasant and open area is home to most of the buildings of importance within the city, from administrative structures to various places of entertainment. The Central Plaza boasts the Red Light District, holding many nightclubs and bars and remains a popular place to visit for both residents and tourists alike.

Though originally host to the city's numerous art galleries, the south end of the plaza has grown into a hotspot for all things trendy and hip. High-end boutiques mingle with vintage clothing shops, coffee bars, various ethnic restaurants, and record shops. This area is oriented around a small sculpture park where aspiring craftsmen and musicians can show off their talents. The Plaza is also home to public facilities such as the hospital and other administrative buildings, the largest of them being the I.D.C.C's American Headquarters. 

A multitude of parks are contained within the Entertainment district, where citizens can relax and on some days small Daemon Battling competitions are hosted. A short way to the East lies the Starfall Arena, the largest Daemon Battle Arena in the United States.


Arnvista PD: The Arnvista Police Department has recently been swamped with reports of Daemon related crimes. Illegal fighting rings are on the rise and unregistered Daemons and their Human partners threaten the safety of Arnvista's Citizens. Law abiding Citizens are encouraged to apply for the Police Academy to assist in keeping the City free of crime.

Waylight Security: Apex Implementations is seeking abled bodied applicants to join their internal Security Force. Both Humans and Daemons are encouraged to apply. Previous Military or Law Enforcement experience is recommended but not required. On and off-site training will be given to Applicants that do not possess the previously stated experience.

Apex Implementations Research and Development: Apex Implementations is offering paid Internships within its Research and Development Division. Accepted applicants will work directly under the Divison Head, Nikhil Bhattacharya and assist in and around the Labs. Both Daemons and Humans are encouraged to apply.

The Flying Tortoise: A Bar located in the Entertainment Center's Red Light District, and owned by the Daemon Bandalur. Seeking Bartenders, Waitstaff and one Bouncer.Both Daemons and Humans may apply within.



Apex Implementations.

“An Evolutionary Standard.”
“Always progress. Always move forward.”

CEO:Lorette Lècuyer.

Board of Directors: Russel Butler. Naomi Mekhdiev. Bohai Hao. Edgar Collins.

Major Subdivisions: Daemon Registration and Containment. Private Security. Daemontech. Transport. 

Owned Subsidiaries: Waylight Security. Lebadev Daemontech. Northfarer Transport.

Apex Implementations, once called Apex Security Services, was founded 91 years ago by Ford Buckman. At the time, it was a small Private Security business, with a scant 38 employees headquartered in a single office. The company’s main breakthrough was the utilization of Daemons for Security. It is also credited with laying the groundwork for the current system used to register and catalogue Daemons.

Since its inception,  Apex Implementations has grown into an international Conglomerate and stands as a major force within the Corporate Sector. No doubt a result of being one of the first business to Capitalize on the various opportunities that stem from partnering with Daemonkind.

Apex Implementations is a large player in both Corporate and Private Sectors. Providing Security, Daemon Containment and Transportation. It has recently started to expand is Daemon Technologies department, an ever growing and evolving market in the World’s Economy. 

There have been recent rumors that Apex Implementations seeks to gain a foothold in Genetic research, but they continue to remain unfounded. The CEO, Lorettte Lècuyer has thus far, chosen remained silent on the matter.


International Daemon Combatant’s Coalition.


Founded some 20 odd years after their arrival into our world, the I.D.C.C was created on the premise that current Daemon Combat practices were both unregulated and very unsafe. While it was met with a great deal of enthusiasm from both Humans and Daemons the sport was rife with problems. Most pressing was that Humanity was woefully unequipped to both handle and contain such displays of Supernatural power. Dozens of deaths were reported each year as a result of the battles, and it’s presumed that many more went unreported besides those. This was still during a time when Daemonkind was adjusting to living alongside Humanity, and as such abuse of all kinds ran rampant through whatever Circuits happened to be up and running. Reports of little to no pay for Daemons and various abuses heaped on them were a common occurrence, and more than a few Daemons would lash out at their Human handlers often severely injuring and even killing them in the process.

With this in mind, Lawmakers eventually came together and began to lay down the groundwork to make what was at that point, a back alley pastime into a legitimate and regulated Sport. Daemon Combat was at first regulated in America and was kept to Baseball and Football fields, often as a Halftime show. Both Daemons and their Human partners were required by Law to register for any fights that they wished to participate in, along with paying an entrance fee. Any property damage or injuries to spectators as a result of Combat resulted in a hefty fine for the guilty party, or worse, jail time. This had the indirect effect of forcing Human handlers to treat their Daemon partners better, lest they become angry and lash out. Law enforcement was also required to be on standby and ready to suppress any Daemon that got out of hand. 

Once the Sport had become regulated, it saw a significant surge in popularity and public interest. Teams that did particularly well were offered Sponsorships from a variety of businesses in the hopes of gaining brand recognition as a result of their successes. The Sport of Daemon Combat began to grow at such a rate that Stadiums devoted to it began to crop up all over the Country. The rest of the world took notice of this and began to follow suit, laying the groundwork for what would eventually become the I.D.C.C. as we know it today. 

Official Circuits did not appear until some time later, created in an effort to refine the process. D-Rated up to A-Rated Daemons were kept in one Circuit and to this day boasts the highest number of participants. S-Rated Daemons were given a separate Circuit, with combatants fighting to achieve the World Title and the recognition and fame that comes with attaining it.


The I.D.C.C enforces a strict code of conduct of which all Combatants must comply. Failure to do so can result in fines, suspension from Battles and Jail time. Particularly heinous offenses can result in complete expulsion from the Coalition, along with all guilty parties being stripped of their Combatant Licenses.



  • Prospective Applicants are required by Law to register for a Combatant License at their local Government Office. Local Laws and Fees apply, but they are generally supplied between 7 and 14 Business Days. 
  • Applicants are required to renew their Combatant License as per the standards of their local Government Office.
  • Human Applicants must be Legally an adult in order to apply for a Combatant's License. This Varies from County to County, but the norm is 18 years of age.
  • Prospective Applicants are required by Law to submit to both a Physical and Mental Evaluation before being allowed to apply for a Combatant License. Failure to supply the proper forms signed by a legitimate Physician will result in the applicant being barred from the Application process.
  • Prospective Applicants must attend a 12 hour class detailing the various rules, regulations, and hazards involved with the Daemon Battling process. Applicants must also complete and pass a written exam on the class.
  • Prospective Applicants must fill out a form detailing next of Kin and Emergency contacts of in the event injury, or Death.
  • Prospective Applicants must sign a waiver releasing the I.D.C.C from liability in the event of injury or Death. Owners of an Event Location do not fall under this and must supply their own Waiver before Combat starts if they wish to be released from Liability.


  • All Combatants must remain within the boundaries marked on the Arena Floor. Stepping over one of these lines results in a point deduction. Once Three points have been deducted for stepping out of bounds, it qualifies as a loss of a Round.
  • A Battle lasts three consecutive Rounds. Each Round lasts for a total of Ten minutes. And have a 5 minute break in between them. At the end of each battle, points are tallied for both teams, and the team with the lowest number of points is declared the loser of that Round.
  • At the end of each Battle. The points from each round are tallied for both Teams. The Team with the highest number of points is declared the Winner.
  • Combatants can earn points in a variety of ways

    Landing a clean hit. 
  • Pushing an opponent out of bounds.  
  • Toppling an opponent over.

  •    Points can also be awarded based on the complexity of moves, their appearance, and overall creativity.
  • If Combatants are knocked down and unable to rise after a 10 second count, it constitutes a loss of a Round. This includes being knocked down due to injury or being pinned for 10 consecutive seconds.
  • Combatants that are knocked down and rendered unconscious are counted for a loss of a Round. Combatants that cannot rouse themselves fully between that round and the next forfeits the Battle.
  • Daemon Combatants must choose a physical form before the start of each Battle. If a Daemon Combatant feels the need to change forms, in the middle of a Battle they are allowed a Time out. Each Competing Team is allowed 2 Time Outs for the duration of the Battle. Changing form between Rounds is not allowed.


  • Single Battles are between 2 competing Daemons only. The competing Daemons do not require a Human partner to compete in this type of Battle. Any Humans that act as Partners to one or both of the competing Daemons are not allowed to directly interfere and must wait at the sidelines issuing commands to their Daemon partner. Stepping inside of bounds during a Round constitutes a point deduction. After 3 point deductions, the Round is considered a loss. This is the most common kind of Battle as it does not require great physical endurance from Human Partners, but the payouts from winning are noticeably less than that from a Team Battle.
  • Team Battles involve the Direct participation of a Human alongside their chosen Daemon Partners, and are Physically and Mentally taxing for both Humans and Daemons. But the payout for victory is greater than what would be received in a Single Battle. Humans can fight in a Team battle the following ways.

    A Daemon will infuse their Human partner's body directly with their own power to enhance the Human's Martial skill as they fight alongside them.
  • A Daemon will infuse an I.D.C.C approved weapon with their own power to be used by the Human in battle alongside them. For example, they will use a portion their own power to increase the cutting damage of a Sword and continue to fight alongside the Human.
  • A Daemon will possess an I.D.C.C approved weapon directly, greatly increasing its damage output to be used by the Human in battle alone. For example, the Daemon will directly possess a sword and enhance the weapon with all of their available power. The Sword would then be used by the Human as they fight alone.




The I.D.C.C approves the use of Weaponry by Humans in Team Battles and has a compiled database of what is and isn't allowable. Anyone found competing with unapproved weaponry is subject to Fines and must forfeit any and all Wins gained using them. Those that do not make use of Weapons in Team Battles normally rely on unarmed combat and Martial Arts to compete.




A Staple of Team Battles. Tactical Blades are mass produced Millitary Grade bladed weaponry. They are fairly easy to come by and come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and styles. This includes Swords, Knives, throwing Shuriken, Axes, and Polearms. The most basic kind do not have embellishments of any kind, being composed of a steel blade and a rubber grip. They can, however, be customized in a variety of ways and it is not unusual to see bladed weaponry unusual styles and colors.



.[/Almost as popular as Tactical Blades, Airsoft guns come in a multitude of shapes, sizes, and ammunition carrying capacity. This includes various Guns and Pistols, Rifles, Bows, and Crossbows. The I.D.C.C forbids the use of Legitimate Firearms in Daemon Battles and I.D.C.C approved Airsoft Ranged Weaponry is used instead. When used in Combat, a Daemon's energy is sufficient enough to make the foam darts into dangerous projectiles, increasing their range, speed, and firepower. Entire communities exist devoted to the subject of modding Airsoft guns to make them stand out, and conventions on the subject draw in large crowds.



Often used in conjunction with Short Swords, Shields can be used by themselves within Battles. Millitary Grade Riot Shields are the easiest to come by and the most common, but a Daemon can compose more stylish ones using their own power. In addition to protecting the wielder, they can be used to slam opponents, both disorienting them and knocking them over. If enough force is applied an Opponent can be sent out of bounds. Particularly skilled Combatants can fling their Shields for a long ranged attack as well.



Costumes of all kinds can be seen in Battles, with Human and Daemon alike coordinating their outfits to express themselves. Armor is particularly popular and useful however. Lightweight Military covering is the norm more often than not as Medival style armors are heavy and a bit cumbersome at times. But Daemons can produce particularly exotic and fantastical sets by shrouding their Human Partner in their own Power. Any Armor that isn't I.D.C.C approved must be supplied by a Daemon in Combat.




While not used as often as other types of Weaponry, I.D.C.C approved Grenades are still an important part of Daemon Battles. Flashbangs, Smoke Bombs, and Concussive Grenades are all allowed within Daemon Battles and are used to both injure and disorient foes. Daemons can enhance these explosives with their own power to increase their power and damage radius



(Two Daemons duel at an Illegal Fighting  Ring.)

Despite the I.D.C.C’s efforts to maintain strict regulations on Daemon Combat events, Illegal matches are still a problem the world over. These Underground Rings cropped up as a way to circumvent the Registration, Fees and Fines that come with Legally sanctioned matches and are highly dangerous. Like the first matches from the early days, these fights are rife with abuse, injury and death. Each Country's Government has its own laws in place to combat these Underground Rings. But Combatants are almost always given Jail time. 

Sadly, Daemons considered too dangerous and too far gone as a result of these practices to consider allowing back into everyday society are often forcibly contained and dispersed. Many Daemon Rights Groups find this to be a barbaric and unfair punishment to force upon Daemonkind, and to this day it is a hot button issue. One of many in regards to the presumed sentience of Daemons, along with their actual place in the world.
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There are 10 Kaiju in total, but 2 of them act as NPC's and will not move from their locations. You are allowed to interact with the NPC Kaiju and even play them as you'd like. But be sure to keep their characterization in mind and consider how they might behave. There are also several rules that apply to playing as a Kaiju. 

  • You cannot play as a Human with a Kaiju partner.
  • The largest a Kaiju can be is 50 feet in length and 30 feet in height. 
  • Kaiju Daemons are on a first come, first serve basis and are 1 per person. After that, you if you want to play as any kind of Daemon it MUST be ranked from D to S.
  • In addition to providing a profile for your Kaiju. You must include the area that they choose to reside in as they're all under tabs by the World's various Governments. They don't have to be particularly nice, but it needs to be plainly stated where they live.
  • Kaiju Character sheets must have a description of their Powers. A Move Set is not required like it would be on a regular Daemon sheet, but it's perfectly allowed.
  • Kaiju aren't allowed to cause destruction at random. If such a thing is to happen it'll be part of the larger storyline. 
  • Fights between two Kaiju have to go through me first and must be agreed upon by all parties involved. For example, Kaiju A and Kaiju B have a disagreement and start squaring up. Permission must be granted for such a fight to happen, and it has to happen on a stage of my choosing. We're not trying to start Ragnorak right out the gate here.



The largest Kaiju Daemon on record, Nagendra is exceptionally old. He makes his home on and around the mountain Agastya Mala in India. Despite being many thousands of years old, Nagendra surfaced only around the time Daemons first began to make contact with Humanity, rousing from a deep slumber. His serpentine form is wound around the mountain itself, and it is difficult to tell where the Daemon ends and the Mountain begins. As such until he regained consciousness, Nagendra was simply assumed to BE the mountain. 

