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Fantasy Crystal island for special students (always open)

Christian watched, fascinated in the way Del manipulated the water so gracefully. His eyes widened when the puddle froze beneath her feet and she began to float. “No. Way! You’re like a surfer!” Christian with a laugh. “I wish I could do something that sweet,” Christian exclaimed, taking a few steps back to get a better look at Del and to give her room to maneuver her ice saucer. Del was a creative girl and if she could figure out that she could do this with her powers, who knows what other crazy tricks she could pull out of a hat. Christian couldn’t stop beaming. “That’s some good stuff, aqua girl,” Christian called out teasingly. Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
When it happened, she was sort of surprised. She knew about her death, how come she did nothing to avoid it? She looked around before putting up a shield so she wouldn't be shot as well. She took the body inside her place as she tried to revive her using a special healing flame. If it didn't work, then she'd have the burden of raising Karumi. She may even need to ask her Goddess a favor. The Goddess of Inception Natsumi. Or she can just revive her as well, she does have the gift of resurrection. But things like these happen naturally in the world she guessed. She was a bit pissed off as to why Misako was shot. She was also question who was the sniper? She decided to make an ember which transformed into a form that used to be of Seria's. It was her assassination form, and she went by the name of Cinder, entitled dark knight. She used this when she were to kill all corrupt generals before she became the High General in her army. Cinder was tasked with finding the sniper, which was easy. She can tell from the angle Misako was shot and the direction so Cinder was able to pin point exactly and she teleported there quickly. Cinder was only a manifestation of magic so she was able to do these types of things. When she confronted the sniper, she only watched the sniper's actions. And she also watched the sniper's response to her. Meanwhile, Seria was trying to revive Misako using her flames. If it didn't work, she'd call Natsumi to try. However if it didn't, her soul refused resurrection and passed away. Seria wished that she knew before hand so she could block the shot and none of this mess would have happened...
Misako’s body rejected the healing, her own body starting to heal itself, as her eyes rolled back around into their normal position she looked up at Seria, smiling what was left of her shirt barely covered her. “Mind helping me up....I won’t be moving around too well after a blow like that..I’m somewhat glad I ate that man...” her breathing was slower, calm even. “He did a good job masking his presence from you but...his scent....I figured snow would try something eventually...”
CasualTea CasualTea

Kiba held Karumi close rubbing her back “What are you talking about kitten? Your mother isn’t going to leave you anytime soon. You do know she’s just on a trip with Seria right?”
Texangamer Texangamer
She couldn't help but to chuckle and smile as she looked down at him, "When I get better control of this I'll take you on a ride sometime." Applying a bit of pressure to the ice cause it to slowly move towards the blonde. Once she was a foot away she applied a bit more pressure, this caused the ice to gently lower itself until she was at eye level with Chris. "I guess using my powers will be the only way I can look you in the eye without looking up," Delta snickered as she gazed at him. As she hovered in front of him she felt her cheeks grow a soft pink again. It was hard for her to not blush though, or smile. Removing one hand from the saucer the girl rubbed the back of her neck, "Sorry, you just make me feel really happy for some reason." Though the more she kept her one hand off the ice, the louder the cracking became. Delta hadn't noticed it at first, but now it was too late. Before she could get her other hand back on the solidified water, it shattered under her.
Coyote Coyote

{ Devon K Sicarius ~ The Dragonfly }
  • (Location: Crystal River Highschool ~ Outside Dorms)(Mood: Happy )
    Isabelle sure was strange but in a good sense, not the type of strange you wanna stay away from but the kind of oddity you'd want nothing more than to just hold onto and embrace. Devon never believed that a girl of her standards would find an insect 'cool'! That compliment alone managed to make him shift his eyesight to the lonely ground beneath him as his skin grew warm, complimenting his embarrassment with a bright pink-hue before looking back up at Isabelle who was now enthralled with her phone and speaking to a person named Del, possibly her cousin? Devon motionlessly watched as she spoke to her cousin, features of her face grew more beautiful as she stood in the sun's everlasting radiance which also made her outline glow brightly. "Wow..." He said to himself under his breathe. There was only a few moments in his life where he had been captivated by beauty but he felt as if he was under a spell, entranced by her luscious locks of onyx tinted hair that flattered her eye color and outfit she wore around her slender physique. Maybe this was a sign?

