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Fantasy Crystal island for special students (always open)

(I refuse to describe any important parts of the movie because it would spoil it. Shutter Island with Leonardo DiCaprio if any of you are interested :) )

*fast forward*
By the time the movie had ended, Christian was tense, heart thumping out of his chest, and his brain was nothing but scrambled eggs. "That... sudden twist at the end was... insane, no pun intended," Christian said with a chuckle. He looked down at Del's hand as it rested on his and he moved it, so that his hand could hold hers. "Tough to realize who you've been missing until you see her right in front of you," he said, with a smile. Christian looked at her eyes, almost getting lost in them. "Man, you might just drive me crazy enough to be sent to an asylum," Christian joked. Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50

She just looked at him as she blushed” I been playing for years alright let’s go” she say blushing at him as she took off her headphones she was ready to go on a date as she just looked around walking with him not sure if she should him or not she never been on a date or had a boyfriend Devon was her first crush she just smile while walking to the movie theater” so what you think of my cousin I mean she can be a little overprotective of me” she say SidTheSkid SidTheSkid
(I refuse to describe any important parts of the movie because it would spoil it. Shutter Island with Leonardo DiCaprio if any of you are interested :) )

*fast forward*
By the time the movie had ended, Christian was tense, heart thumping out of his chest, and his brain was nothing but scrambled eggs. "That... sudden twist at the end was... insane, no pun intended," Christian said with a chuckle. He looked down at Del's hand as it rested on his and he moved it, so that his hand could hold hers. "Tough to realize who you've been missing until you see her right in front of you," he said, with a smile. Christian looked at her eyes, almost getting lost in them. "Man, you might just drive me crazy enough to be sent to an asylum," Christian joked. Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
As the movie came to an end, Delta was silent. Unsure of what to say. At least her heart thumped loud enough for the both of them to know that it was still beating. But during parts of the movie she had squeezed Christian's hand as a reassurance, even moved closer so that their shoulders were touching. Feeling movement she glanced down to see the boy started to hold her hand. This cause Del to become a bit more relaxed. Though when he spoke of missing someone when they're right before them, she turned her head to look at the boy. Their eyes met. The way he spoke made the girl feel as if she could melt right there like ice. "Well I hope you don't, otherwise I'll go mad myself and they'll have no choice but to take me where you go," Delta teased.
Coyote Coyote

{ Devon K Sicarius ~ The Dragonfly }
  • (Location: Crystal Island, Entertainment Plaza, Movie Theater. )(Mood: Excited )
    "Of course, I could tell! You'd probably have to show me how to play the Piano one day!" Musical instruments weren't necessarily what Devon would consider to be his 'bread and butter' but Isabelle sure knew how to introduce him to new and exciting things, hopefully he'd get the chance to partake in the academy's orchestra classes later this semester so he could brush up on his former talents, maybe impressing Isabelle in the long-run if he performed well enough! "Oh right, your cousin. Well.." He replied, nervously rubbing the back of his head while trying to come up with an appropriate answer knowing that he wanted to respond truthfully without labeling her relative as 'scary'. "Oh I don't mind, it just means that she loves you very much. I'm sure that if I were in her shoes i'd be a bit protective as well, i'm positive you'll be okay!"

    Well for Devon's sake anyway, finally after a couple minutes of non-stop walking did they arrive to the bright exterior of the recreational plaza where they were just feet away from the movie theater, handfuls of students and tourists contently walked in and out of the spiral doors with smiles on their faces. Upon entering through the revolving doors Devon instinctively rummaged through his coat pocket before retrieving his wallet and some bills from inside the pouch. It wouldn't be right for her to pay especially with all of the events that had transpired, he still felt awful about her parents, at least this would help Isabelle think about something positive instead of that tragedy. "You shouldn't have to pay, you can get it the next time." He glanced back at his date with a reassuring smirk as he slid the money across the counter, handing it to the employees behind the front desk before getting the tickets and heading off to the dimly lit theater.
    ( Texangamer Texangamer - Isabelle.)
Christian held his smile. “You know... thank you. For, you know, snatching me out of my shell,” he said, squeezing her hand lightly in appreciation. Christian wasn’t sure if it was because of the movie or because he was with Del but his heart was only pounding harder. Does he...? Does he not...? Oh to hell with it already. Suddenly, Christian grabbed Del and pulled her in for a kiss. He remained there, still for what felt like eternity while fireworks blasted away in his head. Slowly, he pulled away, although for a few moments he could still feel like his lips were still brushing up against hers. His face was hopefully not as red as he felt he was. “Sorry...” was all he managed. Did she even like the kiss? Did she even want to? What did she think of him? Would she think he was some whack job? His mind began to ramble, all the while he held eye contact with her, doing his best to hold onto his gentle smile. Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
At hearing his thanks, Delta shook her head a bit, "You don't have to thank me. If anything, I should be the one thanking you for allowing me to enter your life." She felt him squeeze her hand, causing her to blush and smile softly. Then, unexpectedly, Del felt herself being physically pulled by Christian until their lips were pressed together in a kiss. With having been caught off guard her blue eyes were wide in surprise. But she could feel a spark in her heart and butterflies in her stomach as he kissed her. When he pulled away, Delta's cheeks were a bright red as a tomato. Raising her other hand up she gently touched the tip of her finger to her bottom lip. In doing so made her recall how soft and warm Chris's own lips had felt, slowly she let her hand fall back to her side. A smile formed on her face, the kind that could never be denied or hidden, "Don't be sorry. I enjoyed that kiss, loved it even. No one has ever made me feel this way before to be honest," a giggle escaped her before she added, "You caused a spark in my heart, Christian. As weird as it sounds or makes me out to be I'm telling you the truth."
Coyote Coyote