Despite his immense size and terrifying appearance, Nagendra is a rather noble and amicable Daemon. The peak of Agastya Mala once a popular pilgrimage site for devotees of the Hindu Sage Agastya, has become even more so since Nagendra's awakening over 80 years ago.  Nagendra enjoys receiving visitors as he is unable to move from the Mountain for fear of destroying the surrounding area. When not entertaining guests or presiding over Religious services, Nagendra sits atop the peak in quiet contemplation and meditation. The local population views Nagendra as nothing short of a God incarnate, thus he was given his name by them meaning 'Lord of Snakes' in Sanskrit.

  • Very friendly.
  • Sometimes oversees weddings.
  • Lets birds nest on him because they clean his scales.
  • You can climb on him to get a better view.
  • Tells Dad Jokes.



This Kaiju Class Daemon appeared over the deadly salt lake, Natron in Tanzania and has not moved from that location since. Second, only to Nagrenda in size Echeron does not speak and instead makes musical wind chime noises by way of communication if it can even be called that. Because of the deadly salinity of the Lake, many cannot make the trek across its surface to study Echeron up close and instead they must be studied either from the shore or from a flying vehicle. Echeron's massive form changes shape on a constant basis though it is always geometric in shape and possesses a glassy sheen on its surface. It is rumored that Echeron's incomprehensible form is the closest Humanity can come to perceiving Daemons as they would truly appear in the Void. No one is sure of Echeron's motives or ambitions if they have any at all. They make no effort to move from their location above the lake, though the local population seems pleased by that development.

  • Doesn't speak.
  • REALLY shiny.
  • Makes weird shapes sometimes.
  • Often gives people the feeling that they're being stared at despite having no eyes.
  • Won't judge your life choices.

RASTEVA (Played by @Ramjammer)



Rasteva stands  little over 16 feet tall and is covered from head to foot in an armor. The armor in question is of a make and material not seen anywhere else and is quite ornate in design.

Rasteva's head is what makes up the armor's helm, and is adorned with two large and impressive horns. A single glowing eye can be seen in the helm's visor, and often moves from side to side of its own accord. This eye is much like the armor composing Rasteva’s form as Rasteva does not need it to see. It’s instead used to make interacting with other beings easier so that they know if and when they are being addressed. Because Rasteva lacks a face in the traditional sense, they cannot be observed making any facial expressions, and anyone interacting with them will have to suffice with vocal cues in order to understand their moods. Clawed Gauntlets are what Rasteva uses for hands, and are surprisingly dexterous. This allows the Daemon to perform delicate tasks the same as anyone with regular hands.

As a result of lacking any true physical characteristics, Rasteva does not have an actual gender, though most people refer to them as Male.


Rasteva's imposing stature, and rather terrifying appearance cause people to be wary of them at best. Such reactions are not new to Rasteva and they have grown indifferent to them throughout their existence, making no effort to correct anyone on the matter unless it absolutely conflicts with their personal interests and existence. Rasteva will not be found helping others without being sure that they will receive what they consider a sufficient reward in return. Doing good for the sake of good is not something they will be found engaging in, and concepts such as valor and honor are of no interest to them. Rasteva only ever adheres to the laws of Humanity, not because it is the right thing to do, but because it will simply save them trouble to do so at all. The only upside to this is that Rasteva is equally uninterested in doing Evil for the sake of Evil, and makes no direct effort to go out of their way to harm others unless they feel particularly threatened, They can and will, however, engage in acts of evil should they find it to be most beneficial to their existence and overall goals, whatever they may be at the time.

Despite being unconcerned and indifferent to morality, Rasteva is rather even tempered and polite, often greeting others with a great deal of respect and surprising kindness. Rasteva does enjoy conversation quite a bit, and they are especially fond of gossip and stories even if they prove to be true or not. A self-proclaimed collector of knowledge, Rasteva has spent countless millennia of existence traveling and absorbing as much as they possibly can. 

Rastevais quite confident and self-assured as most of their kind tend to be, and rarely if ever doubts in themselves or their abilities. An exceptionally long existence has granted Rasteva with learning and experience unfathomable by shorter lived beings. This of course also comes a high degree of arrogance, though they feel it to be completely deserved as many Daemons are prone to. This has also led to Rasteva being exceptionally set in their own ways, and changing their opinion on nearly anything is a hard fought battle, and more often than not is a lost cause.

While not prone to starting fights or causing trouble for others, Rasteva can show a terrifying lack of empathy to anyone not deemed an immediate ally. The Daemon can be as ruthless in regular interaction as they are in combat, caring nothing for the motives or ideals of their opponents. Rasteva has no qualms about killing in the slightest, and won't even make excuses for doing so beyond that it was convenient for them to do so at the time. Rasteva will only ever act in a manner that is beneficial to them and their continued existence. To Rasteva the only thing that matters and will always matter isRasteva. They make no pains to compare the lives of others to their own, as the Daemon's life is the only one worth considering and holds value immeasurable. Good and Evil are the same thing to the Daemon, and as such makes no effort to differentiate between the two. The only things that Rasteva makes any effort to distinguish from each other is things that can be made use of, and things that have no use at all.

Anything found to be wholly useless is cast aside without a second thought.


Raumspalter: A Glaive pole weapon rivaling Rasteva in size, this mighty blade is the Daemon's favored weapon and they are rarely seen without it. The blade of the weapon is almost 2 and a half feet long and has a single edge with the end of it socketed onto a shaft 11 feet in length. Much like the Daemon's armor Raumspalter is ornately decorated and looks almost ceremonial in appearance. Aside from its massive size, Raumspalter isn't that much different from a weapon of regular size, though its swings are more than capable of cleaving a man in two should they wind up on the wrong end of it. Rasteva claims that the blade is capable of cleaving through the fabric of reality itself, but such a thing has yet to be observed.

Smokescreen: The gaps in Rasteva's armored form will begin venting an odd black smoke in massive clouds. This cloud obscures Rasteva from view, allowing them to make their retreat. It can also be used at close range to disorient foes and allow the Daemon to launch a counterattack

Heavy Metal: As is to be expected, Rasteva's metal form is remarkably sturdy and conventional assault does nothing to mar it. The Kaiju's resilliance is not only attributed to their sturdy frame, but to its overall density. Rasteva's overall weight in relation to their size far exceeds what would be considered normal for a Daemon or otherwise. The Kaiju's weight is presumed to approach that of a Black hole, and due to Rasteva's supposed sensitivity to the Void it's currently speculated that the Void itself posesses the specific conditions required to create Black Holes, and may give further insight into the Void's nature.

Energy Consumption: Equal parts beneficial and concerning, Rasteva has been known to seek out and consume Radioactive waste. The Daemon's metal form contains Radoactive materials well enough, and as of yet their is no risk of exposure. Such a thing would be considered a boon to Humanity if it were not for Rasteva's own chilling words on the matter. When asked WHY they would desire to consume Radioactive materials, the Kaiju answered that it was easier to come by on Earth. There are a few speculations surrounding the Daemon's words. But most worrying is that Rasteva is storing the energy for some unknown purpose, and their may come a day when they choose to turn it back on Humanity.


Rasteva came into the world at the same time as Echeron, over 50 years ago. But like the rest of the Kaiju they had existed long before then. Rasteva seems to have an odd connection with the Kaiju Echeron and on more than one occasion they have been observed visiting the geometric creature, though they do not seem to exchange words. Aside from these rare visits, Rasteva has not been observed interacting with any other Kaiju, further debunking the theory that they serve as a sort of Council over Daemonkind. Rasteva is equally uninterested in Human Politics and finds them to be pointless and distracting and does not show signs of changing their opinion on the matter.

When asked what reason they have for being on Earth, they only reply that it is to learn. This is most evident in their decision to reside at Bodleian Library of the University of Oxford.While more than interesting in its own right, the Library remains a popular destination for those wanting to get up close to a Kaiju Class Daemon. Rasteva has made themselves right at home among the library's many shelves and can usually be seen attending various lectures around the Campus. Because they have been a fixture at the University for decades, the Students and Faculty often joke that Rasteva will never Graduate, and Students lagging behind in their studies are warned that they might end up like the Daemon if they do not pass.

In recent Months Rasteva has been more active, and has been seen visiting Echeron again, leading many to wonder if the Kaiju is plotting something.

PENELOPE (Played by @PPPauper)

Name: Penelope
Age: Older than anyone you know, or can think of, or can even imagine.
Species: Daemon
Occupation: Friendly neighborhood helper
Place of Residence: Arnvista residential district, generally around the poorer areas.
Partner Name: N/A
Appearance: She appears as a young girl. By human standards, she would be between 14-15 years old. She has light skin, flawless and free of any blemishes. Her green eyes convey innocence and kindness. The only odd thing about her is her hair, which is incredibly long. She stands at about 4 feet tall, but her hair is twice that, though it never seems to get caught on anything, or pick up any dirt from dragging on the floor. Her hair is a glowing blonde, straight and flowing, eternally free of tangles and split ends. It's the envy of any girl.

Her clothes, a loose pink tee shirt, a couple sizes too large, and black jeans, also seem eternally free from dirt and stains. Her shoes, black velvet on top of pink soles, is similar.

Her face is young, by human standards, beautiful even. Her eyes are large and round, and her cheeks are plump, pinchable.
Threat Rating: Kaiju

Weapons: N/A
Power/skills: She contains an ability to manipulate the make up of individual atoms, adding or subtracting protons, electron, and the like. Literally able to turn lead into gold. She can use this to turn air into various elements, and combine those elements to create objects, like tables or clothes, so she can make it seem like she can create objects out of nothing.

Though she can even manipulate organic matter, such as humans, this doesn't apply to daemons. Though she got her kaiju status in the void through her sheer physical strength and speed. She can move so fast that she seems like she's teleporting to all but the very fastest of S ranked daemons.

Her strength is so great, there isn't a single known material she can't crush by using nothing but her finger and thumb, let alone what would happen if she tried punching something at full force.


WREN(Played by @Mega)

Name: Wren

Age: Older than Humanity…probably, it’s not like she’d know something boring like that anyway

Species: Daemon

Occupation: Full time, self-taught student in anything and everything that happens to be interesting

Place of Residence: Arnvista Museum of General Studies located in the Entertainment District, though she'll move around if something catches her eye.

Partner: N/A

Threat Level: Kaiju


Wren is small, taking the general form of a young woman and clocking in around the average height of such.  While more or less humanoid in shape, she more closely resembles a giant bird, with small iridescent feathers coating her entire body.  As the feathers descend lower down her upper body, they lengthen into tail feathers that fan out around her, creating the illusion of a short dress.  They cut off a little below her knees but are supplemented in the back by the trail of her wings’ flight feathers.  The wings are narrow and severe triangles, starting from her upper back, between her shoulder blades and extending down to about the middle of the calf at the tips of the longest flight feathers.

The upper half of her face is covered by a dark blue, almost black helmet, wrapping securely and lying almost flat against her skull.  It covers most of her hair, which reappears at the back of her head where the helmet ends, stopping at her upper back, just above where her wings start.  As it continues over the top of her head toward her face, the helmet wraps into a half-mask, curving off when it reaches her cheek bones and encircling her eyes.  It doesn’t cover her eyes though, and the spaces left in the mask make them appear bigger than they are.  At the top of the bridge of where her nose would be, the mask ridges and tapers far past the end of her nose into the sharp upper half of a beak.

While the feathers on her arms give way at the wrists to human hands, at the ends of her legs are four large talon tipped toes.  The talons themselves are long and wickedly sharp, the same midnight blue as the mask, the toes and bare leg soft orange.  Despite the generally fragile look of her, even the down covering her body is deceptively strong, acting as armor, shining under the sun like polished metal.


Wren is an incredibly curious individual, wanting to know everything about everything.  It generally doesn’t matter what the subject is, if she finds there’s something about the topic she doesn’t understand or feels she needs clarification on, she’ll do anything she can to find out, regardless of how her methods may affect others.  If it means learning something new, she’ll even go so far as to harm others, though usually inadvertently.

Despite her apparent disregard for the wellbeing of those weaker than her, Wren usually doesn’t actually mean to be a harmful presence.  More often, it’s that she forgets that not everyone has the resilience of a Kaiju and simply assumes that anyone in her way will turn out alright in the end or, in her endless excitement, forgets that there are even other people around to get hurt.  She’s not above excessive destruction, however, should it be with the purpose of testing or discovery, and will deliberately harm others if she thinks there’s something to be gained from it.

For the most part, she complies with the laws set down by Humans because it is most convenient for her to be allowed to stay where she is.  She also feels that there is a lot she can learn about and from Humanity in general, and so does not wish to be forced to leave.

Because of her love of learning, she spends most of her time exploring the various informational attractions in the Entertainment District, taking care to move at incredibly slow speeds (for her) so that she doesn’t accidently rip up the area with the resulting force.  In particular, the Museum of General Studies has managed to not only capture her attention but to keep it, gathering various exhibits from around the world as often as possible to remain relevant.  While they’re collection is already vast, the main purpose of continuing to expand with such fervor is to keep the appeal of also being the place of residence for a Kaiju, something very few places can do.

Her desire to know everything leaves her somewhat fickle, her attention span short and her behavior unintentionally volatile.  She tends to shift her attention from one subject to another in a matter of moments, becoming easily distracted by other things she may consider appealing.  Because of this, she is hard to keep around for long (though her current residence has somehow managed it quite nicely) and is easily turned away from situations others may consider of greater importance.

She greatly respects anyone she thinks can teach her something, even if it’s only for a moment.  Those that offer her knowledge stand a greater chance of earning her favor, even after she moves on to other things.

Despite her quest for knowledge, she believes very much in determining things for yourself, and while she’ll listen to people and consider things she’s read, she often feels the need to see something for herself before she adds it to her ever growing list of facts.  Her idea of learning something is not simply being told that it is so, but being able to consider something as a possibility and proving it.

In general, Wren is both very excitable and logical.  She becomes passionate about things she finds interesting very easily, but also understands the need to think delicate or unfamiliar situations through, though often with a skewed sense of priorities.  Despite being excited to test out a new piece of information, for example, she will think through everything that needs to be set up so that nothing causes grievous errors in her experiment.  She often does this, however, while forgetting that whatever she’s attempting to prove might upset or even prove harmful to those around her.