    A sign that he was falling for Isabelle? No, he couldn't allow himself to become bewitched that quickly, Devon hesitated letting his feelings take control until he knew that he was guaranteed to not have them thrown back into his face. In spite of holding himself back, he still felt that it would be enjoyable to go out with Isabelle and see where this 'date' of theirs goes. "Ha, i'm glad you're excited! It's a lot better than seeing you sad." Devon replied, letting out a tiny laugh from betwixt his lips before eagerly waiting for her cousin's response, hoping that Isabelle was able to go out with him to the movies.
    ( Texangamer Texangamer ~ Isabelle.)

She just sniffed” I just don’t want to go back to the lab mommy took me away that place maybe she forgot it’s my birthday” she says not wanting to talk about her past in the lab she remember the pain she was in she still goes for them to put needles in her neck she cries every time she has to gets a test done she was born in a tube from her mother dna and someone dna​
Christian looked at Del in awe as she floated closer to him. “Hehe,” he chuckled, tipping toeing a little to give him an extra inch or two on Del and her icy surf board. “Gonna have to try a little harder than that, surfer girl,” he snickered. Then there was a moment of silence and Christian noticed Del was blushing again. He smiled softly but his entire train of thought was interrupted when he heard cracking. That’s odd. Where was that coming from? Just as he looked down at the saucer of ice, it shattered. Instinctively, Christian leaped forward. “Leviathan!” he cried out, as he caught Del and fell to the ground. Suddenly, the ground below him became a bed of sand, so that when he fell, it softened the landing. Thud. Christian groaned. Sand could soften a landing but a kidney blow would make anyone keel. He slowly opened his eyes. The sand cushion sunk about half a foot into the ground but it seemed they were fine. “H-hey... You ok?” Christian asked, his arms still forming a protective shell around her. Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Everything seemed to happen so quickly that she didn't have much time to react, or catch herself. Eyes closing on instinct. Though when she heard Christian yell, she felt arms. Then felt, and heard, a thud. A groan soon followed, Del knew that it belonged to Chris. When he asked if she was alright, a small moan could be heard, "Y-yeah, I'm ok." Slowly, she blinked her ocean blue eyes open. It took a second for her vision to get straightened up. But when it did Delta caught a glimpse of sand before turning her focus onto Christian. "I should be asking you that question though, you're the one that hit the ground and got extra weight put on them by my clumsy butt," the girl mumbled softly as her cheeks grew pink with embarrassment, "But I also want to say thank you, for protecting me."
Coyote Coyote
Christian managed a chuckle. “No need to worry about me,” he assured her. “No reason to be embarrassed, it worked out in the end. The dashing hero leaps in and saves the starry eyed damsel in distress,” he said with a chuckle. He noticed her rosy cheeks and moved some hair out of her face. “It was nothing. I’m more than happy to take a fall for ya,” he said. Christian smiled as the sand leveled out and turned back into dirt. Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Delta chuckled softly at his comment of him being a dashing hero and her being a damsel in distress. "Well, you are right about being dashing," she commented playfully while shooting him a wink. But when she felt him moving some of her brown locks from her face she couldn't stop herself from blushing even more. By now one could swear they heard her heart about to beat out of her chest. Blue eyes glancing away from him as a tiny smile found its way to her face, "Though if this is your typical superhero movie where the hero save the girl, then I guess I should give you a token of appreciation like in the movies." When she turned her head back to look at him she tilted it a bit. Leaning in her eyes began to close slowly. A second later, Delta's lips were gently pressed against Christian's cheek, and they stayed there for about a minute. After pulling away from his cheek her eyes were open and her smile had gotten bigger.
Coyote Coyote
Christian watched her avert her gaze. Was it her heart he felt beating up against his chest or hers? He couldn’t tell... and didn’t care. His ears flared up even more when she mentioned a token of appreciation. Christian couldn’t but feel frozen in time as Delta slowly moved in to kiss his cheek. A rush of butterflies overwhelmed him. When she pulled away, all he could do was stare right back at her. “You’ve got eyes deeper than the ocean you know that?” he said with a warm smile. “They help me forget I ever had demons to worry about in the first place..” Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Hearing his compliment only added to the blush that had already settled softly on her cheeks. But now it was redder, more noticeable. For the moment she was unsure of what to say to him. All Delta felt that she could do was stare at Christian in the calming silence of the school garden. Everything about this moment just seemed so, relaxing. As if nothing could ruin this moment. It even made Del's heart feel all warm and fuzzy. "Chris," she murmured softly, "I'm glad that I followed you after you ran out of class."
Coyote Coyote
Christian smiled. “You know... what surprised me most of all was how you.. faced Payn. Without even flinching, you looked at him straight away and said what you needed to say... what I needed to hear,” he said. “Thank you.” Christian looked at her for a moment before his smile began to falter. He slowly raised a hand to his forehead. Christian grunted. “Oh... no no no no n-..” Christian swiftly pushed Del off him before a pillar of flames engulfed him. A harrowing yell of pain from the fire slowly became more and more distorted. Christian’s figure changed, two heads now writhing in the fire. Christian has now become Taran. “Ah....” the demon said, tilting one of its heads to the side to stretch his neck. The pillar of flames slowly subsided. This demon, slightly larger than Payn stood on all sixes as he had four arms and stared at Del. “You’re that girl from earlier... you’re a sweet one aren’t ya?” the demon said, an arrogant undertone to its voice. The voice seemed to be emitting from the skeletal head while the one eyed head seemingly had no mouth. “Taran... nice to meet you,” it said, holding out a large hand towards her. Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
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"You're welcome," she replied softly, returning the smile. But gazing down at him she watched his smile start to fade, and felt an uncomfortable pit form in her stomach, "Christian?" Delta watched, and felt, the boy raise his hands up and push her off of him. Causing her to yelp in surprise and lad with a small thud on the ground near him. When she looked over at him fire shot from the ground around him and appeared to have swallowed him. "Christian!?" Del's hand clenched shut, triggering water to rush over to her from the fountain. The girl formed a bubble around herself to keep any stray flames from injuring her. But her eyes grew large with worry as she listened to the painful yell. Her heart pained at the sound. But she watched as Christian turned in another one of the demons he harbored. Soon enough, the fire subsided into nothing. All that was left in place was a two headed demon to which Delta was now face to face with. The water that had made up the bubble was now returning to the fountain as Del looked Taran in the eye when it spoke. "I'm Delta.. it's a pleasure to meet you, Taran," the girl replied softly as she reached her own hand out. Curious to see what this demon was about, and why it forced Christian out of his normal body.
Coyote Coyote

