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Fandom Crusaders of Harmony Pt. 2 (Started by Action Pony) (Continuation) A MLP :FIM roleplay

Surprise said:
(I'm on. Hi, by the way :)  
Okay, so I've decided to do a thing and find theme songs for all the Crusaders :D

It's still a work in progress, but by the time I'm done, this RP will have it's own theme playlist. Why? Because it's a Saturday and I have absolutely nothing to do. Here's what I got so far.

Drakalian's Theme:

Indicus's Theme:

Little Light's Theme(not too sure about this one): http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rdt6QB-PoDo

Ataxia's Theme(not sure about this one either): http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjYLKztXgwo

Alexius's Theme: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-q9q6zl3WIs

Crusaders(as a whole): http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KzygXNX041A and http://m.izlesene.com/video/7290954#

Blood Moon's Theme: Coming Soon

Dux's Theme: Coming Soon

*I even have themes for the ships!*

Indicus & Blood Moon's Theme:

Alexius & Drakalian's Theme: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vMN6tsHvWD4

Little Light & Dux's Theme: Coming Soon

I tried…tell me what you think!

[i'll just be idly waiting in the corner…])
(There is an out of character tab on this RP look at the top tabs it is next to the sign up tab try to use it next time when not posting in character things to reduce clutter. No offence.)
Surprise said:
(I'm on. Hi, by the way :)  
Okay, so I've decided to do a thing and find theme songs for all the Crusaders :D

It's still a work in progress, but by the time I'm done, this RP will have it's own theme playlist. Why? Because it's a Saturday and I have absolutely nothing to do. Here's what I got so far.

Drakalian's Theme:

Indicus's Theme:

Little Light's Theme(not too sure about this one): http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rdt6QB-PoDo

Ataxia's Theme(not sure about this one either): http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjYLKztXgwo

Alexius's Theme: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-q9q6zl3WIs

Crusaders(as a whole): http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KzygXNX041A and http://m.izlesene.com/video/7290954#

Blood Moon's Theme: Coming Soon

Dux's Theme: Coming Soon

*I even have themes for the ships!*

Indicus & Blood Moon's Theme:

Alexius & Drakalian's Theme: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vMN6tsHvWD4

Little Light & Dux's Theme: Coming Soon

I tried…tell me what you think!

[i'll just be idly waiting in the corner…])
Hmm. I like the chorus about the sunlight and belief, but the rest just doesn't seem to fit Little Light.
ActionPony said:
"Seriously, though, Dux. What?"
Dux was quiet for a while longer, thinking. Finally, with a sigh, he turned to face Light. "Because...because it's better then sitting on our arses waiting. Because it's better then allowing them to get into our heads. Because...because we need hope that we can win, no matter what, otherwise...otherwise this will all be worthless. Without planning for every possible situation, then we will leave ourselves open. Because with planing, we...she...she would still be alive." With that, he finally allowed himself a shaky breath, lowering his head onto his hooves and closing his eyes.

Little light shook her head. She didn't want to know who this 'she' was, as it seemed to be painful to Dux.

"Anyways, I'm here to drag you away to go talk with the leaders of Hawaiki. So come on."

She turned around to leave, and then turned her head back to Dux.

"And, just so you know, I believe that if we never allow ourselves to know peace, then we are no better than Array. If we don't allow ourselves time to just be mortals, to live like mortals, love like mortals, and laugh like mortals, then we have already failed. We need to remember what we're fighting for. You're stuck in 'war' mode. That's not what the Crusaders want. Peace is our goal, and we need to always know peace."
ActionPony said:
Little light shook her head. She didn't want to know who this 'she' was, as it seemed to be painful to Dux.

"Anyways, I'm here to drag you away to go talk with the leaders of Hawaiki. So come on."

She turned around to leave, and then turned her head back to Dux.