Wren believes, despite her tendency to ignore other’s plights, that sticking to one’s word is of the utmost importance.  She doesn’t particularly care what someone may want her to do or how moral it is, as long as she likes what she gets out of her end and it doesn’t endanger any favorable situations she currently has or is likely to be offered in the future.  Because of this, she doesn’t make promises (or more likely deals) very often, but when she does, she makes sure she follows through.  Due to the weight she places on the importance of words, she has a particular distaste towards those that are blatant liars.  She hates it when people say they will do something and then go back on their words.  She doesn’t, however, have an issue with half-truths, withheld information, or deceitful actions that others may consider to be dishonest because the perpetrator didn’t outright lie about their actions, and thus it is the fault of the one tricked for not being able to pick out the deciever’s true meaning.   


The feathers covering her body are deceptively strong, harder than any material known and able to block almost any physical attack.  Her talons and beaked helmet are deadly weapons that can slice through most things, but she prefers ranged attacks, should she need to fight at all, able to molt and regrow feathers almost instantly.  The molted feathers, though small, can be fired at high velocity, making them deadly should any of them hit their mark.  She can fire many at once, increasing the range of the attack and making them harder to dodge.

Because of her bird like nature, she can fly with ease and reach speeds faster than anything short of true teleportation.  She has strong control over any substance that exist in a gaseous state, able to control them as she wills with ease, though should a substance change state, she would lose any control over it.  That particular ability doesn’t work on Daemons, despite what their non-solid forms may appear as.


MEDEEVDRA(played by @Solaire_)

Name: Medeevdra 
Age: Undescribably ancient. 
Species: Daemon 
Occupation: Commentator of Starfall Arena 
Place of Residence: Starfall Arena, though she has the tendency to wander around the city in her free time. 
Partner Name: N/A
Appearance: Her body takes on a humanoid appearance not so dissimilar to that of black armour. She is a few heads above human height, and her metallic body has a rather androgynous, albeit slightly curvy physique. It is made up of rather elaborate line designs carved into it, and the metal on her shoulders spire off into blade-like spikes. Gold designs also decorate the edges, and she wears a dark cloth draped from her shoulder unto her back. Her voice is extremely androgynous, and from it alone, it is highly difficult to tell her gender. 

Threat Rating: Kaiju 

Weapons: Has a large saber-like weapon made of a part of her own metallic body that can pierce anything; however, she is also proficient in bare handed combat as well, though not as much as she is with a sword. She is also able to wield a spear, though it does not have the same capabilities as her saber. 

Power/skills: Is able to manipulate the makeup of her own body in almost any way she likes. This makes her a versatile fighter, as she can switch from making her body physically extremely strong to the point a single strike of hers to the ground can create a large earthquake, to making her extremely fast and agile enough to be barely seen. However, this makes her lose capability in areas other than the ones she is enhancing at the moment. (I.e, if she makes herself stronger, she will not be as fast or defensive, etc.) She is able to switch what aspect she is using this power on very quickly however, after a supposedly insurmountable number of years training it. 

 Like this


QLIPHOTH (Played by @Eryian)

Name: Qliphoth.

Age: Ancient.

Species: Daemon.

Occupation: Recluse.

Place of Residence: It tends to favor the snowy forests and remote landscapes of north-western Greenland, possibly seeking to elude the attentions of Humanity and/or other Daemons. In more recent times, however, Qliphoth has been sighted making its way south, closer to Human settlements. 

Partner Name: None.


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Qliphoth's usual form is that of a vaguely humanoid entity standing at some thirty feet in height, exhibiting sickly grayish-white skin and grotesquely elongated limbs. A pair of backswept, ear-like structures protrude from the upper regions of its hairless cranium. Its eyes are circular and eerily luminscent; two glowing holes in an otherwise rather featureless "face." A thin seam across the lower half of its head houses a gaping, too-wide maw filled with countless razor-sharp teeth. Each of Qliphoth's limbs ends in a set of six clawed, finger-like appendages capable of tearing through conventional materials with utter ease. Strange white symbols adorn much of its body, their meaning as yet undeciphered by Human scholars.

Its arrival in an area is typically accompanied by freak snowstorms and inexplicable fogbanks.

Threat Rating: Kaiju.

Weapons: None.

Power/skills: Qliphoth is often misattributed with the ability to manipulate ice and snow, owing to its tendency to freeze everything around it when threatened. In truth, its power allows it to control entropy, the thermodynamic process by which physical systems decay to chaotic equilibrium. By "suspending" entropy, Qliphoth can convert ambient heat back into various other forms of mechanical, chemical, or potential energy, thereby diminishing the movements of microscopic particles in the environment and causing the temperature in its surroundings to approach absolute zero. The scope of this effect is not limited merely to water vapor; Qliphoth can also use it to intercept incoming attacks and projectiles, slowing anything short of a blow from a Kaiju-class assailant (or equivalent) to the point of nigh-immobility. Notably, it does affect the likes of Kaiju, but only to a lesser degree.

On the flip side, its power may be used to "accelerate" entropy, which causes the world to literally disintegrate around it. As though thousands of years had passed, buildings and roads crumble, lakes and rivers dry up, forests wither to dust, mountains erode away, and entire cityscapes collapse into ruin. Fortunately for Humanity, it has yet to utilize the ability near anything resembling a populated settlement. This aspect of Qliphoth's power does not seem to directly affect Daemons, Kaiju or otherwise, possibly due to their ageless nature. However, it can circumvent this limitation by infusing the property of entropy into the fog around it, turning said vapor into an incredibly corrosive mist capable of eradicating Humans and Daemons alike.

Aside from its control over entropy, Qliphoth also possesses remarkable regenerative abilities. Its physical prowess, though still far beyond ordinary S-class Daemons, is merely average for one of the Kaiju. Nonetheless, Qliphoth's ability to rapidly regrow lost limbs and flesh allows it to hold its own in battles against its kin. Its wounds emit a sort of pale mist in place of blood, and it reconstructs itself using the perpetual fogbanks that permeate its surroundings. 

Unbeknownst to many, the "fog" comprises Qliphoth's true body, whereas its humanoid figure is merely an avatar of sorts coalesced from said essence. It can disperse and reconstitute this incarnation at will, enabling it to assume myriad forms and appearances to suit its purposes. In the event that Qliphoth's physical form suffers irreparable damage, it will simply dissolve into mist and reform elsewhere.

Miscellaneous: For some reason, all of its incarnations manifest glowing eyes and odd quasi-runic markings. 

Its usual method of communication involves conjuring fractal patterns, tesselations, and logarithmic vortices in the fog around it.

It hates running water, and will typically use its power to freeze rivers before crossing.

The bizarre weather phenomena that this Kaiju spawns make relatively it easy to find Qliphoth's general location, but difficult to determine its specific position.


VULCAN(Played by @Romulus Scipio)

Name: Vulcan, or "The Adjudicator"

Age: Archaic

Species: Daemon

Occupation: Adjudicator, Rogue-Daemon Hunter

Place of Residence: Business District; Office of "Dowey, Burnem, and Howe"

Partner Name: None

Appearance: Vulcan has two forms. When out looking for Rogue Daemon's or fighting, Vulcan inhabits a suit of armor. No physical body resides inside the armor, merely flame.

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However, when Vulcan is in his office/home, his "Business form" looks like the following. 


Threat Rating: Kaiju 

Weapons: His swords he uses while in his armor form have no actual blade, but instead are swords in the form of fire. The only "physical" part of the blades are the hilts.


Control of Fire/Heat: Vulcan has innate control over fire and heat in general. While in his armor form, the flames that appear around him are for visual impact, but when in danger, Vulcan can increase the heat displaced around him at will. This means most items will melt getting too close to him, including people. Also, Vulcan can send forth vortex's of flame from his swords as well as create intense fires around him.

Flight/Speed: With the ability to expel fire behind himself, Vulcan is able to fly or move quickly. (Think like the human torch ((insert copyright sign here)).

Personality: Vulcan values honesty and the truth above all else, and will not relent until discovering the truth of a situation. He sees himself as a subject matter expert in the area of truth, and values his opinion higher than anyone else's. Despite this, he listens to anyone who comes to him for help. Generally he does most of his contracts for free, but if he knows the client can pay, he will bleed them dry. Not that he exactly has a use for human currency, but he knows its value in this world, and expects you to show him that you really need him. He likes to joke around and make light of every situation he comes across, irreverent or not. Most would expect him to be a hot-head, seeing as he in the living embodiment of flame, but contrary to popular belief, Vulcan remains patient and calm. 

History: Prior to Daemons coming to this world, Vulcan was the embodiment of justice in his realm. He would settle disputes between weaker and stronger Daemons, often working on the behalf of the weaker party. When Daemons began to cross into the Human world, Vulcan realized the strained relationship Humans and Daemons would have, especially if strong Daemons rampaged through the Human world unchecked. He crossed over as soon as he could, and became an early peacekeeper, hunting down Daemons who aimed to abuse weaker humans or Daemons. After ending the reign of a few "dangerous" daemons, Vulcan decided to set up shop in Arnvista. Noting that more than a few different entities were keeping tabs on Vulcan due to his power, he decided to make it blatantly obvious to them he meant no harm, and set up his personal business, "Dowey, Burnem, and Howe." It is here that all manners of individuals come seeking Vulcan's assistance. Most common cases include a Human or weaker Daemon requesting Vulcan bring justice upon a stronger Daemon for them. If Vulcan hears the facts of the case and agrees that the weaker party was in fact injured in some way, Vulcan will issue an ultimatum to the suspected party. They either face the punishment for their actions, or face Vulcan on the field of battle. 


GOD'S HAND(Played by @Emperor Shadow IV)


God's Hand


No record of incarnation - could be as old as the world itself




Major player in the Apex Subdivision Daemontech. The level of his involvement, and what kind of pay-role he's on, is currently unknown.

Place of Residence:

Said to reside on the island of Malta, near the ancient ruins of the Ġgantija. However, business means he's constantly on the move, and rumors have surfaced that he may be visiting the Headquarters of Apex Implementations soon...

Partner Name:



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True/Traditional Appearance:

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Utterly terrifying upon sight, typically standing over 8 ft tall, this living, breathing shell of skeletal armor is what has come to be associated with the name God's Hand. Flaming red eyes, tattered black cape following his every move, the Daemon's appearance is closely related to that of the fabled Rider of the Apocalypse, Death. In fact, vague accounts throughout history, especially during the war-torn, plague-torn, days of Medieval Europe, have cited a similar skeletal being, charging upon a skeletal horse, terrorizing the battlefield and citing fear within the populace. Such records, both written and oral, have sparked many theories on the concept of Death as a tangible figure. However, one can only speculate what these accounts mean or if they even point at all to the deathly Daemon. One thing is for certain though - in recent years he certainly hasn't been seen with any horse. 
Corporate/Human Appearance:

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In modern society it would appear God's Hand has attempted to adapt to the fashion of the times, though still sacrificing very little in terms of a disturbing appearance. His sleek, formal attire simply grants an aura of sophistication, and further intimidation, to his skeletal image. Above, as pictured, is how God's Hand typically appears in public and when interacting with Apex. 

Threat Rating:



Uriel's Blade

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A one-handed long sword, coated in some perpetual chemical substance similar to oil, allowing the blade to be ignited in flames whenever the wielder chooses. 

Shield of Eden

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A shape-shifting shield coated with many eyes. Depending on God's Hand's preferences, it may appear such as a kite shield, a smaller buckler, a full head-to-toe wall, or a tower shield (as pictured). The eyes on the shield, ever present, are said to be an extension of God's Hand's own two eyes, granting him additional field of view as well as multiple perspectives on an opponent when in battle. This increases the Daemon's dodging capabilities and interception of enemy attacks. 



Known Skills:

Eschaton - The epitomy of fear, the darkest moving force in the world, chilling any enemy to the bone and paralyzing all nerves, senses, and abilities they have. This ability of God's Hand would probably count more as a trait, for it's perpetual as long as he chooses it to be. To repel it would require an extremely strong constitution. The more focus he pours into it, the more powerful the effect becomes, though its limit is unknown. At its base level of power, any S-Rank Daemon would be immediately paralyzed unless able to break free by some powerful constitution save, and any rank of Daemon lower than that could potentially fall into a deadly coma, be ripped of their sanity, their mind, or even killed on the spot. Naturally, there are exceptions, though the power has increasing potential the more "force" God's Hand applies. In regards to radius, the base area of effect is approximately 100 ft from God's Hand's relative location. 

Rift Teleportation/Interdimensional Travel - God's Hand can open rifts, or portals, within space and time, allowing his physical body to pass through multiple dimensions. This can be used to the effect of regular teleportation/blinking, but is all the more deadly in its versatility during combat. Typical teleportation would place its user in a different chosen location from its origin along the same dimensional plain (i.e. teleporting from one end of a football field to the other), but in God's Hand's case he could exist in multiple locations at once due to the nature of his ability (i.e. multiple rifts are opened through space and time, allowing afterimages, past or future versions of God's Hand to coexist on the same plain). Additionally, God's Hand could open a rift in front of his person to intercept an oncoming enemy attack, simultaneously opening another rift behind said enemy. The result would be the enemy's attack passing through the 1st rift and into his back via the 2nd rift. The limitation to this ability as a whole is that the more afterimages, past and future versions of God's Hand that are present in one dimensional plain of reality, the weaker the rifts opened by God's Hand become, resulting in a weaker power output from each additional afterimage, and a greater mental strain/toll on the present version of God's Hand within the dimensional plain. In short, too many rifts and versions of God's Hand's self, the weaker he becomes.

Wrath of Eden - The ability to not only ignite his sword on fire, but channel fire through it, either in the form of beams, projectiles, or waves of flames. The greater the concentration, or charge, that God's Hand places into his weapon, the more heated the ignition, resulting in multi-colors of flames based off of temperature and an overall more devastating effect. Though possible to counter by a Daemon, the potential destructive power of the Wrath of Eden could topple buildings, raise forests, and incinerate anyone at a touch. Its base power vs any S-Rank Daemon would leave them with severe burns, potentially incinerating them depending on the concentration of the flames spawned by an attack. A-Rank Daemons would fair worse, though plausibly they could survive, while any C-Rank Daemon would be annihilated for sure. Again, there is potential for the attack to be deflected or countered by another ability/power of equal, or at least of approaching, strength.  


Secret but Speculated Skills: 

Umbrakinesis - God's Hand can create, shape and manipulate darkness and shadows. He can channel it to a variety of effects, both as an absence of light and a solid substance: he can also create and dispel shields and areas of total darkness, create constructs and weapons, etc. The extent of this ability is unknown, and depending on its usage it could likely deal up to as much damage as the Wrath of Eden against respective classes of Daemons - possibly more. 