  • AA1CD61B-4237-4919-AE92-3A28FA2BFFF3.jpeg
    A small shriek rang out just inside the gate of high school, one that anyone that happened to be near the beginning of Crystal River Highschool’s magnificent entry walkway would hear.
    And if anyone happened to investigate the source of said shriek they would have found a young white haired girl clad with a backpack and suitcase in each hand running down the pathway as fast as her bags would allow her.

    “Jinx!” Cahira whined breathlessly to her kistune companion, who jogged amusedly alongside her. “We were too late for today’s classes! I’m already so far behind...”
    When she looked beside her, she could have sworn that the giant ‘fox’ was grinning. “You’re so mean.” She pouted, slowing to a stop about halfway down the pavement. Dropping her two suitcases, she bent over with a huff. “Why... did they make the pathway... so... long..?”
“Indeed it is..” Taran said. It observed the water Del controlled making note of it but saying nothing. “Now... Delta was it? I think that’s what Christian mentioned it was. Now let me tell you something Del. I’m a kind hearted demon. Very kindhearted..” it said, resting its skull head on a chin while the second head remained silent. “You should stay away from Christian. It’ll be for your own good,” Taran began to say. Let me outta here now, Taran! If you so much as touch her, I swear you will not see the end of it! Christian yelled from within but Taran ignored him. “Christian’s powers. I don’t know if you’ve realized this or not but they aren’t fire and electricity and what not. None of that. His power is his ability to bend us demons to his will. To be able to control us, essentially. Now to be fair, it isn’t his fault that we’re trapped inside his body. He was born with us after all but again, we have our own wills, our own conscience, and of course, our own ambitions,” Taran said. It had a skull for a head but a tone in his voice shifted to imply Taran was about to get to the good part. “What Christian never bothered to mention was that his power slowly... but surely... weakens. He can deny it all he wants but it’s the price he’s paying. Why? Because I want control and if it means wresting it from him? So be it. Now sadly, he’s still strong enough to force me to do his bidding but this? Me taking over for the first time in Christian’s life is the tell tale sign that Christian can’t contain me forever. First, he couldn’t control when we spoke, then he couldn’t control what parts of his body transformed and what didn’t and now this,” Taran held up his hands to indicate itself. “But! There’s a catch and this is where you need to scamper off. Christian’s powers weaken because he’s spent his whole life alone. Fighting this battle without a single person to help him, not even his parents. It took me a long time to get here and I’m closer than ever to breaking free from Christian’s hold and I will not let anyone, even you, get in the way. Think of it as a warning. Stay. Away. And just so you know... force my hand... and I’ll open up in full rebellion. That kind of war waging within Christian could probably kill him. Anyway, Christian is gaining the upper hand again. Seems I only had a few minutes of freedom. Nice meeting you Del,” Taran said as his body began changing again, becoming smaller, more human. “Remember my warning,” the demon murmured again before fading completely and all that was left was Christian standing feebly. He tipped from side to side, barely keeping his balance. Suddenly, his knees buckled and he collapsed Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Misako’s body rejected the healing, her own body starting to heal itself, as her eyes rolled back around into their normal position she looked up at Seria, smiling what was left of her shirt barely covered her. “Mind helping me up....I won’t be moving around too well after a blow like that..I’m somewhat glad I ate that man...” her breathing was slower, calm even. “He did a good job masking his presence from you but...his scent....I figured snow would try something eventually...”
CasualTea CasualTea

Kiba held Karumi close rubbing her back “What are you talking about kitten? Your mother isn’t going to leave you anytime soon. You do know she’s just on a trip with Seria right?”
Texangamer Texangamer
Seria sighed before helping her up, speaking as she did so. "Out of all the centuries I've lived, this is the one moment my mind has never been so confused as to what the fuck is happening." She stated it honestly because it never exactly made sense to her. She then wondered if the sniper was going to make any action. Cinder was just watching him. (I seriously did not understand what the hell happened.)

  • Cahira caught her breath, taking up her bags again with a small sigh and glare at her companion.
    Now, she knew it was unfortunate that she missed yet any other day of school here, but it was sort of relieving that she now had the time to settle in to her new dorm and get a good night’s rest.
    The young woman started off again with bags in hand, walking down the large pavement and taking the time to admire her surroundings. The open space near the front was somewhat bland, a sparse forest, whether natural or planted on purpose, was all that was keeping the school from having flat open space at the beginning.
    As she continued on things began to get a tad more amazing. To her right she saw a huge, sectioned garden in the shade of a circle. She reasoning it was probably there for students to spend up some of their free time when they had it.

    When she passed the garden she was greeted with the sight of two huge matching buildings in the front before the even larger main building.
    Her eyes threatened to burst out of their sockets. “Jinx. Jinx look at that.” She whispered, slowing to a stop. “It’s going to take me forever to navigate this.”
    To her surprise, instead of agreeing, Jinx chuffed and began to trot off.
    “W-wha..? Jinx! Where are you going??” She squeaked, quickly following the kistune.

