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Fandom Crusaders of Harmony Pt. 2 (Started by Action Pony) (Continuation) A MLP :FIM roleplay

ActionPony said:
"Guys? We need to go."
Dux placed a careful hoof on Light's shoulder. "Let them go, we can take care of this ourselves. Besides, I've never seen Cuddio that...well, animated before, unless he was near a love source, or partying."
Drakalian said:
Dux placed a careful hoof on Light's shoulder. "Let them go, we can take care of this ourselves. Besides, I've never seen Cuddio that...well, animated before, unless he was near a love source, or partying."
"Okay. But I'd like to let them know before we disappear."
(Hey Shadow, you think there is a chance that I could talk to Luna for a while? You know, just to hang out and such?)
Soon Falsetto died down, and suddenly noticed Cuddio staring at her, and stopped altogether. "...Did you hear all of that?" Her face became a lovey shade of pink and her put her hooves on her face to cover it.
Drakalian said:
Dux placed a careful hoof on Light's shoulder. "Let them go, we can take care of this ourselves. Besides, I've never seen Cuddio that...well, animated before, unless he was near a love source, or partying."
Little Light gently led Dux away. They needed to talk to the leaders of Hawaiki, and it appeared that they were no longer needed here.
ActionPony said:
Little Light gently led Dux away. They needed to talk to the leaders of Hawaiki, and it appeared that they were no longer needed here.
Dux simply nodded and followed her, still thinking about the battle other then what might happen after the battle. 

explosiveKitten said:
Soon Falsetto died down, and suddenly noticed Cuddio staring at her, and stopped altogether. "...Did you hear all of that?" Her face became a lovey shade of pink and her put her hooves on her face to cover it.
Cuddio gave a small nod, just looking at her a bit. He then realized that he was staring, and he quickly looked down, his own blush once again reappearing on his face. After a few seconds of gathering himself back together, he looked up a little at the Pegasus before giving her a small, shy smile.
"I'm sorry, I'm just kinda shy about my singing, heh... Let us proceed, shall we?" She gestured around her, hoping his awkward little moment would be forgotten.

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explosiveKitten said:
"I'm sorry, I'm just kinda shy about my singing, heh... Let us proceed, shall we?" She gestured around her, hoping his awkward little moment would be forgotten.
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The Changeling was a bit surprised that she was shy about her singing, for it was some of the best singing that he has ever heard, and he has heard a lot. Wanting to make sure that he was ok with her singing, he gave her a quick hug before looking into her eyes, hoping that his meaning would be clear to her.
"Yeah, yeah, everybody tells me I have a good voice. I'm not sure I believe them." She said, blinking a few times.

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explosiveKitten said:
"Yeah, yeah, everybody tells me I have a good voice. I'm not sure I believe them." She said, blinking a few times.
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Cuddio felt a little sad that she didn't believe him, so he just hugged her again, but this time he kept on hugging her, wanting to make her feel better and to tell her that he meant what he was...well, 'saying' so to speak.
explosiveKitten said:
"Umm.. Are you trying to tell me something?"
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Not really sure how else to express what he was trying to say, Cuddio instead concentrated some magic into his horn, and then next thing that happened, three words were spoken into the mare's head.

I like it.
"OH MY GOD -okay, that's uhhh... Unexpected..." She shook her head and blinked. Those words were burned into her brain. She rubbed her head and shook her head again. "Wow, okay, you liked my singing."

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explosiveKitten said:
"OH MY GOD -okay, that's uhhh... Unexpected..." She shook her head and blinked. Those words were burned into her brain. She rubbed her head and shook her head again. "Wow, okay, you liked my singing."
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Cuddio gave her a small smile and nodded, happy that she understood now. He held her for a few more seconds before releasing the hug and continuing on their way, though his flying was a bit more wobbly now then it was a few moments before.
explosiveKitten said:
She followed Cuddio silently, aware of how wobbly he was. "Hey, uhh, you okay?"
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Cuddio said nothing, and after a few more minutes of flying, they reached a spot outside of the town, right on top of one of the ridges was a small tent. Once he landed, the Changeling opened the flap and motioned her in, a tired look on his eyes.
"Ooooo, what's in here? And behind door number one, we have.." Falsetto stepped lightly into the room, then looked back at Cuddio and noticed how tired he was. "Hey, you look like you could use some sleep too.

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explosiveKitten said:
"Ooooo, what's in here? And behind door number one, we have.." Falsetto stepped lightly into the room, then looked back at Cuddio and noticed how tired he was. "Hey, you look like you could use some sleep too.
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Cuddio just gave a voiceless chuckle and walked in after her. In his tent was only a couple of sleeping bedrolls. With a small sigh, the Changeling was about to lay down when suddenly his stomach rumbled, causing him to freeze in place and blush a bit.
Drakalian said:
Cuddio just gave a voiceless chuckle and walked in after her. In his tent was only a couple of sleeping bedrolls. With a small sigh, the Changeling was about to lay down when suddenly his stomach rumbled, causing him to freeze in place and blush a bit.
Little Light walked with Dux in silence, thinking about Falsetto and Cuddio.
ActionPony said:
Little Light walked with Dux in silence, thinking about Falsetto and Cuddio.
Dux looked at Light, noticing that she seemed to be in deep thought. He gave a small shrug; at least she didn't seem that worried about whatever it was she was thinking about. 

explosiveKitten said:
"What? Are you... Are you hungry?"
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Cuddio slowly sat down and gave her a nod as he kept his eyes to the floor, not trusting himself to look at her.
"I don't know how to help you with that, but uhh... Just don't think about it? Can you eat like physical stuff, or is it strictly the, "take form of someone you love" way?

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explosiveKitten said:
"I don't know how to help you with that, but uhh... Just don't think about it? Can you eat like physical stuff, or is it strictly the, "take form of someone you love" way?
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Cuddio stays quiet for a few seconds, and then he shakes his hoof a bit before his horn lights up again.

Preferably love

Once he finished, he got even more tired, plopping down on his bed as he struggled to stay awake.
Immediately several of her loves ones popped into her mind- a blue unicorn with a yellow mane, her brother. Red with a black mane, her father. Her sister. And one other that brought back bitter sweet memories. This one stuck in her mind.

"Oh, god what am I getting myself into-"

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