Self-Imbued Hell - A fitting name for a power that renders God's Hand utterly berserk and uncontrollable, sans sanity and reason, until the effects wear off. However, the pro to the ability is the extreme rise in strength, agility, and immunity God's Hand physical being undergoes, amplifying his physical traits as well as his other abilities/powers he possesses. The boost in power also allows the Daemon to alter the confines and the scale of his physical form, plausibly granting him the stature of a titan. Overall the threshold of God's Hand's powers is dramatically increased at the expense of his sanity. The duration of the ability is unknown.

There may be others...


SAXIL(Played by @Zaltusinel)

Name: Saxil Belren, "The Kaiju That Never Was"
Age: No one Cares
Species: Daemon
Occupation: Research Scientist
Place of Residence: Relic Tower, tallest point in Arnvista, the big blue tower in Arnvista picture.
Partner Name: N/A
Appearance:(Human) African American with azure hair that glides around her in molecular braids. Her body has small crystals that hum and glow. She walks as Madonna, yet she seems more serious and determined. Her face is adorned with small glasses that enlarge to fit the subject in question. Iridescent eyes that change color. (Dragon/Daemon) A white dragon with elegant appearance that resembles the Northern Lights. Pictures below.

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Personality:Industrious, Adventurous, Demanding, Secretive, Brilliant, glamorous, sharp, and wise.  A Daemon of mystery and fascination.

History: Saxil was presumed dead and the cause of the Black Plague, she struggles to survive the intolerance of her Kaiju kin. 
Threat Rating: Kaiju

Weapons: Dragon breath, Wisps of Light

The ability to hide her powers from the world unless a Kaiju tries really hard to break the guise.

The ability to use pure energy in multiple facets such as projectiles and temporary structures.

The ability to temporary rift space to move projectiles around and move other objects, including her self, around. 

The ability to use Negative and Dark Energy in multiple facets .



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Treat others the way you want to be treated

We all FEEL like this is something that shouldn't have to be stated. But living on this Earth has provided more than enough evidence that it does. Don't be a jerkass. Be Polite to others. Don't stalk/harass/creep on other people. We're all Nerds pretending to punch monsters in the face online. Whatever Negativity you're carrying out in the real world needs to be left there.

Keep IC and OOC separate

This is an easy one. If someone's character is a jerk, murderer/rapist or all around unpleasant person it doesn't mean the person playing them is.

It just means they're an Edgelord

In all seriousness. This RP isn't quite a gritty Dystopian Drama, but people are people. And sometimes they're not nice. It doesn't mean that the person behind the keyboard secretly fantasizes about drowning puppies, they just felt like playing a character that isn't a ray of sunshine. Personally attacking them for that decision as if they're just as bad as a fictional character is childish, and more than a little rude.

With that in mind.....

Your actions have consequences

Want to RP a murderer? Go for it?

Want to RP a sexist pig? Sure why not?

Want to RP a racist asshole? I can't stop you.

But keep in mind that these actions and opinions have consequences within the RP. Dropping a racial slur to a stranger will get your teeth punched out of your head IRL, chances are people in a fictional version of Earth aren't going to take too kindly to it either. If you insult or attack someone's character, they have a right to RP that character's reaction in the manner they see fit. If your character grabs another character's ass then you run the risk of them trying to break your character's hand. It's common sense. I don't want to hear any crying because your Character was acting like a dick and another Character swung at them. We're RP'ing real people, so expect real people reactions.

No Godmodding

This one is going to be tricky to implement, but the short of it is that we're dealing with Supernatural creatures here. The main draw is that they fight each other, and their Humans fight each other. If you and another person want to duke it out, go right ahead. But use combat etiquitte. Don't dodge every attack thrown at you and then turn around and Spirit Bomb the other person. It's rude.

I'm currently working on a Combat system that lines up with the Ranking system in the game. But once again, I'll ask you to use common sense. A C-Rated Daemon probably won't be beating up an A-Rated Daemon, at least not without a monumental effort. And they sure as hell wouldn't be squaring up to a Kaiju. If all else fails, roll some dice to settle IC disputes. 

With that in mind, if you're playing a High Ranked Daemon, don't go around picking fights with lower ranked Daemons for shits and giggles. If you want to show your Daemon beating up some NPC's to establish how much of a dick they are, go right ahead. But leave other players out of that nonsense.

If the GM says an NPC will kill you. They will kill you.

Pretty easy one here. But simply put there are some NPC's that you can't attack, or in the event that you should they'll wipe the floor with you. Generally any kind of Law Enforcement is equipped to handle a rowdy Daemon and their Human partner. And these actions come with consequences in the form of fines or if you're especially naughty, Jail time.

Apex Implementations is set up to be an Antagonist. But knowing that, it doesn't mean you can barge into the offices and challenge The CEO to a fistfight. You wouldn't make it past the front door without Security breaking their foot off in your ass. Or if I'm feeling mischievous I MIGHT let you get to the top floor and have Lorette bitch slap you back down to the Lobby. I don't expect anyone to run around punching shopkeepers in the face, but if Grand Theft Auto has taught me anything it's that when given the opportunity people WILL cause mayhem.

With that said if a Storyline NPC is essential or the type that will kick your ass I'll let you know well beforehand. And you guys are MORE than welcome to make your own NPCs and do what you want with them. This is a living, breathing world and it needs to be filled with people. 



Can a player RP the partner of another player? I.E. One player is the daemon while the other is the human?

A: Yes! If that's how you'd like to play the Human/Daemon dynamic, than you are absolutely allowed to do that.

Could Daemons possibly have more than one form? You say its an expression of their self and can vary wildly, but what about one that likes to look more human unless they are fighting? Or would they have their appearance more or less set upon creating one?

Yes a Daemon is allowed to change form. But I must inform you that it's not instantaneous and requires a bit of concentration. (You don't want a leg ending up where it shouldn't be.) So a Daemon would have a form for Combat and then another for everyday stuff. But changing form in a sanctioned battle requires a timeout. If a Daemon catches themselves in a non-sanctioned battle they kind of just have to hope for the best. But it's not like changing form strips a Daemon of power. It just manifest in different ways.

A Daemon should also take care where and when they change form. Growing bigger in a small crowded room is a great way to trample someone AND get stuck. Humans have mostly become acclimated to seeing weird stuff every day from Daemons, but the do tend to appreciate it when a Daemon looks more Human since they're much easier to talk to.

Am I required to play as a Daemon/Human Team in order to RP?

No you are not. You can play as a Daemon all alone if you'd like, as well as playing as a Human by themselves. Roleplaying as 2 different characters can be a bit much, and so you are more than welcome to play as just one.
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Richard watched the digital display over the Elevator's doors in silence, the numbers on it changing at what felt like a Snail's pace.  He wasn't late for his meeting with the CEO. He was never late. But that didn't make the wait any more bearable. The Chief of Security grumbled softly, a gloved hand coming up to fiddle with his tie. These meetings were not uncommon, Lorette took the safety of the building and all inside of it as seriously as she did the rest of her duties. However, she rarely called Richard to her Office so late in the evening, especially without making sure to schedule an appointment with him beforehand. He knew that the matter had to be serious if Lorette was willing to go off schedule and mentally prepared himself for the worst.

The Elevator dinged softly as it finally reached the top floor, and the doors had barely opened before Richard stepped through them. The floor was eerily silent, the Receptionist's desk empty in the dimly lit area. The Chief of Security set off at a brisk pace towards the imposing double doors situated just beyond the large desk, his footfalls muffled by the plush carpet on the floor. He didn't even make ready to knock as the CEO's voice rang loudly from within her office. She had expected him to arrive on time as he always did and wasted no time in bidding him to enter. Years ago, Robert had found her perception and timing unsettling, but now he could only appreciate the efficiency it afforded him. The massive office was as dimly lit as the rest of the floor and Richard could make out Lorette's form as she stood facing the floor to ceiling windows at the opposite end of the room. The many lights illuminating Arnvista cast a soft glow around the room, and for a moment the CEO was silent as she stared out at the busy streets.

"Lorette, do you think you can skip the dramatics this time and tell me why you called me up here?" Richard closed the heavy wooden door with a small grunt before turning to face the woman once more. Lorette pivoted sharply on a heel to face Robert, a stern glare leveled on him. A lesser man might have shrunk back from her gaze, but Robert had found himself under it for many years now and it had long since become exhausting to constantly cower before her.

"I will be leaving for Tokyo in a few hours. Ms. Oshiro will be accompanying me there. As you are well aware by now, Sato-Yamasaki Genetics will be doing business with us going forward and I will be visiting their Headquarters to finalize our agreement." Richard sighed and sank into the chair seated in front of Lorette's imposing black desk. "I'm going to go ahead and assume there's more. I can't imagine that you'd call me all the way up here for something you could have told me in a text message." Richard leaned back in the plush chair, spinning it side to side as he eyed the CEO carefully. As was usual, her face betrayed none of her inner thoughts, but the man was not stupid enough to believe that she had nothing else planned for him. "This is a very crucial time for us Mr.Solberg. Sato-Yamasaki will, of course, be sending some of their own people overseas to assist in future projects here in the States. And while I have the utmost trust in them you are well aware of what is at risk should we allow anything to slip past our notice." The Chief of Security nodded silently, waiting for her to continue. "I need you go about finding a security force for our new Research facility. Nikhil will give you the details on what he needs specifically."

Richard leaned back in the chair to stare up at the ceiling in silence for a moment, not quite ready to voice his thoughts. He could feel Lorette's gaze continuing to bore into him and knew that she would not wait all night for a response. "So, you're taking the Lieutenant on a vacation overseas and leaving me to round up some new people along with maintaining the security of this building AND a Research Facility out in the middle of nowhere with Nikhil?" Robert looked back at Lorette, his blue eyes narrowed. "Did you know that I own a home, Lorette? I have a house, with a roof and a bed. At some point this year, I'd like to sleep in it." Lorette's expression and tone did not change, seeming unbothered by the man's quips. "Junior Officer Kinnaird is more than capable of carrying the workload with you Robert. Her....exuberance aside, she's proven to be more than effective at her job. She can handle things here while you are out with Nikhil. Allister will be staying behind as well and I'm sure that he can keep an eye on things while we're both away."

Lorette moved away from the windows, her footsteps ringing loudly on the polished stone floor as she approached the sulking Chief of Security. A gloved hand settled gently on his shoulder and gave it a small reassuring squeeze. "It will be fine Richard. I know that I'm asking a lot from you right now, but you that it's only because I know you're capable of doing it." Richard glanced up at the woman, the small smile gracing the edge of her mouth not escaping his notice. "And besides, it's not as if I sleep in my own house any more than you do in yours. Sometimes I wonder if I'll forget where it is one day." The hand moved away along with Lorette as she walked away before coming to pause before the double doors of her office. "I will contact you when we land. Please turn the lights off when you leave." Robert didn't bother watching her as she left, and once the doors had slammed shut the Office descended back into silence.

Richard rubbed tiredly at his face and resigned himself to his fate, knowing there was no point in crying over things as they were. Reaching into his jacket he pulled out his phone and tapped at the screen, pulling up a familiar number. The phone rang twice before the person on the other side picked up. The voice on the other end was thick with exhaustion, no doubt its owner had been asleep before Richard had called, but he wasted no time on that. "Kinnaird. I know you're off but I need you back at the Office. Something has come up-Are you crying? If you want to cry, then do it on your way over here. Now move your ass." Richard ended the call to loud tearful protests on the other side before tucking his phone away, muttering balefully to himself. "At least SHE got some sleep tonight...."

Matsuko grinned stupidly at her phone's screen, a string of expletive-riddled messages displayed prominently on the backlit surface. "Audrey is PISSED. This is wonderful, she's probably going punch the first person to start some shit with her.....Oh God, I hope it's Allister. I would pay any amount of money to see that."  She looked across the aisle towards Lorette, the CEO's expression as unreadable as always. "Tell the Junior Officer that if she plans to assault Mr. Schoen, that she needs to do it when she's not on Company time and property." Matsuko let out a short laugh, tapping idly at her phone. "So what's the plan once we get there? I'm not sure that I'll be of much help, Allister usually goes with you to these things and I don't like leaving Richard and Audrey alone unattended." Lorette continued staring out the plane's window, her voice even as she watched the clouds roll by. "Don't be ridiculous Ms. Oshiro. Your presence will be indispensable at this meeting. I will need you to remain observant once we arrive at Sato-Yamasaki Headquarters. Pay very close attention to their Security measures, and keep a close eye on the people that they choose to present to us. We are there to forge an agreement with them, but I'd feel better knowing how they operate."

A gloved finger tapped idly at the armrest of her seat, and Lorette pressed on. "And I need you to translate for me." Matsuko lofted a brow, eyeing the CEO quizzically. "You speak Japanese pretty decently. What do you need me to translate for?" Lorette's gaze slid over to the Lieutenant, her voice remaining even. "I speak the language well enough, but not enough to catch any subtle nuances in everyday conversation. Something that is quite important when conducting business." Lorette resumed staring out the plane's window. "And as far as they know, I don't speak it at all. I want them lulled into enough of a false sense of security that they might think me ignorant of everything that's going on. They may very well let slip something that they don't want me to hear."

Matsuko pursed her lips, brows knitted together. "You don't trust them?" Lorette did not make any movement to confirm or deny the other woman's question. "Hanshiro Sato does good business, but I hear that he enjoys gloating. He has no love for Americans either, though you wouldn't know it. Currently, I don't know if he plans to make the same offer that he's giving us to any of our competition.  But I do know that if given the opportunity to gain the upper hand, he will take it. I want you to keep your eyes and ears open while we are there Ms. Oshiro. Is that understood?" Matsko nodded silently, knowing that Lorette would see it one way or the other. "You've got it." Matsuko grinned at Lorette.  "I hope you aren't keeping tabs on me like this, you know."

"No, I am not. I've seen how you live Matsuko and the thought of having to watch you depresses me."

"That's pretty rude coming from someone needing my help as much as you do!"

"If you thought that by leaving Audrey and Richard behind, that you'd be free of any suffering, you were wrong Ms. Oshiro."