She just looked around as she sighed blushing" man she's not answering" she says putting her hair up as she looked at the boy she liked' hey Del can i go out to the movies with boy please say yes i really like him' she text her again as she put her phone in her pocket" so what now we can do something before my cousin answer her phone i can sing for you or play the piano in the music room" she say as she was happy she felt comfortable when she is around him' i think i'm falling for him i don't know why he might be older than me' she thought" i'm gonna go check at the garden since she's usually by the fountain maybe you can meet her maybe she will like you" she say as she was smiling excited about the date later SidTheSkid SidTheSkid
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“Indeed it is..” Taran said. It observed the water Del controlled making note of it but saying nothing. “Now... Delta was it? I think that’s what Christian mentioned it was. Now let me tell you something Del. I’m a kind hearted demon. Very kindhearted..” it said, resting its skull head on a chin while the second head remained silent. “You should stay away from Christian. It’ll be for your own good,” Taran began to say. Let me outta here now, Taran! If you so much as touch her, I swear you will not see the end of it! Christian yelled from within but Taran ignored him. “Christian’s powers. I don’t know if you’ve realized this or not but they aren’t fire and electricity and what not. None of that. His power is his ability to bend us demons to his will. To be able to control us, essentially. Now to be fair, it isn’t his fault that we’re trapped inside his body. He was born with us after all but again, we have our own wills, our own conscience, and of course, our own ambitions,” Taran said. It had a skull for a head but a tone in his voice shifted to imply Taran was about to get to the good part. “What Christian never bothered to mention was that his power slowly... but surely... weakens. He can deny it all he wants but it’s the price he’s paying. Why? Because I want control and if it means wresting it from him? So be it. Now sadly, he’s still strong enough to force me to do his bidding but this? Me taking over for the first time in Christian’s life is the tell tale sign that Christian can’t contain me forever. First, he couldn’t control when we spoke, then he couldn’t control what parts of his body transformed and what didn’t and now this,” Taran held up his hands to indicate itself. “But! There’s a catch and this is where you need to scamper off. Christian’s powers weaken because he’s spent his whole life alone. Fighting this battle without a single person to help him, not even his parents. It took me a long time to get here and I’m closer than ever to breaking free from Christian’s hold and I will not let anyone, even you, get in the way. Think of it as a warning. Stay. Away. And just so you know... force my hand... and I’ll open up in full rebellion. That kind of war waging within Christian could probably kill him. Anyway, Christian is gaining the upper hand again. Seems I only had a few minutes of freedom. Nice meeting you Del,” Taran said as his body began changing again, becoming smaller, more human. “Remember my warning,” the demon murmured again before fading completely and all that was left was Christian standing feebly. He tipped from side to side, barely keeping his balance. Suddenly, his knees buckled and he collapsed Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Delta stared silently at the fire demon as it spoke to her, she even stood up off the ground. As much as she wanted to question this rather rude being, the water manipulator thought it best to instead stand and listen. So she listened to Taran. The first thing it told her to do irked her, but she did her best not to let it show, Stay away? Just who does this thing think they are? When it went on to talk about his powers she had already found that out on her own earlier after finding Payn in the hallway. Then Taran spoke of Christian's powers weakening, that caused Del to go wide-eyed. The part that soon followed hit her like a sack of bricks attached to the front end of a bus. Taran wanted to take full control of Christian, a full blown possession. Delta clenched her fist at hearing the