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Fandom Crusaders of Harmony Pt. 2 (Started by Action Pony) (Continuation) A MLP :FIM roleplay

ActionPony said:
"Interesting. Where did you see all those races?"
Dux gave a small chuckle. "Oh, I traveled a lot during and after my time with the Order. Seen many different creatures during those travels. I'll tell you about them later if you like?"
Drakalian said:
Dux gave a small chuckle. "Oh, I traveled a lot during and after my time with the Order. Seen many different creatures during those travels. I'll tell you about them later if you like?"
"Sounds great."
ActionPony said:
Little Light looked at her and said: "Um, my actual count so far is 73, including stuff I've seen during missions to deep Chaos territorry."
Ataxia appeared beside little light with a pair of glasses on, a clip board and her hair in a bun.

"Oh very precise dear."
Falsetto watched the two equestrians converse, not really aware of the Changeling so affectionately nuzzling her. When she did finally notice, she wasn't sure how to react; On one hoof, she didn't want to ask him to stop in case he took it the wrong way, and on the other hoof, she wasn't sure if she wanted to get too close to a Changeling, and also it was getting kind of weird, with all the nuzzling and hugging... She couldn't decide, so she just let him go as he pleased.

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explosiveKitten said:
Falsetto watched the two equestrians converse, not really aware of the Changeling so affectionately nuzzling her. When she did finally notice, she wasn't sure how to react; On one hoof, she didn't want to ask him to stop in case he took it the wrong way, and on the other hoof, she wasn't sure if she wanted to get too close to a Changeling, and also it was getting kind of weird, with all the nuzzling and hugging... She couldn't decide, so she just let him go as he pleased.
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The Changeling was about to continue nuzzling her, when he suddenly felt a strong nervousness from her. Glancing at the mare, he noticed that she was starting to look uncomfortable with him, and blushing a bit, he backed off, though he wasn't as hungry as before. He gave her an apologetic look before looking back at his hooves, kicking some imagenary dirt on the ground.
I decided to take flight once more and looked for a cliff nearby, spotting one I flew to it enjoying the night air willing around me. But eventually arrived at the cuffs edge and perched myself on it, and enjoyed the night sky and the view of the camp from a distance.
The monochromatic mare looked at the Changeling, confused at his sudden embarrassed behavior, then decided to simply let it go and get down to business.

"Soooo, uhhh... Where can I catch some zzz's around here, I'm tired."

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explosiveKitten said:
The monochromatic mare looked at the Changeling, confused at his sudden embarrassed behavior, then decided to simply let it go and get down to business.
"Soooo, uhhh... Where can I catch some zzz's around here, I'm tired."

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Cuddio's ears perked up from that, and he got up and began to walk away. Before he left, he turned around and motioned to Falsetto to follow him.
explosiveKitten said:
The monochromatic mare looked at the Changeling, confused at his sudden embarrassed behavior, then decided to simply let it go and get down to business.
"Soooo, uhhh... Where can I catch some zzz's around here, I'm tired."

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"I don't know. I was going to go speak to the leaders of Hawaiki about the coming battle. They may recommend places to stay, if they wish to ally with us."
[QUOTE="Shadow Dancer]I decided to take flight once more and looked for a cliff nearby, spotting one I flew to it enjoying the night air willing around me. But eventually arrived at the cuffs edge and perched myself on it, and enjoyed the night sky and the view of the camp from a distance.

A woman stood a few meters behind him, silently judging if this was who she had been looking for.
"Well it looks like our Changeling friend knows where to go, so I think I'll follow him. But thanks anyway." She flapped her wings and took off after Cuddio. When she finally caught up to him, she flew next to him, then said, "you know, I still don't have a name for you."

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explosiveKitten said:
"Well it looks like our Changeling friend knows where to go, so I think I'll follow him. But thanks anyway." She flapped her wings and took off after Cuddio. When she finally caught up to him, she flew next to him, then said, "you know, I still don't have a name for you."
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Cuddio gives a smile, and then extends his hoof to her to shake it, before writing his name as best as he could on the stony floor.
"... Cuddles? Does that Cuddles? That's adorable..." Falsetto said, remarking at how well he was writing, despite the fact that he was a Changeling.

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explosiveKitten said:
"... Cuddles? Does that Cuddles? That's adorable..." Falsetto said, remarking at how well he was writing, despite the fact that he was a Changeling.
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The Changeling gave her a deadpanned look, and then he changed the 'les' to 'io'
"...oh... You know, cuddles sounds way cuter. Honestly fits you, I'm probably going to end up calling you that anyway. It's an affectionate nickname anyway, don't worry.. Alright, Cuddio, lead the waaaay."

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explosiveKitten said:
"...oh... You know, cuddles sounds way cuter. Honestly fits you, I'm probably going to end up calling you that anyway. It's an affectionate nickname anyway, don't worry.. Alright, Cuddio, lead the waaaay."
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Instead of getting annoyed like he thought he would, Cuddio just blushed a little before turning around to fly away. He stopped though when he remembered something, pointing to his name and then to the mare, hoping she would understand.
"Ummm... I'm gonna have to get better at this, uhhh... What's my name?" She said, not expecting to get that right.

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explosiveKitten said:
"Ummm... I'm gonna have to get better at this, uhhh... What's my name?" She said, not expecting to get that right.
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Cuddio gave a small smile and nodded his head as he began to walk to the spot to sleep at.
Reganthestrange said:
A woman stood a few meters behind him, silently judging if this was who she had been looking for.
I stood up and bringing my blade out I went through practiced motions to clear my mind and let myself think clearly, I thought about my personal demons and about my current relationship with Blood Moon.
explosiveKitten said:
"Huh. How did I figure that out? Well, I'm Falsetto. Happy to met you, cuddles."
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Cuddio just gave a nod, his blush reappearing on his face as he lead her to their destination.
The mare flew next to the Changeling, humming her usual tune in a sweet and almost angelic tone. The notes just rolled off her tongue until she was full on singing, having an absolute blast doing so, spinning around and doing flips in the air, not even caring if anyone was watching.

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explosiveKitten said:
The mare flew next to the Changeling, humming her usual tune in a sweet and almost angelic tone. The notes just rolled off her tongue until she was full on singing, having an absolute blast doing so, spinning around and doing flips in the air, not even caring if anyone was watching.
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As they flew, Cuddio heard her starting to hum, and then she was soon singing, spinning around and such. Her movement, and her singing, just stunned him, surprised by her singing voice. All he could do was just stare at her, hovering in place.
Drakalian said:
As they flew, Cuddio heard her starting to hum, and then she was soon singing, spinning around and such. Her movement, and her singing, just stunned him, surprised by her singing voice. All he could do was just stare at her, hovering in place.
explosiveKitten said:
The mare flew next to the Changeling, humming her usual tune in a sweet and almost angelic tone. The notes just rolled off her tongue until she was full on singing, having an absolute blast doing so, spinning around and doing flips in the air, not even caring if anyone was watching.
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"Guys? We need to go."

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