  • 3D68B559-B873-4892-B6B8-817763238876.jpeg
    Location: Main Office​

    It may have taken several minutes of navigating throughout the campus and many attempts at trying to get Jinx to follow her, but eventually Cahira and her companion were able to find one of the main offices.
    She let out a relieved sigh, moving forward to the desk and setting down her suitcases.
    It was like a dream, checking in. She had never been to a school, much less one specifically designed for supernaturals.

    Considering how she had been homeschooled her entire life it excited her more than she could ever imagine. Yet even among all of her energy, Cahira would be lying if she said that she wasn’t nervous in the least. She felt like a tangled ball of anxious exhilaration.

    Cahira told the woman at the desk her name, relieved when the lady said she was in their system. She was able to pull the correct papers she needed to out of her backpack with minimal trouble, and in no time she found herself checked in with dorm number and itinerary in hand.

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Golgatha walked through the academy campus with all the information he needed at hand. He was glad that everything went pretty smoothly and that he was able to meet new people who were just like him. Outliers. He looked at the dorm building smiling and entered with haste, Golgatha had just a dark blue bad with black zippers and a black strap. Getting to the room door that he will be staying in, he used his key to unlock it and enter the room. But, to his surprise, Golgatha saw another person with him in the room and he quickly figured the situation, so he decided to introduce himself, "Hello. I'm Golgatha. Golgatha Fortshire." He said smiling. He [Golgatha] wore a black ripped hoodie and a plain white T-shirt under it along with black sweat pants that were slightly ripped at the bottom. He chose that so his fox-like tail could fit without discomfort. His hoodie was also up, covering his ears.

HuntedFox HuntedFox

  • 7A56D1EB-5343-48AC-9792-FEC4045919B2.jpeg
    Location: His dorm, #103​

    Damien was just about to drift off with his grand imaginings when the sound of a turning lock reached his ears. He jumped up as he heard the doorknob turn, searching for a hat or something random to cover his head that he knew was not there.
    He turned sharply as a voice spoke, sucking in a breath through his nose in slightly confusion. His lays lay flat against his head as he stared at the stranger.
    “Damien... Souza.”
    His brow furrowed when he took another breath. That- that scent. Why would he smell that now?
    He blinked, pulling himself back to reality. “You’re the one who’s going to fill that other room?” He asked, though he already knew the answer.

    He stood almost awkwardly with his hands at his sides, forcing his ears to stay flat against his head in an effort the stranger just might not notice them. Though if this... Golgatha was to be his roommate, he didn’t think it would stay a secret for long.

Golgatha was happy to make an acquaintance with his room mate. "Nice to meet you, Damien." Golgatha pulled down his hoodie, revealing his fox-like ears, when he saw that Damien had ears as well. He listened to Damien as he was giving Golgatha a question, Golgatha responded with, "Seems to be so." He smiled as he walked to his room and put his bag there. Golgatha quickly walked back to where Damien was at and decided to strike a conversation by getting into the meat of things. "So, you have any powers?" He asked in a friendly tone.