demon saying that she need to go away because it was near its goal of breaking Chris' grasp on it. His loneliness apparently played a role in the weakening of his abilities. And now that Delta was around, Taran had an obstacle in its way. A war that could... kill him... she thought worriedly when she heard that. As Taran's body started to change the brunette watched with little joy after hearing it tell her to remember the warning. Soon enough, Christian was back to his normal self. But Delta could see that the boy wasn't doing so hot, "Christian!" Without second thought she reached her hand out and water shot from the fountain before becoming powder snow. Thankfully it managed to pile on the ground before he collapsed, therefore breaking his fall. Delta panted a bit anxiously as she made her way over to him, dropping to her knees on the snow next to the boy. "Christian," she said softly. Gazing down at Chris made her frown a bit. Slipping her arms under him gently, Del picked his head up before setting it down in her lap. Reaching down the girl brushed some of his blonde locks from out of his face, "You poor dear..."
Coyote Coyote
Christian managed to at least hold onto consciousness, preventing him from passing out. His vision was blurred and he was wildly dizzy. That one episode of losing control then gaining it back again taxed him immensely. What happened? Why...? He felt trapped, bound by chains inside someone else’s mind. Christian slowly began to come around and he realized he was on the ground. Someone stroked the hair out of his face. He looked up and saw Del. “Wha-...” he croaked out. Then it all hit him. What Taran told Delta came back to him. He never thought... he would actually be weakening. “Oh....” was all he was able to say. “I’m sorry.....” he added. Christian felt terrible.. not only physically but now he dragged Del into something that was his problem. Christian couldn’t find it in him to look her in the eyes. Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
"Oh," Delta managed to say after she heard Christian speak and open his eyes, "Oh, I'm so glad that you're ok." She placed her hand on his cheek, brushing her thumb against it gently. "I'm sorry if the snow is cold, but it was the only thing I could come up with in a short moment. Plus, it's the only thing soft enough to land on," she smiled softly, and a bit sadly. But when he apologized, Del watched as he adverted his gaze to keep him from looking her in the eye. "Chris?" It felt as if a needle pierced her heart, causing tears to well up in her blue orbs. Reaching up with her opposite hand she felt as a few of them escaped her eye, "Oh my.." Even though Christian wouldn't look at her, Delta couldn't seem to pull her gaze away from him. "Christian," she mumbled softly, "I know that you can get stronger... You just have to believe in yourself more, I do.... I also know that I really don't want to be anywhere else." Though her tears continued to fall, she smiled nonetheless.
Coyote Coyote
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{ Devon K Sicarius ~ The Dragonfly }
  • (Location: Crystal River Highschool ~ Outside Dorms)(Mood: Happy )
    Devon lackadaisically whistled, purposelessly observing Crystal Island's landscapes and its many recreational areas as he steadily awaited acknowledgment from Isabelle's cousin whom regrettably didn't respond. It could've been feasible that she might've been busy? Even with the unfortunate circumstances there was always still an opportunity for both of them to enjoy themselves on campus only enough to bide a bit of time at least until they're given some feedback about going to the movies. Hm, by chance what could they do? He never predicted that he'd meet someone so fascinating! Nerve-racking decision making played out in his mind, concentrating on something entertaining the two of them can do but to no avail until his deep brooding came up with an unexpected solution once Isabelle mentioned the academy's studio, of course! Why didn't he think of that earlier?! "That sounds perfect, If your piano skills are anything close to your singing then i'm sure to be really impressed!" Nodding in agreement, Devon adjusted his backpack's straps over his firm shoulders as he prepared himself to head out to the music room with her.

