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Futuristic −D⇡L⇣GENCE OOC


NUDUISTO BEEEEAAACH, mang. Best thing ever.

Shield the eyes of the unworthy.

And pray that Leo's curse doesn't allow him to strip to a swimsuit.
I swear to you.

Every roleplay I've ever put Leo in, he's had a gaggle of girls following him for one reason or another.


Its the curse of the beauty mark, I'm telling you.

I go to sleep terrified by a spider that disappeared from the ceiling

I can't do this anymore as in sleep in my room but alas I am here in it

I swear to god I was gonna finish Angel and Caspar

I got sidetracked by everything xD

Anyways I'll get them up today, hopefully

Also @Yuuki of the Strata

Hell yeah! Gangsta for the win!

Worrik faceclaim is like loveeeee for me

I love all the characters designs honestly

Guns ftw

Caspar is going to be a bit trigger happy when he gets excited but he can control it a bit

(A bit)

Oh cool! I've never actually watched Aria but in always looking for new animes so umma check it out~

*sheilds eyes for the stripping glory*

Leo has dealt with some shit then xD

The beauty mark brings all the ladies to the yard xD


I'm swimming today cause it's supposed to feel like 100 degrees F today

Also humid af
dang there are gonna be so many characters in this rp i'm crying this by far the best i've ever been in :') everyone is so kick ass i loVE IT
Scribbly said:
It's raining new chars.
Love yours, @Clear Water :D
OMG THANK SHE LOVES YOU TOO <333 I've actually never had two characters in an rp before, so i think this'll be good practice for me!


Kaonashi said:
Hi there! I'd like to join this roleplay if there are any spots left.
I'm sure there's room! We still need a few more people I'm sure, so I would go ahead and make a character If i were you.
Holy cheese the RP have started?! Sorry, i didn't get any notification!

Also, i'm going to be really busy since i become a part of a committee in my school and will not be able to keep up with the fast paced RP at the moment
Ah... all this stuff that I've missed....

@Capella sorry for not having been on to chat about stuff- let me just jump over to check out your cs and then we can start brainstorming?

Also, I will get the character profiles out sometime tonight, even if they're still WIP, so at least something is out there (And I can hopefully get an intro post out before things get too busy in the RP)
If anyone would be up for the challenge to create a female teacher / possible romance interest for Karsten (if he gets accepted, that is. :P ), that'd be neat. ;)
There's Angelique!

My character

Whenever I finish her and she gets accepted

But we'll see xD
[drags herself out of bed]

[rolls into the room]

[sees something about Angel being a love interest possibility for Karsten]

Trip: [HISS!] D|
(Trip doesn't like people touching her stuff, though xD )

Angel: *pats Trip's shoulder* Calm down, Trip, dearest~

(Always calls everyone dear but Trip dearest xD )
Trip just doesn't want people she has yet to deem worthy touching her precious friend is all~

Though Trip in character would do something more along the lines of digging into Karsten's background and dropping little details she found here and there during a casual conversation.

The mafioso way of saying "I'm watching you~"

Now for me to propose my own challenge...

Who dares to be the poor soul that Kevyn has a crush on?
Although he's a very free character


Not sure Kev would like a guy who doesn't take much seriouslyyyy

(He's frikin halarious though)
[QUOTE="Suzuki Mine]Who dares to be the poor soul that Kevyn has a crush on?

I'd imagine it comes with a warning that reads "prepare to get burned" lol

I'm afraid Millie is gonna crush on Leo. >.< Mr. Savior. haha

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