A metal door swung open with a loud clang and not long after a stubbled faced man was thrown unceremoniously through it. He landed with a loud cry on the cracked asphalt of the alleyway, his speech slurring as he yelled at the Daemon still standing in the doorway. "This how you treat your customers, huh? You treat 'em all like shit?" The Daemon watched the drunken man through narrowed eyes, unimpressed with the display. "Nope. Just the ones that are assholes. Get out of here, and if I see you around again, I'm breaking something." The Daemon retreated back inside, the metal door slamming shut behind them. The drunk man was somehow able to get to his feet, though he needed to lean heavily on the wall nearest to him for support."Fuckin'...A man can't even have a good time in this city anymore..." The man groaned and staggered down the alleyway, rummaging clumsily through his pockets as he weaved out onto the sidewalk. "Where the hell are my smokes?" A small blue Ferret poked its head out of one the man's many jacket pockets, a package of cigarettes in its mouth. " 'ey...Thanks Caby. You-You're a good friend. My Only friend in this shithole of a city." The Man gestured at the dilipated buildings on the street, almost falling over in his inebriated state. "You and me. We're the only smart people here. You know that? And we...Shit man, we're not gonna be stuck in the Slums for the rest of our lives like everybody else, you hear me?" Caby only stared silently at the man with beady black eyes, prompting a laugh from the man. "You never were a talker Caby. 's okay. I can talk for the both of us." The Ferret Daemon's head snapped over suddenly, staring intently down the street. The man paused and looked in the same direction, barely able to make out anything through the haze surrounding his vision. A large vaguely humanoid shape stood a few yards away, unmoving. "Fuck you lookin' at? Keep walkin'." Rather than moving away, the shape drew closer and Caby scampered onto the man's shoulder, hissing loudly. The man lurched back as the shape drew closer, falling over onto his rear. "Ah! Shit! You think you're funny runnin' up on somebody like that? Got somethin' to say big guy?"

The figure came to a halt in front of the man, and through the alcohol induced blur the man could see reptilian features staring back at him. "Oh..." The man shrunk back a little under the Daemon's gaze, though the alcohol in his system numbed any real fear he might have felt. "If you want to fight or somethin' I bet you can find a good time around here. Otherwise, you can fuck right off." Caby continued to hiss at the other Daemon, the blue fur on their back bristling as they drew closer. The other Daemon cocked their head, eyeing the smaller creature with what looked to be a mixture of disgust and curiosity. "I had heard the rumors. But I didn't think they were true." A large clawed hand reached down and plucked the other Daemon from the man's shoulder, holding the struggling creature up for inspection. "Positively disgusting." The clawed hand wrapped firmly around the smaller Daemon and squeezed. Caby let out a loud squeal of pain before they dispersed into a small cloud of blue smoke. "Such things. When did we start allowing them I wonder?" Their reptilian eyes slid back down to the man on the ground, fear keeping him pinned there. "No matter. I will see to it that this problem is resolved." The clawed hand darted out and caught the man in the face, grabbing hold and drawing him close before beginning to squeeze once more, muffling his screams.

"Yes....I do believe that this is a problem that can be resolved with a little hands-on work."
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My heart beating...sweat beading down my face. I jumped up, looking around all of my room. The honey walls, the scent of lavender, the multitude of posters of the plays and shows I've been in... Everything was in place, nothing was touched, but I felt danger all around me. Was anyone else in here? I lifted out of my bed, opening my closet door. Its silver knobs and curvy etchings flowed out of it like the tides. I looked over the hangers, the boxes, and my clothes. Nothing... What happened? My family lived far out from any major block in Arnvista, but I felt like every piece of darkness in everyone's soul is crashing down on me. Like dude, how overkill is that? Judging from the howling winter winds, a storm must be coming in and I know Ace, he should be up. Well he's a Daemon so... Although I generally don't bother him late at night, I am shaking, this feeling... of my life's strings being cut. What is it? Who is cutting! I kneeled in a thud, I swore I trembled the floor. I could hear the doors around me open, fast steps to me... My door opened violently, I could hear one of the guardian Daemons yell as he scooped me up. I started to lose feeling everywhere, my feet...my lungs...my arms... I couldn't breathe! This feels like someone is trying to kill me! I tried to move, nothing responded. Everything slowly faded into black and two yellow glowing eyes stared at me... chuckling. I tried so hard to stop it, but I couldn't. More pressure coming in. More. More. More! Until finally, my heart stopped beating, I sang my last prayers, praying my memes weren't too offensive... As I lost the light in my eyes, Ace held my body in his and it appeared. The goblin thing snickered, but it was a fool. A fool dude. I saw a thousand bones enter every crevice the Daemon had, turning into mist before the guardian could even notice it. I tried to smile, Ace could see it because I could. I felt my heart beat again, my body gave into feeling. I only guessed I was trashed. Ha! I bet even more. With a smile on my face, I say:

"I guess... I have you... Ace... for a reason, brother..." before succumbing to beautiful sleep that I so desperately needed.


I don't even want to talk about last night. Nope. I was five seconds from losing my partner to a petty C demon. My hands softened as my head plundered down. Ryder always told he take me to a hospital to experience the rush fo the ER, but I doubt he wanted to make the visit like this. What even happened last night? Everything felt blurry and sudden. First, I felt I thought was a small rubble from the fights closer to the city, but... then I saw one of the house guardians sprint past my door to Ryder's room. I thought, 'What the hell, Ryder hated people going in.' Until I felt it, that thing I murdered mercilessly last night. I sprinted over there, seeing Ryder's life fade from his black eyes. Then he saw it, and no one needs to know more than it died like a firework on the Fourth of July.

      This hospital chair, it supported nicely, but it was not comfy at all. But no matter how much comfort, it could not comfort me or anyone in the hemisphere of my reason here. I quietly gazed at Ryder, various cords and tubes exchanged out of him. I hate it, I hate him like this. Halfway dead in a night from a lesser Daemon, but I guess sleep can make you so vulnerable... The heart monitor beeped slowly, he was alive. All that mattered, my life was endanger without him. His parents would surely kick me out, leave me on the streets...I'm a powerful Daemon, I've known for a long time. But... could I control myself? I gazed around the room, nurses bustling by to various patients, families crying...I could feel one of my kin sulking in depression by the lobby. I had nothing else to do, Ryder would be fine. And he even wants me to make friends with my kind, not like I don't like his friends, but they don't even realize I'm a Daemon. So what if they do? Would they leave me forever? I grazed my hand down the gray blanket over my partner, past the curtains, to my kin. The walls were unimpressive white and the tile so cold... I brushed my hair back, twiddling with my belt straps.

      "Hey...you alright?" What appeared to be a floating dragonfly, the size of a small dog, turned over to me. It opened its bright brown eyes and pulsed through its green scales, "No... I'm scared. My partner lost her father last night, and my best friend said his Daemon died too. No one knows who killed them, but they all suspect a powerful Daemon." "Why a Daemon, we don't kill our kind..." "I know it's strange, but I guess our migration rips people's kindness apart?" I shrug, twisting my foot back and forth, "I guess, well... I better leave you. It's hard as it is. The humans seem to have become uneasy, so I'd recommend that you keep a close eye on her." I started to turn before being asked again, "What happened to your partner, I can see it in your eyes dear." It fluttered its wings. "Some lesser Daemon tried to snuff the life out of him last night; we think it took it the whole night to do so. But It almost killed him, I saw his life fade from his eyes, and I swear I didn't want to see that again. it was fascinating, I won't withhold, but not on him. Not on the human I lived with my entire life..." "Oh deary, I'm sorry. I remember a friend being able to do the same thing, she's been long gone though, but I understand the feeling he went through." I smiled weakly, "Thank you. Best of luck." "You too!" 

      I turned around and meandered back to Ryder, I could just see his eyes start to open... One of the nurses from the bustle entered and I followed behind her. "Excuse me, sir, what is your relation to the patient?" I looked down at Ryder; he'll probably not hear this. "Ma'am, I'm his Daemon brother. I saved his life last night, and I wondered off to comfort my kin. I'll take my seat." The nurse nodded, with a smile forming on her lips. Her lipstick glowed of violet and blue. For a moment, I saw fog lapse from her mouth. I giggled yet another Daemon in disguise. At least I'm not the only one. I reached out for Ryder's hand and I snatched it like a Venus fly trap. Suddenly worried I'd lose it. He mumbled gibberish as he stirred, Ryder did. And as he awakened, I moved closer, feeling his breath on my nose. "Ace? Is that you?" I ran my hand down his arm, "Oh yeah, it's me. Wanted company?" "No not at all bone-picker. So you got a femur to spare? Because I'm a femur short of death warmed over." I shaked my head and brushed my ginger hair, "Never change." He slowly lifted up, ripping off the top piece to his gown. "Heck, this stuff is flimsy and unfashionable. I totally need to change clothes if I want any acting job, but I might keep your request in mind." His eyebrows squirmed across his face. I just laughed as I wrapped him in his scarf, that I previously wore, around his neck. Slowly falling into his embrace, I liked this human. Unlike the others, Ryder never betrayed me and something told me he never would.
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An older man thinking he is younger than he really is, trying to move a brown leather couch from the back of his black pick up alone. What a strange man, thinks Penelope. She runs over to help, weaving between a few groups of people along the way. Her hair unnaturally moving, avoiding being stepped on or tangled.

"Hold on, I'll help you Ignacio!" Penelope shouted towards the older, balding Mexican man. His thin white hair desperately trying to cover his whole head as sweat dripped down his face. Ignacio gave a weak chuckle as he tried to catch his breath.

"Gracias Penny, that'd be a great help." Ignacio has a thick accent, so he takes great care to pronounce his English words correctly.

Ignacio lived in one of the poorest areas of Arnvista. Houses barely held together. A shamble of houses. A poor place, but the community is humbled, and quite nice. This was Penelope's favorite place to be. Everyone here knew her, despite her looking fairly human, apart from her extremely long hair and perfect body. To any stranger to the neighborhood that didn't know Penelope, they would see a small girl carrying a large couch over her head, unaided, into Ignacio's home. Penelope placed the couch where Ignacio wanted, had a small chat, and moved on to the next person in need.

Seitsu and Porm

A man in an orange monk's robe, what a strange site to see. Oddly enough, Seitsu got more weird looks than Porm did, a metallic serpent like daemon. These looks don't bother Seitsu though, as a traveling monk, he's used to it.

Seitsu's face had a gleam, due to his earlier workout. He spars every day with Porm, except for days they battle in the arena. Seitsu had a dream once, and in this dream he defended something important from a powerful foe. The thing he defended, and his foe, were both impossible to make out. Since then, he has taken one of the daemons that protected his secluded temple, Porm, and traveled to Arnvista to become more powerful, so he may trumph over this foe.

It was starting to grow dark. The breeze helping to cool Seitsu off as he made his way to the bar. His favorite place to visit after a day of grueling workouts, The Flying Tortoise. An odd place indeed for a monk, but it still comforted him. Of course, the ever present Porm followed wherever he might go.
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Medeevdra walked out of the Starfall Arena. If she were to have a physical body of flesh and blood, it would most probably be hot with adrenaline and thrill. The joy she received from watching those fights was insurmountable; the feeling indescribably filled to the brim with excitement. It was almost flattering to know that at least one of the fighters today had fought so much harder, just because they truly believed they had the potential she told them they had. She chuckled to herself, looking back at the arena fading away into the distance fondly, as she continued to walk away on another one of her daily wanderings around the city. 

She was, of course, unfortunately aware of the... less than savoury happenings recently that had cast a human shadow of doubt upon Daemons; after all, such things had cast such a shadow on her own reputation. She clicked her tongue at the thought. How annoying. Of course she was the more noticeable target of such doubt, seeing how she was more of a public figure as the commentator at the majority of matches in the arena. It was, quite frankly, stifling her enjoyment and fun, and she absolutely hated it. Despite this, she was not moved in the least by fear or any other similar emotion. She was a kanji demon, after all. What in this world, filled with pitifully weak creatures, could possibly stand as a threat to her life? She audibly scoffed at the thought, and returned back to the more imminent subject at hand. Where to go off to and visit today?

Her knowledge of the city, more specifically the entertainment area, was significantly large, knowing it like the back of her hand. But her indecisive fickleness had always led to this daily conflict. Perhaps The Flying Tortoise would suffice to meet her needs of entertainment for today. Or one of the more relaxing art galleries could be of interest to her after such a jolt of excitement. Maybe even examining some of the more shopping-oriented areas would be fine; human culture was always intriguing to watch, especially when it came to shopping. She ceased walking to ponder upon the matter, utterly undecided on her destination. 
Leon didn’t hear news of the most recent incident until lunch.  It was just a bit of gossip, whispered too loudly to truly be secret over the rising din of his high school’s cafeteria, and normally he would have ignored it.  That kind of stuff was for people who didn’t have to worry about themselves like he did after all.  But then he picked up on the subject matter, and head down, eyes on his food, feigning disinterest, he listened in.

“Did you hear about what happened last night?” one of them whispered conspiratorially, leaning over the table to get closer her friend.  Her eyes darted around the cafeteria, on the lookout for anyone that may be eavesdropping, the back of one hand raised to shield the movement of her lips from others.  She completely passed over Leon.

“No,” whispered the friend, intrigued by the girls attempt at stealth, leaning forward as well.  “What happened?”

“There was another murder, closer to our area this time.”

The friend sat back, unimpressed, “That’s all?”  Folding her arms across her chest, the other girl leveled her friend with skeptical stare.  “Those have been happening for a while now.”

Put off by her friend’s disregard for her news, the first girl quieted down, slumping in her seat to sulk at the rest of her meal.

The second girl was right of course, the string of murders was nothing new, and as such nothing exciting.  Unless you happened to have a Daemon like Leon now did.  It was still sort of surreal, having to now watch out for these kinds of things, when before he was content to simply go about his business, ignorant to all happenings that concerned Daemons.  There was never any chance of such things affecting him before, but that was no longer the case.

Finished with his lunch, Leon got up to place his empty tray on the growing pile on the service counter, mind wandering to more pressing subjects as his feet carried him to his next class. 

After he got out of school he’d have to skip picking up Osclinile.  No, that would probably just cause him to worry, and given the circumstances, the last thing Leon wanted was for Oz to leave the apparent to look him.  He’d go check in first, but not bring the Daemon with him like usual.  Finding a steady job for the both of them was important, especially one that wouldn’t take advantage of his friend, but keeping Oz safe was his first priority, and if that meant forcing him to stay at home Leon would do that.

The idea had other advantages as well.  Despite his distaste for conflict, Leon knew Oz could fight well enough.  He wasn’t particularly strong, not for a Daemon anyway, but enough to catch unsuspecting intruders off guard.  Even if the murderer did seem to mostly be targeting Daemons, Leon wasn’t going to take any chances.  There were other dangers out there, ones that tended towards more human victims, and Oz would want to protect Leon’s mother just as much as the he did.