    "Hm?" He looked back, his eyes peering over his right shoulder back at Isabelle after she'd spoke about searching in the garden for Del. "You think she'll be there? I guess it'll be better if we find her first, besides it'll be better if she meets me in person." He disclosed with a bit of skepticism in his voice. Devon intended to make a healthy first impression but his high-strung perspective felt like it was devouring him from the inside out! Yet this minor issue wasn't enough to stop him from keeping a head strong attitude and disregarding those senseless fears that were holding him back. "Maybe if we have enough time i'll get to listen to those talented piano skills of yours!" He announced with a lighthearted expression as he leisurely rocked back and forth while awaiting for Isabelle to lead the way.
    ( Texangamer Texangamer ~ Isabelle.)

She just looked happy as she smiled as she went back to the garden as she saw her cousin and Chris as she hope she could go to the movies as she looked nervous about asking her cousin about hanging out with Devon” hey um Del sorry for bugging you I.... can I go out to the movies with Devon please” she say as she showed her the boy she liked as her face was blushing slightly she never been on a date beside with her cousin and Kiba and Levi that date was to cheer her up” can I go” she say” alone or on a double date” she asks as she looked really happy nothing could bring her down Devon really cheered her up Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 SidTheSkid SidTheSkid
Christian looked up at Del and smiled. “Hey... you have nothing to worry about. Taran won’t get away with his plans. I’ve kept him on my side this long, so I just gotta double down on him,” he assured her as convincingly as he could. The truth was he wasn’t so sure himself. Christian could no longer deny that his powers were weakening but if it was true that it was because Christian had pushed everyone away, then Del would be the key to stopping this. The problem is protecting her. Christian shook those throughs from his head. “Don cry... you’re too amazing to ever have to cry,” he said, wiping a tear from Del’s cheek. Christian looked at her in the eyes and offered a soft smile to make her feel better. Then Christian realized they had compny. He sat up but winced in pain as he did, seeing Isabelle and a boy with her. Christian waved, trying to mask his exhaustion by giving a wide smile. Texangamer Texangamer Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50

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