"And, just so you know, I believe that if we never allow ourselves to know peace, then we are no better than Array. If we don't allow ourselves time to just be mortals, to live like mortals, love like mortals, and laugh like mortals, then we have already failed. We need to remember what we're fighting for. You're stuck in 'war' mode. That's not what the Crusaders want. Peace is our goal, and we need to always know peace."
Just as Light turned around to leave, Dux fell silent, thinking to himself. He knew that he had a job, and he knew that some things aren't just meant to be, but...but what if, in his heart, what Little Light said...was right? Deep down, something told him to just jump up there, hold her close and tell her everything about his past, why he acted like this, and so on. However, he held himself back, simply taking a deep shaky breath as he got up. Once he calmed himself enough, he walked up to stand next to Light, looking right into her eyes. "When this is over, and when we survive this...not if, when...we are going to look around this place some more in a more...peaceful way. And I guess we can just...we can see where it goes from there." He gave himself a mental nod. To him, he wasn't exactly asking her out on a date, but if anything changed after the battle...well, at least the option was still there.
Warhorns blast, and lines charge I can see myself enter the fray with that murderous gleam in my eye. Blood pooling around my feet. I felt so powerful so alive in the heat of battle. A minotaur tried to stab me in the back, he was ended with shadow fire, another attacked I parried staging them in the chest.

It was then I woke in a cold sweat. 'Why am I like this, why do I take pleasure in the hunt and kill why ?' I thought to myself. I shook the thoughts from my mind and exited the tent, and just walked, the desination of no consequence.
The young pegasus flew into the city, diving and darting through the tunnels, leaving a rainbow of monochromatic color behind her. Eventually she came to the main city and touched down, hooves clattering on the ground. She skid past Little Light and Dux, mane whipping around her face. "HAHA! Nailed the landing!" She laughed in triumph, lifting a hoof triumphantly, then suddenly noticing how she had skid straight past the pair. She blinked her deep green eyes.
explosiveKitten said:
The young pegasus flew into the city, diving and darting through the tunnels, leaving a rainbow of monochromatic color behind her. Eventually she came to the main city and touched down, hooves clattering on the ground. She skid past Little Light and Dux, mane whipping around her face. "HAHA! Nailed the landing!" She laughed in triumph, lifting a hoof triumphantly, then suddenly noticing how she had skid straight past the pair. She blinked her deep green eyes.
Little Light blinked.

"Okay... what?"
"... Hiiii. I'm a rookie, don't worry about me.... Where am I going... I was just out practicing my aerial combat skills... I'm pretty good at it..." She was muttering to herself mostly, and looking around. She wasn't entirely sure how things were run around this place, she'd only barely joined the organization a few days ago...

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"Pegasi....? I've not learned the lingo yet..." She looked kind of embarrassed, letting her wings open and hover in the air for a moment, the put down again. She looked around, looking purely innocent and embarrassed that she didn't know anymore about this.
The mare tilted her head more to the side. "Umm... I'm in aerial combat... I'm quite gifted with it, actually..." She said, trying to see if words would be provided to her.

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explosiveKitten said:
The mare tilted her head more to the side. "Umm... I'm in aerial combat... I'm quite gifted with it, actually..." She said, trying to see if words would be provided to her.
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Dux was confused with what was happening. First he was talking talking to Light about the possibility of what would happen after the battle, then this young Pegasus came sliding between then, saying that she was practicing for the army. The Earth pony just shook his head to clear it a bit before sitting down, just watching the interaction between unicorn and Pegasus.
"... I don't know." The monochrome Pegasus looked down, supremely embarrassed now. "I joined this fight in hopes of finding my brother. We were separated a while ago, and I've been trying to find him ever since... Look, don't worry about me, okay? I'm just trying to find my place in this twisted, chaotic world.." Falsetto looked up, then wih her ears down she started to trot away, slowly.

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"The Crusaders of Harmony...? Isn't that the organization here? You know, good vs. bad, Order vs. Chaos! Right? I signed up for the good side, right?" The mare said, an eyebrow raised.

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explosiveKitten said:
"The Crusaders of Harmony...? Isn't that the organization here? You know, good vs. bad, Order vs. Chaos! Right? I signed up for the good side, right?" The mare said, an eyebrow raised.
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Dux raised an eyebrow at that in amusment, for he knew exactly what Light was going to say to this mare.
"... There isn't."

The monochrome mare looked off into the distance, irritated beyond belief. "I don't- I was just following everypony! Ugh! You know what, just ignore me.." She started to run away, wings open as she prepared to take off.

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