HuntedFox HuntedFox
Christian smiled and placed a hand on her cheeks softly. Funny how she said that... he felt it too. He didn’t want to look away from her eyes. Something about them just... shined. “Spark..? Hm... what do you say we do it again..” he said, before slowly closing his eyes and kissing her again, this time with a little more kick to it, running his fingers through her hair. Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Delta smiled softly as she felt the boy place his hand on her cheek, the warm felt rather pleasant. But his eyes. She couldn't seem to pull away from them, they just drew her in. Her train of thought was interrupted however when she heard Christian speak of kissing again. As he leaned in her eyes slowly closed, and she once again felt his lips on hers. Del kissed him back softly. At the feeling of his fingers in her hair, Delta loosely wrapped her arms around Chris's neck.
Coyote Coyote

She just looked at him as she smiled looking how big the movie theater how big the screen was she just sat next to him" she was never like that i mean she was but not like this after my parents died she got even more overprotective of me" she say to him" she can be scary sometimes even if i get bad grades scary" she say as she just sighed" anyways thanks for taking me to the movies and for paying i can pay for the popcorn and drinks if you want" she say as she was blushing she couldn't help it she never liked anyone before she just sit in the cofortable seats messing with her hands she knows they just met but she liked him her stomach had butterflies in it since she was really nervous about this date SidTheSkid SidTheSkid
A girl with long curly dark chocolate brown hair stood infront of the gates of the high school. On her shoulder laird the strap to her blue messanger bag, to each of her side a suitcase and around her left arm was a rolled up blanket and a stuffed whale shark. Taking a deep breath she just stood there staring at the large building that was infront of her.

She felt like her feet were melted on to the cement, as she stood there still. She was excited of course, thats all she would talk about coming to this school since she found out she was coming. But she was also nervious and scared, she had never been to an actual school.
Taking a deep breath she picked up her suite cases and took her first step passed the gate. Feeling butterflies escape her stomach she smiled and made her way into the building.

She had passed the first step since she got here. Getting passes the gates and door, now she just had to find the main office.
Christian felt Del embrace him. Why did he crave her all of a sudden? With each passing moment, it just seemed like he wanted more. Once again, Christian pulled away. The way her hair played with the warm sunlight. The way her lips felt like he had just kissed an angel. She looked like one too.. Her smile froze time and her melted it back into motion. Christian didn’t know what to do with himself but look at her in awe. He didn’t deserve this. He didn’t deserve her. “Say... I have a cool trick I wanna show you.. but it would look better at night so I’ll wait till then. Just want to give you something to look forward,” he said with a smile. Her arms were still around his neck so he brought his own arms around her waist and brought her closer to him. Christian has never a girl more beautiful than Del in his life. Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50

She was with her girlfriend walking to school she didn't really care if she was late it was her birthday after all she saw a girl" um hi are you lost" she say her ears twitching as her tail was wagging a little as she was happy to find someone" i'm Karumi and this is my girlfriend Kiba" she say as she smiled looking at the girl" do you have a place to stay cause my mother has a house where kids who can't afford dorms to stay with her" she say as she smiled looking at her" whats your name miss i just turned 13 today actually it's my birthday" she say as she smiled" my mom is forcing me to go to school and my girlfriend she's like a strict big sister" she giggled looking at her Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf AquaMarie AquaMarie
This just felt so, right. Everything about this moment, about Christian, made Delta know even more that she didn't want to forget about this boy. At feeling him pull away, Del's eyes opened slowly. Once they were fully open though she found herself yet again unable to pull her gaze away from Chris. When he spoke, the girl couldn't help but to smile softly. "A trick," Delta repeated in a curious tone as she tilted her head a bit, her smile got a bit bigger, "Well, I can't wait to see it." Her body was brought closer to Christian's after he wrapped his arms around her waist. Del's cheeks grew red with blush at how close they were now.
Coyote Coyote

She was with her girlfriend walking to school she didn't really care if she was late it was her birthday after all she saw a girl" um hi are you lost" she say her ears twitching as her tail was wagging a little as she was happy to find someone" i'm Karumi and this is my girlfriend Kiba" she say as she smiled looking at the girl" do you have a place to stay cause my mother has a house where kids who can't afford dorms to stay with her" she say as she smiled looking at her" whats your name miss i just turned 13 today actually it's my birthday" she say as she smiled" my mom is forcing me to go to school and my girlfriend she's like a strict big sister" she giggled looking at her Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf AquaMarie AquaMarie
Emily jumped a little, getting startled as she heard a voice behind her. "oh...my...hehe,.. hi there!" she said looking down at Karumi "I...think I might be a bit lost.." she replied looking around before looking back at the two girls next to her. Emily smiled looking at the two as they introduced them selfs to her "its very nice to meet you Karumi and Kiba.." she said with a small bow "oh your mom dose!....aww thats very sweet of her to do that...oh! yes my name is Emily" she answered happily "Oh and Happy birthday! aww it will be alright school isnt to bad,...you get to spend you day with friends"
Texangamer Texangamer
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Christian slowly sank onto the bed, letting Del fall on top of him. His cheeks were just as red as hers were and his heart was beating impossibly fast. Even his breath began to grow more shallow. It was as if their lips were magnetic when he kissed her again, more passionately this time and this time, he couldn’t pull away. *fade to black* Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50