Set for that day’s after school plans, Leon returned his attention to the outside world.  That was for later, at the moment, he still had classes to get through.

A mass of people was lined up outside a massive building, entwined around the thick marble columns that supported the overhanging structures.  Even on a pale winter weekday, tourists from all over the world clambered for a chance to see the impressive collection of information and artifacts stored at that one location.  Truly, the Arnvista Museum of General Studies was an awe inspiring behemoth of both architecture and knowledge, representing the very best of all sides of humanity.  Which, beyond a doubt, was the reason their most popular attraction had decided to stick around as long as she had.

Sure, the pieces of humanity gathered at the museum were a sight to behold, but the age was new, and the unknowns presented by relatively newly integrated Daemons were a mystery most humans couldn’t resist.  Why then, pass up the opportunity to meet a legend among even Daemons when it was so easily accessible?

Despite her complete awareness of the effect her continued presence had on the success of her current home, Wren found very little of it worth her interest.  As people bustled past, snapping just as many pictures of her as they did of the more conventional sights, Wren sat crouched in front of one of the museum’s older additions.  It was a simple set of pulleys, showcasing how the use of one to several of the contraptions could reduce the effort needed to move the same amount of weight.

It was old, admittedly, but there was just so much to look at.  Over the course of her stay, Wren had worked through most of the newer exhibits, absorbing and testing every new thing she learned along the way, but this was something she’d yet to exhaust every option with.  It was necessary, too, as far as she was concerned.  There were a lot of things that used pulleys, she’d found, and how could she understand all the things that used them as completely as she wanted if she could not even understand the contraption upon which they relied.

So there she was, mostly stationary among the thriving crowd, drawing up observations and plans and expectations on anything she could think of that had to do with the simple system in front of her.  She was on a strict no touching policy after all.  Things she touched tended to break (completely by accident of course, it wasn’t her fault everything was so fragile), and after the first few times she’d come to an agreement with the curator that any testing was to be done with her own belongings far from where they may damage any priceless artifacts.

Even as the world moved around her, Wren lost track of time, sitting by an old, almost outdated piece of equipment, notebook in hand, a small gleeful smile turning up the corners of her lips.  
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Medeevdra was still in the midst of her stationary pondering; none of the locations she'd been able to think of so far seemed particular appealing to her today. What a crisis this was. Her sight wandered to one of the buildings in the distance, a peculiarly large mass of people in front of it. She approached it, though she was certain she already knew what exactly this building was. "A 'Museum of General Studies'?" She murmured to herself amusedly. Ah yes, she was quite aware of this building's existence; after all, it was the place of residence of another Kaiju Daemon, if she recalled correctly. Her entire mind immediately lit up with an idea at the memory. Perhaps this day wouldn't be so dull after all. 

She advanced toward the Museum, many of the people in the lines staring at her; she glanced at them amusedly, seeing a mixture amongst the crowd of awe, recognition, and even fear. Something about their reaction made her love them even more- she found it so incredibly adorable. Of course, there was the occasional killjoy expression of animosity amongst the crowd, most likely due to those bothersome murders. She chose to ignore them completely as she made her way through the line as a few humans even parted for her. Such an action made her chuckle; she found it adorably sweet and humorous at the same time. Unfortunately, some of them were unwilling to budge out of the way, and Medeevdra was not one to purposely tarnish her reputation in such a simple way as to force her way through; so she simply stood through the inconvenience of waiting in the line. 

Some time later, after finally making it through to the museum, she spared no time searching for her target for today. A Kaiju daemon drew attention; she knew this from firsthand experience. The one here would most probably be no different. Just as she predicted, she took nearly no time at all to spot a figure amongst an enthusiastic crowd. She advanced toward the other daemon and the attraction, inevitably catching attention from the crowds. "Hello." Her greeting toward her fellow Kaiju daemon was simple verbally, yet the way she spoke clearly indicated an obvious hint of mischief. 

Wren caught herself just as she was about to whirl around, startled as she was by the sudden presence behind her.  The memory was still fresh, and the information stock piled on the subject foremost on her mind, of the last time she’d been too quick to respond to something.  She quite liked her current residency, it wouldn’t do to go breaking things now, not when she’d been so careful about it already.

Instead, she didn’t so much as twitch when the greeting was called out.  It wasn’t a voice she recognized, admittedly, but even without looking it was impossible not to realize the presence behind her was that of a Daemon.  A powerful one too, probably like her.  She finished jotting down the last thing that had come to mind before her interruption, taking painstaking care to move at a human pace.

Her attempt wasn’t perfect, and she still ended up rising and spinning at the same time, a small gust swirling out from around her at the sudden movement, but nothing broke and that was what mattered.

Looking up, she slowly, carefully flipped her notebook closed, pen stuck in between the pages.  Wren cocked her head slightly to the side in silent question.  It wasn’t everyday another Kaiju chose to interact with her.

“Is there something that you want?”

Inwardly she winced at her own bluntness.  Tact, it seemed, was still a subject she had yet to become an expert in.  It was something she noticed humans seemed to value, and despite her relatively rare dealings with creatures of any kind, it seemed others were more likely to respond favorably to someone they thought cared about their feelings.  Clearly she’d have to work on that.

“Hello to you too,” she corrected instead.  “If I may ask, why have you come to visit me?”  There, that was better.  Now she just had to make sure she could do it on her first attempt.

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Ryder and I hung out for about four hours, talking about his school work and classes. Well, it was really our classes, but I didn't care all that much because I had learned it all on my own anyway. He tried to shoo me because he said, "You need a life from me. Go, man, go make some Daemon friends. I'll be fine, anyway...mom wants to talk with me. So..." I turned my head to see the blonde, brown-eyed woman I casually knew as my "mother". I shivered, was she going to kick me out? My palms sweated a little, but I nodded slowly, pushing one foot in front of the other until I walked out onto the open street. So this was Joni street? Well, I wasn't too far from it, the Flying Tortoise. I kind of hated leaving Ryder behind. But I knew this was good for me, to get out and be the young Daemon I was. At least I was strong enough to ward off most hostiles. But should I go alone? No, I remember Silé is off duty today so she'll be able to come with me. Some cars drove by, paying no attention to me. I felt typical... and useless suddenly. What was this feeling? Was it the old one I've had forever? My heart clenched, clenching my heart. I started to walk, run then sprint. Running ever so faster that I couldn't hold myself. I felt a gust of cold behind me as the midday sun clashed above me. I felt my physical form expand and contract, and I kept running. Pushing and shoving people aside, I jumped up on the wall of some hotel and dashed across it. Gaping filled the air below me, I didn't care. Yeah, I'm a Daemon. Whatcha gonna do?

         The bright lights of the city surrounded me, I remember this section. The Entertainment District. The Flying Tortoise hardly was far, I could see the sign itself. I stopped, my stomach... I kneeled, others around me moved around as I heard the voices. The voices of my head that last I heard from the back of my existence. What was happening to me? Then in a moment, I lost all feeling of it. When I stand up, I remember that it is in there, that something is wrong with me. I clutched my hands together, almost praying that it would go away. Never has any Daemon been inflicted with this disease...I pushed it out of my mind. I need to focus, focus Ace! The mischief, the horror, and yet I felt secure. Burning hands, my hands were burning...I gazed down at them and a shadow flame dashed across them. I huffed out a breath, no reaction. Scanning the crowd, they failed to notice. So dark it was, I almost turned my head sideways gazing at its beauty. A small girl approached me, "Are you a Daemon? You look so cool!" I smiled at her, "Yea, I'm a Daemon." I wasn't even in my combat form, I looked normal. She laid her hands on my shoulder, "Are you Ryder's Daemon?" I stuttered, she only knew me because of Ryder. Was I Ryder's property? I felt...the uselessness again and the voices came back. I tried to compose myself, but the voices were so loud. The little girl stayed right there beside me. Why?! I looked absolutely mad, why wasn't anyone seeing me? "I see it, the darkness of the unknown." I lifted my head, what? Flashes of Ryder, of our life together, swooped into my sight, was I dying on the spot? I could feel every emotion he ever had. "Ryder!!" I screamed! Tears rolled down my face. Slowly she rubs my cheek revealing my other form, "Everything I loved, became everything I lost." I looked at myself, the large black hands replaced the human ones. I transformed, how long had I'd been under that trance? Then she vanished, thin particles with no sound or footsteps. I tried to laugh it off, but I couldn't laugh... What could this mean?

I'll figure this out later; I pulled out my phone, texting Silé to come to the Tortoise. She'll come, or I'll lose something...or snap something inside this existence of mine. Shopping.... that sounds nice. I'll buy some new clothes and maybe a football for Ryder, and then hook up with some other Daemons at the Tortoise when Silé arrives. Which will be sundown I'm sure. @PPPauper

Seitsu and Porm


Lights started popping on in seemingly random orders as the sun began to set. The sky turning from  it's beautiful orange into darker blues. The pair could see the tavern in the distance, still a couple of minutes away. Porm, on all fours, looked up towards Seitsu and asked,

"So, whatchya going to try today?"

Porm's voice could almost be described as sounding like grinding gears, but pleasant sounding. Like a rhythmic machine. One of Porm's recent thoughts has surrounded food, and people's choices about it. He understands people need sustenance, but wonders why one person may choose to eat a cheese burger at the same place every day, and another may choose to try a different menu item, at a different place every day.

"What do you think, my metallic friend?"

Seitsu looked down to Porm, a gentle smile on his face. Seitsu had a rather high pitched voice for a male, though still distinguishably male.

"The usual, or something new?"

Porm gave a small hum in return as he thought. This was a monumental decision that could not be taken lightly. Porm looked up to the darkening sky. He noticed the few trees doting the area, naked and shivering in the breeze. Most people were bundled up due to the cold, but oddly enough, Seitsu wore his thin monk's robe. Seitsu was different from everyone, so maybe Porm should choose something new to eat today? Then again, Seitsu wore the same robe, no matter the weather, so maybe it should be the usual?

Porm scoffed, his decision becoming difficult. This could be life or death here, how would Porm know the right decision? Seitsu did this to him every time too, giving him an impossible decision to make. They finally made their way to the bar.

A rather odd place, thought Porm. It had an old school brick and mortar foundation, yet the inside was modernized. Unlike most buildings, there were no windows, another curiosity. The inside had odd lighting, blotches of blues, purples and reds slowly dance across the walls and floor in one section, where people gathered to dance, a concept Porm never cared for.

The bar is where they generally stayed, as Seitsu grabbed a bite to eat and a drink to wash it down with. As they approached, Porm noticed the bouncer was different from yesterday, and his decision was made. He looked up to Seitsu,

"Something new."

And they made their way in.
"I was quite bored, to be frank." Medeevdra responded almost immediately. "And I happened to be close by." She found the other daemon's correction of herself quite interesting. She'd sounded quite blunt at first, so it seemed that was something the daemon wished to fix. Taking a seat in a rather casual position, she observed the entirety of the daemon before her as she did so. An interesting physical form, she mused. A strange mix of avian and humanoid. It seemed, judging by the notebook in her hand, and some sort of equipment next to her, that the other kaiju daemon was taking some sort of notes. She honestly had no idea what to do now that she had met this other Kaiju; she had no other objectives beyond it, nor had she even thought of what would happen after she found this other Daemon. 

"Would you like to, perhaps, do something together?" She asked suddenly, mataphorically grasping for straws. "Anything you'd like. It could be something as mundane as taking a walk, even." She was desperate to purge this boredom; her one sole drive behind doing almost everything she did was simply for the sake of finding entertainment, and to hold back this ever-prevailing feeling of boredom for just a little longer. 

Well that was curious.  Wren found her head tipping back to the side as she thought.  What was the purpose of talking to her if the other Daemon didn’t want anything?  No matter, she’d been approached, so regardless, it was the polite thing to do something with her new companion.  The other Daemon had left the decision up to her though, what exactly could they do?

At first, Wren thought maybe they could do something within the museum, but she quickly rejected the idea.  The other Kaiju didn’t know the rules, and Wren had no safe way to find out if she was willing to play by them even if she explained what they were.  So not here.

She stood in silence for the while she was thinking, not even realizing how much time was beginning to pass.  Where was somewhere they could go?  This was unfamiliar territory, interacting with people for something other than her own interests, harder than she originally gave it credit for.  So she fell back on what was familiar, and started to gather the facts.

It should be a place they would both enjoy, but Wren didn’t know this Daemon.  She wasn’t sure what the other would find interesting.  Okay then, something calming.  Despite her obliviousness when she was excited, Wren did realize how easy it was for her to hurt most other creatures.  The other Kaiju might be fine, but if she got too caught up in whatever they were doing there was a good chance Wren would break something.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Wren laced her fingers together behind her head and stretched back, looking up toward the ceiling.  She didn’t go out enough to know how to do this.  All she did all day was study humans.  Their history, their science, their behavior.

That’s right!  She did know what to do.  Maybe she never got out much herself, but for the most part it was practically all humans did.  What would be an acceptable day out for a human then?  Maybe meander around the Entertainment District, but there was a good chance she’d accidently ditch her companion.  They’d have to do something that put them in one place, so she at least had a physical boundary to limit herself to.

They could go watch a movie, humans did that, but watching something fictional or even informational but open ended quickly put an end to that thought train, her lips turning down in a sign of her displeasure.

Suddenly her eyes widened and she straitened to her full height.

"It's a date then," she said, meeting the other's eyes. “Let me take you out to dinner,”  That was perfect, she decided.  Calming, stationary, and while Wren enjoyed the thought of trying something new, the other Daemon could get whatever she wanted as well.



"So, how old are you young lady?" Asked a pleasant older man that goes by Kendrick.

"Oh, well, I don't know. Definitely older than this planet, and probably even this galaxy. Hmm, maybe as old as the universe?" Penelope put a hand to her chin in thought. She didn't quite know even how old the Void was, she never really cared to try and find out. Meanwhile, Kendrick's two grandsons and his granddaughter were playing with her hair behind her.

The answer seemed to shock Kendrick. "Wow, that old? I think Ma has cheese older than that in the fridge."

Penelope was shocked. Cheese, older than her? Incredible! It was only for a moment though. Penelope has been catching onto to human nuances over the years, and sarcasm was one of the harder ones to detect. She quickly caught on to this one and gave a giggle.

The children behind her knotted and braided her hair. When she first came about to reside in this area, her hair was one of the things people found the most strange. Her hair mysteriously corrects itself at will, and even if a pack of dogs were to run across it, they would never step on it. It's been a source of amusement for many children.

The older grandson pushed the granddaughter, causing her to cry. Penelope turned around and asked the boy why he was being mean to her. The boy responded "Because she's a girl!"

Penelope grabbed up some of her hair and placed it on the boy's head. She stood up and looked at him, pondering, her hand on her chin. Her hair, of course, stayed put on the boy. Penelope commented matter-of-factly.

"There, now you're a girl too."

The girl and the other boy both laughed at him, causing Penelope to join in shortly after, followed by Kendrick. As the laughter calmed down, Kendrick called the children in. Penelope looked up to notice the setting sun. It's about time for the humans to start going to bed, which would begin Penelope's night patrol.

Penelope liked to patrol the area at night, stopping any would be wrong doers and chatting with any night owls.
Medeevdra waited somewhat impatiently as the daemon tilted her head to the side, seemingly deep in thought. She tapped her feet a small she watchfully stared, watching her changes in behaviour once in a while. Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity to Medeevdra's impatient mind, an answer was spoken; an offer to go out for dinner together, it seemed. 

This could be highly interesting. She was never much of a through food fanatic, and usually barely ate at all, so this would at least be somewhat new to her.

"Sounds perfect." She replied, her eyes twinkling with excitement and mirth as she stared back at the other daemon's eyes. It wasn't half a bad of a suggestion as she thought it possibly could be. There were many more dull things that could have been suggested. Trying something new like this did not sound so bad, either. Hopefully, this other daemon would be entertaining company. It already seemed like she would- as long as she didn't spend too much time thinking about things, as she did just before. 

She immediately rose out of her sitting position, standing in front of the other daemon. "I suppose before we set out, we should at the very least learn of each other's names?" She suggested, after just thinking of the idea. "My name is Medeevdra. What is yours?" 
Blonde hair flipped through air, waving in front of her as she looked out into the city. Blue eyes surveyed this city, watching it. Claire enjoyed looking out into the world like this, and did so whenever she switched towns to fight... she had been to lot of places. Every sky was different, the world around her so unique, that she simply couldn't help it. Her eyes, orbs that have born witness to constant combat, were bright, energetic,and accepting. There was a slight chill in the air, on top of a large building, the roof of her hotel..

Next to her was a large bird, phoenix-like in shape, it's wings glowing with it's energy. He watched as Claire took a camera to her eyes, snapping a few pictures, resting it on her chest. “Got your pictures for this trip then?” He said, His voice was light, bemused , watching her as she completed her ritual. The two went up to the roof the building they stayed in, and snapped pictures of their view. Claire called it 'a record of her war campaign”, of her journey as a sponsored fighter of the I.D.C.C. She often shared her pictures as well online and her thoughts on each one... t was part of her charm as well a way of thanking her fans for their faith in her.

“Yup, i'm good, Claudius.” She says, a nod and a smile greeting the bird as she turned around, snapping a picture of the phoenix. “o're just as important to this, you know. It's true that i've done everything I can to put myself at the top, but you're my valuable partner, you know. The people should admire you as well.” She said, nodding as if her decree was perfect sense, the only truth that existed. “My conquest is done for the ight, what say you w hit the town? I AM quite parched” She says

“You're not going to stay in the hotel room?” Claudius asked. “I thought you were going to have a quiet evening with room service. These people are supposed to make a mean steak.... but no, you HAVE to go out, your adoring public awaits.”

Another happy nod. “Yeah! A king that holes up from her public is no king at all! I need to make sure I have as many opportunists as ic an to get my name out... it's what I want more than anything.” She says heading back down into her hotel room. She decided against bringing her weaponry, but her two issued pistols remained on her back hips, a long, black coat covering it up as she stretched out. “I don't THINK we have a match tomorrow... so let's go gorge ourselves on drinks and have fun!” She says with a nod and a smile, leaving her hotel room, heading outside

She walked down the streets. No one really paid her any mind, which was fine. Claire was confident in herself and in her skills, but the world wasn't a story where everyone would notice her just on the streeets. As much as she would love a crowd praising her name people were often just busy with themselves. That didn't stop her from walking forward with a smile. Maybe, if she worked hard enough, all of that could change one day.

“I heard there was an attack or something.” Claudius said from next to her. “A daemon got hurt pretty badly supposedly. Are you worried?” He asked, looking at his part with both curiosity and conern.

“I WISH they would attack me.” Claire says , her voice unfaltering. “Even if I took a bit of damag I'd make news for fighting... i'd be known as the girl who fought off and brought to light some crazed Daemon attacker.... my ratings would go through the roof... and if I fialed...well, they're strong enough to fight an S-Ranked fighter. It would be a grand battle... and the police would know to be careful.” She says with a slight laugh. That was Claire for you, always looking for a wonderful fight. A wonderful anything was soething to suit Caire's wants, enjoying everything in life was part of what made her her

Getting into a bar, a swanky little place, she gave a cheer, . “Give me something hard!” She said, eager to enjoy the rest of her night

I had walked into the bar five minutes late because of Silé being so slow on getting here. She said nothing...nothing at all. My hands in my pockets, and Silé's car keys since she thrust-ed them to me to lay Ryder's stuff in. She'll want them back, I'm sure. The slight gloom of the bar highlighted the azures and violets of the dance floor. I remember Ryder dancing his face off, not to mention blasted drunk, but he's the drunk not show much of his drunkenness. Yet I am still surprised. The door opened softly and I jostled the door with my foot as I walked in. Silé slithered past me in her puddle form, straight for the line behind a mechanical dragon who took his time choosing from the menu. I sighed, looking around I didn't see anyone I knew. I crossed my arms and brushed my hair. Though I started to notice, the dragon or this monk looking guy are not from around here. I can smell it, his clothes do not fit the weather, but I can't complain about that, I'll wear a wool sweater over a long sleeve shirt in one hundred and four degree weather. The heat never bothered me. Silé motioned me forward as the dragon completed his order, finally. Then, I heard my name. "Ace! Oh my gosh, where's Ryder?" I blinked, turning my head to the side of the teenage girl. Her hair burned of fire like mine did, but she was no Daemon. She obviously knew me. "Oh he's at the hospital, I just came out to give him some space." Her dress lined up on top of me, I jittered from her advance, but she backed off from my reaction. "So its true! Did someone try to kill Ryder? Oh my gosh, is it getting worse?" A moment of thought echoed before I realized what she said, "I guess, I don't know. Through you won't have to worry about the guy. We handled him." She smiled, "Well I knew that silly, I mean its all over Instagram, how like thousands of bones ripped that little Daemon apart. You were so into it!." Silé titled her body; she rumbled her arms, one of her signs of being pissed. Someone committed a crime and no one told her. As a Belren, she's under oath to protect the Sieçer family and of course, no one tells her anything. I gulped, "Umm... thanks." 

       Silé, the most visually odd Daemon I've encountered, she just about changes form every second and the fact her head was basically as zipped up jacket hoodie bulging with god only knows what. No one noticed her until everyone turned to us when the girl said "bones". Faces took surprise and I see unrest in the entire crowd. Were they thinking I was the rampart killer? I heard one say, "So you're the killer!" I threw up my hands, "Sir, I was protecting my friend from a Daemon who invaded his home. Nothing sinister." I didn't have to worry about him hurting me, just what if I couldn't control my powers long enough to end any fight before bystanders start getting maimed or killed. I slid a deep breath through my nose, brushing my hair. I stepped up to order, quickly spewing out my usually dash of Indian curry, chicken, and rice. I was about to wait for my order when I heard. "Give me something hard!" I turned to look at the woman and I remembered her being a fighter. I shivered, more and more of the crowd believed I was the guy. I knew her well from Ryder watching her. She loves to fight, and I prayed on everything I've ever done in love that she wouldn't get the idea to fight me. But she might know me from Ryder, thank god he was least half famous himself, so she might blow off their unfounded accusations. I didn't want to fight, not just for obvious reasons. If I get in a fight, no guarantee will hold for me not to kill bystanders in the process. I could feel Silé wrap around me, she knew the feeling of every hair on my form standing up. I felt pressure, and though I'm decent in pressure,but... from my latest episode, I'll surely crack... @PPPauper@ValkyrieRose
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Luis stared at the wall of screens in front of him and gripped his coffee mug tighter. Despite being surrounded by dozens of people attempting to talk over each other, Luis couldn’t hear any of what was being said. Steely gray eyes moved from one screen to the next, a frown tightening on his face. The subjects on the screens were familiar to Luis as he’d been watching them for close to thirty years.

So it stood to reason that he would become nervous when some of them started moving.

Luis turned to face the room and let out a sharp, ear piercing whistle and every head snapped towards him almost in unison. Once he was sure had everyone’s attention, Luis pointed to one of the screens, doing nothing to hide the irritation in his voice. “Can someone tell me, why Tin-Man isn’t at the Library?” Several people muttered to themselves and each other before  a voice popped up. “He was last seen in the University Parks. He takes walks there often, Sir.” Luis cocked his head, and shot the voice’s owner a glare. “Oh really? He likes taking walks does he? Tell me how often does he walk to Africa?” Luis pointed at another screen, this one displaying a massive blue cube floating over a lake. Near the surface of the lake a large Metallic figure could be seen, it’s head canted back to stare up at the cube. A sudden commotion broke out in the room, and Luis let out another sharp whistle to draw everyone’s focus towards him again. “It has been Twelve God damn years since that thing has moved from its spot at Oxford University and from what I’m seeing here, NOBODY noticed?” Many of the people in the room looked nervous, none willing to speak up. This only infuriated Luis more.

“Come on! Not a single person in this room can give me a reason why this thing was able to travel thousands of miles from its previous spot and wound up in front of another Kaiju without notice? Nobody at all?” The room remained silent, any eyes that weren’t on Luis diverted away from him.  Luis sighed and raked his fingers through his gray hair but his head shot up when a tentative voice spoke up. “Uh...If I  may Sir. As you’ve said that particular Kaiju hasn’t moved from its location in over a decade and seemed content to sit there. It’s only monitored lightly because of that.” The display showing the Oxford Library suddenly disappeared, instead showing a series of photos of the Kaiju in question, all of them time stamped. Some of them were simply of the Daemon in question wandering around the Campus. Though many of them were from various social media sites, those containing photos of Students interacting with them. “It was last seen on Park grounds as was stated previously. Several of the Students stopped to get a photo as you can see here. That was six hours ago.”

Luis frowned at the photo of the Students clustered around a rather imposing looking Daemon. “Six hours. It was off the grid for six hours?” The voice piped back up. “It’s not uncommon for it to disappear for long stretches. It will often stop to talk to various members of the Faculty, and occasionally helps Students with their studies.” Luis grumbled, waving a hand at the person to silence them. “Alright fine. I can’t believe that we have Students doing our job for us, but I guess I’m glad. They seem to be better at it than you do.” Luis turned back to face the screens, speaking loudly. “So from what we can gather. The Kaiju Rasteva has left the Bodleian Library located at the University of Oxford. Within, that time it has somehow made its way to Lake Natron in Tanzania, Africa. Since it’s arrival Kaiju Rasteva has been interacting with the Kaiju Echeron, seen here on the screen.” Luis pointed to the massive cube floating over the deadly salt lake. Luis turns to another screen, pointing at the two individuals displayed on it. “In that time frame, the Kaiju Medeevdra has seen fit to enter the stomping grounds of the Kaiju Wren for reasons we’ve yet to identify.”

Luis turned back to the crowded room, face drawn. “I cannot even begin to tell you how unprecedented this is. These things do not talk to each other, they don’t travel, and they certainly don’t go out and start making friends. Something’s up and I want to know what, and I want to know yesterday.” Luis pointed towards yet another screen, this one displaying a howling snowstorm. Every now and then a massive humanoid figure flashed on the display, it’s hollow glowing eyes gazing blindly forward. “Kaiju Qliphoth has started meandering south, and is getting closer to Human settlements. We’ve already have word of it being spotted by Hunters in the region. This is NOT typical and I want eyes on it immediately.” The room erupted into a flurry of activity and shouting and Luis resumed staring critically at the screens. “This had better end up to be nothing. Lord knows I hate surprises.”

Massive clouds of dust and dirt were kicked up as the Helicopter touched down, and Richard was forced to press a handkerchief to his nose in order to avoid breathing it in. Nikhil’s laughter came from behind him as he exited the Chopper, the sound taking on a metallic tone within the helmet that the Lead Researcher always wore. Richard scowled, swiping futilely at the dust in his eyes before standing up straight.

Though he’d never admit it out loud, Richard had always found Nikhil’s helmet unnerving. Not being able to read someone’s face while speaking to them made it harder to judge their moods and motives. Something that Richard relied on in his work. But that wasn’t even the half of it. Even now, Richard could feel the thing scanning him, inspecting him and filing away whatever it found for future reference. He felt exposed under Nikhil’s metallic gaze and it wasn’t a feeling that Richard enjoyed in the slightest.

“Take that ridiculous thing off, and then we’ll see how much you’re laughing Nikhil.” The masked man cocked his head as he stepped forward to stand next to Richard, a gloved hand clapping the Chief of Security’s shoulder. “Come Richard, a cloud of dust is all that’s required to take you down? I suppose I’d best inform Matsuko that she’ll be taking over for you then." Richard growled and slapped the other man’s hand away, drawing another laugh from him. “A bit testy today aren’t we? Come along then, at least when you see the Facility and all the work that awaits you, you’ll have a reason to be angry.” The Researcher strode away, leaving Richard to sulk in the settling dust alone.

He managed to catch up to Nikhil easily enough, and the Chief of Security fell into stride beside him. A squat concrete building came into view and  Richard frowned to himself. “I thought this was supposed to be an entire Facility Nikhil. I’m not seeing much out here.” The masked man led Richard through a chain link fence surrounding the building, nodding at several armed guards stationed by the door. “No there is indeed not much to see up here…..” Richard didn't have much time to puzzle over the Reasearcher's choice of words as Nikhil flashed an I.D. badge to the guards and they were quickly ushered through. Nikhil held the door open for Richard and allowed him to head inside first where a short hallway greeted the two of them, and at the end a pair of polished Elevator doors sat. Richard lifted a brow, casting a puzzled glance at Nikhil. “An underground Facility? This is a first for us.” Richard kept stride with Nikhil as they walked towards the elevator and waited as the Researcher swiped his I.D. card at a panel just to the left of the Elevator doors. “Well, Lorette wanted something a little more secure for our work with Sato-Yamasaki. And that’s not accounting for the space required for this project.” Nikhil, glanced over at Richard and stared at him from beneath his visor. “I should also take the time to inform you that you’ll need to be preparing to screen the people they’re sending over.” Richard let out a low groan, pressing his back against the far wall of the Elevator. “Of course I do.”