{ Devon K Sicarius ~ The Dragonfly }
  • (Location: Crystal Island, Entertainment Plaza, Movie Theater. )(Mood: Attached)
    Each time he took the time to look at her over his shoulder it was as if she attained even more beauty, he wasn't exactly sure how he'd be able to fully concentrate on the movie with having her beside him although this whole 'date' was probably never about seeing the movie to begin with. Devon almost instinctively grabbed Isabelle's hand as he guided her through the flooded row of people before finding two perfect seats to sit in. Only seconds later did he realize that he had just held her hand, making him look as if he'd just eaten the world's hottest pepper! "Erm.. Sorry about that." He muttered with a short exhale leaving his breathe before looking at the advertisements playing up on the big screen in a desperate attempt to act completely 'casual'.

    "Oh I know, I don't blame her.. She's kind of like a big sister to you in a sense. As for drinks and popcorn, i'll take care of that! All you need to focus on is enjoying yourself." Devon cheerfully responded with a lighthearted smile. Hopefully after this long night out on the town she'd be able to forget about all the horrible things that had happened, family tragedies and relentless bullies was something that he knew all too well, he couldn't allow that to happen to another person at least not again.
    ( Texangamer Texangamer ~ Isabelle.)
As Christian sank into the bed, Delta gently fell on him. The beating of her heart could be heard without anyone having to put their ear up to her chest. Eyes closed as their lips kept making contact again and again. Each one felt more passionate than the next, almost like a tsunami washed over them if one had to describe it. When Chris's lips landed on Del's again it didn't break, almost like they were drawn together and could let go. But luckily for Delta, she didn't want to let go of him anyway. *fades to black*
Coyote Coyote
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Shimasa sighed, rubbing his head and sitting in an empty classroom. "Oh my... I think I may have once again fell asleep during teaching my class... what a shame... oh well, I hope they will understand..." He stood up and stretched. "Hmm. My my, my stomach calls for some food, doesn't it?" He sighed and with a smile on his face, he stepped out of the classroom. "I sure would enjoy sharing my meal with another person..." the weird aura surrounding him would make them instantly attracted to him a bit more. "Let's look for that certain someone, then!" a wide smile on his face accompanied him on his search for someone to share his meal with.
(anyone please)

  • B674F2DF-74F2-4A98-8152-F476CDC98DC7.jpeg
    Location: Main Office​

    Cahira took a moment to sit down on one of the few seats in the main office, having Jinx sit on the floor beside her.
    She skimmed over the small collection of stapled papers before reading them a bit more carefully from the start. She wanted to make sure she had the gist of how things would go before she lost the papers or forgot about them.
    As she read, she told herself she would study them in detail once she got to her dorm. If she managed to still be in possession of them.
    As she finished the first page, she leaned to the side to scratch her companion’s ears.
    “It’ll just take a bit.”

Golgatha started to grow a little cautious as he assumed that the wolf must have been shy and when he heard him say 'I guess' then that could only mean he hasn't discovered them yet, or that he didn't have any. Golgatha crossed his arms and gave a grin, "well, I have a few." Golgatha was happy to meet someone new so quickly at this academy and didn't mind if he was shy or if there was something more to it. "It's nice to meet you, Damien. I only hope to develop our acquaintanceship into where we may be great friends." Golgatha kept a calm tone and didn't mind if he was being blunt or being too forward.

HuntedFox HuntedFox (fell asleep early last night. Couldn't respond. My bad.)
*fast forward*

Christian exhaled, then looked over at Del. He let out a laugh, out of breath. “You know how to take someone for a ride don’t you?” he said with a mischievous smirk. Christian gave a small kiss on Del’s lips. For a moment, he laid there, the taste of her lips still on his mouth. Then an idea returned to his head. “Hey, what do ya say we walk around town, show me around? You bet I’m feeling better after that,” he said with a playful wink. He slipped out of bed in boxer shorts and began to put his pants and shirt back on. Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50

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