Nikhil continued to ramble on, not paying any mind to the other man’s poor mood. “This facility is located One Kilometer underground and stretches over Five Kilometers wide. At present  we have  close to One Thousand Employees that will be stationed here, but you can expect more to join on in the future.” Richard hummed, a gloved hand rubbing at the stubble on his face. "Five Kilometers? That's a hell of a lot of space you're asking me to cover." Nikhil nodded at the other man. "Indeed it is. But I don't think it should be a problem for you and Afnet. At least I HOPE it won't be." Nikhil stared pointedly at Richard's coat, and the Chief of Security gripped the edge with a frown. "Afnet is damn good at what they do. Don't you worry about that."

The elevator ground to a halt and the doors opened silently. Nikhil stepped through and Richard followed close behind, craning his neck back to stare up. The Facility stretched many stories above his head, and he could see people running to and fro through windows lining the halls on each level. Nikhil had kept walking, forcing Richard to run after him in order to catch up. “The Facility takes the shape of a hollow inverted cone with each level wrapping around the entire circumference. As you’ve noticed by now, they all face inward towards the center. There is a reason for this, for at the very bottom here….” Nikhill stepped across the walkway to look over the edge of a safety railing. Richard followed him and looked down as well. About a good hundred yards below them Richard could see orange vested workers scurrying across the top of a massive glass surface covering the entire bottom of the facility. The Chief of Security lofted a brow, glancing up at Nikhil. “A Containment Unit, Mr.Solberg. One of many, I assure you. But by far the largest we have.”

Richard looked back down at the Containment Unit. It wasn’t very different from the same boxes used to contain particularly unruly Daemons, but it was far larger than necessary. The Chief of Security could see a pressurized gate at one end, and knew that it led elsewhere, most likely another lab. “This is…..Nikhil. Why is it so damn big?” The man’s eyes roamed over the workers, all of them welding various metal supports to the edge of the Unit. “Reinforced pretty heavily too. And I’m sure that you’ve got all kinds contingencies inside so that whatever gets thrown in there stays put too…..This isn’t regular for us…” Richard pushed away from the railing to face the Researcher fully, his face drawn in a tight frown. “Nikhil, you know that I have to ask. What in the Hell are you doing down here?”

Nikhil simply stared at Richard, his expression unreadable beneath his ever present Visor.

“We are preparing for the future Mr.Solberg, and for whatever it might bring.”
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Leon groaned as he flopped onto a bench in the Entertainment District.  It’d been another fruitless search, unfortunately, looking for a job that would not only accept both him and Osclinile, but also treat the Daemon just like any of the other human employees.  There weren’t even a lot of places that were willing to hire Daemons, and by the end of the day, combined with many other days of useless interviews, Leon had just about given up.  His day hadn’t exactly started out fantastically either.  School was alright, he supposed, as good as it was ever going to get, but as soon as he arrived home to tell Oz he’d be leaving him at the apartment today he knew the rest of the evening was ruined.

Stopping in front of the worn but sturdy enough door of his apartment, Leon probably should have realized he wouldn’t be leaving for that evening’s job hunt with any amount of his conscience intact.  He rapped on the door with the back of one hand while the other dug around in his pocket for the key.  As soon as the door was open, Leon stumbled back, trying to keep his balance as he was assaulted by an energetic black blob.  Oz was always ecstatic to see him whenever he got home from school.

Already practically hanging off Leon, Osclinile called back into the apartment, “See ya, Ms. Fisk,” prepared to spend more time with his best friend.

Leon just sighed though and removed Oz from his person, grasping him by the shoulders and looking him in the eye to make sure he was listening.  Oz’s own eyes widened in surprise at the change in routine.  Leon must have something really important to tell him.  Maybe he found them a promising interview while at school, he thought, a wide smile breaking out across his face, maybe he even found them a job and was just being overly serious about it because Leon was like that sometimes.

“I need you to stay here with Mom today,” he said.

All at once, Oz seemed to deflate, all his excitement from just a moment disappearing.  “Wha?” he tried to ask, sure he must have misheard or something.  Against his will, Oz felt his eyes start to water, dang it, human form, now was not the time.

Leon sighed again, this time looking away.  He should have known Oz would react this way.  When he worked up the will to look at the Daemon again, he added quickly, upon seeing he was about to cry, “I just need you to look after Mom today.  You know how there’s been that string of murders lately, right?”

Oz nodded, trying to keep the tears in.  Leon still trusted him enough to take care of his mom.  That was a good sign.  Did it mean Leon still liked him, or was this just an excuse to not have to spend time with him?

“Well, their starting to get closer and closer to this area, and it would make me feel a lot better if there was someone strong enough to protect Mom here while I’m gone.”  Seeing the look on Oz’s face, he kept talking. “You know I’d take you with me if I could, but with the way things are right now, I need someone I can trust here with Mom, okay.”

Oh!  So that was it.  Leon was just worried was all.  Feeling silly for his own overreaction, Oz instantly perked up, beaming a smile up at his best friend.  “I’ll do my best,” he promised.

“Yeah,” Leon offered him a small smile, “I know you will.”

And so began the grueling task of finding a decent, respectable job with the emotional baggage of almost making Oz cry.

It was getting late, by the time Leon had called it quits, the sun beginning to disappear behind the city’s skyline.  Honestly, he was in no rush to find a job, at least from a financial standpoint, but he really didn’t want to go back to what he was doing before.  Yeah, that would be bad.

Pushing himself back up, Leon resolved to try just one more place before heading home.  As he walked through the crowded streets, his eyes darted around, taking quick glances at the various establishments lining the street.  There was one in particular that seemed to stand out from the others, maybe because there were a lot of strange people going in, or maybe because it just looked so different to everything else in the surrounding area, built out of brick and mortar, an older style than one usually saw in the middle of a thriving city.

Walking up to the building, were Leon a more expressive person, a huge smile would have broken out across his face.  There, tacked up next to the door was sign, a flyer really, seeking employment for both humans and Daemons.  Well, step one out of the way, now all he had to do was see if the place offered fair employment and he’d be all set to bring Oz with him to try and score a job.  Hopeful for the first time in a while, Leon entered the building.

@Zaltusinel @ValkyrieRose @PPPauper

“I’m Wren,” she replied when prompted, already walking forward toward the exit of the Museum.  Despite the aging day, the place was still packed, and now lost in the thoughts of her new friend and their time out, she hardly noticed as the throng either parted for her or was pushed out of the way.  So dinner.  But where should they go?  Oh, there was that place nearby she’d heard some of the Museum patrons talk about over the years.  It was run by a Daemon, she gathered, so they probably wouldn’t be too out of place there.

As she exited the Museum, Wren’s eyes darted around, checking back once to make sure her new friend was following her, and after getting her confirmation, continued scanning the street for any sign of The Flying Tortoise.

“There’s this place I’ve been hearing about that isn’t too far from here,” she started, excitement for the unexpected change of pace already taking hold.  “I’m pretty sure it’s called The Flying Tortoise so we should be able to find it if we just keep on look out.  It’s gotten popular since its opening but I’ve never been there myself.  I wonder what kind of food they serve there.”  She glanced back again for a moment before her chatter picked back up.  “It’s a bar officially, so it serves hard drinks, if that’s something you like.”

At the mention of the strange substance known as alcohol, Wren flipped open her notebook, mumbling to herself as she jotted down her thoughts, “I wonder if Daemons can get drunk.  Does it change based on size like for humans or does power effect inebriation levels?”

The world around Wren ceased to be, coming to consist only of thoughts for her new project.


Seitsu and Porm

A lot of people walk in and out of The Flying Tortoise. It was a rather popular spot. One person walked in that immediately got Porm's attention. Porm was sitting on the bar stool next to Seitsu. His tail wrapped around the stool and holding him high enough to reach the counter, almost like a spring.

Porm often kept his insides computerized, constantly gathering and analyzing data around him. The one he noticed walking in was known as Ace, a daemon that fought in arena battles. His hair was almost as orange as Seitsu's robes. Porm looked up to Seitsu and said.

"Hey, see that kid that just walked in? That's Leon. I don't see his partner anywhere, but he's one of your opponents tomorrow."

"Is that so?" Replied Seitsu, looking over in interest. He called out to him, noticing he was alone. "Hey, Leon!" He shouted over the music, pulsating with electronic beats. "Come join us." Seitsu waved to the red headed daemon and his partner, indicating the open seat next to him.

Seitsu spoke to Porm without looking down at him. "Tell me more about them."

Porm quickly searched his data banks and relayed the information before the two approached. "Well, according to many sites, he's ranked the 4th strongest C rank team, only one spot above you. His win ratio doesn't seem as impressive as yours."

Porm looked away from Leon, looking back up at Seitsu. "They are your second opponent tomorrow, your first is the number 7 spot, Benjamin and Saimu." Porm's body gave a low grinding hum, his way of sighing. "Why do you always schedule two fights? Your only two losses have been the second fight. You could be 37 and 0 right now, and he'll probably be your third loss tomorrow."

@Zaltusinel @Mega
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"Ah, yes, The Flying Tortoise. I am familiar with it." Medeevdra noted, following close behind Wren. The daemon's excited chattering was rather amusing, she found. Something about her optimism lifted her own spirits as well. "However, I have not really bothered to observe any of the actual consumables offered there, so I suppose this will be new for me as well." She mused, only now realizing the fact. However, she did not find her general apathy or lack of attention to those sort of matters alarming or new in any way. 

There was a moment soon afterward where she'd lost her new companion amongst the massive crowds of people on the streets. Fortunately, it only took a few maneuvers and sidesteps amongst the crowd to catch up to her once again. It did not seem that Wren noticed her momentary absense; she was muttering to herself and writing in her notebook, seemingly lost in thought. 

She found an acceptable opportunity to interrupt the other daemon's trance. "Ah, there it is." Pointing at their destination only several steps away, she spoke hopefully loudly enough to catch Wren's attention again. Her eagerness driving her to hurry, she soon made it to the door of the bar, looking back once or twice to insire she did not lose track of the other daemon. "After you." She stated, opening the door for her companion, and a few other people entering the bar, who stared at her with rather flattering expressions. 
The sound of Medeevdra loudly addressing her snapped Wren back to reality.  It took her a moment to realize they had already reached their destination, caught up in her own thoughts as she was.  At the invitation from the other Daemon, Wren first peered into the establishment, taking in the multitude of people and wildly colored lights.  Well, not the kind of place she usually frequented, given she typically liked places like the Museum, but the newness of it instantly captivated her, grabbing hold of her newly returned awareness and shoving it right back into the tunnel it seemed to spend most of its time in.

She was off like a rocket (not really, silly human expressions, if she really went that fast something would break), slipping through the open door with an unconscious grace her bluntness tended to belie.  It was a crowded little place, not as bad as the Museum, but still filled with people.  Luckily, there were a couple of seats still at the bar, next to a human dressed in orange and a Daemon in the form of a mechanical dragon.  The Daemon didn’t catch her attention much beyond initial acknowledgement, and frankly neither did the human, though she did wonder about his dress.  It was winter, weren’t humans supposed to get cold this time of year?

While she took her seat and waited for Medeevdra to catch up, swinging her legs back and forth to redirect some of her energy, Wren looked around the bar, taking a better look at everything.  She wanted to know how the lights changed colors like that, and how much electricity it must take to run that dance floor, and why everyone was looking at that orange haired Daemon like he was source of all evil.  Aw well, it was none of her business, not particularly interesting either.  Human emotions were kind of tricky, and somehow she doubted he’d personally wrong every single one of the people glaring at him.  She was sure it would sort itself out, not like she could help anyway.

Wren turned her attention to the menu, taking her time to consider each one she saw.  She’d never been out to a place like this before, had rarely eaten anything at all in the time she’d been on earth, so she was having a tough time deciding what might be good.  Eventually she settled on hamburger with fries and a cup of water.  From what she remembered those were pretty basic samples of what humans liked to eat.  She’d start with that, and if she ever came back, she’d get something different.


Snapping around to the sound of his name, Leon saw a man in an orange robe waving him over, sitting next to a Daemon that looked like a robot dragon.  Something about the sight of them tickled a memory at the back of his mind, and his face scrunched up in thought even as he wandered over there.  He needed to talk to the owner of the bar anyway, it would undoubtedly help to talk to the barista.

Instead of taking the seat offered to him, Leon simply leaned against the bar, finding a spot next to the man that waved him over.

Smoothing over his features, he asked, “Is there something you wanted to talk about?”  Obviously, this was someone he was supposed to know.  It probably wouldn’t be a good idea to admit in any capacity he didn’t remember the other man.  He had a Daemon, so maybe someone they’d fought?  No, he hadn’t been in a lot of fights since officially getting his license.  If they’d already met that way Leon would have remembered.

In a spark of inspiration, Leon suddenly realized the man sitting next to him must be Seitsu, with his Daemon Porm, the team he and Oz were supposed to be fighting just tomorrow.  Guess that explained why he wanted to talk.


Seitsu and Porm


Was he trying to be cold? Or just keeping his cool? Seitsu pushed the thought aside as Leon joined up with him, seemingly refusing to take a seat, though Seitsu paid no mind.

"I just wanted to greet my opponent tomorrow." Seitsu took a sip of his water before placing it down next to his meal, a simple burger and fries. Porm would occasionally steal a fry here and there, when he thought no one was looking. It's true daemons don't need to eat, but Porm enjoyed it anyways. Especially french fries.

"No need for any unfriendly competitions, especially in the off season, so how about I get you something to eat?" Seitsu's voice was calm, and he sounded like he was full of wisdom, something you'd expect from a monk.

In his years of training at his temple, he knew his opponents very well, they were among his best friends, so Seitsu tried to befriend his arena opponents, for he felt any arena combatant deserves some level of respect.

Porm, on the other hand, often felt superior, above the other combatants. His analytical mind often looked past people's intentions, and he rated people on their prowess. So far, Leon didn't impress him, though he didn't show his emotions. He rather focus on stealing as many fries as possible before Seitsu noticed.


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